HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1959.09.15 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLI11GAFE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 15, 1959 Trustees Present: Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Harrison, Trustee Crosby, Trustee Edwards Trustee Pxoody. 11INUTES 'Jinu es of the previous meeting were read and corrected on a motion by Trustee Edvrards, seconded by Trustee Crosby, that the words "Plans and Specifications" be deleted and "Architects Dray^rims" substituted, motion carried. BILLS on a motion by Trustee Tdwa.rds, seconded by Trustee �Koody, bills in the amount of � 1,679.17 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEIMUZiT T e financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Stacks TH ension. Study of Bids. The Librarian reported that Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Harrison, an Trustee Crosby a7tended the opening of the bids at 4 o1cloc'_c, September 15, 1959, in. the Board Room. The following bids were received: r-iorris Devley 77,270.00 De Luca & Son 80,950.00 Charles i. Pedersen 81,450.00 Mlid Co. Const. Co., Inc. 81,487.00 Pearce, McAllister & Thorsell 81,614.00 Peter 5artorio 82,360.00 The Librarian reported that at this meeting there was a discussion of alternate proposals in the bids and that he and Col. \Torberg stayed after the adjournment and figured various possibilities. The discussion was continued at this time. The alternate proposals were thoroughly explained by the Architect and it was decided to eliminate one floor of shelving in order to brim the lowest bid within the amount appropriated. it was moved by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee _Moody, that we accept the following alternates, and carried: Alternate No. 1 - Omit 2nd floor stacks $4,493.00 Omit shelving on Main Floor, using unit prices A B & C - deduct the amount of 2,,700.50 Alternate No. 3 - Omit 14 double steel sash and deduct 1,964.00 157.50 Lour Bid x:77,270.00 Deductions 9,157.50 Contract Price ',,'68,112.50 Funds Available 69,270.00 Contract Price 68,112.50 Reserve 1,157.50 Page 2 - minutes Sept. 15, 1959 '--- 'i1r. Edwards stated that he would like to study the plans and specifications to a greater extent and asked that the present meeting be adjourned to Friday morning September 18, at which time he would render a report. NEW BUSINESS Sand-brabrary Hours. The Librarian explained that the press of business on Sunday a `ternoons Isis so great that it is difficult to adequately take care of the physical discharging and charging of books. He stated that very often the circulation in 3 hours would equal that of a regular day of 6 hours. He stated that he thought it would be advisable to try for a trial period of opening the library from 1:30 to 5:30. it was moved by Trustee j,..00dy, seconded by Trustee Edwards, that the library would remain open for an indefinite trial period from 1:30 to 5:30 - motion. carried. Record Rental. The Librarian and Pres. Co'rendet discussed various angles of our record collection. The Librarian stated that he thought that less damages would ensue to our records if new records were issued on a rental basis. The Board asked him to get further information from the Santa Barbara Public Library who have a very successful rental collection. ADJOT7 '1aMT On a motion by Trustee 11,ioody, seconded by Trustee Crosby, the meeting was adjourned to Friday morning, September 18, 1959, at 8 o1clock, at which time a formal recommendation of a contractor will be made to the City Council. ADJOu+r '+%,1ri Lui3il_yG An ..ajournrient Regular P-Ieeting of the Burlingame Public Library was held at 8 A.M. Friday, -z Sentember 18, 1959. Trustees present: Pres. Cohendet, .Trustee Crosby, Trustee Edwards, Trustee Lloody. Trustee absent: Trustee Harrison. The Chairman announced the purpose of the meeting was to hear the report of Trustee Edwards on the ArchitectIs plans and specifications, and to notify the City Council as to their reconrendation of low bidder on the Stacks Extension. Trustee Edwards reported that he had thoroughly examined the plans and specifications and the-, met with his approval. On a motion by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Crosby, that the plans and specifications for the Stacks Extension be adopted by the Board and passed. On a motion by Trustee DToody seconded by Trustee Edwards, the Library Board authorized the Clerk of the Board to request that T,?orris Dailey be designated as Contractor and that the alternates as stated above be part of the Contract. ADJOURU_.nr+T ne riieet:GT adjourned on a motion by Trustee Crosby, seconded by Trustee Edwards. Respectfully submitted, G. P. Lechich Clerk of the Board