HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1958.12.16-� AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD • METING OF DEC. 168, 1958 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: MUTES OF THE PREVIOUS I .A I-�G OF NOV. L8, 1958: BI LLS i LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: ULB BUSI€ SS t C OMWI I C,ATI ONS s Its BUSINESS: Discussion of the report of the "California Public Library Com n#.s aioe Appointment of Junior Librarian - Patricia Margaret Ber-sin ADJOUR PENT MlINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BJRLINGAZ:r PUBLIC LIBRARY BOAR]) NOV'V-!BER 18, 1958 Trustees Present; ,,qrs. Cohendet, Mrs. Harrison, ;;ir. Crosby, ,,1r. :,foody. Trastees Absent; rr. Edwards. MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of October 21, 1958, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by 11r. Crosby, seconded by 111r. Moody, bills in the amount of X3,372.58 were ordered paid. LIBRARIANS REPORT The Librariants report was read and accepted. TOUTHLY FINIMCIAL STATMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Stacks Fxtension - Selection of Architect. After a brief discussion concerning the emp oyment of an architect forthe stack extension and a short interview with :kir. horberg, the architect of the original library building, it was decided that considerable engineering expense would be rendered unnecessary if sir. Norberg were to be chosen as architect for the stack extension. It was then moved by Mr. Iloody and seconded by 11r. Crosby that iir. Norberg be retained at the 8 percent fee recommended by the American Institute of Architects as the correct fee for the construction of libraries and museums. The motion was carried. There was a general expression of commendation to Tor. N,orberg for the excellence shown in the planning of the present building which, after the passing of nearly thirty years, is still as sound and architecturally perfect as it was when first dedicated. The Librarian was asked to further contact the City Attorney and try to determine how soon the necessary court action would take place in order to expedite construction during, the most desirable time for subrassion of bids at their lowest figures. Branch Site, There was a discussion of our excellent reception at the joint meeting with the�Burlingame Elementary School Board which took place after our previous meeting. It was decided that a letter should be written thanking the Elementary School Board for their cooperation in retaining a site on the Benjamin Franklin School property for use as a branch library. ConventionReport. firs. Cohendet spore briefly on her induction as President of the Trustees Section of the CLP. She stated that this was the most enlightening and informative convention that she had ever attended. She commented briefly on the report of the State Library Commission, as presented at the convention, and stated that there was great interest in its recommendations. She stated that there was to be a meeting of the Public Library Executives of Northern California on Thursday, November 20th, at the 'Palo Alto Public Library which is to be devoted to discussion of the report. She asked that any trustee able to attend .do so. zJrs. Harrison indicated that she would be present. Pairs. Cohendet further stated that there was to be a hearing conducted by the Commission on December 12th in Sacramento concerning Page 2 - Board Mieeting Nov. 18, 1958 the implementin of the report, and that trustees and others interested are requested to attend if possible &Ie to the importance of this meeting. The Librarian stated treat copies of the seminary report of the Commission are available at the library. VIVs. Coherdet expressed her thanks at being a representative of the Board of Trustees to the convention. METI BUSTPMSS The Librarian reported that the Burlingame Lions Club has donated a $200 fund which will be used to purchase approximately :; 00 worth of records for the children and young people of our comrnanity. The Librarian stated that this will au.g'-Ment and replenish the many records purchased in recent years through the generosity of the Lions Club. This donation will also supplement and supplant those donated in the memory of :wren Lloyd by the American Association of University Women in February 1948, and the hundreds of 78 RPM records donated by many patrons of the library. On a motion by Iir. Crosby, seconded by r. Ttoody, the meeting was adjourned. Respectful) submitted, G. P. Lechch Clerk of the .Board IS BI ARIAU IS REPORT M''01�1 1311-,I3 1.5, 1958 "URCULATI OIt The circulation increased 5.3 percent over I;ovenber 1957, a..;: 12.4 percent over ? overaber 1956. The Sunday circulation for the past ton weeks has avera"ed 325 por Sanda-y. This is approxirzately one-half of the daily circu",.%tion, or over 100 per hour. It is quite possible that we should consider keU-':.nC the libral- open to 6:00 P.I.I. This would probably rectaco the traffic cor..-ostion at th© char inC dost. the voluno of roforence work on Sundays probably• Txou ld Justify one professional and one non-professional in attondaneo at the once desk. There is a large bac1 to; of reference connected `pork tis}ich cry: y".d keop those in attendance on Sundays busy Curing any slack period. TM,'1II GS ATTL,'T D:'D The Librarian attended the PLBCC neetin� in Palo Alto, which was devoted to an exposition of the report of the California Library Commission's survey. He also attended a neeting in San :`atoo on cooperative catalo,"Pin; practices, otc., and an all-day conference at the Oakland Public Library on doGrarents. The various city meetin-s were attended as usual. GIFTS An outstanding _,;Ift, by "-rs. Ilorman Royce Darke in the nerrory of her inzsband, of a very lame 12' x 101 Flemish tapestry of the early 10th Century, thou]it to be rrovon by the family of Van deer Bor ts, has been recolveds In an effort to determine its value the Librarian has contacted several experts " nit as yot has been unauccossful. It is Lnown that C.K.G. Dillinfgs paid X17,500 for the tapestry, but otherwise nothin- elso is La ovm of its history. It vili bQ hue; on the trap of the foyer to the left of the entrsnce door, therefore over the alcove. ::iinor repairs will be made to the ba=ciccin� natorial I E1. SILMIES FROU THE TJVI :ILB D:IPAI:T:II:i',T I.?rs. Foltz attonded the ,ioetin of the Association of Childrori 7 s Librar- ians of i arthorn California, Docoriber 11, at tho San Francisco Publ c Library. She had throe now juvenile books for orta.l. review. Iuip OF LIDEPT M'. IS MPORT espoctfully submitted, reorge Paul Lech:ich, Librarian CITY OF 1,119 l l *a JK u DLC1,�.MR This To Dato Dud et DQ anee 1 Ionth Allowance, Total S-1 Salaries 4,798.48 28,497.09 620220.00 33,722.91 I:I-11 Supplies 43.17 370.63 900.00 529.37 1I-12 Printing C-- Postage 37,81 996.21 10400.00 403.79 ,1-13 Limit, Reat Povror E. '. ater 193.20 890.48 20200.00 10309.52 .1-14 Tolephon© 26.87 202.83 450000 247.17 I1-16 Bldg. Grounds .:�ain.tenenoe 177.87 1,600.00 10 4, 013 .1�17 Boobs 1.11aps 920022 70063035 140000.00 6,9 "x;)065 7.I-17A Peri odloals 21.00 399.39 10000000 GD0.61 !I-17D z1 nding 386.29 l s 352.39 2,200.00 847.61 Convention 4.50 128.86 150.00 211:14 .0A Auto A.,; c anee 12.90 128.35 175*00 46,611 I -19T Trustoos 98006 125.00 26.34. I1-19P Porsonnel 11£3.34 125000 6.66 71-20 Dues to Library Associations -- -~ 121000 121000 TIa21 'Tisc0l .aneous 2029 33.49 100.00 66.51 U-28 Contrtolts 195.80 1,17$•40 20449.00 10270.60 D-80 Library Rosorve -- -•• 44,270.00 44,270.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures -# 10487005 10915,00 427,,95 Total ,,;ofore Salaries 10894.05 140626030 730160.00 580553.70 Total After Salaries 6,692.53 43, 123.39 135,400.00 92,276.61 i �' STATISTICS FOR i101UMER 1958 CI RCULATI Ota: 1 Books: Adult lion-Fiction 70173 10189 Child Ion-Fiction 10847 933 Adult Fiction 56591 20003 Child Fiction 2.483 141172 59297 Total Boolt Circulation 1706§4 Periodicals: 12010, �1,s.0.1�0. 568 568 Total Doors L": Periodicals 18,104TOM Total. Drench Cimilation 5 865 Total Bramh (.s Min Phono,7,raph Records: 392 392 Grand Total Cirmilation :lain Z, Manch 24,p3`� (1957: 23,119 Da°l ly Average for T.iain: 733 Baily AveraCj ge for Dranch: 244 Total Daily Average Circulation: '�17 R11GIST1V!TI 013S: Adult Child Total _Jem ors W-October 31, 19583'7 lz_*vm Additions Uovember 251 78 329 Withdrawals 11ovember 254 92 346 Total Re 3i strati ons as of i7overiber 30, 1958 7 934 421 1035 ACCI,SSIOT S E. I7:LTiIDPAI"fALS Or BOOK STOCK: As of Grand �..�_ 10-31-58 Added CancelledTotal Adult !"on-Fiction G2,� _=3 ' 6r-sum Child 17on-Fiction 109841 53 1 109893 iIS Tion-Fiction 1,055 7 1 1,06:1 Adult Fiction 280505 83 11 28,577 IT Fiction 3,295 11 -- 3,306 Cl-.dld Fiction 10 94 3 1 Total Dooh Stock as of iTovor_iber 30, 1958 1169437 493 24 116,90f Dot increaso in Booh Stocl:t 469 .Y Irzcl ®din t'o�vfl fi;�ur�as t .. 20 Gifts and 311 =low Titles. �j RE,ORDI7 is: As of 10-31-58 Accessioned Discarded Grand Total 45 3 Tr_T ® g"i 5 =_3T, "kms zlt 18,2 W =9 17 »- -74 �" :�' -- '�5 Cl-k.t ld -- 155 4040 4640 4040 4444 -- .i 4. -® -- 165 ae 135 Total 1Locorl Sto 01, a s cif 10571 21 19592 Pa:;qp1iets addo�t Paraphlots discarded: G3 =:apps discarded: 2 DEPOSITED `.,I TII CITY TRiZSJR R: dXin $ 84.5.82 Draneh 194.64 Total