HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1959.04.28 MINUTE S OF THE MEETIPIG of the BURLIN ,TE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ;MARCH 17, 1959 Trustees.Present: .airs. Cohendet, llrs. Harrison, !r. Crosby, .lr. i.'goody Trustees Absent: Mr. Edwards silNUTES Priinates of the previous meeting of February 17, 1959, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion By = r. :;foody, seconded by Mr. Crosby, bills in the amount of . 1,9�t2,01 were ordered paid. LIBRARIM tS REPORT The T !-an's report was read and accepted. 1-101i'THLY FINANCIAL STATM-4ENT The financ:al sta ement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Stacks ME sion. The Library Board requested the Librarian to discuss further with our Senator the passage of Assembly Bill No. 1989, and to follow its course in the le-islature through the California Library Association's representative lir. Karl Vollmayer. -r. Lechich stated that the bill was introduced by 'sir. Ernest R. Geddes, .1r. Francis and Mr. Britsehgi, and co-authored by Sen Dolwig. He stated that it had been referred to the Commission on Education. The Librarian stated that fir. Karmel will recommend an expenditure of the fund reserve for stacks extension as soon as this bill is passed by the House and has been signed by the Governor this to be some time in May or first of June. Sacramento 4µorkshop. The Librarian stated that the V1orkshop to be conducted by the State Library, Public Library Systems, was to be built around the Public Library Coruuissionfs reports, and the application of some of its suggestions as to possible ways and means of closer cooperation between the San Mateo, Burlingame, San Bruno and the County libraries. After some discussion, the Board made it quite plain that it did not desire to enter into any system whereby it would lose any of its present prerogatives, or to pursue some'' fanciful methods to interfere with our overall efficiency technically at the expense of our basic philosophy, which is to render the best service to the comma.nity for the kind of coimunity it is, and the type of service it should have. The Librarian stated that this means an extensive knowledge of the books purchased, by those of the staff who handle them during their cataloguing and preparation. He believes that there -is a value that cannot be estimated in a small institution by laving most of the pro- fessionals and many of the non-professionals physically handle the 3,000 odd titles we add each year. This results in a more knowle'dcleable contact with the patrons such as cannot be had in a large library system. It was then moved by 71.1r. Crosby, seconded by rTr s. Harrison, that Mr. Lechich attend the Sacramento 'Workshop. NEVI BUSINESS Sirs. 'o eTn et announced that the Golden Gate District meeting would be at Palo Alto on April 11th, and invited those members to attend the meeting and luncheon. She also stated that she had spoken to the Daughters of the American Revolution concerning our library and its needs, and mentioned the tax allowance which is permissible for gifts to the library. She also briefly su .arized the Friends of the Library latest meetings. The Librarian discussed the library's roll in the Second Burlingame Art Festival, and stated that he had been appointed Chairman of thoii.storical Section, with the aid of mr. Stanger, ;ir. Keyston and Mr. .Ed Hevey, who are planning on an exhibit in the library acid the development of a film on the history of Burlingame presented by Frienus of the Library. The Trustees agreed to recognize proper` observance of National Library 'seek ve ich is April 12th to lath. ADJOUR =dT On a motion by ',ir. Crosby, seconded by -ri .rs. Harrison,, the,m"t;ng r adJourned. Respectfully submitted, of the Br? CIRCULATION The vary slight increase in circulation, only 69 units rrore than in 1958, can partially ..ase accounted for by the decrease in record circulation (337 less than last year.) This is no doubt due to the lack of purchase of new records, despite the gift of funds for their purchase by the Lions Club > this will be corrected at erne. REFERENCE 1he:re seers to be a much heavier %mrkry-load in the reference department. We will conduct a tuo7 ek survey in an effort to establish whether or not this is actually the cage. MEETINGS ATTENDED At the to :al level. Burlingame Festival Association, at which meeting the Librarian was arpointed Chu n of the Historical Section. There has been one committee meeting concerning th.e projected ex+ ibits, both in the library and elsewhere. The Friends of the Library have held several meetings plus one general meeting, at which Fir. Wickliffe gave a book review which was ve=ry well received. The Penin3ulra Library Group conducted t o meetings ® one a discussion on cooperative reference sevilces, and the second on the actual checking of reference holdings. The Colden Gate District of the CIA met at Palo Alto - Mr. Lechich, Mrs. Levering, Mr. Wickliffe and Mrs. Cohendet attend;i-d. The tl:dP_ne was on the geratic aspect of librien- ship, a theme very appropriate for our library. ` ne Librarian &ttended a meeting at San 'Francisco Public Library in regard to the possibility of the A rican Library ?Asp ciatlon 'solding its convention in 1962 In San Francisco, The prospects seem very likely ® thus bringing all the advantages of this excellent convention to our district mach sooner than ,anticipated. Conference in Sacramento oda Systems and Cooperation The Librarian attended the meetings _�onducted by the State- Library based 63 the ,Ca`lif'o f* Libra vl Cvmmis3lon®s report. The me€ting was attended by about fifty librarians who were subdivided into groups in order to study the various local situations in relation to cooperation, etd. Gur group con-sisted of San Mateo County, San Mateo City, Burlingame, and San Bruno. As there t_: : c—nsin'erable hi€.tary of cooperaatlnan between our libraries, we had no difficul. ties in the �crwztion of several broad areas of tentative agreement. These programs are out"iaaed on the succeeding sheet. There will of necessity be many changes and arch discussion, and no program -will be reconwsnded to the local administrative boarder un. leca it results in increased efficloracy and economy, as well as tar.voving the general services c f each library to its cot=nz i t t7. Hoaring before the Education Cot ^ittee of assembly Bill No. 1989. ` Se librarian and Mrs. Cohendet attended the hearing In Sacramento on the bill which. as ,�nds Section 27401 sof the Educ tion Coe,.� e tabling the librarl to construct the necessary addition l sucks. It was pgssed and rcconmmrided for pa-sage by the Assombly. The iib-larlan also attended a men..":rg of interest to the library it Ee,Z Ant, conducted by the San K tem Historical Society. NUWS7 l °S F7-OV.. HE JUVENILE DEPAR €3T €*.-s. o' herded the As,-,--cirition of Ch ld renQs Llbrar!inn cf Northern Cas a Ii � i r: *ting of April go 1959, at the San Fr:-ticiace V ablic Library. Ste pari a book to review slid su!>V,1ttee, as list of candidates for officers for the forthcomi lig year as cha: roman of the nomInat i ng coni ttee. The seceand and third grade clasass of Mrs. 'Glenna Stocking f z=_,n Perching School visited the library %aril 19. The Samar Reading Club as explained to thea-.,_ and .a story told. �hildren turned In their new library card applications and each too`c a b-o*",k how Mrs. Foltz requested leave fzm April 16 thraugh April 30, 1C,59,> Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich, Librarian CALIFORNIA LIFMY WORKSHOP ON SYSTEMS California State Library - March 2126,, 1.959 III* The libraries of San Mateo County represented at the conference have reached curtain broad areas of agreement and plan to proceed in the following programs on ar irmiediate basis: 1. Revision and implementation of a plan for Centralized Processing as outlined in the study completed for this group at the workshop on Public Library Cooperation of March 1956, We have taken as our dead- line the completion of the new County Headquarters Building in 1960, We feel that for greatest efficiency,, and improved library service economy this processing center should serve all the public libraries of the county,, 2,,, aye shall expand materially the subject specialization among our Libraries undertaken on a limited basis three years ago, 3,, By mutual agreement individual libraries will acquire special indexes and as many indexed periodicals as their budgets permit, so that all major indexes will be held in the area. Until such time as mutually acceptable reciprocal borrowing privileges can be developed, we plan to expand the use of our courtesy card arrangement. 5. We propose to investigate and install an improved inter-library communi- cation system, either telephonic or other, to facilitate exchange of essential reader service information. 6. Continue the it-service training program initiated in 1957 on an area- wide basis, The services mentioned above we plan to implement at once., since they are within the present scope of our ability. When additional funds become available, we propose to undertake the following programs: 1, Establish a union author catalog., to be housed in the processing center. 2, Establish a gift and last copy depository. 3, Engage specialists available to libraries of the group in the fields of Young Adult Services,, Adult Education Services., and Audio-Visual Services. 3-25-59 db-.75 �� .}..�.s..... 1,l Allowance TOW! •..�mz-w:+•^e+h.sa�-a.% -:w.�.;a..,.�sa oaa;.+a=Ye.wrb=v+.uv+e--m+.a.�retrwwocsh:.ewaeno..nwnwaca.M+r..vn va .. .�....«,.tirKa-aessa.s.-+�m�e�enraurs— ..u.vira..ses.�s.=a��se+maioamu*..vssewvc-vr.�e•.,.�...ne....o-xoa S-1 "a oti':4 m 5026.0Y 50, 527.64 v2,220.00 11,692.31 :III TUPPIM312023 "9519: 000,00 x''.01 • .t - 0 �.". printing ': a'0���'..,`% hc�-,/t?� �.�r��xa�.c-�- � g��'no0 WO Power Q M 150,10 1,040.15 2,00.00 HIM',, rti 1-14 i f<,:t.0 `7i:-:?T f1 54,06 is ::0 1 7 _50.00 i i Y ds r� _'c::1.11tonat�ce 061,05 1 ,._x. 2.. 0 1:C00.00 07,90 �O•JJ.wJ L _ as 1;003.23 ,a...L f, V AL 601,50 �� F..c.3'Pra��. W,000.00(`�� �ry t.... b n PorlojiGais W110 310.0 -170 Qn int ; 175.15 20170.01 2,200.00 20,09 i-7-10 C o1vLntcri 310 0 1370c, 150 00 0 Z2aC4. 19p, AJ.lC°t anGC) 30,07r;7 109410 7-10T T-matoes WOO 103,66 125.00 211M _. .,- b,J od 41`(~t A'.ii'l 127®&6 W500 =!'. J Ansouintioml 121.00 -iscollamons 0.02 W11i 100,00 305:,-, ° ;i. 1,;,A`�i sr,-o.i.•�. 2bi .`5 °-.ems: ✓L�iC�fls i.) 400.S00 46005 yy 'G O Library Dvw cry i10,270.00 � ,2Y _ 9 0J _A,d7ib>0 G-DO Capital impanUturso 1,0n.10 ljin.sc 3113i ..1..> .,1. �:_ `•,.t c.? ay n v� 24,305,02 r,.0 37WO :1.3 r M s.T_1, 8,783.1' 74,893. 5E _0 60,506.4 .spa .li UI .k ii�,s_.fe tai; Jl.f:'S�s !�VsJ .•'.'�li _.:.cl:..,rti 195✓ Pa �_. in Branch oolss : Adu1t i;on-Fiction v,235 1,X73 01-1 .1C.. -on-Fiction 1,719 12,110 Adult Fiction G,246 20,150 2.pql� �14 3,4-7 Circrulation ✓. ----�- Porio.Beals : 000 000-- GIN 057 Total doolm (^, Ycr- oC_i cals 1 , = G973 Total branch Circulation 6,737 Total i'ranch w ain �� Phono ral h _.'o-cords : 40J 105 ?"rand Total G7 vez lation -iai.n :_;ranch 1950: 260,178) Daily i vera.,o f:)r a-Ln: 727 7;a:ljy 1j-Cra­c for• arch: 259 y . is� ail �= - . �, i�culaci ; 11S ,n l,,'i'i0,.S: A u1t Child Total 7=o-m5 rsl_2 2ebraary 20, 195.E Tt= � 17 .A.C.Cditi.ons :arch 263 63 326 "arch 222 60 291 Toa= 1:0,istrat j ons as of arch 31., 1959 - 3 10.8 2,6.10 10558 _-- n .r t.-' J' n . -• r1im{ n -``�� T: }Q Gr c+rr:1OCT r 9 of �'2°t�nG' :.1.., RJ U,. R.. �.`� •/..L.�.t1iJ:` US 1,f' f.i ►.� V V t1• 2-20-50 Mded � �' ncelled otai s 11,093 106 1 ll$106 TS on- fiction 1,067 5 --p 1,072 ,d It Fiction 23,022 120 10 20,00 '1 l; action 3,313 31 l 3,340 Cl i.ld 1."i c t .on _10 72 10,37 Total is ook Stoc'c as of itt?'uh Lel, 1959 113,033 023 1:16 I I3,6G0 l et Increase in oclt Stock: 577 � rclvCicc: in aUot�c i' ,ros : o G:�`ts unU� �!•OU retia `�'itl�s�1 �N --- OX 2 I-ecossionod 17-+sca?''dod ClranC Tota Adult 1,299 00 127 --« 1,201 30 127 i;h-ilea .,.�.. 155 __« •...� d_® --- „�,. m_- ®.._ 155 T.I a1 r'ec0rd Gt001: as of 3-31-59 1,61.1 1 G03 lit'.Cdecd: S'a. pl,l,: ;ts ,..'�c�clecl: 69 . s.,,7?s l.'a.,phl-,ts Dlsc�rd^d: 53 yaps Discardo : �-.,1105IT L' i-IT 1 LjELIY TBy_1-,SJRI'E': ' ain s; 909®13 �_ D-ranch 167.G5 _e Abf,>ut $30C, --Ve have $4-0 to m e,t ar s a aX-Ire to cover a' d vedros exp�?n.dlrurpa_ Fines and kees �,ncresstd e-�er $2,000 thig I We the-ee txpenes 'r�dght he said to have ben offui7�t by incom�, hope hxand-md e ',,I -r4 in sar-all fines unpaid by patrons by sending i:tzyir, je=-tery within the next few weeks,',. M-13 —He a_tz and Wa-Itert 1)up, to the mi Id vi nt.,?r, we have sulf i c I ent f winds to our annu .l flumreiztent tube replace-&nntsWe hope to ktbep within il-he i;u,�3tt La Yr he past yeah' in this U-Sn- ,. Apra eptly a alight increase In 'recelpts from our yul.-lie "phone booth h d us to stay within this budcgeted figure. i Increasz Is requested. i al am t ca Grounds xzinLenance'. seveT all items Ina-m- b--Cn ?';'.Sett . re of by the 7r 1W, Fa'i1r's710f a­-, ove-raraft, us have kept xepa�rs a winimutn. Houvar-4.10-'r, 1 -, If allow. we will contirivw our program, of refinis int Lin AaT. -,er rcading tables, '111'r, 'm1_'parZ-1w-at of Public TeJiorks did an exe-ellept job of rr_s%:,rf'._1c!nF', the curb area at the 'm;aln 7.1inrary, fnr vlateth wts are .7e-sy grateful. we wish to express our apprecia. tion to tle street aad 3ev­2r Department for their prol-pt action in unplugging son* of our :rurface erainp. Necessanj repairs to the Branca imof wer-_ also acconTlished. No Incrause Is rzaquected. M-172_70_k_sj,,_1-4aP_9_,__etc, The consteit increasing cost of the books has materially affected our acquIsitions. we are suffering from the eunstant theft of many of our Volumes. b,it as the inventniy is not coffplete for this year, we can only estimate a drastic Increase In theft. we are requesting a $2,,000 Increase in this item, the life-blood of the library, In orrier to replace some of these stolen Items and to keep up with the constAnt increase in costs. However-, this to also affected by the Increased use of the library, as shown by the added circulation and .450 additional patrons. M-17B �jpjl_An . probably we should Increase this item as the present budget Is exhausted, but feel t-Ftat as most of the bindery backlog has been caugh up, It will be possible to continut with no cheage. M-19 Convention & Meetings. With the Increased costs and added meetings, this Item has I-i,ern incrsss;d­f2_5. Each year the Librarian generally pays out of pocket from $50 to $100 in this category. M-19A Auto Allowance. This Item has been Increased $50. During the past year my of the short trips zrid some of the to :ger ones have not been recompense-1. it Is hoped that the adeltiontl atmunt will Tu-t only cover "at of the necessa-,j trips tzale by the Librarian, llm-t the sernK-twnthly trips of the Childrengs Librarian ko, meeti-,tga in± the- City and ft- Zylps to Stanf-,-,",e- Unfversecy by the "'�,taloger,, wi readily finds re.-L-ky usefull aids for clataloging az_- the 1.9"-r Convention or t'Oe etingEVer v'�-asea of t=ae Library Trustees, This Item will C-0 - expenses o� our dc�_.4.egates to the- Trustpe; gecttW of the CLA Corn,�n_ on and tn* v:_jrious ra--ettings at w3AA whic.., Tt�-stees should be present. C, Notes can t *rations » pa&e 2 �I-1 9p Convention & Workshop Expenses of Staff Mibers will be partially covered by this item, it is becor,4ng Increasingly important t1;at new methods and ideas be utilized in the library. Attendance on the part of the staff will increase their efficiency and enthusiasm for their work, M-20 - Dues to library Associations. No change in costs- m-21 - Miscellaneous. Various repairs to library apparatus and other unbudgeted items. No additional request. M-28 .. Contracts. Janitorial Expenses. Garbage;Eemawal, etc. No change. Do$0 Reserve for Addition to Maims bra 3 �. This, together with the items e 18s gr, s coop etc t e at extension. sae to the delays .sada necessary by legal action, the costs have risen over the last three years approxi- mately 15;°. The latest estimates are somewhat over $70,000 for what would have been $55 to $60 thousand dollars. C-90 Capital_ E nditures. Due to so= fortunate purchases last year, the capital xpe diture t�cY9get of $1,915 was Stretched to cover nearly $3,000 worth of materials. 'ihis year we are requesting $245. This to cover the cost of a tim clods .. mooch needed for the part-tire workers; a wire magazine rack for gift magazines, to be used against the wall, $50; and $75 for a ribbon adapter on the typewriters used scar cataloging, This will give us a mch more uniform and highly finished catalog card. a,ARZES Libre. No change in rate. Assistant Librarian. The library has had the services of Mr. D-nnis Finney since J j-9­19-59--. iris a-asistance is much appreciated in scheduling and the handling the part-time help, lie sues considerable reference work, and as he becomes fa;-miliar with our organizations plans to produce an organization chart and a procedure manual. This will be of great °:alp in instructing new eraploYees and as a reference for the old. Senior Librarians, Cataloger, Children'ss circulation Librarian. In order to hold these people and to compensate them adequate y for the service they render, we are requesting a cross the board incTease of $26.00. This amount will bring theca in line with San Mateo, Redu)od City and other coMarable cities. Our senior staff are to be emplimented on their output of work. The Librarian believes that all do more than required and whatever raises if any are granted the city employees should apply to these positions. This in addition to the $26 increase. Junior librarians. Mrs. Bergsing has been carrying out bar duties at the Branch Library with despatch. Miss Marrack has been following her casual pattern. Libtary Assistants. We are r+e+eguestisng an additional library assistant to work e che, y s2 + loan desk ,We feel; that: a position requiring abroad knowledge a�f bsohs,;as well as the ability ;tom dial 'with the public would be greatly desirable. At prestent we sire toying part-time library &idea to fulfill thia function - not too aucceerful l.y. Libra Trainee. During the year we have had the assistance of a library school studentoiter salary has been ;said by the unexpended portions of the Assistant Li'brarian's. We a requesting two moxaths during the sumer for her. Notes Oft 0;ser8t10n3 m Page 3 Library Aides. employed several We have h, part-time employees to help cover the 7 r schedule and to help In the processing of the books and magazines. We are not increasing aur request due to the hope that we will be able to employ an additional library assistant. Pages. pages perform: many of the minor tasks of the library. It is hoped that their efficiency will be increased under closer supervision. We are asking for an additional allowsrce, first, in order to keep the stacks in better order and, second, to increase their pay scale from .90 . 1.00 - 1.10 to 1.00 - 1.10 - 1.20, to meet the minimum wage law. TAX LEVY It will be noted that we are seemingly increasing out tax levy from approxi- mately 16 cents to 18.8 cents. That is if one does not count the special reserve fuzed for stacks extension. Ho*:-ever, it should be noted that last year we had an un end balance of $11,000 which allow-d a tax rate of .16. This year it is as yet impossible to predict the unexpended balance. if it should be as much as $10,000, our tax €ould be only 16.6 cOnts. which is only 1 mil more than the 1957.58 tax rate.