HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1959.07.21 11IMUTES OF ITIE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD June 23, 1959 Trustees Present: L":rs. Cohendet, Ivir. Crosby, 1;1r. Edwards Trustees Absent: Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Stloody '1,11INUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of May 23, 1959, were read and approved. BILLS Ona motion by Er. Edwards, seconded by lir. Crosby, bills in the amount of �,r2,964.78 were ordered paid. LIBRARY11IS REPORT The Librar an s report was read and accepted. 110:THLY FINANCIAL STATE E T The Tinane a statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Stacks 'Extension. The Librarian reported that AB 1989 ftAn act to amend Section 27401 of the Education Code, as enacted by the Legislature at its 1959 Regular Session, relating to municipal libraries', was signed by Governor Brown on June l9th. With Gov. Brown's signature on the bill, we have the approval of the City Attorney to expend the moneys set aside for the extension of the stacks addition, Mr. Norberg brought plans of the proposed stacks extension together with plans for the new reference room area. These were discussed and it was decided that another meeting would be held or..Saturday morning to continue this study, > • �, Bodo-et. The tentative budget as approved at the budget hearing Wednesday, June 17th, 17as scussed, and a possible request for a slight addition to the reserve for the addition .eras mentioned. C Oi,11,MNI CATI ONS A letter expressing than]-Ls to ?:'r. Wickliffe from Pi Delta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, Ihzriel 1 Krebs, Corresponding Secretary, was read. The Board thou;Sht that such activities on the part of the staff were commendable although, due to the smallness of our staff it would, of necessity, be done with a minimum expenditure of staff time. NEV, BUSI NES S The iUrarian stated that the City Attorney believes that the Library Board has the authority of the signing of contracts, etc., in regard to any expenditures of library funds: Friends of the Librcr . _T_rs. Cohendet announced the very successful rlusicale in honor or Irs. Armsby, with an attendance of approximately 175. She also spoke of t'ne sift to the library of the prize winning., Anson Burlingame portrait. She stated thatylcrs. Harrison wishes to thank the Board for their many expressions of kindness during her illness. ADJOURIBI sN T On a motion by :r. !Edwards , seconded by Mr. Crosby, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME 'PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Special Meeting July 13, 1959 Trustees Present: Cohendet, Crosby, Edwards, Moody TrusteesAbsent: Harrison (Trustee Harrison was excused from the meeting on account of illness.) Special meeting was called to order by President Cohendet at 8 A. M. Resolution No. 4 was read and introduced by Trustee Edwards "concerning the au or zation and directing execution of agreement emRloying B. L. Norberg as Architect for additions to the Main Library building. Trustee Edwards moved its passage, seconded by Trustee Moody, and carried on roll call by the following vote: Ayes: Cohendet, Crosby, Edwards, Moody Absent: Harrison The contract with E. L. Norberg was examined and signed by President Cohendet and attested to by Secretary Moody Variance. It was moved by Trustee Moody that the Board of Trustees authorize ana airect the Board President and the City Librarian to do all things necessary and proper to process the application for a variance through the Planning Commission and the City Council, if needful, including but not limited to oral and written presentation to either or both such bodies. The motion was seconded by Trustee Edwards and carried. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Moody. Res ectfully tted, George Paul Leehich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN4S REPORT `.. JUNE 1959 CIRCULATION The circulation increased 6.8 percent over June of 1958, and 48.5 percent over June 1950 - our population has increased approximately 13 percent since 1950. Thus we have had a very favorable growth during that period. San Mateo shows a 53- increase in circulation but has a 70% increase in population. MEETINGS ATTENDED The Librarian attended the meting of the Convention of Historical Societies of the State, several budget sessions and city council meetingso He also attended a meeting of head librarians of this area on the subject "specialization in our local libraries". STACKS All preliminary formalities, and glans covering the construction of the stacks have been completed. It is hoped that bids for the construction contracts will soon be called. MUSIC EVENTS Preliminary discussions for musicals under the Friends of the Library sponsorship are under way. NEWSNOTES FROM THE JUVENILE DEPARTMENT The OUR SOLAR SYSTEM Sum mr Reading Club has now finished its fifth week. 151 members a ong at t e Main Library and 100 at the Easton Drive Branch Library. Interest seems to be holding up with members telling the reports on two books a week with regularity. Mrs. Bergsing at the Easton Drive Branch has had success with her story hours each Wednesday at 4,00 P.M. More boys and girls live within walking distance to the Branch, and attend the story hours without having to be driven by their parents. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich, Librarian CITY OF BURLINGAME �- BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF JULY 1959 s Budget Ba once Month To Date Allowance Total S-1 Salaries 59886.53 51886.53 711,963.00 661076.47 4.11 Supplies 458.25 458.25 1,000.00 541.75 M-12 Printing & Postage 468.95 468.95 1,800.00 1,331.05 M-13 Light, 'feat Pm-er & Water 284.23 284.23 2,200.00 1a915-77 M-14 Telephone 48.97 48.97 450.00 401.03 M-16 Bldg. Grounds Mainte nce -- -.• 700.00 700000 M-17 Books & Maps 214.00 214.00 16,000.00 15,786.00 M-17A Periodicals 605.12 605.12 19000.00 394.88 M-17B Binding .... 21200.00 2,200.00 `�M-19 Convention 3.50 3.50 175.00 171.50 M-19A Auto Allowance 2.08 2.08 225.00 222.92 M-19P Personnel -- 125.00 125.00 M-19T Trustees -- -- 125.00 125000 M-20 Outs to Library Associations -m -,. 121.00 121.00 M-21 Miscellaneous .50 .50 100.00 99.50 M-27 Camp. Insurance - -- 19,040.00 1,040.00 M-28 Contracts 190.00 190.00 2,7k9.00 2,559.00 D_.80 Library Reserve _- ._. 74,690.00 749690.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures 117.00 117.00 413.00 296.00 0-1 Gen. Overhead Expenses -® -- 3,840-00 3,840.00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 2,392.60 1 2,,392.60 1089953.00 106,560.40 %...TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 8f279-13 89279-13 180,916.00 172V636-87 STATISTICS FOR :LUE IM "'-,,,,RCULA,TION Main Branch Books: Adult Non-Fiction 5,442 1.055 Child Non-Fiction 1,571 1,352 Adult Fiction 6.379 2,286 Child Fiction 136 2.o34 Total Book Circulation 16,528 6,727 Periodicals: 909 09 585 585 Totalm'Books & Periodicals 17.4-3-7 7,312 Total Branch Circulation 7012 Total Branch & Main 9 Phonograph Records: ---Z90290 Daily Average for main: 6.;7 Grand Total - L 0"9 (1958: 23,469) Daily Average for Brnnch: 281 Total Daily Averege Circ. 939 REGISTILATIONS: Adult Child Total membership May 310 1959 8,26-3' -27W 10, 54 Additions June 274 131 405 Withdrawals Juns 27 1 467 - �—o Total Registrations as of June 30, 1919 Qft A j 2,45; 192 Mot ACCESSIONS & W1MRAV,%LS OF BOOK STOCK: As of Grand Added Cancelled Total `�-Adult Non-Fiction Child Non-Fiction 11,283 38 11,321 HS Non-Fiction 1,086 3 1,089 Adult Fiction 29,0061 115 -- 29,176 HS Fiction 3.377 4 1 3380 Child Fiction 10.510 24 2 I4 2 June 30, 1959 - Total took Stock 119.369 632 21 119,980 Net Increase in Book Stock: 611 jincluded In abc� i y Mem��. 2 � Gifts and 508 Neu, Titles.) RECORDINGS: As of 5:21.J 9 Accessioned Discarded Grand Total _ r.— 45 j 7T 7 r 3303 Adult 1,312 30 135 b4 5 1,31 30 199 Child -® 155 -- 1,312 —18 5- 1,307 1 199 Total Record Stock as of 6-30-59 1,632 64 1.691 nmAwwl e�m Pamphlets Added: 74 Maps Added: 2 Pamphlets Discarded.. go Maps Discarded: -- OSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main $ 1,01F7-13 7 Branch 2550 L6 $ 1,302.89 -- Includes Deposit of July 2nd as of June 30th In the amount of $232.670 RESOLUTION NO. 4 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT EMPLOYING E. L. NORBERG AS ARCHITECT FOR ADDITIONS TO THE MAIN LIBRARY BUILDING. RESOLVED, by the Board of Library Trustees of the City of Burlingame, that. An agreement for the employment of E. Lo Norberg as Architect to advise said Board and its officers and agents in regard to the additions of a stack room and a reference room to the main library building, and to perform professional services as provided in said agreement, a copy of which is incorporated herein the same as if fully set forth herein, be entered into with the said E. L. Norberg. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the President of the Board of Library Trustees be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of said Board to execute said agreement, and that the same be attested by the Secretary. President I, Ralph O. Moody, Secretary, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a special meeting of the Board of Library Trustees of the City of Burlingame, held on the 9th day of July 1959, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: - Noes: Trustees: Absent: Trustees: S cretary