HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1957.10.10 KINUTES OF THE MEETING Or TI E BURLIIIC�A1,'1E PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SEPTEMBER 19, 1957 �s- Trustees Present: Pass. Harrison, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Cargill, P,Tr. Edwards Trustees Absent: Mr. Crosby PQINU TES The nlnutes of the previous meeting, of Au.^,ust 15, 1957, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by i:ir. 'Edwards and seconded by Mr. Cargill, bills in the amount of X2,093.50 were ordered paid. LIBRA'RIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. '<IOPdTFiLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Biad2et. The final budget, as received from the City Council, was discussed. It was noted that in re moving the capital expenditure item of ;896 for painting the outside of the branch and the main library, to DI-16 Building Maintenance, 896 was dedacted. It was noted that this constitutes a reduction of the original building item. estimate of qt�1,500, of which ;;900 per year is earmarked for the Pare Department in payment for its maintenance of the grounds. The Librarian stated that any funds which are unspent in this item each year can be attributed to the fact that he dcaes__ many of the .ore expensive maintenance items himself, especially when such items consist of a short time interval for which the library pays sometimes as mach as r28 per hour, i.e., repairing a library toilet float valve, etc., repairing a library toilet float valve, etc. Ass. Harrison noted that ::"1,070 was deducted from the reauested book budget. The Librarian stated that this would mare it impossible to replace many of the older and somewhat obsolete non-fiction books in political science, business, engineering, etc. He also stated that the subscription to one of the financial services, such as 7Toody's or Poors, would have to wait until our book budget was increased. He stated that the ;great increase in the cost of books would res.11t in an even more drastic curtailment of the number of titles purchased each year; therefore, from ,'1,400 in 1956 to 3,432 in 1957, to probably no more than 3,000 in 1958. He stated that the library hoped to hold the line and, possibly by an increase in gifts, perhaps the number of titles could be dept at the level of previous years. Stacks Extension_._ It was noted that there was no fund allowed for the requested extension of tl_e stacks. The Librarian stated that in the early part of the Council discussion or: the stacks extension, it was agreed to allow a 10 cent increase in the library tax in order to cover the building of the stacks extension. This, however, was disallowed by the City Attorney, who gave an opinion that there was no precedent for the library tag, to cover building extensions. The Librarian stated that by the time he had contacted Sacramento, and found that the legal advisor of the State Librarian believed that the intent of the law was to cover all library expenses, it was too late and the 10 cents had been alloted to the drainage project Page 2 - T.Tinutes Sept. 19, 1957 on Lorton Ave. The Librarian stated however that all those consulted agreed that if the amount had been budgeted in the general fund for library use, it would have been perfectly legal. The Librarian stated that he was workinm with the legal committee of the C. L. A. end the State Librarian in order to clarify the law. lie also stated that the stacks extension represented our greatest problem. He said that if it is desirable for our library to continue not only as a library of the current but to be a library of our cultural past, it is most desirable that we obtain the extension to the stacks and, through a careful Needing policy, not a forced one, be kept in practice as well as the constant attempt to obtain the out of print materials needed to complete our very exceptional humanistic collection. That the possession of adequate storage space would allow the cataloging and accession of a duplicate collection for a neer branch, when and if it were available. He stated that it is a serious task which needs considerable still and knowledge in order to avoid the removal of hard to replace books that form the basis of our collection. New Branch. Mrs. Harrison discussed briefly the present status of our proposed branc Y She stated that as the city could give us no funds for the purchase of a site, it would seem to indicate that they did not approve of library trustees trying to purchase a site for future use of a branch in the P,Iills Estate. F,Irs. Cohendet stated that she would undertake to find out the present attitude of the elerentar, school board in regard to allowing the library trustees to purchase a site on their property at the corner of Quesada and Truesdale. Pair. Edwards requested a complete summary of the previous action taken in regard to the proposed branch, and all agreed that this summary should be incorporated in the minutes of the next meeting. NUN BUSINESS Cooperation with the Elementary School. The Librarian stated that IIr. Nhite had a,-,reed to szb iit- to re Curr_culum Committee any plan we might devise for the use of library material to forr_2 a semi-permanent classroom or library collection in the local elementary schools. Friends or the Library. It was moved by Iilrs. Cohendet and seconded by '-`r. Edwards �h .t the rr%enas of tle Library be recp ested to form a committee who would cooperate ti^,-ith the library in furnishing of books to shut-ins. ADJOURNMENT After considerable discussion on various other library problems, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Mir. Edwards, seconded by Peer. Cargill. P, weeich ly submitted, J � Cierk of the Board MDRARIANIS 1WPOR OCTOU 10, 1957 CI CJL1iTIOJ ; Soptoribor 1050 - 100700 Septorlbor 1057 - 10,772 An incroase of 5 porconte The circulation in 1351 was 1S,051. Tho Soptorl-bor 1057 circulation reprosonts a 33.1 percont incroase ovor that of 1051, and a population incroaso of 55 porcont. Our nei hborin library cauurin4; t?la period f'rori 1051 to 1050 oxpariQnced a 1G.3 porcont incroase in circulation, t73tl-i tho advent of tho noir branch .in the Hillsdale area thoir circulation incroasod 14.1 porcont last yoar, or a total incroase Prow-i 1051 to 1057 of 3007 porcont. Proportionatoly, houovor, our circulation has incroasod in rospoct to population Orovith to a ruch -roa,tor de3, roa than has t'zairs. Po, r C&Ata Ciro. Circ. Ineroas© 1051-57 Population Inc 1051-57 Durlin arao 11.6 33.1 porcont 11 portent San iatoo G.2-4, 30.7 n 55 " lationally 4.4 Tho Librarian visitod Santa Cruz Public Library, noting methods of claraln;; out boots for school use; and apoeial factures of tho r-u.sic library., ,-.eoeorcl collection, acid listonin- room* 11 iaootin3 of library onocutivon folloviod at loatoroy Public Library. Sone of tlzo nattors considorod worn; au.Z.;-iontin;; library publicity by using Orintod postors for tho Non Carnelian radio boo', review proGraan; r1tL:in tapo rocordiaZo of taa:L thor-of-'olio-rionth broaucasts for library and spocial Spoup uso; a auLiu_aov read:+iV cooperative pro joct frith tho State Dopartmont of natural Roaouwcos fttrnishin- frog boolcnarl`s, uonborship cards, badges, postors, and roar in; cortificatos to libr€arios Tho r:aootin� closod with a panol of libvaviansstt�; ;3sti1�� --iothods ' of stiL'ulating rosadina activitios of library st€zffs in ordor to davolop tool:-contored intorosts. aho Librarian also attondod a r:ootin— of librarians in Palo Alto and a l rionds of tho Library uootin in San t''rmicisco, alon with attendi:Z tho California "pool: Club opon house in houos of tho hard Richio Prose. At theso tuo nootin-s ho was accorapaniod by I:iss :orna Parr, tho not fiends of the Library Prosidont. FRO.-.11 U= JJVDIIIL D',.Pf-RV=i L : (Soptenbor 10 - Octobor 10, 1957) :.Ira. Foltz, Childron's Librarian, attondoc? the Association of ChilCronts Librarians of ="orthorn Califorx-da nootin,, Soptor bor 13, 1057 at tho San Francisco Public Library. Th-' a ;roup r?ootu ovory X?onth to Clacuss and hoar roviotts .von on tho noir ehilclr©n t o boolta. 1w so rian books aro published in the Pall, tho nest riootin SJI AIS' 0 v:�:a' I 'I Arr 'G �c� P al'o� 3 �; _TCII PRAI�z the first nontl.on of a branch. for tlio !'-ills :_.'stato aroa was natio durin- La tolo,)hono convorsation botrroon Andy Byrd and the librarian around 1052. Tho librarian had boon asl:od by -:re D'yrd to try to obtain a facsinilo of tho Con• stitzit%on and tho Bill of it ztc, _t tic c end of the convorsation ";r. ''yrd said: "Paul, havo yrni dono tiny thiii�3.n;; about a brai}ch for tho —illo :otato?" The librt--wian ro_)lioC that ho had tliou,,;ht about it but t-tat n,;Ofr iontion had boon riat'o of tho :w.ttor by anyono on tho board. ":r, ;;yrd stator: that ho thou rlt tho boa •c should bo in to thin, about tho ,problerie LI.Drdlrff DOAK ACTIO-11: 105-'.1 Tho First forr"ial ciscussion too r placo at tho library board nootin,,, on -MLE 1Gth, 10340 J"JLY: Board ap�)ointo(l coi.za ttc;o concistir_- of . ::r. ics,nocr, Iir. DXirns, and tT Tibrarian to InvootiL:oto tiro poscibilitias of a nate branch. Furthor cisaass:i.on by board, �ui� .* ` ::r, r ic?.nor ro;)ortod that ::r. Byrd had ::gado soz.o invosti3a- tionscovoiin-; tI)0 lot. ITOv.;::.: �Ii: Lib-rarimi said that ho had contactod ''s. Dyrd who roported th«t ho had sm.o disc? ssimm witl1 tho dovolopor of tl:o :Ills ',statQ tjIib stat0c� tho octatc Would soll tho library a lot at cost. DI:C-I 3E,R; ::re riclazor roquosted tho librarian to obtain a °tritten st,:.tw, n x--ro;i :3•, Lyrd conccrnin- his invosti-ation into a branch site, 1055 JAI-RUXLY: 1kirthor di aaasion'T)y board; tho librarian eras aslmd to dot a writton s -atafiont from I-re Byrd as to his Flans. APRIL: I:rs. Johnson told board sho had riot frith' t3.io Plarmin- Con- �—i.Iission, ._r. -Karr mid i:r. 1611aYu7, to discuss a nossiblo site; sh© ro-oortod that :ir. Uioconbcr,, could purehaso a lot 70 x 110 at cost fro_I his a6ppanye Tho boavd coi-viloutod at tIAs, tiro that thoy d:'-; d not Irish to trJ:b a stand as* td whothor or not thoro s'_loald bo = additional branch, but that tho city council should rza':o trio docision. MAY: T.Ir:. Johnson roportod that :ir, LI ll•+000nborr' eras holdin- a lot for trio fibrav� board; tho board a,rc;od to view tlio lot aur? su'u::3t its rocozI_:Zonda-W.ons to tho city council. ITOG .:L_T,: i:rs. O.iayor stator' that ac tLorc Moro no funClo In tho bud:;ot, thorn could loo no finalacin�; of a branc'i at that tit:10. D�:3:P: roard vocoivod a lotto frorl tllo a rlinsaa-.o Civic InProvoi.ient Club 0;ZPI-I0s3nL; tho idoa that a branch shoulcl be locatoc in tho :Alls atato axva; ::roe IIarriaon and :;<�s. Cohcndot atatoC that thoy boliQvo(: fro should acquiro a site; board pj)ointod co-r-Littoo of ire Crosby and iI-. Darns to invostir-at©e 1050 FIZITJAWL : Lire Crosby _'ol)ort-d-d unt ho had not frith 1i1°. i iii; of the Trousua ooril)rr1y. I:ARCI.: Lire Crosby statcC that ho had riot YrIth Ise Whito and I.r. IL-An1 and t •zoy t;ould i.xot a a:i.n; ho ac.c_od that Cuporintondont .','Into eras eseito ontl-rasiastic about tho possibility of a library branch boin- loca.tod oil tho school ;rounds, APML: 1:;1,9 Crosby roportoc that thoro was soi.io confttsion about the lot. 1. A lottor was recoivod frori the TrousCalo Corporation statins thatloy had sot asido a lots ::re :-',00r-o 7:aruz, attoudin;; the library board " ,00tin.; at Vaic tit:ao, pointod out that tho lot was too s3 X11• ho folt that the 1--.�011001 locution would bo uoro dosirablo. J-Ji.+: Board passod a rocolution of intont to Purchaso c oito for a brarT"' lL3 ado 2 - Suz--t.lary of -Vonto -'^.l4ttinU to pro"'Osod i3ranch L iJ?'al"Y 105G conttd AuCJS1: A lottor vas road`3�ro"'E zo 0 onontar7 school board oxprossing, thoir i'nto:1—Nt rain thoir vri?li noss to cooporato in tho soloetion and acqui- sition of a sito; a copy of tho proviaasly rlontionoO r000lation, along 1r1th a lottor stat?,, ; tho board vrishod to c oncludo an a-roor_ont vit- the school CI strict in tUs ro�rrd, was sol,.t to tho board of trustooc of tho olo' .oaltary school district. :a.'. Lochich ro-r?ortod that ho had ::lot with � r. �t r;lll and ins roc i�oc. the �rOPOSO s tos; It vas notes that Vile lot across froze the intoe, --IOC!Llto school Cid not soon to bo t.C:oquatoe ,;JV a"11 IR: ilrae Harrison statod that cho aa-lc? tho libraxlan had eallod Oil Scluzoidar, tho pro,oast ropr000ntativo of tho TrousC:alo Cm--„zany, Mid vaa'ious sitoo yore di-sc+zs:od; a.'. Gcluzoidor had said that tho TrousCalo Coi-vpany no len:-;or holt: )ro )O1"ty on Cho lovrar portion of Traasdale Avomo; the librcx'ian r ddod tlm t ho haa(- a CLL-, tocussion with ate. Constantino who believod that a cite rri j t bo availoblo on tho southoast cornor of the olomentary school proporty; tho librarian had discutisod this su-1pation u3th ',r. MAte who said that ti_o school architect meas in tho proeosa 'ox' re-d©sl pin- the buildings and vo-loe tin::, thom. MC':=LRt Tlio librarian roportod Lifori_iation had boon vocoivod thwt tho nov OTO—no}a cry ochool Trac to faro on it,)usCalo, and that vary little foot traffic um ld actually mass on ()aosada; thoroforo the site botimon tho intor- riodia,te d.'lia olonontai-y schools LioUld not be ob jocti onablo. 1937 JAITJARY: I.re 2dwards eras appo nt-c ' ehairna,a of the colmAtteo for ,)roctu'o .on of a sito, roplacing :"r. Fara'ia. s. `:,dvrards roportod that leo had rzot vrith t7?o" librarian'and Vioviod EEO pro posod site; boa:-,d C ooided that ::,x,* LdvarCA acid tho librarian Should rogaoct a mooting, v ith 1.1r. :7hito. i',TULI: Board roga-stud that a lottor bo vritt©n to the school board con,” .run tho coav©rsat-,on of :re -11iito, i r. �CuarC_s and I:r. Lochiolie JORIL: At a spoeial nootin3 :r. Duma, chairumi of the olor ontary school- soca d, sconod adm-umt about tho leaso of any land to tho library boaixl; tho other school trustoos voro not as positivo aiid somoc, r oro viilling to coo;.)orato e it was a; ood to avalt for Arturo dovelopLiont of Mans by the arclAtoct boforo C.ocision vrao dada. �JJl:1;: Tho sito at tho cornor of Clarisso mid Chzosada vas roloasod. SIT MLT, board notod that tho city council has: failod to incl.iuo any Aln(f 3 Tor - 10 purchase of a branch situ. CITY OF DURI I'r:GAI.M LJDG:'.1T I�I?�: UIi`'"JI •v - � ,. _.lam j 1 S To DQ a 3- uzI3'oE ralance Iontf2 Allo ranee aotQl 3•1 Salaries 42946.50 17,578.16 5G,432,00 382913.84 1I-11 Sup-'Aies G0.50 257.20 000.00 042*74 :1-1.2 Printin,- �: Postace 49.x!5 325.0�'� 1,0£30,00 754.00 E-13 Lilt, _Ioat Powor Wator 100.32 607,,14 2,200.00 19712900 U-14 Toleniiono 27.05 115.47 400,00 204.53 I.1-10 nl.d-. Grounds Rainton€noe -••--- 039.09 29300.00 10300.91 I,T•17 T,00lts �. Ttt�s 1,219,73 3#39045 1103313,00 79041.35 I-17A PQriadicals 22.31 210.45 000.00 300,55 4- 171; �l idin 134.05 213.32 2,200.00 1,900.18 i:-10 Convention 7.00 7.00 125.00 110,00 :1-10A Auto Alloviance 21000 22 a Gl 125#00 102 819 TI-20 Duo to Library Aasoaiationa115.00 115.00 I •20 Contracts 103000 771.00 2,400.00 lOG20*40 Total before ealarics 190,meo0 00755.33 230703.00 , 171027*07 Total actor Salrarios 6,791.38 . 24,333.49 £300275.00 550941.51 �� r� n 1f roJ t: JJ "J1L i 1 iL ii Lj 7�.. t .. "a RC J J..�ii11 0i: - Q�.ti1 t�.�7.anoll 1i007.:D: Adult o1--l•Fiction n905G. 1)04 Child i?on-Fiction 0All 772 Adult Fiction 50377 1,041 Child Fiction 12G71 1,140 Total Dool: Cirev.1ation 130445 40845 Periodicalst 770 770 330 530 Total Doolm (. Periodicals 1:902937 5 Total Dranch: Circulation 5 375 Total "Dranoll Erin 1'�;UL3 Phano:;Paph izlocorda t IV.: 174 grand Total Circulation Bain Branch -----_-.•-tl�� (135G: 1139790) Daily Avora3o for :Iain: 500 Daily .Avora: o for waneh: 234 Total Dally Avora3e Circ-alation 024 rzCTI STRAT101 is Adult Child Total Honborahip &az;.tst 31, 1057 703'2 2,367 9,703 Additions Soptmribor 275 62 337 Witladvatials Soptcubor 234- 70 304 total Ro strationa as of Sclite__bor 30, 1057 7,303 2,350 %7,..2 ACC ySIO S A-:D V111'-IDPLLIAM OF DOOK 35NOX '- AS Of Grand 3-31-x57 Addod Caneellod Total Adult 1-.on-Fiction 500025 115 2 00003£3 vUld iron-Fiction 9,913 73 - 90,OGG IIS ;on-Fiction 923 0 2 927 Adult miction 270300 04 33 2703G7 IIS Fiction 2s 020 ata 1 210-03 Child fiction 9,200 120 - 9,400 Total. ,wool; Stook as of Sontonbor 30, 1957 1100273 4GG 30 110'701 Ilot Incroaso i n Fool: Stocli: M. (Includod in abot=o fi wos: 26 ;:Efts and 236 now titlos. ) Pm_tohlots adc?od: 60 PFugphlots Cdsom dod: - I;aps addod: 2 Phonoy-;ra.it 110cords -Clod: 10 (1nolit dos 10 "note titlos ) Pllouo�a.)h Rocords discardod: 30 MPOSIT VIITI: CIT.i TrLI .Sji'>i:F i Iain u GrJ7e21 .,ranch 14G O30 Total Doposit B.`.