HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1959.06.23 i INUT.ES OF THE 11JEETING OF THE BURLIP AIiE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD May 23, 1959 Trustees zresent: Prirs. Cohendet, Tyr. Crosby, ids. Moody Trustees Absent: 'rs. Harrison, 111r. Edwards IINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of April 28, 1959, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mir. Moody, bills in the amount of 4Vl,530.57 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. TON THLY FINANCIAL STATE1r`�TT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Stacks Extension. The Assembly Bill 1989 came before the Committee of INTunicipal ana Localovernment, Wednesday May 20, 1959, at l o'clock. The Librarian attended the hearing at which time the bill, through a misunderstanding, was amended in such a fashion as to eliminate the word °!constructing". The Librarian was informed that at a later date a new amendment will be introduced on the floor of the Senate which will restore the word "constructing or oonstruction" to the bill. Budget, The Librarian stated that the budget had been submitted to the City Manager. 172-4 BUSIPFESS Krs. Cohendet stated that Friends of the Library were going to act as hostesses during the Art Festival at the time of the presentation of the movie on the history of Burlingame. AD.l OUFi?t!EY1T On a motion by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mr. Moody, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, zw"-zlt G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board J ONE, 19 5; CTRCMATION The circ-alation Increased 9% over the month of May 1958. FINES & FEES T 1he fines ind fees have x-reraged over $1,200 per month for the past seven months. Our .atter-Vt to collect all small fines for books left at the desk or in the auto page has been quite s�itcsssful. we are employing tim part-time pages to send out these small bills - some are no-t so small,, This not only results in a considerable Increase In fine receipts but also results In the cancellation of registrations of those who have roved out of town. It seem an eminently fair procedure to those who always pay their fines. MEETINGS ATTENDED Mr. Finney attelided a meeting at the San Mateo Library on the Union list of periodicals of the Peninsula 11brarles. He also attended a meeting of the Peninsula Library Group wbrit program, et-C., for the following year were discussedo Mr. Le-chloh attemded tvio city council meetings and the budget hearing 'of June 17th. He almo attand-ad tt-,e co=wnity dinner and concluded several showings of the historical film an Burling._ during the festival. NVAFST-HU"YES FRAM ILIM JURVEENTLE DZIPARTblEN'T The sum-�x­r Peading Club Is gc�jq�g Em'11 sviaw at booth the Main Library I y- and Easton Drive Branch. Our Solar S-saten Is the thV_A& this year. Tl,-,e members read and report on two books each �-Qk er--ld %av-3 a Lgtf.y or plilaile-" ptincl,�eld aut on. t!"Mir Solar Syatfsm. card as they tell tt'ha boo' s for thst msk. Mrs. Fol w_- atterdyedth�* L,; ttlng of thtAssoct-ation of Children's Librarians of Northern Ca"Ifnrnir June 11, 1-959, at the 7rr-acisco Public Libyanr. She had three now spring jvv--:stile bae-;n to ravlvt� at the Vz-ating. The pictuTes of early Burlmaga history haggling !a the childrengs department have ben of much Interest to the patrons of tate 11hrary. Respectfully submitted. George Paul Lechich, Librarian CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF JUNE 1959 This To Date Budget Balance Month Allowance Total S-1 Salaries 59895.93 62,003.07 62,220.00 216.93 M-11 Supplies 5.62 939087 900.00 -39.87 M-12 Printing & Postage 129..55 1,644.43 1,400.00 -244.43 M-13 Light, Heat Power & Water 136.00 1,922.03 2,200.00 277.97 M-14 Telephone 30.55 413.37 450.00 36.63 M-16 Bldg. Grounds Maintenance 214.24 1,357.17 1,b00.00 242.83 M-17 Books & Maps 1,642.68 14,064.81 14,000.00 -64.81 M-17A Periodicals 296.56 1,000.30 19000.00 -.30 M-17B Binding 131.51 2,354.40 2,200.00 -154.40 �--rS-19 Convention 15.00 154.11 150.00 -4.11 M-19A Auto Allowance 32.04 224.20 175.00 -49.20 M-19T Tru"ees 15.00 118.66 125.00 6.34 M-19P Personnel -••- 127.84 125.00 -2.84 M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- 121.00 121.00 -- M.21 Miscellaneous 38.48 101.59 100.00 -1.59 M-28 Contracts 224.55 2,403.30 2,449.00 45.70 D-80 Library Reserve --- I --- 44,270000 44,270.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures 53.00 1,914.19 1,915.00 .81 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 2,964.78 28,861.27 M180o00 44,318.73 TOTAL AFTEI SALARIES 8,860.71 90,864.34 1350400.00 44,535.66 STATISTICS FOR M,�I_ 19 CIRCULATION Main Branch Books: Adult Non-Fiction 7,888 1,293 Child Non-Fiction 1,656 980 Adult Fiction 6,,016 2,070 Child Fiction 2,464 1,226 Total Book Circulation 1 ,02r 5sr 9 Periodicals: 11078 1,0078 606 606 Total Books & Periodicals 19,102 ,175 Total Branch Circulation 6,175 Total Branch & Main 25,277 Phonograph Records: 242 42 Grand Total Circulation Main & Branch (1958:(1958: 23,525) Daily Average for Main: 741 Daily Average for Branch: 247 Tonal Dail Average Circulation 9 REGISTRATIONS: Adult Child Total Membership April 30, 1959 $,1$2 2,VX 10� Additions May 200 67 267 Wlthdrsw als May 182 239 Total Registrations as of May 31, 1959 8200 2,484 10,65+ "CESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: As of Grand 4-30-59 Added Cancelled Total Adult Non-Fiction —1_7r _ ,0 2 Child Non-Fiction 11,225 59 1 11,283 HS Non-Fiction 11,080 6 •- 1,086 Adult Fiction 29:025 39 3 29,061 HS Fiction 3.369 8 3,377 Child Fiction 10.479 6 10,510 Total Book Stock as of May 31, 1959 119,076 319, 26 119,369 Net Increase in Book Stock: 293 Included in above fl , res: 14 Gifts and 227 New Titles. RECORDINGS: As of f 4-30-59 Accessioned Discarded Grand Total 7 5 33.3 7$ 3 33.3 7 , 5 33®3 Adult 1,287 30 129 27 ..m 8 2 m- 2 1012 30 135 Childmm 1 mm mer mm ..m mF. �.. ..v 1 ... 1,287 - 185 129 Y/_-- 2 m® 2 1,312 185 135 Total Record Stock .as of 1- 9 1,601 4 1,632 Pamphlets Added; 79 Maps Added: Pamphlets Discarded: 46 Maps Discarded: om DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main $ 983.50 Branch 240.97 $ 1.224.47