HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1958.01.13 %dIT aTJTFS OF THE ME'E',`T_NG OF TI E BLTRLING'Al.,1113 PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MECL: IBsER 19, 1957 Trustees tre3�rit r a--rison, s. .COh.endet, IIx Crosby, 11r. Edwards, !.Ioody. Also p^esent City _.anarer Charles Schv alr:. and City Attorney Darress Karmel. ii)-.Tu UTES The mi Mites of the previous :leeti nof Ilover'_ber 25, 1957 Were read and approved. BI%1.1.,LS On a motion by r. .00dy and seconded by T,rs. Cohendet, bills in theanZDunt of '2,12z. 4 Were orderedpaid. TTRnan— ITIS RETORT the Librarian's report Was read and accepted. FINANCIAL STATE NT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. MD BiUSiN SS Source of Funds for Stacks Extension. The Chairman, 1;r. Crosby, welcomed the ..itT�—�T Tanager IT. Sc!_v;aim and the City Attorney, 'sIr. Karmel. A letter from Councilman morgan was read expressing his regret in not being able to attend the meetin.~ and expressing his views as to how best to yet the addition to the library built. Hr. Karnel, referring to his Written opinion in regard to the a:::biguity in the State law appertainin,g to sixth class cities, stated that he believed this could be settled by court action. Mr. Schwalm stated that the City Cour_cil wished his opinion as to the need of the addition, and requested his a-,tendance at the library board meeting in Order to discuss the Board's request for a bond issue for ,r60,000. After considerable discussion, the consensus of opinion seemed to be that Er. Karmel follow through on Iii s suggested plan of action to clarify- the ambi, ,i y in the law, and that the City Council withhold the presentation of a bond issue at this time subject to s.�ch clarification which, if favorable, would allow an increase in the library tax ei cher to b,.iild the extension in toto or in part and, if the ,.-rt case °;�s not favorable, a bond issue could be submitted at a later date. Wo V ole Na.-1.ke.. Branch Site. 11.7rs. Cohendet stated that there was little to report, but that a`let r eaouldt be written recnY est nsy, a rneeting TJith the �I e.__entary Scl-ool Board after t'n_s next meeting. The 3oard unarlimo _sly moved to chan7e the next meeting date to ;rodnesd,ay, aria"y B 1258. On a notion by 11r. :';moody, seconded by 'rs. COn.endet, the ,neet'Ln'r, was adjourned. R C fwViyy si:.bs.�i tted, P. ecnlch Clerh of the Board LIDRAMAITIS IMPORT J1:?UAFa 13, 1958 CIRCULATI OTt: Theusual Christcias vacation decrease in circulation was noticeable but, deapite the .decr©asq the month of December shows a 1098 percent increase in circulation over Decembw 195G. The increase over the same mor.'hof December 1950 was 37.7 percent. SA1M, The librarys tlzrou4 h the good offices of T.Tr. Cohsndet., purchased a gory satisfactory small safe, YdU ch has boon bolted to the floor in the librarian's office. This should avoid any future losses of sums larger thm-i the eua.11 a-acunt unavoidably left outside the safe. l�t1�7;O11:S I'ROI? T1 JUVIiIILIa DLPI�RTI 1: (Doc®ober 19� 1957 - tannery 13, 1958) ',.ss. Voltz attended the meeting of tho Children's Librarians of Uorthorn California at the Sart Prancls co Publics Library Ta=ar7 9, 195£30 This meeting eras devoted to reviews*of the neer children+s boots. BIM OP LIDIi&RIAU13 IMFORT, Respectfully subtAtted,, Goor p Paul Leehich, Librarian CITY Or T3t7RI+IIGA1:?E BUDGET EXPEIIDITUM l OF W= low TE18 To Diu Budget Minas T Zonth Al I OM"ae Total S-1 Salaries 42821.56 31,705.45 500492.05 2.4,786.55 71.1.11 Supplies 3G.85 425.58 900000 474442 U-12 Printin3 PostaGa64.54 679.64 10.080.00 4,00.36 Li. t, Heat Pori©r hater 1013.06 1,010.06 20200.00, 1,189.14 U-14 Telephone 27.52 ` 218.32 400.00 18106B ;:-1G Bldg. Grounds Maintenance 12.36 10892.36 2v300.00 401.64 U-17 Boole w T1aps 585.48 68902 053 11,,338.00 40.435047 `,.,,,17A Periodioala 3.00 304.05 600.00 295.35 1.1-1713 Dindin� 93.01 550.03 28200.00 10641.17. . N-19 Convention 68.25 125.00 56075 11-19A Auto Al lowance 34.40 125000 90.60 .1-19T Trustees 30.38 430,38 t1-20 Duos to Library Associations 20.00 61.00 116000 54.00 11-21 Stolan funds 31.73 mm -31.73 11-28 Contracts 190000 10347.40 28400.00 18052.60 C-90 Capital Mq)encditures 30.37 00.37 100000 . 19063 Total before Salaries 19231.25 130040.30 23,333.00 100236070 Total after Salaries 61102.81 45,351.75 80,375.00 35,023.25 ='iP.i .7... Z D—] II !� 13 7 RC-tTIATTOiT: Hain Dranch DOolts: Adult Iron-Pi otion 50504 343 Child ITon-Pi:etion . 042 705 Adult Fiction 10769 Child Fiction 1,621 973 Total Booh Circulation ■�' 13,313 � 4,398 P©riodidals: 700 106 500 500 Total I o.oke Z. Poriodioals 1A..'P019a Total Bran0h Circulation �4 890 Total Brcuich Z. Hain � Phonogvaph Records:" 532 532 Grand Total Circulation i:iai.n L": Branch ..■.�.r�'190M (1956; 17*549) Daily Avora o for 217ain: 551 Dai ly' Avo ra< a for Branch Igo Total Daily Avorage Circulation: REGIST ATIOITS: Adult Child Total ,,e�_3�or `iovor�bor 30, 196'7 *�; pf '�,' Additions Deoember 198 35 233 Wittidrawala D©oeraber 156 30 194 Total Ra istrations a' o of Dacebor 31 1957 7854G 2 355 9 901 Ac'CESSSOiTS & IMUILDRAWALS OP BOOK STOCK: As of Grand 1-30-57 Added Oancelled Total Adult iToa-Fiction CDs,317 `r 194 G Child %Ton-Piotion 10,101 76 - 10,177 US Non-Flotion 050 11 - DID Adult Fiction 27#562 34 2 2700" IIS Fiction 30,COG 34 1 3,099 Child Fiction 02,545 38 1 9,580 TotalBoor Stock as of _ Deeeriber 51, 1957 1110740. 407 5 11201,50 ITet Increase in -Book 8toolt,: 402 Included in above fi es: 42 Gifto and 279 IT= Titles. RECORDINGS: As8 of 11-30-57fi�- i� Accessioned715 ..03 Dc ^is�ar"dadd3'� �Gr`u'75 'n�d3Tote! 75 ;M■...� �.s.rrr.� ..nnr ti.■r. �.■rrr rrr+ rr� +.......■rr ..r■ r.r.r ..■..+■s Adult 60 26 48 128 w •, - 10094 20 . 48 Child M 155' M - - - - 155 Total Record Stock as of . 12/32/57 1 135 128 --- 1 325 PaW ets a de 37 P*aph.lets discarded: 1 Haps Added: Q e .r r ■ r \....aosIrm i, w Cma Tr=s'UIMR: Liam w 676.98 Branch ' 154*62 Total Deposit 831.60