HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.10.17 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC ,LIBRARY BOARD SEPTEMBER 19 1956 Trustees Present:: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Burns, Mr. Crosby,Mr, Cargill. Trustees Absent: None. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meetings of August 16th, and August 29th, 1956, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion made by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. Cargill, bills in the amount of $1,404.73 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The librarians report was read and accepted, and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS New Branch Site. Mr. Lechieh stated that he had taken Mr. Cargill to view and scuss the proposed land sites. He said that there was the possibility that the proposed site between the intermediate and elementary schools might have its drawbacks in detracting from services to the adult public. The location is not central to the development and would probably be excessively used by the school children, which is not undesirable in itself but might result in the library assuming some of the functions of a school library to the detriment of established services. It is noted that the lot across the street from the intermediate school does not seem to be adequate and Mr. Leehieh does not believe that said lot is the one originally offered by the Trousdale Construction Company. After consultation with Mrs. Johnson this thought was reinforced, as she believes the original lot - - was one located on Trousdale across from the medical offices block next to the hospital, the lot being located on the west side of Marco Polo Way, possibly on —— the corner of Trousdale and Marco Polo Way. This might perhaps be confirmed by Mr. Byrd who was the first person to contact Mr. L. E. Weisenburg of the Trousdale Company. Mr. Leehich stated that the school board's decision as to the elementary school acreage would of necessity hang on the passage of the October bond issue for said development, and by that time the new city manager would have taken office so that a further delay in the selection of_a site would be countenanced as it is quite possible that the city manager would wish to study the situation in relation to other city development of a like nature. No action was taken and it was thought best that further study be made. Friends of the Library Group, Mrs. Cohendet reported that she met with Mrs. - Armsby at the lat er s home, accompanied by the librarian and Mrs. Shinn. Mrs. Shinn is a former music librarian at San Francisco Public Library who had indicated her interest in the formation of a Friends Group. 1 MINUTES OF TBELIBRARY BOARD SEPTEMBER 19t 1956 Page Two Mrs. Cohendet said that there was an animated discussion of the possibility of an organization and that she was going to contact Mrs. Paul Reed, a friend of Mrs. Armsby, for the further discussion and suggestion of persons who might be interested. Mr. Lechich stated that he had been contacted by a Mr. Marshall in regard to the purchase of sy*phony recordings under the conductorship of Monteux which he wishes to present to the library as a special collection in honor of Airs. Armsby. Budget. As the budget has not been received, no action was taken, Non-resident Membership by Contract. The librarian said that the statistical report to State Library has just been sent in, and copies of these and other reports will be sent to Mr. Stiene, the city manager of Hillsborough, for his lonsideration in developing a plan of cooperation with Burlingame Public Library. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned on a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Ass. Burns. OCyO -; .'i' 1'l, 1J5G /y /� Circulation CIRCJLfLTI0;a:_ `?'ear nor _ont�h Soptenber 1956 ln,708 1955 19v221 1054, 1006,17 1953 170660 1052 150�.On- 1051 1�,051 the table shovrs a give year ince oaso of 2G.G .per cont for Sopternber and an increase o:i 5.G per cent of er the same five year period for thio nonth of Au. Lest. To to��er,, there rias a doer e,a.se, of 2.3 per cont in the circulation for Sopte::�bor 1 EG as co?:iparad with Septoriber 1055, may possibly be attributed to she short,-.)i- cl—A.d'onts pro:7rai-.a of this yea-ie They tend to continue ro-adin;; after the pieo,-Tar. is over but in this case the reading club stopped two weeks earl icr than usual ane'_ t'.1-is nay have of fee- ed the sharp drop in chi loront s circulation durinJ tlae ;:jorjth of Soptorfoor. T1--c Li';i'arian attended a InCot'?n ; of the at Carrel. 21nis soup voted to ch. a<!-,o its ria:o to P.L. .C.C. (.eubli c Librn-ry -';xoaut Svos of Central Ca?ifor- ?21 c1 r-n7,e was �_ade becaas:' -non-pi.11.lic librar, peoplo do not seer' to ;t-L }Ll F" G'p�:'G'e�;±��Yy1� ♦S�of t3"L/n� Ilv*� n_a',_l�ey is r::oro descriptive sive O.L' the ��'oup• co'ns .�.7 oC. of a Cf-sczw J.:.on of library problems coru-cn to tic and it ' �' s �" his wor-1: on tine raClo pro.,7 1 T'�ook c i�.e_ at r.,_ivh .:� . C-a c na._axi �no_�e T7=.afr on KIPR' at 3:30 SatuY�da; ever,-:n-s r; Leh is sponsored by t'_:13 ;roup, o also had a report from Er, -71:°Ott -Df flue )a=.1 and Public Library on the latest tolc:v-i--ion pro>yf,,i, "Adventares in i-a, int" - 1TEK - S-LinCays at 3:30 11.-1'. Hiss arrack at+-emitted tho of the Peninsula Libraries group in o"O :.ateo, s;�c discuss.- on centered on t'3o in�-sory-*:-c trainin pro- am which will begin Octo'�e:' 19th 111th the Zirst r.eet _nJ dovo ;ed to orientation of staff in relation to the various libralril os on tl:e poninsul.a, and their policios. S TA,UF: L'rs. 01t2, ci-11 rents librarian, will too on s�i.ck leave for the nc t five weeks. She. is at ?�rosent in the ?i its ierloria? Taos+ital recovurin- iron sur-Ory. T'arrack arranced two o�diibits in connection vrith the movie "Stora Centers', sta=°i'y Ftp ietto %avis, which deals with the evils of censorship by rAnorityY'oups in acblic librarieso ;'here was a display of materials in the library directin'T patrons to the Peninsula Theater where the film shorted September 2'�-h throu tine 29th; and another lin the lobby of the theater directing movio-_;oars to tho library for f-artller naterial on this thono. An wdiibi- of Councilman Lester 1;, ilorl"ant s oli-timo Fire fi htino equipment --,)dols rias shlovm in connection rrith Arc Prevention t ook (October 7th to 13th, ) ,,i tho Library display case. wgeava�l��agJY'ai�' .ytr.b`+FYte'swoA•.rr:cfCm]kas.-,.%1.+.-Y.6acd>,Ye�+sNE�xr3b'vk'd..�+tA++YssMw. cr z Ywf+� ,w^_+.^1vt'at 1R!s aw.-.V�v:fs-�-vg��+�i 1j �i V l�� �V Zonth Allowance Total Swl Salaries 41159.11 16,183.41 490451.00 33,267.59 �1r1411 S-applios 100,83 2?0006 900000 689094 1.1412 Printinz 100073 339007 880.00 540093 Povior 3; Eater 13,€3070 501047 2,200000 1,698.53 11-14 Telephone 26052 118.27 360.00 241,73 1.1416 D1d-9rounds laintork-mcc 23.13 923.13 10500000 576.37 :;1417 Boa?Cc G_. 'I' o.ps 10654.10 d$142,35 10,991,00 6084£3„65 11-17A Periodicals ,20 571.52 600,00ccII8 11-17D DireC?in 6.3,55 373026 29200,00 19026.74 1-19 Convontion 10,80 24030 125x00 100,20 T�10A ;.LLuto A'.1c7lan-c 17.70 6;4,2 a 125900 00072 20 Duos to Library Association 0630 6.50 80000 73.50 1i-2v Contract 3.95030 "460G0 2*400,00 1,633040 C490 Capital '-I%p, 2958 3,00 2950800 Total Uo cro Salaries 20410306x±. 79001, 31 2409x!-9000 169957069 Tota aster Salaries 6,572.75 24,174.72 740400,00 50,225.28 STATI S L S 010 C"U LAT 10 1 Tlmin Branch L.,00ks: Adult lion-Fiction 40503 994 Child lion-Fiction 13,007 666 Adult Diction 50325 29005 Child Fiction 1.95m I Total Book (012.rculation 1204'29 A1960 Periodicals: 719 710 6028 620 Total TJ',001ks C. Pel�iodicals n't I 0=0 - 5 534 Total --lain Drtmch Phono,-;raph 'Records: 5G 56 qi?and Total C.01rculatilon 1.,ain L"; �ranch 13",m• 7 1955 1956 D.-itly Avera-0 for :Iain: 513 504 Daily Avcra,-,o for Branch: 231 243 PIEGUS"21) I i. -AT-01X� Adult Child Total 11omborship Aia,,'3ust 31s, 1956 7j,004 20324 9032.8L.aditions in S.ptu..,b,. 253 t, U 57 310 I.-J'!thdravals in, Septpnor i 238 , 97 335 -itrations Total R 6 a as of September 300 1956 78019 20284 90303 Maw No" ACG___SS1011S AND ViI1i71M-Ji!;'AIxci OF UUY S' UL ti As of (7-rand 0-31-56 Added Cancelled Total Adult Lon-Fiction 570731 250 2 57,9937 Child 1-.on-Fiction 30563 75 67 0,9577 IIS ITTon-Fiction 867 10 077 Adult Fiction 2G3,140 117 5 2G,,252 HIS Fiction 2$G10 43 2 2,,051 Gild Fiction ;BA089 90 illl: 0 L 0 G r, u 5 Total Book Stock as of Septcr,'bor 30, 105E 1050006 593 90 106'409 'Tet Increase in Boo',' Stock: 503 Stack: t50 Gifts and 110 li(,Vj rL, ir-cludod In above fid zres add.od: 45 Pa-_-_,phlcts discarded: xioi i 0 ams added: Ir'p0s1""rIj 'L JTj-T C;j_Y -.IT- .r rr', ' 1. T.aIn 465,25 oranch 97,97 o"G a Mr3" ITonth Allowance notal S®1 "alurics 38901.03 12,024.30 490451.00 37,426.70 S?iDn ics 3914,S-5 -100s23 900.00 790,77 I1-112 Printinc 17,82 -52.34 88b.00 727.66 1,1-13 Iu y lt, ii--,ELt, Povier L, �n"Cler 35.82 382.77 29200.00 10817.23 1.1-14 Tolophene n3.48 01.75 360.00 268.25 fit-16 D3.d-. Grounds 17a,"nter-mco 900.00 1,500.00 600,00 1.1p17 �D'0o14s C, i.Ts 964•.23 21483.25 100991.00 8,502.75 11-17:3, c.aIs -,0.31 571,32 600.00 28.68 ii (a n 3.12 300.71 20200.00 18890,29 i'•.@19 C0?:,,I ntwOn 5.00 125.00 120.00 \ : "IOil. A-jt0 AII:1 ::anf_,, 1.0.50 .50 125.00 108.50 r. �-7 Dues to .L �)�,7�,:�-a. 1 s-ocatio1 80.00 80.00 Coo,-tract 19^.00 550*80 20400.00 1,849.20 X 30 Ganitul -7:p. 23,588.00 2,588.00 Tot, '. tie foo?o a�la . as 1,406.73 53577,67 24v949,00 19,371.33 Total. of f or Sal.arf_o s 50305.76 17p601.97 74,400.00 56t798.03