HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.01.18 _n_u.tes of the %-eetin� of the iLI'' Y' 3I,T C LIBRA-R '�O l_ a Decer^ber 21, 1955 Trustees n eser t. ::rs. Harrison, '%%rs. uohendet, ,;1r. ;ill, r. Burns Trustees absent. Mr. urosby The min,..tes of the previous weetin; Nover ber lo, 1955 were read and ap,rovv od. BIL S On a -_,otlon by P;_r. Ca.r,�ri ll and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the bills in the anount of x-1970.13 were ordered paid. LIBRA?If!?1S K .PORT The librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. 0 L Bli'2.r 1' S 3ranch. A letter was preset-ted from the City Council in reTards to a Tetter received from the Burlin ame Civic Im-provenent Club. This letter stated that the developers of the !ills- Lstate should dedicate a library and grounds opposite the parK developer.,ent in Subdivision Ido. 5 in the --ills -state. The receipt of this letter was noted and initialed by the members of the Board present. Irs. narrison stated that possibly we should carry on the negotiations throuji the developers of the flills Estate that have been previously proposed. lilrs. Cohendet a_Treed saying that we do not want to find ourselves in the same t predicament as the school systems, knowing that possibly ire may need a branch library at some future date, and when that tune comes, being forced to pay an excessive cost for the site. r. Burns stated that he would be greatly in favor of it if we were to ob l-ain a free lot. Mrs. Harrison stated that a possible option for the purchase of a lot or a free lot should be investi-ated. The librarian stated that a study of a similar coimmunity, such as San -vino, should be rade to deter_ine the extent of their branch developement in a community that used their library as r.:uch as do the Burlin-ame citizens. It ,,.,as moved by ,rs. Cohendet and seconded. by Ir`_r. Car 411 that ;r. Crosby and a-r. :kerns be appointed to investi;ate with the `i'rouesdale con,:pany the possibility of a site. 'Xa.rination. The librarian stated that the lon,; delayed Civil Service e„a;:_nation for Junior Librarian �,iould be -;iven in January. rs. Harrison stated that this would be the last meeting in 1955 and she e7pressed her appreciation for the cooperation of all members. On a Tloti on made b:,- :irs. Cohendet and seconded by 1 r. -L�.trns the .r,eeti- ;-,,as adjourned. e ". Wecilch subriitted, ( . Clerk of the Board i L1rRAixiA-i c u RZYORT JUiWary 18, 1956 Circulation. Despite the usual holiday dip in circulation, .,ie gained 11.8% over Jecember, 1954. Pririiaps this was du� to the unusually stormy weather wnich kept people aoiae and reading. bleetint s Att-endpd. As a cgeiub er of the Committee on R_a lio heview Program of the Library Ex3cutives of Central C�.t i for.nia, the librarian attended a meeting of the committee -which continued its stuJies of trh^ rosz ibility of replacing tine v-Dry well received barrett's R,.view program of last year by another one equally d Ali g.htful. Tree librarian, iuiss 'Velbasky and ,Lrs. Levering attended the meating of the local librarian' s group. The problem of cooperative cataloging was discussed as veli as the progress of the Lion' s Den. the paint has been selected for the repairiti :g of the Lion' s Den at the branch library and the work should be done by the next Roar o,-�et_ing. 4ewsnotes of the Juvenile Dept. The lull ay Cnristitiasti<< e iri tae cnildreii' s roori was ta_�eri up with tWi discardi:ig of socae of the old a;id --orn-out exLru copies of books that had been Kept in adult sectioti of the basement. yore rei:iain to be discarded when tilnii allows. Tile Elementary School !,ibrarian, airs. hurklow4i was happy to receive the books in the various schools in burling-.iva. Srie accepted the books with, the provision tliut she could give theLi to a a worthy place if they were not tiie type they could aye in the schools. The lists of the new Spring chilsranI6 boots are arriving every day. ;.:iss yi--�l.basky is pr paring an order aL t.iis time. An interesting si:ienote to this is that trio .uurliiiE4ma aut fors, Mrs . Anne Alexander and Mrs . -"Lbel Zatts have boons on the Spring, list of Junior Literary Guild s-A,-actions for c.iii ran in the Primary group of 5 and 6 your old. Only five boots in each age group are giv n that honor each s �a:.on. Nevisnotes from tree baston branch Library . The slight decrease in circulation and traffic, dun to the holiday season anal the .Jeather, was used to accomplish a long anticipated reorganization of supplies and materials in the wort room. Several changes in location of raf3rence series books and of special displays was i"da to effect a better overall arrangement in the reading room, as well as adding much needed siielf space in tree digh School section. 'idle uextensian of the corner ;lisolay sii.alf vas installed in the Lion' s Uen. Trris provides aided bulletin board area as well as disguising the furnace area. Wrs. _,iulcahy ,rjas absei t frost D3c. 16 to J--n. 10. `�- A rearrangeaierit of back issues of the .:;agazi:nes was ai so acco:u lished to u.a.ke tiieri iiore accessible to patroiis. c1l'i OF rvui-luiiE D- 80 J" -216 To t buugat 'Iov:ance A C',-'C)0114 T Date 47,963,00 S-1 Ealaries 3549*74 25.,218.71 9 401'eO 22,744.29 9-11 Supplies " .43 381-46 900.00 518-52- .1-12 Printing !i.46 J,6 3.70 X300.00 336.30 Light, heat & po',,-=r . . .08 1252.1 . 2p000.30 747.86 -1)4- T-,Ie-p1901"- 360.00 169.29 -. Ihone .40 --!6 c y u r ound s i,n t. 105:. . ,.,o 1x500-00 444.32 17 6A+, 10,991.00 41508-90 JL c L. -8- 56 7'- 35 .95 C,0 v L J-'D)I -- 125 .' 0 47 / "�-LiOV, . 125 .00 00.00 0/0.0') 25-00 L'Jib . 35 ,: �...ent-,c t llc''-. .40 2 200.,DO 11017.60 -"":P. 136.00 136.00 ac.gal b--,fora 1321..'1-t 13p116.72 222497.00 93360.28 Total After Salaries 4870*90 38$335,43 709460.00 32,124*57 1 ZA`ilS`Y1C� r'OH DOC&;Lbi�R 1955 �. C'I CULyT10.y lil:� t3I -+CH Adulnon-fiction - � --• ---- 4713 976 C=m_ " non-fiction- ---------------- 9z6 520 Al'ult fiction - ------------------_.---- 5135 141 Ch V d .fic tion ------------------- �z,zG3 942 T JTAL bOOK CIRCUL-1ION 1,y+8 `r 42 279 Periodicals 604 476 Phonoara )h R--.cords 1_47 '753. --- 476 T; TAL CIRCULATION 140!6:�5 4,755 GH,ND TO i L CiRCULAIlWi !).-ily average for -lain _0 �9/0 J).-: i_;.n• cI verage for 6rdnch 183 619 ADL)1A: C;.ili,u U'lxL :,_ uibe-ship Dec . 1, 1955 7768 2511 10,290 A Itt; .ons in Deceinb r 167 .39206 _ `jdrawals �n December _,A 3'7 17i Jan. 1, 1956 7821 2513 IG,325 -� _ .. _e y - ij LD 0 Add ,A Lost- & P.-id Ca,;c-�_1 �d Total Aiuit non-t'Lct on ,50j4-20 14.6 3 2 pSG,1�1 9z8S :.on-fiction 9,-25?" 34 3 gZ1 �b,t nc:®f�ctior; S��, .A :,il t fiction 454,yg 33 101 ,yz4 p Fi�,tityn , 90 6 C'L i d dict+cn S'914y 23 99 3.847 20 ,912 2S"S 20 �0 Pa: ph..ets added -----122 Pa,:1?h1 is cancelled---36d .tet increase in book stock ---- 100 Gifts included in til<�a above D 'POSIT_D 771TA CITY TR:,;hbURER ----- "763 r 43 :;Iain ---- 596.21 branch ---1.67.22 L