HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1961.06.20 a MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD APRIL 25, 1961 Trustees Present: Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Crosby, Trustee Moody, Trustee Edwards. Trustees Absent: Trustee Harrison. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of March 21, 1961, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Edwards, bills in the amount of $4,866.62 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Safe. Our insurance carrier has been unable to obtain information on the Montgomery-Ward safe. He will know about this in a few more days. Capital Budget. After a general discussion, which will be contained in a letter to be mailed to the Library Board, there will be a special meeting of the Capital Budget committee on Tuesday at 8 A.M., May 2nd, on the 1961-62 budget. The tentative budget as submitted by the Librarian was studied and discussed at length. On a motion by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Pres. Cohendet, it was moved that the tentative budget, as submitted by the Librarian, would be approved as presented; all unbudgeted amounts collected from the suggested tax rate be placed in the Library Reserve Fund; and, that the Librarian be instructed to make such a request in his letter of transmittal. NEW BUSINESS Pres. Cohendet stated that a letter of thanks be sent to the Mills High School Art. Dept. for their posters used by the library during National Library Week. Social Security versus State Employment Retirement. It was decided rather than become involved in the social security setup, it would be better in certain cases for the part-time employees to qualify for the State Employment Retirement. This would not necessarily mean that after a period of qualification they would work more than one-half time. During the discussion it was brought out that certain jobs might be combined into full-time positions. It would be advisable to do this as soon as it is made possible by either retirement of present part-time employees, in order not to work any hardship on individuals, or the reorganization of the processing and cataloging division, made possible by the use of the processing facilities of the County Library if such appears feasible. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Moody, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Geor Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIANuS REPORT May 16, 1961 CIRCULATION: The circulation increaescd 206" over thair. cf April 19600 MEETINGS AlTENDED: The Librarian attended the hearing on S.B� 789, Public library Serv!ce Bill, The Bill cleared for paseage. A special xeeting was called by the State Librarian later that day to consider certain changes in the leu relating to the State Librarian, Warren Ba Wickliffe attended a meeting of the Bay Area chapter of the Music Library Association, held in the Berkeley Public ilbr:arf on Friday April 28, 1961, Reports were made on the pyogress in coq,i3ing a nests edition of California compos+rs, with members present being given lists of ausioi;sns In the earlier edition to be checked for additions or deletions. 1. round-table discussion on treatupent of scores, parts and sheet music was ht1d; those talking part in the discussion brought examples of the manner in w-hick their libraries 'handle music in its varlaus form, Refreshments were seraW :' tel tler i *-t&U room a$ter the ve eting ad jrPurr sd, rnd toured the new Art and Music room, Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Librarian e CITY OT BT1DG-T ""v"-'^Tr;ITUTt7 A` :t0*ml cF !',,Y 19 1 TTTI^ BUDG'':T B-L"",C`' TO D'7'l,' f"LLO'','T'C"' TCTI T, S-1 St!l^ries 60848.93 73,445.16 809067.00 6,621.84 55.06 1,304.89 19200.00 - 1.04.09 •'-1'' Printim- T'ostn�c °6.02 1,869.5 ' 1,8:'0.00 - 69.52 ro•,-.er ter 220.40 27376.24 29700.00 323.76 ?`.-1.4Telonhone 24.62 39;.40 550.00 156.60 -16 -3ldr- Grounds '-tc . 86.44 963.=0 1,00(:.00 36.61 -17 Book � ��^�: ?84.92 1?,100.2? 18,000.00 899.73 -17' Pcriodic.-.1s, 1.65 963.42 1,000.00 36.58 ;'-17r Bindin7, 183.23 2,553.97 2,500.00 - 53.97 "-19 Convention (Librn. ; 4.75 1?8.65 175.00 46.35 t`-19 "uto r tzo ..^.nce 33.50 157.25 225.00 67.75 "'-19" Convention (pers. ) --- 122.40 125.00 2.60 ''-19T Ccnvcntlon (Trs. ) --- 67.50 125.00 57 .50 :)ut s to Libr^rzT ' , -ns. --- 142.50 140.00 - 2.50 -?1 ::iseetlneous --- 19.94 100.00 80.06 . .-27 Ccm. Insurenee --- --- 19040.00 1,040.00 I-r-,0. Cont?-acts '', 7-0 3900().00 366. 50 a.4(�.co C 16.12 ?,?`,'?.05 2SP .00 92.95 0-1 ^cn. Ovr,ncc-d "y!). - 4.000 .00 4.000.00 TO^'"L ?'T,c;"� r^,r�RI'.r 1`,736.71 33,538'.89 40', 565.00 6,576.11 TOT''T. "^T`'n "?."RT'"S 80585.64 107,034.05 1?.0,632.00 13,597.95 STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1961 �RCULAT�01V MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 10,017 1,492 Child Non-Fiction 2,068 1,069 Adult Fiction 6,148 2,121 Child Fiction 2,542 1s 44 Total Book Circulation 20;775 �`6,1'29 Periodicals: 1 026 1 026 627 627 Total Books & Periodicals 21, O1 � 6,756 Total Branch Books & Periodicals 6 7 Total Branch & Main "8,57 Phonograph Records: 6 659 2 2 Total Circulation Main & Branch "' 29,215 , 5 Total Branch Records 2 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 2 (1960: 28,477) Daily Average for Main: 854 Daily Average for Branch: 270 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1,12 REGISTRATIONS ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership March 31, 1961 9,070 2.877 119947 Additions April 266 45 311 Withdrawals April 252 62 314 April 30, 1961 Total Registrations 9 084 2.860 ll 12 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: As of Grand 3.31-61 Added Cancelled Total Adult Non-Fiction 70, 9 279 16 70,752 Child Non-Fiction 12,556 65 3 12,618 HS Non-Fiction 1,227 8 1 19234 Adult Fiction 30,621 99 27 30,693 HS Fiction 3,688 37 1 3,724 Child Fiction 1171 84 11,799 Total Book Stock as of Apr. 30, 1961: 130,296.& 572 48 t3-6-9-F20' Net Increase in Book Stock: 524 Included in above fi res: 8 Gifts and 403 New Titles. Pamphlets Added: 86 Maps Added: 3 P filets Discarded: Ma s Discarded: -- RECORDINGS: As of 1-61 Accessioned Discarded Grand Total Adult I,Z43 31 _--3 7 78 45 3«3 1,243 315 3930 Child -- 1S5 .� _- -- -- -- -- -• 2 -- Total 1.243 186 391 -- _s •- -• 1,2 3 186 391 Record Stock as of 4-30-61 2.820 -• __ - 1_,820 `0SITED WITH CITY TREASURER: L Main $ 1,036032 Branch 225-93 1 2 2.2 SPECIAL MEETING - May 2, 1961 COMMITTEE CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECT Trustees Present: Mr. Moody, Chairman - Mr. Edwards - Mr. Crosby The meeting was called to order at 8 A.M. May 2, 1961. The Librarian distributed copies of the letter received from City Manager Schwalm concerning establishment of a capital budget. Mrs Edwards stated that he thought the capital budget should be limited to capital improve- ments that were beyond the scope of the regular budget. Mr. Moody and Mr, Crosby concurred In this. The Librarian then outlined two major projects: Establishment in the Mills Estate on the Franklin school property; purchase of additional property for the library to allow for expansion in the Mills Addition. Mr. Edwards requested the Librarian to look up the correspondence and action of the Elementary School Board in granting us the privilege of erecting a building on their property. After some discussion on the different possible loca- tions, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Moody brought out that the size of the saucture Would be de!;pjent on the eventual development of the Mills Tract. It was brought out that the population in twenty years would be in excess of 50,000. Most of these would be in apartment houses and their probably distribution and type would determine the size necessary for the Franklin school branch. �* fhe Librarian spoke of the crowded conditions at the Main library and that certain expension of the physical plant of the library is necessary. He was instructed to find out the cost and procedure for the acquiring of additional property. A report will be made at the next regular Board meet- ng on May 16th. Mr. Edwards outlined the method for acquiring real property as used by the Harbor Commission. Mr. Moody stated that he believed we should make plans as soon as possible, not only for the future of the Franklin School Branch, but that all steps should be taken to acquire the necessary property for the expansion of the Main library. Mr. Crosby concurred in this thought and described the difference in costs due to delaying action in purchase of property. Mr. Edwards suggested that we discuss costs for this plan, and establish a capital budget of $177,000 as a minimum expenditure to develop this program. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board