HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.02.15 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING January 18, 1956 Trustees Present: Mrs. Harrison, IiWs. Cohendet, Mr. Cargill, Mr, Crosby Trustees Absent: Mr. Burns Councilwoman bars. Oscar Thayer attended the meeting. Mi C7TE5 The minutes of the previous meeting, Dec. 21, 1955, were read and approved. BILLS On a: motion by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the bills in the amountof $1398.29 were ordered paid. LIBRARIA I S REPORT The librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file, OLD BUSINESS The Mills Estate propose Branch Library was discussed and the committee will investigate Mrp Truesdale's reaction to previous proposals which have not as yet been reported upon. COM U N ICATI OINrS A letter to the Chairman of the Board,from Mr. E. N* Johnson* 1232 Floribunda Avenue, in regard to the plans for enlarging the library was read and placed on file. The librarian was instructed to write a letter acknowledging receipt of the above letter and to speack to the correspondent in regard to the Friends of the Library Group. ' NEW BUSINESS The results of the Civil Service Commission's examination was received placing Mr. Warren Wickliffe in first place; Miss Joan M. Sinex in second place; Mi;s Jayne Elder in third, place; Mrs. Marion Marshall in fourth place. On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet and seconded by Mr. Cargill, Mr. Warren Wickliffe was appointedas a Junior ''i'ibrarian effective date Feb. 1, 1956. It was suggested that the librarian contact miss Sinex at his convenience. ADJOUR1,1EZ,NT On a motion made by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the meeting was adjourned. I'_ T�,U1�I.Y 15, .3906 iir. Lcclrich, res. L.everl',n,-, and .iyso J'a.rrack attended a tl-ree hour r�eotin; of Librarians and lZeforence Librarians at the San l.iateo Public Library, Veb, 100 1056. The nevi reference books publishod for the past yoar acre discussed and a certain ar_ouht of coordination was proposed in buyin- the r_Zore oxpensive items in ordor to eliminate duplication of the lesser used iteris. The City "electrician has (installed the tiro clock purchased several years a, o for better control of the boiler. This rosults in a snail savinl- in the a. -ount of -as usod as vJoll as in olect:bcEcal current used to o„)orate the vacuum pur.2p which heretofore has run continuously whother the furnace was on or not. Circulation 1955 ---- "003G9 1956 ---- "11,125 or a -,ain of 756 or 3.5 Per cent. I:owsnotos of Juvenile �- c xl.rtnont j.lr. Lochch, ire. Lcvorin and .ii s3 Wolbasky att-Dnded a ;ornin session of the Poninsula Librarians at tho San Lruno Public Library JC-n', ary 103, 1056. The r_oetin; ,;as vicll attended by librarI ans frog^ S-n :•I teo "onnty and Palo Alto. Discussion centered around the systom of catalo;in- books used at the Srr_ -Iatoo Uour=ty Library,, Redvood City. A tour o= the nevi Elan Drano Public Library coriplotod the : cet.i.n^. 1.1iso '.: Paco 2. Pnd :rs. :.iar_;ory Frice� poen-Afr, Roori, GrCkland Public Idbrary. The socond part was "Letts rest the Authors" and Imd on tho panel i1r. Bill Brown i:Irs. Paulineolcnan, hiss Joy De �:c�©se- :ehon, =.zr. Die'. 1'1�rioadlich, and I.1r. Lon Freeman, all authors of boobs for young people, `lhi s looks like a lot of nect:in,_is for one onth, but the discussions mro all -wof wtablo and servo to Point out that the libraries of this aroa are tryinr. to serve the needs of thoir con.m.-Ity by finding out gnat our comon problerls aro. ,acton !)Ave Branch Roport On :,aturday afternoon, Jan. Us 1056 two troops of Drov,nios ane: t1hoir loadora v:isf.ted the _,aston 1�rivo Branch for a talk by he Ixranch Librarian on the use of the 1Ibraryo phis pas in corp 1unct-I on with a pro Joct on Ar-r_tin-. As a result of this moctin,-, soveral noir ro ;istrat;.ons woro rnccivod. pen�.al bullet=in board ane' boo?; di splays rvc rc put up for Iain coin#s and asY±in toil t 4 birtil ays and also for iaicr_L'rio Day. 5tor hoz,.r att ondanco was Ij.cuvior Umn nor:-al for tho ve-I nter .O ih3. Rr�+ .N 1r•. I N r ti n..rr v .+ / N.r:v nN . ti .r . r V - C1((' �J.1. +T' L"J: T .l'- ITU L; �- D-80 LI DPL ITZ 4'iO-.:TH OF Fobruar9, 1956 u SMIs o Duce o a 'onth Date Allowance Lad'-;et Dalanco. S-1 Salarios 3861.09 290079.80 47036 3.00 18.V883.20 :.0-11 Sun-olio's 109956 x_01,0-i 900.00 ^-0 3,96 12 rrint-�n 5''_.9v 618,6 000,00 1"1,3? heat Zs r)ovior 107,35 ,::,000,00 5 05 Tole1�hono 2 �.70 215.49 3OC.00 14. .51 1.1-10 i,1d,,.C•rou_ICs -air_t. 55 01 1100.20 10500,00 330.71 -17 Books and maps 7252.00 100901.00 50738.92 4.1-17A 5.25 1113.81 10100.00 -13.31 .I-17DlnCZ:n.- <.'G0.7,° 1001.64- 2t200.00 10103.36 :.s-19 Coilve tion -- 77.05 125.00 4.7.9 5 1-19A Auto Allo ;anco 8.0`' 73.74 125.00 51.26 ::- '0Dnoc to Lib. Assn. 3113.00 73.00 00.00 -13.00 -`a ' ontract 2�'_-6. '0 11'_-`'.8. 0 1,9200.00 771.20 r;-:i0 �_.tal _..���ciid. 150.00 1-6.00 Total bo o e Salaries 1730.20 15,0^1.97 220,107.00 704'-75.03 Total atcr :salaries 5591.29 440101,77 700460.00 26,358.23 N MN NN _ .. N'♦ ♦NNNM N•�MvvN r . ... Nw.NMN-• •vN NNw, .-, -.'+♦N N N • N Vv . -. ♦ r _ ri.il�i►� _ JIZ Jfl.:..�:'�i'7 .i a Adult non-fiction --------------------53 0 11:'06 "hild non-sict4 on --------------------1-te. 75£3 Acu1t fiction ---------------------------5700 96 child _Iii ct'oii --------------------------1759 1205 TJ' rL i'JO?, ';I :; iI,`.'+'i0- 1 ,109 5.. -------------------------- icals G 31 3) 6 8�? I'l o o -,rash ltcco_ c';; ---------------------- 1t36 y,q-Z?' 12 J 2. L J.`._.. ...'.'�t 1 J_' 1-�-9�1 O,178 1055 1956 ^il�T svcra ;c for : -in 555 5GJ ly avora-,o for --ra:_ch `.32 2,17 7'37 216 -, T TIP T n ri C"iI � n r r,r, �. .G�.�:.c�.11110:�-� ;:tzl _�IJi, l �� _L 1U,:'� i`1�i'- Jas1,195G 7nr'110,`-5 hcLc _.t:o rs Jan2 tlic7r , ale Ja:__. 2n9 '_G 275 11C cl d -LO st ; , P"c id anc:)11­c: Total I.ce.;t non-.L Ltior SG, iG/ ^l�� G 6 b6T'�' • "li_ld on-fll ct-_,.on q, .Z�B 92 1 9r=X 9„309 I?5 non-i-�c 11 gni 1 ��o Adult fiction 101 56 p S.,I Y-W* tT ^, Flu I .Ct iOri Zjyz(� 19 1 1 n;Jf3 rhWld f .et_lon g� $yr 29 1 7 0 360 9 .svq 0 rR 'c.::-ohlcts ad(? , ,oj,38y.cd ------------7 :-ot� inC ease in Uool: stocL -- yz2 150 ' 3it� no.lu: ad in the a.:ove. i, err• „yIZr� p c J_L :'!in --- 71 X0.19 =>ra�_ch --- 161.99