HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1957.09.19 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD AUGUST 15, 1957 Trustees Present: Mr. Crosby, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Cargill. Trustees Absent: Mr. Edwards. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of July 18,- 1957 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion made by Mrs. Cohendet and seconded by Mr. Cargill, bills in the amount of $1,319.41 were ordered paid. LIBRARIANtS REPORT The Librariants report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Budget. The budget was briefly discussed. The final form has not yet been received from the City, Parking. Due to the absence of Mr. Edwards, no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mrs. Harrison and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, P r P. Lechich Clerk of the Board MDRAtUAITI S IRMTORT QBIPTII:1a'.R lo, 1057 CIRC JLATI OTT: The ovor-all eirculation ineroased sli7s.tly noro than 270. The total childrents cireulati3a was 1U. loss than the s ario month last year. Wo aro ondoavorin,­ to find ways and moans of inoroasin3 tho children's eirm lotion rhi.ch han boon at a constant lovol for the past throo yosarsf. This may corros_3ond to tho lrac?r. of incroaso in tho r=ibor of children enrolled in tho Dzrlin moo olonontary school sayateu, laoir onroll:aont on Tlarch 32., 1050 1#00-0- on Octobor 20, 1054 it was 20452; and in Soptonbor, 1057 it was 2$43,2. This roujaly corms ponds to our circulation ohan"os. ITLTJS!:4"iL'.3 PRO11 ZIC J`t1V I.ITIi DLP Zl :T: (lAu;,ust 15th to Soptembor 10th. 1057) The Stuzaor P►eadia� Club Party was hold at tho Darlin3ar o Rocroation Contor, Au;;us3t 24, 1057 at 2:00 P.M. ;Tinos of tho boys and ;iris vdw more awarded cortificate s as Moll as a piet ro aro su'baaittod with this report. 1 ra o Foltz was on vracaty orx tho first two wool:s of Soptotribor. ITow Pall juvonilo books; T&ieh arrivod iii hor absonco, have 1.opt hor Way since thon. She attoadod a nootin of tho Children's L-bra.rians of tho Day Aroa at t1io ",n Francisco Public Library, Sopto ._bar loth at 1:00 P.I.I. ' iia is a nontII17 �,,otin3 dovoted to ;:oviovis3 of now boobs for boys twit? rla. -Tlioy €1so sponsor a Story :lour Pro[si.x shotrn on tolevis:ion atation rZID every I-tosday at 6:30 Poll* Subr ittod by nary Fano Foltz, Children's Librarian. RDPORI t�Z01: Rs�' �i:i CD L7C DRP AI' The Ponins'ala Librarios Or anizationfs Roforonce Dookd Cormittoo has been Zneotin3 for air or saovon Tuos3day nornin-s to edit tho Union List of Roforonce Boolcs 11oldinem :ar.=K; noubor librariosa. I.Iisaa i:arrael: has; boon sa.ttondinr. The Referenco Dopartr..ont has also undertaLon s3olocting books for and dolivorin- thou to a Burlin sa.�:ae woL= who is a shut-in. Arran ononts3 for such dolivory s ervico vasa made with tho Rod Cross about two yoars3 ago, but at this tiro thoy aro unable to roa_der this sorvico, acid unless thoro worn uoro calls for suoh a. project, it hardly aeons worth whilo to -o outside the library for assais3tsarce. ;uIxAttod by Marriot Hayrack, Roforonno Libruxian MID Or. LIT-IAMI J0,aS REPORT. Rospoctfally subtittod, Geor Q Paul Lechich, Librarian a..,- 43 JT' 711 Is 3Q CLGC cot s aneo Lllovwico Total, S-1 Sa1.a°ica 42082.05 12$6,31.66 500=000 430 860.34 -11 Sup-_.)11",00 00000. 1JG•GO 900.00 703.32 ' x12 Printf n- Posta'O 370GO 273.83 10000000 God* .1 +lv La: ht 0 -loat•# Po ror +atar 120.30 300,02 20200.00 10010.10 r'►l� 'I'o1C3;i1.aYio200003 07002 1.'.•00.00 312:1£3 :r10 i;1C:r0 r%Lsotuids'• "ainton€uzc0 02�•0t!n 930e01D 2#300,00 1#300001 -17 Looms £. ::ane 002,00 2$17G,92 , 110380000 *131,00 107014 000000 �02e£30 J L;i.t3dlil r_r_•�r 7L .S( 20200.©0 20121.13 . ..0 Convont3otz --•-+ -r 125.00 125.00 -IVA Auto AlloVan ca r_� 1.72 1.11-13.00 193.20 i-20 Daes 'to Library 1lacociatialm •___r• 115000 115000 -20 Contrf".Cts 100000 575eGO 20dOU.00 1002,C.020 notal bofor<o hSala:.'1oe 2003 305 dpol0ed5 23#7^003.00 100070*53 Total after Salarios 6,175.64 170542.11 €300275.00 620732.89 "WITI TICS° POR AjGUST 1957 ` rzcui l ao Iain M=h Books: Adult i'on-Fiction a,912 10037 Child !Ton-Fiction 10100 793 Adult Fiction 78030 2*454 Child Motion 2,r.14Z 1,620 Total "ool� CircEilation 1565M 5*910 Poriodicals: 606 coo663 643 Total Periodicals Tg Total Branch Circulation 0, r Totzl branch Twin , Phono xanh Ilo c orc s:' 204 234 uzAandTotal C3rw.lots on Enin n L branch (1056: 22,651) Daily Avera,;; for leda: 501 Daily Avora o for Lra- aell: 2,3 Total La31y AvcraCp Cirev.1ation 034 MGIB i A1.1s70118 Adult Child Total :.obb6rahip July 319 1037. 7,300 2,37V 0,605 Additions Aamst 222 40- 2G2 Ifithdratlsls Ju ;ust 10052 238 Total o�,Istrations as of Au�zst 31, 1957 7..3,C-2 2,307 99709 ACCLMSI Oar; JL-.D :-ITMILIAWAL► W LOOK STOGY, Aa of Grand 7-31»57 Added Cancollod Total -Aftlt Zoa-Fiction 300740 190 14 302925 Child :;on•Fict3an g,300 20 1 OvO13 TIS Non-Fiction 0-20 3 923 Adult Fiction 27,200 120 90 27,300 IIB Diction 20090 32 2 20926 Child i`iction �r N2,72 11 3 fl ,0200 00tul Doo , utoc_. an of Au ust 31, 1037 100,016 397 40 110,275 fot Iv.c�,-oaso in ball toc1c-. 337 (Tnc 1aCed In abovo fi;jxros: 03 `.ifta and 233 ?on itloa. ) Pw.ipb2oto. addod: 02 km.iphlats Ciseardod: 25 ::aps added: 18 Phono�aph Rocords aC..dod: 315 (Iaclu os 1,5E .:etr Titles) Phon®3raph RocorC.s discarded: 413 :Bain x.14.24 Branch, 110.72 Total Dop. 532.09 CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET 1957 - 1958 D-80 WOR&R,12' S-1 SALARIB,S Librarian 7,700 Assistant Librarian 5312 Senior LYzarian C3) junior EiOrarian C25 Library Assistant (2) 7,708 Library Asst, - part-time 5,524 Pages 4 SR 10�01 OPERATIOUN M-11 Supplies 900 M-12 Printing and Postage 1,00o'' M-13 LightWgeat-Pawer-Watex 21200 M-14 Telephone 4001 M-16 Building Maintenance 2130.10 M-17 Books-Maps 11ine M-17A Periodicals 600 fie-17B Binding 2,200 M-19 Convention 125 M-19A Auto Allowance 05 M-20 Dues-Librazy Association 115 M-28 Contracts [janitor) 2XIM Less: Pines and Fees gl000 Less: Unexpended Balance 2»800 &_02 $68 ,475