HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.04.18 ,11NUT 'S OF THEE" It ` TING OF THE BURLI1,iGA1,i1PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 21, 1955 Trustees Present: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Crosby, fir. Cargill Trustees Absent: Mr. Burns. Councilwoman Mrs. 'Oscar Thayer was also present. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting, Feb. 15, 1950 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion made by `:ir. Crosby and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the bills in the areount of ;2080.95 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAPd'S =LPORT The librarian's report was accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BuSI11-ITE'SS Branch Library. Mr. Crosby stated that he had a short meeting wit'n Mr. 'fil i e ,ana F r. _Tann and, that he expected to meet with them again in about two weeks. He stated that Iter. Vt-iite seemed to be ouite enthusiastic about the proposal to use part of the new Elementary School grounds for a Branch Library. Mr. Crosby stated that this was after investigating this site and several other sites. Stack Extension. Col. Norberg appeared before the Board and explained ca�ee po'�� "s b-lPrt�,rays for enlarging the stacks. The librarian gave the cost for shelving estimated by the Ames Coiapany and stated that further study Mould be made to deter dne the approximate cost and the possible sources of funds. Friends of the Library Group. ttlrs. Cohendet stated that she and had met with pie ~. �rarian and fey ad attended_a meeting in San Francisco on the Friends of the Library Group, and that she would, at the next meeting, report on the progress made. IN' IE,1�7 BSI_! SS Submission of a preliminary budget was discussed and the amount of possible surplus and its sources were outlined. AUJJuR;:f !ENT On a motion made by Mr. Cargill and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the meeting was adjourned. �lysubmitted, G. P. Lechicli Clerk of the Board LiBRAHIAi4 I& REPORT April 19, 1956 CIRCULATION. Circulation is up about 7% over that of 1955- iiE7TINGS ATT!=d4a4p The librarian attended a meeting at Red.,,00d City of the Peninsula Library Group, at which there was a discussion of the progress of the various cooperative enterprises. A meeting was attended at San iiiateo where there was a report on the V-orkshop in Saeremento on the mechanics of the public library cooperation. On Saturday, April 7, the librarian attended a meeting at the University of California where he met many young graduates of the school. On April 10, the librariali attended a committee meeting of tine LSCC in Oakland at which there was a discussion of the latest television program ,sponsored by the libraries of this area and the possibility of a radio progra,n to oe conducted by Prof. Carnahan. This program to be a continuance of the &�.Liiily Reads and will be presented this coming Sunday, Apr. 23. ASbISTA�NIT LIBRARIAN . The Assistant Librarian, miss tirelbasky, is changing her name to firs . Calvin Foltz, April 17. She plans to continue working. REFERE,iCE DEPT. "Union List". The task of completing the compilation of burlingame' s holdings for the Union List of Reference ."uterials - a project of the Peninsula Librarian' s Organization - was accomplished by :Miss J«yne Elder, a temporary library appointee. AUTHOR MPRESS�S AYPR:jJCiAJiO:i . It was gratifying to receive a letter from "r. Clifford H. Pope (author of the current recent book on r ,ptil�s) who visited the library last month. Frew his home in 4�J+.,rietKa, he Grote: "Lly life and I greatly appreciate the int,:rest :.:r. Lecnich siio ;id in the book. Our int:rest in libraries and their function in the community was greatly stimulated by oar short visit -.:,ith you. Would that more libraries operated on your high level ! " MiIi)I1' i1'OR LLdHArY bVQ,vcO10,' ) TV PAOG.,A-. The "Current 1-c -ue" TV series which started .:on, Apr.16 on KED Channel9) is being sponsored by the libraries of Central California, and consists of lit?rary discussions by famous educators. A special exhibit was arranged for the prograui conl,-*La;-�ring Toyribeels article In the :Larch 30th issue of "Collierls" titled "::pan Owes his Freedom to God" Branch Library :Dotes. A second grads cias� t'row Lincoln Elementary School visited the iiranch on Thursday, Apr.12. They were shotiFm the Lionst Dan and the Juvenile section, -: ith the arrange- w a Pa g 2 merit of each explained to tne.r The librarian' s ::..lk on the use of the library ;gas fol:loi ed wy, que`J Rican ar ;. a � _:r period,, and C.hen a story was read to theta. 1 : 'ore leaving, trio than a dozen chiidren askod for library ap ' ";.cation card::; + < remainier already had card:i. A running inventory or bock s .l,ck has be=:z st. -led. Childrents Story 11.cur contin.:- s to bepci:uia Jn Wednesday cif t,ernoons), atJ+ P. Pd. CIIE-7 Tj LJT'-, -T 11,01-TH OF April 1056 77�O77777- 7-11 s To MT7,et Month Dato talowance D.r,lanco S-1 Salaries 4153*98 47v963,00 100620.31 TT-11 Simnlios 410*2 G 610186 -ti:L4 11-12 Printirv- 85*96 74710 800100 52,90 1.1-13 heat L 0: power 2117,47 1899,49 4p,0000100 100,51 T-14 iulc ,one 18x39 075,97 360000 Od-,03 "j:pounds 'Haint. 100,03 1317,97 18500.00 102,03 7 T - 11 17 Doolm �, i1raps 933.00 9128.21 100991,00 1662.79 iT-17A Foriodicals 6100 1144*81 .10100.00 IT- 17B Dindin- 03*56 1653,65 20200.00 546.55 10 Convention 9100 86.05 125000 38.95 A' to Alloviance 13e5d 97100 125,00 2720 TT-20 ",uos to Library Assn, 73*00 60*00 -13.00 Contract 170.30 1764,60 20200.00 435*,?O C-00 G"l-oit-al i�pe 136.00 136,00 Total 0ofore 0"clarics 1607.20 109700.31 '7 0, Total aftor Salarics 5851,27 56,142.00 tj AC-1t -on-2iction 5000 1309 mild 1 1 - lLM mild on-`�Jction 823 Ad-alt --liction ---------- 0071 1909 CIL 11 d i c t i ol n 2002 1304 1 11-1-11- -T 50605 Periodicals ---------- 700 665 Pl-iono�aph 'Peso-iCLs --------- 171 800 605 6J,270 C-1111,`,,'.,� LIIJ2AL CID'JJLATIO!" 1055 1956 _4-.0-0 1-,--7 avora-- 5Io for 7:ain 4*5 a1J1-y avcra,-110 for _EZ-anch 225 232 730 REGISTFIMOITIS 111;)Ij LT, C I I—J) TOTAL c ir—- - - 70=3 771p T'Tr. 1,195c) T 1 UMMI Ar-Yitioli3 - 11 -ars 207 75 202 Ili t!-Jhi-ay.,,als in 214 95 300 7u7,15- 7-M ALS-3 017 1,11JOI'l S'TC)CK Adc7led Lost Paid Cancelled Total A(hilt 7 ld etion g L1,13 67 1 @00 9, y79 IIS 11on- gig/li-Iction -/ 10 5'9']. Szy ; , Adult .L'--'-ction 120 1 13 2-&s 3f695",71, 11kS Fiction a sa 67 1 @71"RIP A,y96 CInIld 1 "' ctiongj 127 2 132 @Teo@ 5, 89 r -'ani 'Jdod ---7 ;. 1"L r1pillots added --121 i,et Increase in Boot: Stock—&-ft 100 "Ifto included in above. J.,;11.. 4;1 1,_l. C 1 , ,30.93 Rin -,-,ranch--- 1012 c.v1 A" IA-A A A A A A A,-A 1k A^^-^^