HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1959.12.16 .:iINUTT�S OF 'HE T'•5HMING OF THE BURLIi1GAi;U` PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD �iover_ber 17, 1959 u. - Trustees Present: Pres. Cohendet, Tii stee Harrison, Trustee Edwards Trustees Absent: Trustee Crosby, Trustee PToody i:linutes of the previous meeting of October 20, 1959, were read and approved BILLS On a motion by Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Edwards, bills in the amount of 20,17.58 were ordered paid. LI BRARI AN t S RE-21 ORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. R;O_ Y ETNA UNCIAL STATEIIMTT The financial statement was approved and placed or. file. OLD BUSINESS tac ;s tension. The building program was discv.ssed and, in light of the Librarian's report, all agreed. that progress vias most e«cellent. Re-olacement of Children's Librarian. A letter from Mfrs. Roltz was read stating that sh, vvisned to resign as of De0euiber 31, 1959, or sooner, if a replacement is made prior I o that date. It �*as moved by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Harrison, that vie accept the resi.c;nation of Mrs. Foltz with regret and that an appropriate letter be forwarded to her; also, that the Librarian continue his attempts to hire an adequate replacement. NEl6i BUSiNESS ivTrs. Cohendet asked the Librarian for a statement of the libraryts policies on book selections. She also asked for a formulation of policy by the Library Board limiting the camber of books that might be borrowed at one time. The Librarian stated that there was a very brief written policy in the minutes of a previous meeting and, that over the years, the Library Board had endeavored to remove all limits as to the number of books in various categories that could be borrowed. He stated that for many years previous to his period as City Librarian there had been no limit on the number of stacked books to be loaned at one time. He stated that this library had the largest number of books per capita of any public library that he is familiar with, and can see no justification for a limit on the number of books borrowed, other than the use of common sense by the librarian in charge of a circulation desk. This policy has resulted in the highest adult circulation of any library in the state, and has seemed to have created a Sreat number of satisfied patrons. There was a considerable discussion - some of it as to the powers of the Library Board in making policy decisions - of which the Librarian stated that there was no doubt that they were the policy-making body. Trustee Harrison_ said that it had been the Library Board's policy to remove restrictions *whenever and wherever possible. Trustee Edwards said that he 'believed that there should be some restrictions on the number of books borrowed. gyres. Cohendet said that the lack of policy in a written form was brought to her attention by an incident at the desk at which she was present, when a young mar_ wished to check out many volumes of a little used work for a high school prank. Lr. L.ec'ion stated that this was the only occurrence 4;ith v':hic'n he was familiar, and he believed it would have been caught before it was coml ietely carried out. Trustee Harrison stated that the subject should be held over for a fall Board. ADTOURY F T The meeting adjourned on an motion by Trustee "E dvriards, seconded by Trustee Harrison, and carried. R sped 1 s?�bmd itte , " ' 4 zr G. P. Lechich, Clerk of the Board - MMMUve TMIC UMARY Butliftemat Calif. DOC. 250, 195 To t t.eas of the 9"144800 lic Library tit t%G VAMW of +iaClaeu 000 of a Publie Ubwavy book selection policy. WROMAsg, it is the wepow1bility of a ►ISO li l la In all fla Inquiry 1 ! a la la as far wittwin Wisatary limina, and WTZPASO, it is the fungtica of th* Buriftwe Public Ubwary to select avaallsbU Molts send services *Atah to all wespeats amply with ' of the C"001MI6 Mucatuft Code. TROXFOzo Rpt TrAstess of tbo UdIv4sewlia UbvW bampAth set forththe ftllowtn moi* prisetpU a tot book oeteaten to tip SwIluipm Public Ubwarys 1. Selsetions as a 4weentic * f&VM lid of Md the vVemot of voodift to sultiplo poi ae of , Beekov doom for ltbrmy libdixtributleas an a c6mmeal of am- WARIOStIft 404 6 AIWA a %* e V60thiff thMy a . alassive as Ift"Vatimta la Idiews tosmat or literary 3. SPWISI lame f * in Public library 0011,0000"I and 41VU04at view an gid. several an . latolli *election lsplies at positive awlysis of a book as a %bet # ag out tbe VoTthubile values WA the bowway of materials vith omasideration of tb* witorts a0V^ 4* m1veattan OW riews to det*MAVW his autbortty on 40 subject. 3. Privortlys ao" public library In on agvrAy for fvw# p*ll+ # IrAWvmal oducatioul te occoVIIshWa$, the baw4intow Public 1.i its book seleetion an psitciplo wador tban porva wa" opinton, am wa TAbw tbm rmjwioo* t rather dip. by the Tristaw of the Durlivqsw milia Wlk,i s im V U by tu llaw t a $ Imst AUMV `. P. tacmeho City ubwartan LIBRARIANuS DEPORT DECEMBER 1959 CIRCULATION? This is the third tenth this year that the circulation has passed the 1,000 per day mark. In all probability, the year 1960 kill show an average circulation of over 1,000 ger day. The daily average circulation for 1948 was sligrtiv * lgher than X00. Thus, in the 12 year period. the daily average circulation will have increased 100.1. BUILDING FROGRKAM Stacks Extension. The addition to the reference room has been roofed and Col. Norberg estimates that the project is about one ronth ahead of schedule. It is possible that the project way be completed by March 1960. MEETINGS A ENDED Mr. Finney attended two meetings concerned with cooperation between librarians on the Peninsula. �- Mr. Lechich attended a aseting at tate University of California sponsored by the School of Librarlanship on the su4ject of old and valuable Californfana. Be visited Stanford University Library and the library at Menlo Park and San Francisco Public Library on various affairs concerning the disposal of cancelled and unwanted books, etc., also the replace- ment of the childrenja lfbtarian. Jur efforts to date have been unsuccessful. Mrs. Foltz has kindly consented to continue for an Indefinite period until such time as a satisfactory replacement has been found. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechi ch Librarian L CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET-EXPENDITURE 'KOI�ti H OF DECEMBER 192 M TIIT .�.��-�. SLIDCEY� BALANCE TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries 5,948.05 34,843.15 ,, 71,963.00 370119.85 M-11 Supplies 17.39 724.09 1,000.00 275.91 M-12 Printing & Po Inge: 123.93 %O'2.84 1,800.00 717.16 M-13 Liget, Heat, Power & Water 171.14 952.23 2,200.00 1,247.77 M®14 Telephone 30.91 239.27 450.00 210.63 M-16 Bldg. Gcounds Maintenance 49.-9 194.83 700.00 505017 M-17 Books & Maps 1,64"2040 6,979.69 16,000.00 9,020.31 M-17A Periodicals ••- 935.62 1,000.00 63.38 M-17B Binding 51.96 561.87 2,200.00 1,638.13 M-19 Convention 68.97 175.00 1o6.03 �M-19A Auto Allowgmce 13.52 52.14 225.00 172.86 M_19P Personnel ®_ 61.80 125.00 63.20 M-19T Trustees ®- 62.10 125.00 62090 M-20 Dues to Library Assns. 40.00 40.00 121.00 81.00 M-21 Miscellaneous 6.76 28081 100.00 71019 M-27 Coap. Insurance _- -_ 1,040.00 1,040.00 M-28 Contrazets 195080 1,224.70 21,749.00 1,524.30 C-80 Library Reserve 17,028.12 36,815.14 74,69000 37,874.86 C-90 Capital Expenditures -.. 267.73 413.00 145.27 0-1 General Overhea�sExpense 31,840.003.840-00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 19,371.52 50,292.93 108,953.00 58,660.07 c TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 25,319-57 85,136.08 180,916.00 95,779.92 r S,Zk`"ISWCS FOR NOVENTUR 11.919 e'1PCtTiAT1ON Main Branch Boolts: Adult Non-FicVloa 79759 1,153 Child Non-Fiction 1,645 925 Adult Fiction 6,017 1v870 Child Fiction _?L2ZIL 11�26 Total Book Circulation '—"'- 7-,Z 9-2 Periodiccln: 1.029 1 9eo 603 Total Books & 'Periodicals 18,721 Total Branch CircuYatlan 5.787 Total Branch & Main 24, Phtmugrniph Records: 2 8 "'re &kx�66 �1,and Total Circulation (lain & Branch (19-53-- 24061'll Dp.flY Axcr-vge for Main: 770 -age for Branch Pv--.7 —912 Total Daily Nverge 1 022 REGI S' "PATI ONS Adult Child Total Omto�% r 31, 15059 r-.="7 5 2,52 —10-;87-F ,-,d4ltions ilbvemter 296 87 383 :,AtbOravzla Nove-,')er 212 89 01 TotAl Reslatrsttons as of ids-aa embe r 7t 1939 8x,359 2.524 10 83� Crand r1l' &- �rl'VDRAWALS OF POW S:7NYZ!K: As of lojnmm Ad4ed canottled at ?cult Non-Fiction 65, 2 297 92 Cht!J NMI-riction 11,615 87 2 HMO HS Non-Fi---Oort 1,108 11 I 1,118 Adult Ficticn 29.698 104 6 29*796 HS Fiction 3,483 33 2 31514 Child Fiction 60" 2 "88 Total Book Stock as of NovemLer 309 1959 122*127 598 20 122705 Net Inermazie in Dook Stock: 578 (In- clueted in r-bove 31 Gifts end 450 Nerz Titles). ?gmphlets Added: 97 I-Taps Added: 5 Fad is 0iscag4� s 26 Maps Discarded: 14's of 10 1 Ac;-essloned 0isca2ied Grand Total 5 t t-,290 -30 '135 1-55 4