HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1959.02.17 TBINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAT•LE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD JAI?UARY 21, 1959 Trustees Present: T�Irs. Cohendet, Mrs. Harrison, Lir. Edwards, T:Ir. T.ioody Trustees Absent: ',Jr. Crosby T,JINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting of December 16, 1958, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by firs. Harrison, seconded by Trlr. },foody, bills in the amount of �2,366.73 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarians report was read and accepted. li!OIiTHLY FINANCIAL STATEI11,IiT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS The stacks addition was discussed, and the Librarian stated he was informed by Mr. Karmel that Mr. Harzfeld believes that by the middle of March the court procedures would be satisfactorily concluded and the project could be started. The library brochure proof sheets were examined and minor corrections made. The State Library Commission report and recommendations were discussed. Any action was delayed until a full Board is present. NEW BUSINESS Non-resident cards for non-resident Burlingame employees was discussed. It was brought out that this is the practice in most libraries, and that it was also the practice in this library until a few years ago. The Librarian stated that he did not believe there would be an immediate increase in the number of non-resident cards issued to non-resident employees. It was moved by .r. :Moody, and seconded by TIr, Edwards, that non-resident employees be issued non-resident cards, such cards to be issued only after the application blank had been signed by the applicant►s employer. The notion was carried. After a brief discussion of the possibility of establishing an internship for students presently registered or in between semesters in a library school, and its advantages for the library, it was moved by Ialr. Moody and seconded by 1 r. Edwards, that a temporary position of library internship be established - funds to be taken from the unexpended portion of the salary budget derived from the late arrival of the assistant librarian. AD JOURN"i.iET,TT on a notion by mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Boody, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board ,: LIBRARIANOS REPORT FEBRUARY 1959 CIRCULATION Cirmlation Increased 4.35 percent over the month of January 1958. MEE,rTNGS Ar-rE�T) The librarian attended two meetings of the Peninsula Librarians at San Mateo. The first rah-eting continued the cooperative books selection discussion with the enpEasis on cooperative cataloging. Mrs. Levering, our cataloger, also attended this meeting. It was decided that the 'head librariant weld meet at a later date and discuas possible costs, etc. The meeting was held and data sheets for cost analyzes ars being prepared. T'hae 11'.araris n, branch Librarian and library trainee attended the Oakland Public Lf-�irary pvnel discussion on the feastbility of teen-age co.I lecttons. It -vs Agreed that such collections se ®e n purpose, but- the desirability of special ors, except in large librmrle3, was doubted. Further meetings are to ,be held t�y this group. The 1.brarian ,attended the dinner gi y°en by the city council for the city NENISNOTOS �S THE JUVENILE DEPARTMENT A display in the glass cases in the lobby of the library is worth noting. The second ch!1d--0n9s book writter, by Mrs. Patricia Mile& Martin, called The Pointed Brush, is being published February 17, 1959. The book is published by lath rop,Lee and Shepard and illustrated by t:e well-known Illustrator, Ranger Duvaisin. Ma. Duvoisin was kind enough to send his original art work de =—nj copy of the book for display, and the childrer.Aa editor of Lothrop, sent two press s'ieets of the book. These are pages from the entire book as run off In a large sheet, before the pages are cut and sewed together. Mrs. Martin is the wife of Edward Martin and lives in San Mateo. She uses the Burlingsaw Public Library exclusively, and we are proud to herald her new Koko S Ivester Jones and the Voice In the Forest was her first book pub- lishRd In tobt�r, 195F3. It is &is* on display. Ms:3. Foltz attended the Founderas Day meeting of the Washington School F.T.A. ops Ypbruary 10. She was t2warded a Life Memberahia Iain at that P.T.A. several years ngo, EtM OF LIgBl#:ARIAN Q S REPORT Respectfully snub-mt tted, '�'' George: Paul Lechich, I.Lb- arltan OD" ak:RLTITME 1TUIXTE-71. L_XP Anowarice Total S-1 SsOksria3 51495.06 39,458.98 62*220000 22,761.02 Su I I e a 133020 615020 000400 284480 12 Pr'U..A Postace 167000 109,93,78 10400000 101.22 - JTGat 1?ovjor T_; `.Jater 209067 10283402 20200000 016,98 Tvlphcne 34o48 272,03 45000 177,97 1-1-10 "r,7unda 177.,37 lvGO0,00 1y422.13 11aps 972.09 901327,62 140000.00 4*072,33 *34 9 3L 0 603, 33 .x000¢00 306001 .4 1A Po- 1,6 LS n d I n 33,7.,57 10785,50 20200,00 U- 4.50 Ia:gR C,.)nvintnor 13206 150000 17.64 '-'-IPA kato _,%7.i..ovvPno.e M2 1-13,75 175.00 31025 71-10T 1j'.,n;.stocm 98066 125,300 26.,34 11-10P Porsonnel 12 *84 125400 3016 11-20 Draos to Library c ;.A a4". ns 61.00 121.00 60,00 11-1131 1 i o,c o I I a.n e ou s 33e49 100000 66c5l 11-28 C,nt. �?ac to a 195080 19564,20 20449,00 084,80 D-30 11brovy Posorvo 440270*00 44.0270o00 0-90 _Ezz)c nd f.ta re a 19847.55 1.,915,00 637,45 2 Orr 3 0 0� 19,,,-)GG,8rj 73011?0,00, V-9 113,14 TOTA,L AFTI]R EAL-.'aRa_'TS 71568.89 58,525.84 1350400000 76,874.16 STATM3T-ITOCIS YOR JA*,.7IjP-RY 1959 -RCULAITIOIN Ilain Draneh Looks: Adult lion-Fiction 7vG17 1v363 child IT'o n-IFiction 10576 837 Adult F-I-etion 6*279 29333 Child Fiction 2.=061 1,125 Total 'jr])oc�-I: Ci reu In t--1 o n 17s,733. 6SM poriodicals: 1 063 1 006 627 627 Total Doolm L-. Foriodioals Total D"arth Circulation M iLl Dranch Z. �-Inin ;,:;o .10to Phono,-_rapli- 1"'Lecords : 378 37B Grand Total Circulation IlMlnx t, j-Dranch 25 46 (1958: 24$,401) Daf,ly Avoral,-m for linin: 710 Dail'y Avcrarp for Bre nelh 242 I-) T.-tal Dnil7 Avcra,�p Cj:rcplati�qr-q Adult Child Total '9 7021 yv--17I3'z5' ID-0 Tb*V 62 Avld:l,tion S JSnaar-y 305 367 "I , 1;1 a 0 1-w,-Ya1 1 a a Jar a b r y 282 54 336 wp- 4.4 C,113 qS of Jr-,n--xanv� 31, 1959 a OAA #3 -4 10.488 9 `�MFDIV`-,Pj,,c:! Or DOO-K STOCX: As of Grand —12-31-58 Added Cancolled Total Acla'.]t t I o n Fi ct-i o a WO=3 =3 Child 0�I I o rt 10$959 55 4 11,01+0 IMS -Honx F-Ictlon 10066 1 1 10066 Mail-% Fictlor, 23 j,C,14 06 10 28sG90 HS i'Iicti*n 3j,306 6 3#312 Child Fictiton 10.,193 61 6 ,% 13 - L24 a OA Total 001� Stocl� as of Jarrulary 31, 1059 1170172 530 50 '1170652 i.,ct Inturearns% In Dook natock.- 48C ,LLYiL.j,?d�d J-n n.'•oye fimwoa.- 44 Gifts P-nd 334 Uow Tltles.-L.— RECOIb-Z.i-.IGS: As of lea 31 58 AceozIonod D-Iscareed Grand Total X W 4.5 Adult I 5UM", Nu —M 'Z --r_* W!"VO 2r- Im- .060 me* WCO mom 155 Opm T;NM U75 1113R Total Re e c rd �to Ck as of 1, 60 I 6U Fanphlots Dlsm%,dod: 131 Baps Discarded- TIMASUREM: T.Ain. 10005029 I3r��h 239 X92 Tntcl 1624,zcm