HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1961.03.21 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF MAR. 21,1961 TRUSTEES PRESENT. TRUSTEES ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE PRECIOUS MEETING OF FEB. 21st, 1961: BILLS: LIBRARIANLS REPORT: MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT: OLD BUSINESS: Safe. Work R*om Addition. Capital Budget._ Parking. COMMUNICATIONS: City Manager - Request for 1961-62 Budget. NEW BUSINESS: Budget 1961-62 at CIV ADJOURNMENT: ,;, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD FEBRUARY 21, 1961 Trustees Present: Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Crosby, Trustee Moody Trustees Absent: Trustee Harrison, Trustee Edwards MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of January 17,-1961, were read and approved. BILLS Sn a motion by Trustee Boody, seconded by Trustee Crosby, bills in the amount of $3:064.30 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMNT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Safe. The Librarian reported that Montgomery Ward Co. had a safe for $65.00 which passed the underwriters' specifications. .Pres.. Cohendet stated that she would recheck with the Herman Safe Co. Work Room Addition. The Librarian submitted theestimate_by Col. Norberg for the workroom and art room which indicated a total cost for.both rooms in an amount between $16,000 and $18,000. He feels that additional_informationonthe figures would be based on interior planning. painting. After an examination of the bids, the: lowest bid was submitted by Svend Ruhne for a sum total of 1370.00. The Librarian will inform Mr. Ruhne. Salaries. The Librarian, as requested at a previous meeting, reported on salary comparisons between San Mateo and Burlingame libraries. He stated that salaries of the part time people are quite comparable with those in threes different cities. The book menders received $1.60-1.65 per hour--at Burlingame they receive $1.70. It was noted that the part time people who work various hours, including some evenings, and who have responsible positions involving the public, receive-11.85 to $2.10. Our people in the same position receive $1.85 to $2.00. The Librarian stated that the professional positions were $20 to $35 lower than San Mateo. Dues to C.L.A. The Librarian, as requested at a previous meeting, spoke to the City Attorney about the legality of the library paying dues to the California Library Association. The City Attorney stated that he thought the situation was comparable to the league California cities and that the Librarian would not be questioned in regard to paying these dues. COT&flUNICATICNS A letter was received from the Trustees Section in regard to a meeting on Saturday in San Francisco requesting that trustees be present. At this time Pres. Cohendet asked if any of our trustees were going to attend and stated that she would be there. No one else will be able to attend. A letter was received from the City Manager in regard to Social Security explaining that further information could be obtained from the Social Security Office. NE"N BUSINESS. Parking. After some discussion it was agreed that it was desirable to get as many cars off the street as possible and that no damage would be done to the Sequoia tree. On a motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Crosby, it was moved that the bid from the F. D. Sperry Co. in the amount of $355.00 be accepted. Capital Budget. After a brief discussion it was decided to continue the study of the proposed capital budget and discuss it further at an extra meeting in the near future. ADTOURMENT On a motion by Trustee Crosby, seconded by Trustee Moody, the meeting adjourned. /Rpp t l yi mitted, Geo__ au Leebich Clerk of the Board LT BRARZAU a S REPORT MRrch 21, 1961 CIRCULATION,, The circulation Increased V over the math of February 1960. The total average daily circulation increased from 1,070 items in J&nUaTy ito 1,149 items in February. MEE21S ATTENDED, The Librarian arteneed the P.L.E.C.C. umeting at San Lenndro. There was considerable discussion of the dues structure with emphasis on cooperative ventures such as book lists, radio programs, etc., which can be produced for a fraction of the cost to the individual library when produced .and paid for by the group. The Chil.drenos Library. n and 6-hr. Branch Librarian attended a -most stimulating and rewarding, dap long session of A.C. . at San Leandro caa the subject of book reviewing media for selection of childrenas gooks. REPORT FROM THE CHTLDRENQS WT.: The library service Club has been. very active. They have learned to read fiction shel=ves and to shelve fiction in proper order. Also, they have assembled book lists and are making subject bibliographies. At their February 25th meeting, they were introduces! to London, Holland, and Austria through colored movies. On February 25th, 60 children in Story Hour were introduced to Holland via colored =vies and two arodels In Our- a-.ere rsview r� and an exhie=it on Holland set up for the week Special bookmarks decorated with verse and des-Ign were printed for ValentineQs day. St. Paulus nursery school came in for a special visit February 27th. Miss Falovic told and read stories to them. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Librarian f G 17!* r It!T,Ll TTG ••r RUDC':T EXPTNDITURF r. "MITT C v I" ^Ti L961 TR7;; T3L'OC'-T 13'.T,:".17Cy ""0"ITr? TO 7."'I": " --,LO "C" TOT:"L S-1 St,Lnrios 60956.65 59,877.41 80,067.00 200189.59 ?.Y,-ll Supplies 23.18 19184.14 19200.00 15.86 Z:i-l2 T'rintin �'ost�,ro 139.16 1,655.22 1,800.00 144.78 ''-13 Light, ?Icot, lower €c rater 45.64 1,915.52 29700.00 784.48 1T-14 Tele?hone 38.79 341.20 550.00 208.80 '.!-16 Bldg. A. Grounds }."aint. 111.62 368.92 * + .80 3 4. 19000.00 625.28 1*-17 Books Ar ''ans 1,457.03 14,340.40 189000.00 ,,,659.6o "1-17" Roriodier.ls 1.20 955.22 1,Qo0.Q0 44.78 -171-3 Binding; 159.07 29183.85 20500.00 316.15 9 Conv:ration (Libra. ' --- 121.15 175.00 53.25 ::-19` ":uto 110 ;^*gee ?3.90 118.75 P-25-CO 106.65 -1 ;'" Convention Mrs. ) --- 111.40 125.00 13.60 I"-19T Convontion (Tr. ) --- 64.75 125.00 60.25 V-2o Dues to T.ibrn rJr ssr.E. 2.50 142.50 1.40.00 - 2.50 ..-21 :"iuc�;ll<neous 12.25 19.94 100.00 80.06 11-27 Corp. Insurance --- --- 19040.00 19040.00 is-28 Contrrcts 240.00 2,1590 2,153.50 39000.00 846.50 C-90 Ctipit^1 "'xpenditures --- 19303.70 29885.00 19581.30 0-1 Generp:l Overlie^d ?,Yr). --- -- 4,000.00_ __ 4000.00 TOTL B-:�o'�~ c L�Rr Z,254.34 26,985.56 40,565.00 13,579.44 lrvf'L "T+'T"R G"LrRT7S 90210.99 860862.97 120,632.Oo 33,769.03 * (Correction of error :pride in October 1961 figures. ) STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1961 CIRCUUT1ON MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 8,479 1.570 Child Non-Fiction 1,824 1,,53 Adult Fiction 6,575 2.323 Child Fiction 224 1,,266 Total mak Circulation ��" 191Q2 - 8312 Periodicals: 901 901 664 Total Books & Periodica"s � . Total Branch Books & Periodical s 6q Total Branch & main 27.07 Phonograph Records: 488 488 4 Total Clrcula¢,pon. Main & Br,,-1,,x% g ;7 �-7,.-9 fl Total Branch Records _ 4 GRAND Tq Al, CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH l7 7l X1960: 26,036) m�svrssa�_ ..r _mwnsv,...vr-s.-va...zm[m-awn awa•s+ra-fes ..,..-.3 Daily Average for Main< 8�6 Daily Average, for Branch: 30q TOTAL DAILY .AVERAGE •R 9 REGISTRATIONS . ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership January 311w 191 8.949 2,837 11,786 Additions February 296 93 389 Withdrawals February «�253 60 313 Total. Regaatratlans as of br' 2 961 .pv�8. 992 2.870 11,862 ACCESSIONS & WInTI RAWALS OF BAY STOCK- As of Grand 1�. ® Added Cancelled Total Adult Non-Fiction 69, 661251 13 70,102 Child Non-Fiction 12,430 50 2 12,478 HS Non-Fiction 1.209 2 w- 1,211 Adult Fiction 30,340 143 16 30.472 HS Fiction 3,666 13 1 3,678 Child Fiction 11,577 11 604 Total Book Stock as of Feb. 28, 1961 129,Qg 37 129,545 Net Increase in book Stock: 459 _(Included in ,above( figures; 18 Gifts enO 363 Nei., Titles,, Pamphlets e- Added: 71 maps :Added: 2 Pamphlets Discal 22 Maps Discarded: ...• RECORDINGS: As of 1® 1-61 Accessioned Discarded Grand 'Total j If Adult 1,2 31 ®4 1 2 1392 Child 155 TotalI�2�1�~ jc � � �....�.7 - 1 2 CD2 �3 � S41~ 3. Record Stock as of 2.23-61 1,832 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER-. Main $ 957.02 Branch 24 .16 20001