HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1957.11.26 7IiiJT S OFF THE MEETING OF THE BURLIidGAI,T] PUBLIC LIBR`iRY BOARD OCTOBER 10, 1957 Trustees Present: Airs. Harrison, Prirs. Cohendet, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Edwards Trusteos Absent: -r. P.00dy Iri-N T ES The minutes of tle previous meeting of September 19, 1957 were read and approved. ,iir Edwards cornented on their completeness. BI LLS On a motion by Mr. 'duards and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, bills in the ar.aant of `;'l,f were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY r II.A NCIAL STATE''':E tT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OFD BUSIT-iESS Now Branch. The summary of events relating to the proposed branch library was j discussed. Irr. Edwards moved that the report be included in the minutes, seconded by airs. Cohendet and passed. Mrs. Cohendet stated that several of the elementary school board members were favorably inclined to have further discussion of our proposed bunch. It was agreed to invite the school board to our next meeting. EIe erre School Coop -- --- - r,. The librarian said that due to pressure of time. a�»s-,7ste o.� `cn�sin oazt library collections to schools had not been set u.a,; but that future talks were to be held with the curriculum committee of the elementary scl.00ls. Ie also stated tnmr -#1 the offices of a ;good Friend. of the library, 'rs. Stez s, the childrents librarian was workin,- on a cooperative a_;reement with the parocniaZ „c-.00ls in establishin a school room collections. "o--mani cations. A letter _r^^rem t r. Cargill concerninn; his resi.-nation -Prom. the oa a, Ana e 7pr s ,in his regretwas read. On a mot!on by Mr. Edwards, and seconded. b7 I''rs. Iarrison, the secretary, was directed to send a letter of a );redia_ tion to be si ,ned by all Trustees. __ Appolntmiient of Senior Librarian. A letter from the Civil Service Co_iii ssi on appz a sing, the 1 oard that T,.r. �,ickliffe had been approved for axrooi ntr;ent. The libra,ian vias asked for his recommendation. He said the appoints^.ent ;;let ti„i tl,, his approval. Convention. Mrs. Harrison stated that sne and Ir,rs. Cohendet were planning; and a iad.e _oservations to attend the C.L.A. Convention in Fresno as Trustees of the uUl'11ngaire Library. After considerable discussion re:'ardinri-; convention expenses of oars members, cur ,, ti,lich it was brouE;ht ,out that Irirs. Cohendet was elected- Vice President, President Elect of the Trustees Section. It was moved by Gr Edwards that ? rs. Cohendet ane? I;rs. Harrison attend the C.L.A. Conventicn at.Fresno e 2 - "J-iuLes Oct. If", 1 ,1�7 -ruses .e.. of t ,e librar-T and thni; the 0--penses to paid un to amount 6f 50 9, -rustec, seconded by 12s. Harrison. On the question "rn. Col,.-"n,�et 'r-e'ncLr,0nt,-, to, t1re orl-.1roo.1 Tnotion: (1) t-s- t the notdon be ta�,Iecl for stuly in re7ard to nest year; (2) that t'le pra7,a portion of s (3) that allov,-,nce of ln .tewl of 50 be r1"hc f1r7t Zrotion 1"-F-s obi ,lectod to, as the it.7,oard felt they, wonld rather Ocnl Tfl-t!) one rement at a tine and not sot un any procp-,,�.ent, ac evc*,i -Port-,ect shonlr� be dealt vl-tly' on its own basis. lotion 2 and 3 failed as the feelln- was tlr,at no MI S I. .00 1701<li'- Use. tl--.e snount allotted unless it was necesclarT. A roll (',Ill vote vmc- asi-ed for by -Ir. Edwar:';s; the, chaim-can called for tn.o roll cv..�l voLe v.-,ac recordec', as follorms 1�70s: Cohordet, 1rr. Crosby, 11-7-r. Ms. parr]Son Foes: Wne Absent: Ean Yoody On -a v-,otiozz by Mr. dwards, seconded by ',rs. llarr.f.son, instl-ucteC' the librarian to ruteJ-1 the cc�mvcntlon at anc,�' to submit his o_xpers,,-s. JACIUAV AT On a r by, ��rs. Farrison, kie moetir , ?"los aC-journod. Ra,spevt.fvil3,7 subritte�.:-, r �j A VO4 11 p; Le so ch Clods of the Poard. LEDITUMMIS F`aIPORT UMM.TMR 250 1957 \--*1RC UL,ATI OT:d: Thou ja tho W.17 -av4raJo was loss than la.a t guar, the over-all circulation Via's 4 porcolat heater dl?ri n--,, tyle nonth of October than it was dar3b•" th4 sm.ie3 rionth of last year. The libraaAan atte dod thea Fresno o.onvention of the California Library Asaociat:Lon. The fi,_­et moetinJ of tho Foain ula. Ubrarian.s I Group was held at tho Swa 111,ateo Public Library aa.Zd the various proSects under progress by the -"'oups ti ore a ira rizedo it rias decided to �4 thirteen copies of the Union Catalog of R©ferenoo Doo2,a, sufficient for each meLber institution, An zitrai nine course in interiiadiate refere�100 work was also planned. The librnryan could not attend this Lonthts Bioeting of P.L.L~.C.C. because o, ot1�r aor.—MI tmonts. It is to be hoped that a auumary of the discussions upon systems will be Rade available for study. .Each library partici- pating 1 n the panel were to surae rize their exporiences with. the diffaront s-s;e �.s in use at their respective librariea a 1Z:;C OPu5 ,Zhg Du.rlinza':so Lions Club's gift of over C300 worth of phonoZr aph records has rosulted. in a rano- ed interest iri our collection® It seems as though n® r°t�,er hoer ; any L.P. 's we have available, they arenee;rly always out in . �. cir?ul.a.t_lon. Tho increase in ciroulation is pronounced even though they have care- boon o-at a few days, In. th© month of Septo ibex°. 174-records were circu- 1 _t._}c'., in Oct,bor 304:, and thus f a'^ 2 33 {kT4v Tiber 21st ) Laat year we were c.;--roalating: Septa lber 50 - October 117 - UoveLber 132. Thoso were single rocor d8 `fig r.i ame, YrUlo cost of those in alrcrla.tion now are L.P., which ';a the squ'ival.oa t of at least 18OOO of the old 7819. Mkj 01.T �T, J J��ITi41 AEP_U.Tr. T t: (Octobor ltd - s,oveubor 21, 1957) Tho, sevon.th 3radc class of T.Ire Euneta.t at the Lurlin; a.ne Intermoaate S&.1001 visited the library i?ov. 1,. 1157. The use of the reference materials '.a the adult refovorc© room. was e^rj)lained by _.ss. Foltz. The ::�ori .n of _:ov. 5, 1957 yea spe?zt at the Our racly of 11ra;-els School by 'Trsa Foltz, Mho va.sited each class fron ;rade one through six# talking Of }a NT r'all chy?dren's boa1ta ard hole to Jet a card in the Durlin mie Publis IM.Ursrq. The ai;hth and soventh made cl.a sos of Cn.Lr Lady of. An rol:s School visited they :aston Drive Branch Library on !Toven.ber 7 and T overODer 8 in the morninVj gs, Hiss Sinex exolainod the use of the library to the grouped Many new card hol.deps from ih1s soup of children was a result of the efforts of _the .two librari anal. T;ov. 13, 19570 i.Trs. Foltz 'vi sited the school, for cerebral- palsied children at EI Portal-du Sol in San j:ateo., She put on her, puppet shoe for the entire �oupo and shot:=ed the pup ,ots and a little of hoer to work them. The children v'o a puppet stage and are Join;, to use hand puppets themselves and the teaches %*-- "ted Vlia . to s©o a prograu done by someone else. The ei3hth grade class (50) of St. Catherine's School visited the library 'bv. 15, 1057. A -diagrau of the library and a separate sheet telling ghat was Faze 2 T�.bva !An l s i?Qport ITov, 250 1957 M.7SUOT-.:a OTUVEI=2 DLPT, Cont id. availa',10 in ti-e library was prosontod to each pupil. They, then drat tho two to ct' av and leranod vhcro to find things in the library. rffnis was presented byFoltz, aid pro-Tod to bo t o most sucaossfal of any pro,,Prai_1 give* n to €� cZ .su. is3_t .rhe the :ibrary in socio tirla.. a'rs. Foltz Vinitae. -i�aC,:cs one throujh savor at St. Cather'noIs School ':cvc; bcr Ino 1057. Sho slurred tor! boolai for boys and irls just publishad, a C 'Aa.gC c� t li`rary card a�y:'.icut�.ons a sh�se P€�roc��ial schools are very to hear abaut boot:s, a-ria are Mae nost avid of our library users, this is bcccuse thwr do not hlavo school 17 brarlO» in their schools. Ci. ,o ve bor 2, 1957, axi ei&..t weell', sossion ow a Cl.i.la=onas s,or!.shop on bo3an i:1iootinl- at tho Darl'i i 33—.10 Pab1iC Library. 1'5218 wory:- slio l idoa of sono pa:onta 'irI1Q felt Vne nooC two s 3asor scot Otilir2- croative .for y-o-,ani -hildren the a�3o of two1,Tam it has been succes^Pil in that the at"Lozdance has boor. around tho t e;ity oach session € 1. ,,� t...n nan s-cripts .�uc:.�. iihVcras �.T interest has 'JiS.'Joon s1lm tbds o.--p '.Y'i ent by the local paporso or.�. Atta—.1-iod to MUs is a writaa-up th-t ts.e Som Ilateo i3_.cs ps.per ran illov. 100, 10570 iron tl.4 s, ty a Sa,", Francisco Call-Dulletin boc%ao interested. They will bo an articl o in the near :["uturo. SubrLitted by Erna o 1.1ary Jana Foltz Children's Librarian PiE VITT. R©spectfully subLAtted GQor again I,oahieh, Librarian CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE �r _s .. ._ ._... _..,. Die �cT�A ►' . lanae Month _. _u Alloxans Total S-1 5alariea 4,652.71 22,230.87 569402.00 34,261.13 1i-11 Supplies 76.62 333.00 900000 566.3.2 M-12 Printing Postage 128,13 453017 10080600 626003 11-13 TA311t, neat Potaer & .later 144.05 631019 2$200600 19 560,81 1.1-14 Talepdione 41,83 157.35 400*00 242065 11-16 Bldg, Grounds ITaintenance 90761.3 1.0846.22 29300000 453.78 U-1.7 B0*1m L Uapa 10733.43 59135@OS 118355.00 60202092 M.17A Periodioals 35.15 254.6+0 600,00 345040 .1-17B Binding, 126042 340024 20200.00 10830076 L I1-1.9 Convention 61.25 601,25 125.00 56.75 a�-lVA A-alwo Allowance 5,84 28,65 125,00 9G035 M-19T Truste3a 30.$3 30*3830.38 fi-20 Thies to Library A saociationS 115000 115.00 11-23 Contraots 100.00 961060 20400 o OO 1,;433.40 Total before Salpries 394.05,28 109240.01. 239783 c 00 139 542®39 Total after Salaries 80137.99 32,471.48 80,.275,00 47,803.52 STATISTICS FOR OCTOI3— 1957 ^7RCULATIOIi: Bain Branch I300ke: Adult loon-I'iotion 69012 1, om Child iIon-Fiotion 10275 856 Adult Fiotion 6,403 2,133 Child Fiction 1ijG75 Total DoaL Circulation 150305 50326 Poriodicals: 9G7967 602 602 Total. looks (d Poriodicals �.v.�".. 00333..'._ _.e._. 50,30 Total Drai�aki Circulation 0 Total Lramoh C� ISain 2202M Phonograph R000rds: 300 300 Grand Total. Circulation Ilain C�. Dranoh �' 3,5511 (1950; 2106 04) Daily Avova a for Ilain: 594 Daily Avora a for Draii0h: 220 Tata D Avera a Circulation: $r4 R^GISTRATIOlIS e Adult Child Total Ilenborship S©pteubsr 30, 1957 7,8 2,359 93742 Additions October 297 75 372 Withdrawals October 226 70 304 Total R© istrations ac of October 3 19;07 V,454 2.356_..__. 9.881.0 ACMUSSIONS ITTIDRAtdUL X D0011 S` 0CM, As of Grand 9-30-57 ,Added Cancelled motal Adult -1Ion-Fiction 601038 .234 2 60,270 Child iron. Fict-i'on 00986 79 10 100,055 IIS !Ion- iction '927 21 1 -947 Adult Fiction 27,93G7 192 04 270,465 IIS Fiction 23,063 76 30059 CUld Fiction 105 ..5 ...oma 50�? Total DooL, Stoe�, as of October 31, 1057 1100,701 707 112 11.1.0,296 "Tot Increase in Dock Stoop: 595 Included in above—f:116,— as4*-33--,,'1 q and 450 now titles. , n7 0 Y11 t1wu Aceassioned Discarded Total Collootion Oct e 157 '�. -► 5 AdLxlt 10£3£3 26 44 175 913 2G 44 Child. 71 Grsmd TotalCol.l.ec�t oi� r.�,� 175 913 97 44 of RLaardin-s 1 229 175 1,454 Pamphlets added: - P&Luphlota d1z carded: 30 IIa s added,: - Drn sl�= y7ly CITY TIiP.�'�s IM: � Hein ; 499s0a I ranah 126©27 Total, napooitI. � �. I __�._