HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1957.04.11 A�NUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLIT-GA.1E PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ARCM 13, 1957 Trustees Present: P:rs. Harrison, TTrs. Cohendet, ;jr. Cargill, ATr. Edwards. Trustees Absent: ,Tr. Crosby. P:=I1r a `ES The minutes of the previous meeting of February 27, 1957 were read and corrected to read that the meetings were to be held the third Thursday of each month instead of the second D'dednesday. BILLS On a motion made by '",s. Cargill and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, bills in the amount of :,;1,326.99 sere ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The LibrarianIs report was read and accepted and the financial statement was approved and placed on file. 01D BUSINESS New Branch Site; TTr. Edrards gave w* a brief summary of a conversation between Ts. ,:ite, TTr.�LecT—ch and himself covering the location of the future branch library, between the elementary and intermediate schools on the T:Tills Estate. A letter written to _,r. khite to confirm this conversation was read, and on a motion by ;,Tr. Cargill and seconded by F.?rs. Cohendet, the letter vas approved. Pion-Resident "tiembership by ,Contract Surmarv. The Librarian stated that the survey c�i°e� tFie Clay Tlanager of Hi lsboroIt, in regard to the number of students attending Burlingame iii.-h School from iKillsborough who use the library, had beer- completed; eencompleted; the results, however, are as yet to be tabulated. ;:tack Addition. This matter eras .tabled until the April meeting. ?,eeting Late. First reading of by-law changes in regard to meeting date was made Its follows: '"Section 1. The regular meetings of the Board of Library Trustees shall be held on the third Thursday of each month, at a place and time to be determined by the Board." C 0 1271JNIC2MONS A letter was read from Mlary Jane Foltz, asking to be relieved of the duty of Assistant Librarian and to return to her old position as Children's Librarian. It was moved by i:'r. Edwards and seconded by 111r. Cargill, that Pairs. Foltz, at the end of t-ie budget period, be so relieved of her position as Assistant Librarian and return to her position as Senior Librarian in charge of children's Fork. ii BUSIFEeSS It bras moved by Airs. Cohendet and seconded by P:ir. Edwards that an examination for Assistai_t Librarian be requested of the Civil Service Commission, to be held at a conveni ent date. aldget chanes. It was moved by i.'r. Cargill and seconded by P,r. Edwards that a Tosi-ion of—Junior Librarian, as set up in the present budget, be dropped and a position of Senior Librarian be added. The Librarian stated that t_-,ere was one vacant position in the classification of Junior Librarian due to the departure of tars. Gentry. At present, her duties are being covered by part time personnel and LIBRMY BOArD 'II TUTES P.,?eeting IN-arch 13, 1057 Page 2 one of the professional staff. r_➢JOtiR i`:'-NT On a motion by ?1r. Edivards and seconded by Ur. Cargill, the meeting; was adjourned. Respectfully nYsubmitted, Clerk of the Board T,­3rc v,,as a vox, sli-lit inczonso A. t1to ovor­ 11 cii -,culo.tion, Out a . 1 1! - 1. U1 n-'-, t C <ll'lt a t 1 o n of thetv--nk�, in tl-i.A V-o j7ralc'la had, lois c1rc.-,11ation C-lan 1056 tho 7--air, ao­,c ti,.an 3956 . 4­ __L--D L7I 0 AT�';._ _D: T11-ic Liorcrlan noo 'Clin,- In Oal:land and cUscussod act oral problor-m cork A': lib CoonCj:patijrl. Tho -1'rlencls of a T)w-%Ol Oiisc-�.1ssicn of the 0.1, the Sk_ -l'alle-JI—sco TT,-6_)7j_4 7t, bi�:­.7.jit out that, Cospito the S I.-r, of t11c) cit­ c", U""J".v voY r. poorly sup-or-t.ccle It vas - m own ibut Ed. o!i ly 0(D -n r c 1:7e--, u l7?i_" (W-lwid had 106, 1:. t' at had 2Fk- A. i� -i, ­tv- not i:iarr,, ol" t' c - ale ,It a hold n L',-cv'zUc­7 I • ._ os of Ycars 13brs._­y u?ass. -:jso attonded an On " "(1ult In California L �I - L 11 .- a pr-,rtl-cipa�nt in t',,o -:)rinoi C:L,=unsion L-!UrOx;,l C,3" ir. OSno or. ';_-urront f The 1 1.F_ r JO aCclrass of t1lio 't-,1c, - as -,:;.ven b-7, f w 1 0 . o V Z illiv 0 of �)f 1--toroot :,us his classlf� cation xCatior, of the JL u of citlZor - ii rcf*'-_r-e:-ico to -Ui r uz;o o:IL7' c Iibray-y: 2. F p o f E,s a i o nrd 1,J.1L I•a ri CL. U 20 a C 0 v s 'r;'--.0 a 1:-0 a c 0. �--onccrned of tLc IZ., I r-,,­ C 4- ­,1 . - 0 0 Piir-;oscPal n-cps; • Tandon w1_o i^ !'ot ,.;.rc; t,lic librm?,,; t- a11, Consiu_- ,;-,n 0 t CT2 " a- to OT-4 t'­z)Sc !n -,ito --rc)-Li :­ -s c) I C, b oil .1,rc". --c," the Ili-,-!Ior brac!'(,,`, J.957- 71 C-) ., 00 C) c '0- tho n,- :31,ub hnwc 7. 17. J-',­�­( lic�- V­o,i Dlarno ". _acli oj, v,,` 11 rocco­e _kll c no C 14--ho O'n • ab "a. an )1,-) all (Su. a'-! -u,,1�-?t).1 2 d cti ar­ort, , fl. OtC, 7'CL31vjee', as F.F.,u,o a r Ul be ad(loo�!, to each d a�,O, rf,-. 4-l".0y 11 avc r Oc 0 1 v-cl ton. r, u.. 'Llio _rc(r_,_J I-od Ly:,m*r_-cr of 1::co,�x tl,- two brIo'cm, read aro listed .00l:c are ac��'cd to t 1,�,e I o- C, L, u on tl,,c so a Oo!_-.,)1­tc rc,,Oy.cl- of L'-,e roaf i,n­ t;".11 Lc �_11 vcn the c! 11)c r th(?�, vccc.-I�vod t1icir C1r_JshJj.n,- t1io CITib be vowarCod at a licar t_',:!O --I-L! -,f rocC_vc- a 1-'L'oa(_1! n- lub -' ert-5-ficato. PO"r- -01 L -,L-- U11_L nor of 1,pri1 110 1957. -Li --Atted 7),�c+ s b­ _j.c,-,!r of the CTU23. -:.Ji' •,',�:'.i;j"iv� .. .. ._-.._......,._ ._.�._..._.......-,. 'ii11.8 ..._............�l'Q 1-c`.1 rl: �'�.Ci�UL � � �IG� torch 'Illoviance Total .)j 31,963.21 400128.15 49$4151.00 92,322-85 G`i.0` Va?`:.`'n 300.v0 '��5411 -111-1 F:iar:t 3.3.1�71 ( 0.00 00.34 �wc r17JLl 1., 2,200.00 717.00 Z 3G0.00 36.3 i 0 3.0300,00 300.27 -17 _:cv'= rx�> :1 +IJ.20 i � p37 10 001.00 Z 3�y7•G3 liii�.i? °-�. +3 ll�i:fl 3J_°1 600,00 127.17 :'ncin 1,10.o0 1,-?'x`3.02 2112CO.00 710008 rvcru �.1 3.20 1.1 Cl 00 123100 x£-3110 110 to ld01.°a^ 00.00 - 1050 t 10 5.00 1,4,33.Ce ti,4UC e 00 �C-01..00 ::•1^.0 :;�+, .taI :31 :��i0 �`',1 x.3.03 �'3''i'!0.00 �;o07 u3`1-tr?.1: 1,70-5.118 20, 22 T,}t&l aftcr 5..666.99 60$691.93 7 A,x'.00.00 13,708.07 e 1 TC i.i!'.d'..`1":L iii' -•��-i a L'�.:ZG:1 Loolcs; Adult 7.1oa-Yietion 6 221 10202 �- Child ;;or-11'iction 1.,3 04 320 Ac'.ult l'ictl on 50913 2,246 CI11.1.6 Action, 1,,374 971 To tat :'oo'.i c,�.r culat i.on 1.5,597 Pario6icals: X309 209 523 529 Total oolza Por-.oC l c£i.i s 5 .0 149 Jt046 `i'ota.l - zi.n :.;ranch 22 honor-mc.-)h ;�,Ooords : 213 213 _and Total �i rck.-.lution 'a .n f. :�'.�z:aG� `..�.L ��. (1956 20-0530) 135E 105'7 I)a-ly Avera; s for -Lain: aoG 610 Daily I_v ora-o for ;L ranch: 232 `' 9 Total ,ai.ly Avera:;® MN � PL �'ISsI�!`i'i0'TS A(MIt Child `notal _ ebri m y 2vs LO Q 7j,137 2;337 3,4'r� c'mditi.orn, '-arch 257 58 315 IaMch •••r.a2. w22.� .ia.w.dw6.+s2.rr wsw...290 10ylal 1_o _istyajio1_s GR of ZCy711057 f;I.7o 2$327 -w �8"iog ares•;-......-.,-_._ ... ,._ .. ._, .... - - - --- % :r��i i�r' i.)ilii 6T0 K As of fl-rand ^°-28-57 A(ftdod 2ancellod Total Ac ult _';on-F-_L cta on 50..053 166 16 59,103 Ch .ld ion-r; ct'T on 0.*G52 110 2 Op 760 'AMS ..on-'Fiction 00B 2 - 900 Adult Fiction 2G,604 73 17 20,GGO IIS Fiction 20721 C13 1 2,786 Child ric:tion J�19 a4 11 -gill''12 ��» Total �E ': "to ,?' as of ..� 3I 17 1000147 _011 of Increase in wool: "tock: �`1134 (25 Uiits and 20G 770Tv Titles incl ufaed In above fimros ) Pa r,phlets ac,dod: 42 Parlphle;ts 6£3 .laps added: - JJL;POGI1',D IJJ..OX T-11, �i.YJ llt1 _ "a i h - 552.33. rz�ar�ch 170.03 C11ITY 127 AFI: 195''4 thTotal ry S-1 Salarios 3p854.90 36,164.94 zjccJq lW-51.00 13,286.06 1.1-11 Supol3es 101 e4-2 532.1'0 900,00 31.1®10 ,12 Fninti ng 20020 774o21 880000 1015.'79 ?"13 L-It, ?goat, a oder v� 'toater 178.81 io 313,1572 2,200,00 006.20 ".1-14 '�e1e3_�onc 1C,�7 27e,,213G36��C' <�3..79 -y6 Sldao Grounds i.sai ntop.ar_cs 26.0.5 191,E 0.56 1 -5OO. c 309 r,4-1- '11.1-17 2'.1-17 Books L�. 1:1aDa 57 y e 3,F 3 y G4,117 J7 1C , 191.90 2 346 083 '.1"17A Ir-()riO 10ELI.9 .25 6.1`7,I,1 60 o0 ; 47.17 ITI-17B D°Ln:1in3 1''15 13Z, 1 3 ,V..3 2,2 o 7::: 850.17 -19 Conventidn - I 170 12 F 000 11,30 iI-19A Auto Allotrrum-e 60:9.0 ,30 56.713 1.1-20 Imes to Library his--ociation - 31050 ?OavO - 11,50 �23 Contrc ts7 ?3.^0 2- ,'Oo.00 656,80 C-90 Capital '1 p, 501,76 20 OG6.53 2; 5&8.00 521.47 Total before Salax-ics 10826,11;;tJ 10,8600.)0 24,9 13000 6,059,00 Total after Sala-r1 os 5p681.89 550024-94 74,0 4,00.00 19,375.06