HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1959.10.20 MIYUTES OF THE T:IEETING OF THE BURLINGA E' PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD October 20, 1959 Trustees Present; Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Harrison, Trustee Crosby, Trustee Edwards Trustee h?oody. MINUTES ,1 .Tues of the previous meeting of September 15, 1959, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee -Harrison, seconded by Trustee Crosby, bills in the amount of N X2,095.72 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAIT I S Rr'PORT 'i'he Librarian's report was read and accepted. t,iOVTHLX FI?TA_.;CI!�L STATE, T T e Financia statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BJSI]TESS Stacks Extension Progress. The Librarian stated that pouring of the concrete for the base�aent to the stacks extension would probably be completed by the week end. He also stated that Col. 'vorber, was r:_ost active in the supervision of all phases of the con- struction, and that the Contractor and lis foreman .n.iere very cooperative in every way. Record Rental. The Librarian read a report on the library record collection and the possi i cities of a rental library being established along the lines of Santa Barbara. The report has been included in the librariants report. It was moved by Trustee 'moody, seconded by Trustee Edwards, that a rental record collection, based on the Santa Barbara report, be instituted as soon as feasible, and carried. It was suggested that the Librarian contact the Lions Club and discuss the use of their gifts in this rental collection, with the emphasis that rental fees derived from records donated by their organization, be used to purchase additional records or replacements in their name. The information that the Lions Club had donated $250 for additional records, with emphasis on foreign language records for use in the schools, was enthusiastically, received. They also expressed their thanks for the continuous support the Lions Club are giving the Durlingarrie Public Library's Childrenfs Reading Program, and were pleased with their brochure "Growing up with Books" which will be distributed to the parents through the schools. C011-0NI CATIONiS The Librarian stated t'__at he had received several applications for the position of Children's Librarian as a result of the advertisements in various library media but, out of these, only one qualified. There was some discussion about this application_ and the Board indicated that they believed Celeste Tschekaloff would be an outstand- ing addition to the staff. The Librarian was instructed to pursue this matter further. NEW BUSINESS Telephone Booth at Branch. The Board agreed that a telephone boot'_ at the Branch Library could be installed at the discretion of the Librarian. Sacramento CLA Convention. The Librarian stated that Tars. Levering, Hiss '-Jarrack, TJr. kinney and he would attend the convention. Pres. Cohendet stated that she would attend, and Trustee Edwrards stated that he would be there Thursday night and Friday morning. The meeting, adjourned on a motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Edwards. R�sp�ecZ1(]]y ��u��'omi teed, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board