HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1956.12.16 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD NOVEMBER 28, 1956 Trustees Present: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Cargill, Mr. Crosby. Trustees Absent: None. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of October 17, 1956 were read and approved. BILLS on a motion made by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mr. Cargill, bills in the amount of $2,698.22 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted, and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS New Branch Site. The president of the library board, Mrs. Harrison, and the Librarian called on Carl Snyder, representative of the Trousdale Company, in regard to the present standing of the lot being held for the library on the corner of Clarisse and Pasada in the Mills Estates. It was generally agreed that this lot would not be suitable for a branch site. Other possibilites were the acquisition of a site from the elementary school board and various sites from private individuals. Mr. Snyder stated that the Trousdale people no longer held any property on the lower portion of Trousdale Avenue. He also stated that they would continue to hold the previously mentioned lot for us until such time as another site had been found. The Librarian later had a conference with Mr. Constantino in regard to various properties and he suggested that a suitable site might be available on the Westernmost corner of the elementary school property, saying that such a site would be more central to the Burlingame residential area and on the main travel- led thoroughfare. The Librarian consulted with Mr. White about this suggestion. He stated that the architect was in process of re-designing the building and that it was to face on Trousdale, which, to his belief, would eliminate a suitable site on the West end of the property. However, as soon as thearchitecthas completed the plans we will be informed. The Board agreed that time is of the essence and that the Librarian should again consult with Mr. Constantino and with the architect of the school building to determine whether this lot will be suitable or not. The Librarian ascertained that the lot immediately to the west of the school property has not as yet been sold by the Trousdale Company. Friends of the Library Group. Mrs. Cohendet reported that since the last board meeting there had been three mettings of those interested in forming a Friends of the Library group and that the basic group had been formed and dues collected. This group is to form the nucleus of a larger organization to be organized in February. She stated that the Friends of the Library were to hold an open house at the library on December 14th, 15th and 16th, in order to acquaint others with this organization and to enlist new memberships. Musical programs, other enter- tainment and displays are planned for the affair, and hostesses from the San Mateo section of the San Francisco Junior League, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Bulotti, will be on hand to greet the public and to'serve refreshments. Minutes of the Board Meeting of November 28, 1956 Page 2. Non-Resident MembershiR by Contract. The Librarian stated that he had discussed with the State Librarian the possibility of a Federal grant which would allow free cards to the residents of Hillsborough in order to better acquaint them with the facilities of a public library. She agreed that the proposition had some merit and should be followed up. The above information was discussed with Mr. Stiene, the city manager of Hillsborough, who agreed that it had possibilities. He also believed that some mutual arrangement could be worked out and requested that he be given some library statistics with this in mind. COMMUNICATIONS A copy of a letter to the mayor was received giving Ray Burns resignation from the library board. This copy will be held in the files. NEW BUSINESS Stacks addition. The excellent article in the Advance-Star relating to the crowded conditions of the library was noted and a committee was suggested to determine the necessary steps to be taken in order to request suitable financing for the immediate construction of additional stack space. Appointments to the committee will be made at the next board meeting. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, the meeting was adjourned. Res ec ally submitted, � 7 Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIANIS REPORT DECET-J3ER 19, 1956 CIRCULA�I1: The circulation for November 1956 was 336 higher than 1955 but, as 3�e previous month, does not reflect in the daily average because of the ad- ditional days the library was open. The increase in the daily average was 1.2 per cent over 1955. 1JEETIIIGS AT THE, LIBRARY: The I1'riends of the Library held an open house December M METEevent was decided upon after three committee meetings h called by t,;ra. Caendet had been held to discuss possible plans for introducing the Friends of the Library group and expanding its membership. In the same way it was decided that a Friends of the Library brochure was needed to explain the purpoae of the group, as well as an application for membership form, and an r.n- nouncement of the three-day open house in the form of an invitation to be sent to a suggested mailing list and to be given out to patrons at the circulation desk of the library, The Friday night musicale was held in the IL'ain Reading Room with the nr•o;"rar composed of IIarp selections played by the young Burlingame harpist, Penny Sc3 -n- stone, and Swedish .rolk songs sung; by firs. Frances Carlson who was accorapanied'. on an aecordian by 1,-Ps. Betty i4h3ppla. About forty to fifty people attended. The Saturday a rternoon. open house was attended by one hundred and fifty c�;.ldren, as wo .Z res adults nutmbering perhaps twenty or thirty, who enjoyed the ?��ram of ChristrLs selections sung by the Junior Choir of St. Paul's Episcoral Church, and an ,reei.ated the humor and charm of Lirs. Chamberlin and her hand. puppet, Barnab,,,- Lretle 1ioo1c-Pug, who read stories to the children. Sunday of t•eraoon the Peninsula String quartet presented a concert to an audience of ab,)­.t seventy-five persons who were enthusiastic in their responses, The San I. l ,:o unit of the San Francisco Junior League, under the directi,cn of Tars. Charle.; Julotti, furni uhed hostesses and refreshments for each of these events. Mir. )` f,';rson I,-.'rfee of Valla Chartier donated the punch to them and I.:r. '.:illiam LL' �' furnished the paper napkins, doilies and paper cups at a norAnal price Over 'iousa�ad� home-rade cookies were supplied by the Junior League. The Garde: lection of the Newcomor's Club supplied three appropriate floc a.l decorations an,'. . rs. Thayer contributed two beautiful arrangements. Mrs. .'�,aods. using an exqui . r ..e silver center piece owned by her aunt, lrs. Arrasby, creatca a notable table _'ecoration as a backGround for the refreshments. Ya-s. Cohen 1., was responsible for the general arrangements, publicity and contacts with v• '_ous organizations. It was only through her untiring; effo^°t:i that the ineipi. ; '; friends group was formed. It is to be hoped that at any futud-e meetings others i �.11 come forward to carry the brunt of the organization and r!�)- lieve the liasor c.fficer from the many tasks that demand time and attention in the f ounda t ion c%­ a ilew group, Additional c ',p in connection with the three-day open house was riven b,y ti-if� following people: l;;rs. Cohende3t and I::rs. Bulotti addressed 250 envelopes. were stuffed wits rochures, applications for r?embership and invitations by i..r. Lechich, assisted by I.Irs. Lechich. Alphabetical records of this railing list ware typed by tars. Lc rich and I.rs. Dein. Tirs. Dein donated two hours of her time, af' it working r;. ;ht hours at her library job, to assisting in folding brochures a..,..applicati.­i- : and typing lists. About 400 other envelopes were adcLressea and stuffed by Tis .nd Lrs. Lechich and an alphabetical list was typed by I.:rs. Levhich from these n .,, 3* Mrs. Harrison addressed and stuffed an additional 75 or mare. r le Locillich v;rot-, �_a invi at' oi--t, i-li cor- ncl-i,�mts by 'Ir o. Dalottl and ::firs • %Cohendot, "'ho of lu-llio Library brochure rms, based on an Anicrican Library Association nublf-cation, roviscO by 1_rs. Le-chich to fi local cltuation# Joan illaher, a hijm school studont and sister of one of the libran?y )a--(,;s, mado a poster to rmblicize the puppet shorn, and prepared a stencil drawing of the P-a-ppot fror-- T&ich :Irs. Lcohich r-lade book rmkks for the children to encnu-ra-,e J_ ulicir- joinin.- as junior monbers of the !'rionds of the Library group* 1.4'arron '.:ycliffe provided bac1r,7.,round nusic for the three-day open 11-10-0,..so, so=rin- tonpox tape rocordin-s., and brim-inZ some of his own recorCs ., -.o vias on hand to operate the ocroi-p-mont talk iiith interested patrons ;a-M-1, do musical reviovjs of tho scheduled eventsspartly on his oven tine. Harr-Lot arrot i.:arrack sent in to the nowspapors publicity stories of tho o_l' the Library's imsicales as part of her ro,-ul:ar library job, Shizuko Yazavja did an oriontal dance in Japanese costume at the Saturday afternoon childrents pro7 �ran.. til-Lich was an authentic and approo-1.atod novelty, 'Trs. Mulcahy, newly retired f:oori branch library duties., was klArid ono-_11-11 to cor-,io in foi­ tho Satiarday raid E*undayj open house pro:;ron.s to make the Intro- ductions of each artist or �,Toup apnoarin- and to oxplain about the obioc:tivos of the V_-ionds of the Library soup to the audience, It is hoped ti-int the Lions Club will re-inburso :rq L,_,c1iic1_a for ilio nay- i. ent of 'U'lic c.-cpor-, a 1-n connoctf-on .-)_4th tho puppot oll-Low as they have indicatod they intend to do, it should be noted that tl-,-o invitations -L;o the upon houso were ,m-fled n -resident car(M-101jos.- tho ­nln �jo z000plc interosted in -.rusic anct to non a P I -i t , ,,,,o 1-1sts conimir.od sono ro�7.ilar puti on. Polcido -its of Darlin areP but it Vol C t n- sco-­ advisable to send out Invitat , ons to fcuituao �m eo i to mole of 0111, ovin patrons* After tho t1-iroe-day oiDen house, tv'h..., of `,-,he Library totalled 1; thirty-ono, of vilion throe are pat.rons, 1�, L-1 PU c'TAr'1ZS: "' ie s1iolvin- ha- been t in place at the -'ranc.1, and the closed staclrr has been partly re-slaclvod on the space - ado available by the aC.di- iatorial El tional sholvim, in the childronts coon and the alcove. AUTO 71�OOK FAC-1]: ' I'ho Auto Look 1?a,-o also arrived and has been installed by tho Streeopt-iFF nt. 1--l-io Police Dopar-vonthas aSrcod to have the itiblic To.Dartmont paint the for:,,or poen (15 nimltc ) par-T-lin-7, strip wl-Ite () minuto ) ; and also to paint the s1;ri-;) at the north on(I 'con, "Ih-' s .iill is re care of throe cars; and- as the new wall.t alonl- that s;de w-111 be In shortly,, t1i-iri ar- ran- nont should bo just as convoniont as the fox-mor one. �e Juvon.1110 Dapartzzont Lovoi.-,bor 21st to Ulecon-ber 19th,, 1956, Book love"Iber 25th to �'-ceriber 1st 1030) was colobratod at the Darlin­,ame Public Library with sm-ic of the classes of the -.._A_1rlin--Ox.1e -T,.-lomentary Schools visitin.- the childrents rooirl to view tho now -'all books. = over-ber 26th,. the second �r class of ;Liss "ray from Hoover School cm� -ovonber 27th, another secondade 1 0 ;rade class from the oover School ca--ic; 'j'OV07-iber 20th, -.1iss Florm.dn­-13 first f,lrade class iron the korskin,7, School cane; 7Tovonber 29th,, 11iss Zizichls second I ide class fron the P-rshin- School cm�,o; rand. 17ovo!-,ber 3,0thj, the lift; rade Mon tho '64ashin:;ton School came, Decombor 5th, the novi yellow metal book shelves arrived for the childron's room* TlAs entailed novin3 every book in the room. At the present time, all the easy books, for the younr- children have been arran,'�;odm, and the juvenile non-fiction books have all boon shifted to fit into the increased space. '2hc juvenile fiction has yet to be ro-arranCod to fit in in alphabotice.1 orOLcr, t LI172A.�ZAIA S' Tho room looked very nico with its notia arran-oriont for the Opon IIouso hold Doco Tbor 14th thru 16th. (SubrAttod by Ilary Yana Foltz, Childronts Librarian, ) _:''� OF LIi;P.A-TT',IA7I13 FU POIil for neotin- of Doce bor 19th, 1906* rospectfully submitted, G. r. Lechich Clcr':L of the Board BUDI 7=4 T EXY; DZTM= IOC;i F ? z � ID56 CLO I S y lis ToDato iia a falance �:ionth Allowance Total 3-1 Salaries 4,056.03 240341.28 490451.00 250109.72 1.T-11 Supplies 64*01 367.30 :?00,00 532.70 1-12 I'rintin- 2CG0€30 651.63 080000 228.37 I-13 L�. Ott Hoat., Powor Zs ;Vater 213076 020.G2 20200.00 10379,3G :I-14 Tolaphone 45,04 105.10 300.00 , 164.90 -1G Dld-0 Grounds Ia.intenanco 459012 060.95 18500000 531005 .2-17 3ooICs (% ijaps 100G0002 6,000+40 100031000 4,082.51 : -17A Periodicals —a 570002 000000 20993 `,,,,17 ?-Und-in; 138031 049.30 2,200.00 1,250970 =_.19 Convention -•- 107.20 125000 17,80 I -10A !Auto Allowance 13e 52 117e80 125,00 77,20 .1-20 Dues to Library Association 20.00 2G,50 80,00 53.50 U-26 Contract 2300#30 1,167040 2,n00,00 10232.60 0-90 Capital .�p. --- -_- 2;588.00 20566,00 Total beforo Salaries 28009073 120730.31 24,943.00 12,150.60 Total after Salaries 6,155.81 37,130.59 74,400000 37,269.41 STATISTICS IS1ICS FUR NOVI-21- E'R 1956 CI RC'JLATI OI 11ain Dranch Books: Adult !Ton-Fiction 53703 19041 Child 1.on-riction 1,326 700 Adult Fiction 5,333 2,082 Child Fiction 11030 19220 Total T3001c Circulation """" 11•029£3 5,129 Periodicals: 799 799 608 600 Total Dooks f-, Periodicals 70*0597 TsMl*l 5 737 Total :.lain C. �.'hanc:n 200834 Phono,r;raph R000rds; 131 131 Grad Total Circulation ;.'ain c'. 3)"arch (1955 20s,629) 1955 1.56 Daily Average for a.in: 589 536 Daily JVv cra;­;o f'or Lran ch: 246 230 Total Avcr:ze 316 IL".-Il 8"Ll RAT I 0_1 IS Adult C'nZlcl n "ie�bvrship Octobor 31, 105f 73 075 2t,278 9 35,} 1,.,Adclitions v:ovember 235 09 X324 l ithdrawals iJovorribor 209 BO 289 Total RoSistrations as of lovo:nbor 30, 1956 7,101 2011.07 90308 AC6T�SSIOIIS Al1D � I`'1TrI'uyjALS Oi :OOK S- OCII AS 0x Grcrd 10-31-'56 Added ("a-ce.•l.led r0ot:a.l Adult .Ton-Fiction 58,235 272 11 �r�3 4,-,- Adult Child .on-. iction � - g i I 9 6�0 � 3 ;J ;`7C��? FI8 Mon-10iction 90'10 5 1 3&1 3 Adult 1-'iction 2G,4133 134. 10 2G -)L,,`7 IIS Fiction 2,703 £3 h C ild Diction 9,0173 g0 � Total Book Stock as of November 30, 1056 107,083 534 20 107,450-), llot Incroaso in Dook Stock: 505 (30 Gifts, and 37G Titles incltzdcd in above fii ores Pa=pblota adOed: 50 kwimphlets discarded: 154 J.ia_-a added: �—,IYOSI`i' M 1ITH CI`T'Y TR .:ASU Z Iain 500.7 3 Dranoh 150,021