HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.07.18 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD JUNE 25, 1956 Trustees Present: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Burns. Trustees Absent: None. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected as to wording. BILLS On a motion made by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mrs.. Cohendet, the bills in the amount of $2,167.54 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS New Branch. Mr. Crosby reported he had talked with Mr. White, Superintendent of the Burlingame Elementary Schools, and that Mr. White stated that the plans of the Elementary School System in regard to the future development of the site on the Mills Estate would be held in abeyance until a definite need had been developed. This change in policy, he stated, was due to the Trousdale Company which had changed its plan for development of the area. Mr. Lechich stated that he had spoken to a member of the school board who held the same opinion but believed that we should send a copy of our resolution to the school board and request that certain properties be set aside for eventual development as a Branch site. After some discussion, Resolution No. 3. concerning the acquisition of a sight in the Mills Estate for a Branch library, was introduced and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cohendet, Crosby, Cargill, Burns, Harrison. Noes: None. (Resolution No. 3. filed immediately after the minutes of this meeting. ) Stack Extension. No further action can be taken until the action of the City Council. The possibility of additional shelving being installed in the Assembly Room was discussed but no action taken. The possibility of a Bond issue to provide the additional space was considered. The general opinion being that something must be done soon to alleviate the overcrowding. Friends of the Library Group. No development due to Mrs. Ormsby having a throat condition. Mr. Lechich believes that he has located a patron of the library who will take an active interest in the formation of this group. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES June 25, 1956 Page 2. Budget. Airs. Harrison reported that she attended with Mr. Lechich the Buaget Committees hearing on the Library Budget. She explained the Library's needs to the committee. The committee members are to personally investigate the various capitol expenditure items and then call the Library's representatives for a second meeting. Non-Resident Membership by Contract. The Librarian stated he did not have a report from the City of Hillsboroughts City Manager but believed that the subject was under study by the City Council of Hillsborough. COMMUNICATIONS None. NEW BUSINESS On a motion by Mr. Cargill and seconded by Airs. Cohendet the Secretary of the Board was instructed to write a letter to the Burlingame Lions Club thanking them for the improvements to the Lions Den at the Branch Library. ADJOURNMENT On a motion made by Mrs. Cohendet and seconded by Mr. Cargill, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, -)( tl G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S RFYORT July 18, 1956 CIRCULATION., The slight increase in circulation (1,%) probably resu ted from the slow start of the Reading Club. However, the month of July will show the effect of the 286 members of the Reading Club. STAFF: Dirs. Mary Jane Foltz left for kinnesota on July 16th to attend the funeral of her mother a nd is not expected to return until July 28th. The Heading Club is being carried on under Une capable direction of hiss Jean Ballagh. Mrs. Josephine Levering has returned from her vacation and convalescence of hep husband has concluded in his recovery. bars. Gentry is at present taking her vacatio n, and 16;rs. Levering and kiss Sinex are superirisi.n;; the Branch Library. REFFRMCEyErTs The pictures presented recently to the Library by artist-architect 'jilliam Gillam were given permanent display space (with the consent of Capt. Kean of the Peninsula Art Association, since the association has the use of the Library' s available art-exhibit space. ) The pictures - an oil of "The Victory", Nelson's flagship at the battle of Trafalgar, and a pen-and-ink of "ACottage in the Midlands" in Gillam' s native England - are now to be seen Jn t3ie main Reading Room. An article to this effect, with a pietv_re cf Gillam, appeared in the "Advance-Star" for July 2nd. There is currently an exhibit called "Sailing the: Seven Seas with Peter Freuchen" - author-explorer, and recent winner in Tits g64,000 :question". Featured along Frith miniature sailing LiAps s nd globes, are the seven book by Freuchen on his explorations wYlcY°z are in the Library. . Prominent display space was given a few weeks ago to the new high School level biography "Nellie Bly" when Iris Noble, the author, was honored at an autograph-tea at Doxology house on Lorton Avenue, opposite from the Advance. It is a new bookstcie In Burlingame, run by Lydia Witt. UY 01" -1.,RLT_ rVII B�-D^�T iaP=j=:DIT.ilii; ® J2.. JT TT,,' T:is � To Date Dudrret .�. TTonth Allovianco Total S-1 Salaries 42206.59 42206.59 492451.00 452244.41 'w11 Supplies 32.02 32.02 900,00 867,08 I:®12 Prantin; 1.09.36 100,36 880.00 770,64 IJ-13 Limit, Heat, Power Water 156026 15£,2G :? 200.00 21;'04,3 Telopl22.17 22,17 3 ,0,)0 T? °10 Dld,,e grounds .Iaintenar_ce .T-17 Poo1rs �. I aps 79G.90 79G.JO 100 931,u0 -17A Periodicals 433.21 483 021 600a X 110 170 :I-17D Bindint; 200,00 200.00 21200,00 2sOC)C;I00 T1®10 Convention 12 - 0 :.,N�.A Auto Allowance 1.44 1944 1In,5.00 ill-20 Dues to Library Association 80. ?0 '.1-20 Cop-tract 165.00 165.00 2, 100.CSC s127 C°-90 Capital p. 29588.00 2,588.00 Total before salaries 109GG.45 1,966,45 24,949.00 22,982.55 Total after salaries 6,173.04 61173.04 74,400.00 68s226.96 V lEt„LLATION lain Branch -rooks: adult Non-Fiction 4,051 943 Child Non-Fiction 10556 851 Adult Fiction 5,625 29070 Child Fiction 24504 2,030 Total Book Circulation 130736 50894 reriodicals: 595 C21 .phonograph Records : 192 Total Per. & Rec. Circe 787 621 Total Circulation TT,o Z' 6,515 Grand Total Circulatio n brain & Branch 21 038 1955 1956 Daily Average for Main: 5�4 537 Daily Avercage for Branch: 24.,7 2:30 771 7E" REGISTRA.TIOI�S Adult Cts 1:1(j " Membership Jure 1, 1656 7,913 Additions in June 266 i* 5 L4'7g7 Withdrawals in June 162 Total Registrations 8.9017 2 A 31}:' i v,Y;lg L* 'ACCE6SIO148 INDI`1hDRA�V'='�LS OF BOOK STOCK-- _ A d 5-31-56 lidded Lost Y.r kaid Gvnma--� Adult lion-Fiction f�/x/155 3 9 �% v2 t� Child Non-Fiction `19,5�� HS Non-Fiction -&I-b gyr 14 g tea ? Adult Fiction j6�6g35{ j63 - aye A HS Fiction '2 f� '3 6 Child Fiction _- 5,9A 69 R3 Total Book Stock 445� 335 �7 Net increase in Book Stock:1a.5'd-"%V 308 (20 gifts included in above figures ) Maps added: 1 Pamphlets added: 78 Pamphlet Lost Laid ; 1 DEPOSITED "`ITB CITY TR4'"�SURFR Branch r 202.21 Main 595.66 11otal 4 797.89 May, 1956 cor-ections : Registrations - plus 9 Bcok Stock - minus 60