HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.03.21 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAZ1E PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 15, 1956 Trustees present: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Crosby. Trustees absent: Mr- Burns _ MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting, Jan. 18, 1956, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mr. Cargill the bills in the amount of :11.730.20 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAIi t S REPORT The librariants report was accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINEESS Branch Library. Petr. Crosby reported that he had some discussion concerning Tie possible use of the Hillside Fire Station, in case of abandonment, as a Branch Library. The further discussion seemed to indicate that because of lack of cross traffic flow and the unsuitability for the ready access of children, that this would be a poor location. Mr. Crosby continued his investigation with Mr. Mann and met with Mr. King of the Traosdale Company and after considerable discussion in which the possible use of certain areas of the Elementary School property which is near the commercial district might be considered, Mr. King said that he would find out the attitude of his company in regards to the possible sale at cost of a piece of property in or near the commercial area, the title of the property to revert to the Company in case the library did not use said property. Stacks Extension. The librarian stated that Mr. horberg had not as yet submitt- ed s e c es of t e proposed stack extension, but he had said that he would soon do so. Friends of the Library Group. The librarian said that Mrs. Cohendet would begIn more ac ive organization of the Friends Group at an early date and that she would m.et with the librarian to form plans to promote the organization of such a group. NE. BUSINESS On a motion made by Firs. Cohendet and seconded by Mr. Cargill, Miss Joan Sinex was appointed Junior Librarian, the effective date to be March 15, 1956, ADJOUR-IiD.IENT On a motion made by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mr. Cargill the meeting was adjourned. c ly. submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board 114,3 R.TORT 'march 210' 1950 ileo daily avow;e of circulation dI°opped by 0 fl'ori that of 1J55. This is duo to tl�e library boin open one e,%tra holiday and the oxtra day of Leap Year. `i'he avers-o for the ��onth, ho�viover, was 790hi<' er than last yoar and 12*'Vhi,,,,her than in Fob. 1054. 1954 --Circulation -- 1007G9 1955 " 19 668 1956 tt 21,019 195.1 - 1956 12 r rir _ ,1I;+:-Jn,u tis The librarian attondod the throe rnootir_r;s durin,,; this period of the grionds of the Library croup, the Lan Fra---:cisco Public moetin 'with tho trustee �-,rs. Uohendot, and the Library �<.ecutivos of Central Crliior��ia at rzichmond. This ::_e0tin- heard rcpor s on t1i0 status of U,CC's radio bool; reviewing; pro rar_1; a report on a p��ol�os0d television pro-ram by `,Jiiiari .�rctt; and a, panel discussion_ on the t%::1:1-fo nia LiLrary "'tanclal'��s, the radio pro ;rar.1 sponsored by tllc Jel,-L c� 1ublic called "Current Issues" was reviewed and enc'o�°secs by t1,o :,roz�p. ed the tclev3s+on pro_;rar.�, - T,y ;.P-LX was voted the sponsor G'Ll .P of the or a.nization-- funds to be d-or.ivcd f ro:1 a San i I'aYIC°LSCO oundation. Thio I'er, nsu la Librarian r,.i°ou-; at I;iclr-�o d City Ciscussed the various Library heel projects and the fort'he ser_-.nar at arc_�arnento and an xnnlanation Was made on the Governor' s Conference on C hilc ren and Eouth. 11 T -AT-7-b-=i4 i°' oquOst, c000ration was ;ivcn to tk,e cor.11.,lttee vrhich planned tl-, � 0 Tam ,cetin;; aria °,or,-7-3110P on Juvcnilo 1�clinquency, sponsored by th© Gan liateo (%ounty Probation Dept.,- and held Gst, - _-r r. 10th at the tirlin7 r-0 Intc-MOdiate School. i errsnaper publi city i11C1uc 0 special readin,.; lists and announcements of the displays. JxlliUits included posters W ich '"Ief��ade, and exhibits of boobs and pa_.,phlots on tl�is subject. lii'ol,nia ..t trial on ace c ent p-Ouvention - ,i'ts of the C.' Tinto 11--ociation ti�rere featurod, because "a car in the hands of an Mer Uoeories a dan,serous vieapon" . It vias M-A irresponsible esE�onsible teen-a- V71-2-1ch U1�onso�'cd tkro Cale-L�°iv3n;; Classes in o Ir 11i.-1 "chools, so their concern tlitkl y0L,,- 1 is a,Dpa.rent, villen placed in situations which nay ender with lives. ` heroforl,) the su,_; ostion , as made to Chief Probation Officer, john Cov,13111 (and acted upon) to request that an of 'i cial rc)prosontntive of the AAA be preso t at the �Jorhshop. The ant .O�' of 0110 of our nevi books - Cl if ford 11. i'oPe, who c.rotc "ileo iieiJtllo •%oi'ld" visited the library one r,ornin� very `�-� casually and in the c0u�°sc of the conversation was intorvieviod i 2. with the iCca of a news aiPer arti.010 in Lind. Tho wrrito-up appeared in The !;an ^.too Tirr_es, `V.rch 17th, under the heading ,ropalation roost facts as St r,:.tricli to 'rid Snakos.t' Pope was on his vay hone to uhicalo.. crllere hn -rotir©d in 1953 as �%urator of tho tept3le Section O:i the liiaica-'7'O i. Ideli.- of'. Lv-atL1ral tja.8'lac�"�. aitl�+:i;its , Ton to the "''real; Ik)oks Cl,asses'' boih in tho nows- aal)crs on tYLG bul lotivis board and a6 oponial d.9 s��laYQ c:irected at lonst six or soven prospcctsve students to the new first Year Glass which commenced 14,:b. 29 .i. San "ateo, unc er Uio leadership of Attorney . cor,,o =I lcrow. : r2lin library has the Groat rook te,tbook for love Mears' readins. i;al`± 'o_�nia Library �iE3o�:, ;.ice rch 11 17 was observed by postor displays, special nowspapor articles and book oxhibits ewonoteas of Juvor-l-le lie:l>arU.'Ient Y '3'he second -rade Ol' tli Port-bin- :1chool., 1'1 .;;? hC1eI► A�"'1t'Yl; toacher, vj-sJ.v::d the lib--arl Fobi7L -ary 21-. As ,a ro'sult of this Visit, basl:v is sero," n__-10tr' 3.�� a punpot show that t11j f-1&ss 3.s ;o ;.r.,, to x�roscxit to p1.��ct , o�� <;^",,x tr;..',.y �e� Ik o �; . Ono of the: pur_-1pc is has boson. hared €if tcy- hor. `.i'ho acc:ond Zrr.Ldo of -e.1- LnIny c. c,l3CC1, i'.s:a llobor stun, t orwhor, visited. 1-.0c l.ibral�y :,;,arch 13, o tk)-csO ;;tl'Ceiits rGi-A x'r0 to u7CiC' StGI"�' 170Ur the Cil L01;In' i '.Lid_".Y* '-I � '100111t.3 Of' tI -` -,0 0,ftS8 visits arc) nterostin,:; t0 watch as t?_v c1�11dron roturn an use w ti- ily noci library cares, An o:ah.':.bi u of sea sho."l.s to Ie 3.tz NUI-,h now bvo'�s on colloc inr; shells Find cora-1, is on eyd.t bI t In tbe two ;lass cases tf n the main. lobby. I evisnotes front 11aston Drive Branch Idbrary `Lir"i�l? '1%;ho rj a`u"u Yi4iYtht C'.°trculation has beer, heavy ii'di}Ch requests for nyXs ronCCtli. y n aln i, aLv.3L s� 'ytiiJ i•} t OYschool ittv C. C .Ln V113�'JliV1AY-a V4 19 yes tory Hour g.-oupn )n,rs o eEkn al 3 ;�1nt y - arc lle%r tb'�.n usual, no clouU a because of the bottar weatl- ei, and ion-ex- day11kL-4P,-t houro afford- E-.1 f for d- inr- opportunity for outdoor play after the confinemont of the rainy months. Tvo Girl Scout troops visited tho Branch for talks rel,atGd to projects outlined in the Girl Scout; ,- iraal rc; a.rc ink the acqu_2.s.%t;.a'i.on of the Readerts r orit-- V G_rr•;T Ojt r, IX 1J-80 D lr i�r *1'01:1'1 OF _.arch, 1056 IJI :�_ t,, l lil 'J ti> Tri 2's 10 C 'C -tenth L to Allowance Dalaneo S-1 Salaries 4108.91 33,188.717,963.00 140774.29 i.I-ll utii�1�13 c3 70.50 570.60 �L�A 4101, 12 Pr3nt3.I1; n2.�•G 061114 800.00 130,86 tt-13 Li 'ht, heat pov.or 206.67 1G32.02 2,000.00 317.98 -1�j Tole ono .2,00 257.53 360.00 102.42 i.i-16 D1d^. ' i°ounC - :.taint. 00G5 1200,04 1, 500.00 231.06 :t-17 Doolm �s laps c 5 010 -.93 100991.00 2796.07 t'-1711 110:_-,oci cale 25.00 1133.31 10100.00 -33.81 is-17D Unc?i.nC 46.25 1559139 20200.00 (40.11 Convention ---- 77.05 125.00 4.7.05 I)A Auto 11?1ovi Eire10.52 U�'_® -'G if'6.00 x!0.74? ti--0 Lucy to Lily teary 11 ;sn. 73.00 G0100 -13.00 :T-uC ' on-pact 105.00 1503.00 2,200.00 G0G.20 0-00 _ Ct�nttal 136.00 136.00 tea, s 3,?.�>v ''// to gal bc ol?c �alar3es 20L-1)0.05 17,102.022�,^_0T- `i'otal aster Sal,--ries `y�4 G_� e-7 6188.96 50290.73 �,��- N NNN NMN NNNNNMPINN NM NN N/eNN NNN NN NNn..MNNN NNNN NNIIN NN VN/./n/NN V TkT1�:IIC: FOR Fri' BJtaE 41 1956 CIRCULATION "1,4 BRALV Cd Adult Non-Fiction ----------------- 5225 1297 Child lion-Fiction ---------------- 1403 748 A(Jult Fiction ----------- ---------- 5558 2135 Child Fiction -------------------e- 1974 1185 TOTAL BM0 CIRCULj�T1Oi4 14,160 5,365 Periodicals ---------------------- 653 683 Phonograph Records ----------------1 j_ 811 683 TOTAL C.I11CuLATi0J 14,971 6s 048 GRAJD TOTAL CiHCULATi0ii 21,019 195; LU6 Daily Avgage for y ai.n 621 605 Dui1y Av ,,rage for Branch 245 252 866 857 R E,G1611il�TL_0ADULT GAILD `I'OThL Jemb::rsliip Feb. .119 1956 7876 2525 100.392 A i liticons in Feb. 183 75 258 i the ra v,'a l s in Feb. 1.67 218 �e �b ai°s ip `arcli 1, 1956 7892 254:' 10,432 ACC ,VSLE) 0t41 , & ALS O1' oOOK L,10CK Added Lost & Paid Cancelled Total Adult ,don-Fiction SG,30 196 1 10 Cliii :i .aon-Fiction 9,31v9 449" g,yi.? HIS :.on--Fiction g/0 4 '701 Spy Adult Fiction 45J 5.3 85 1 7 2&,-Q*OA5,6�� HS Fiction yy3 9 2 Child Fiction g' 8 !a8 30 1 1 iQ3,3�3 Pdmphlei�ts add.--d 69 Net Increase in r3cok Stock 3`/J� 50 Gifts incliu_led in above D'?POSLT�D ' :ITu CITY ----4646.17 ruin--Q^473.94 Branch -- 172.23