HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1961.08.17 AGENDA BURLINGAMIi PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 17, 161 TRUST)(EES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: )40-a t/ KiI UTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 18, 1961: BILLS: LIBRARTAiV' S REPORT: MONTHLY FINAVCIAL STATEIv.ENT: x j 71'K � 3 OLD BUSINESS: Capital Budget Planning Com=mission C - AW " Children' s Librarian. ` 71 - TZ v, COIvv!UNI CATIONS: NEW BUSINESS: Branch Supervise' Employment of Junior .Librarian or Senior if necessary. --f ADJOURNaEvT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD July 18, 1961 Trustees Present: Pres. Cohendet, Trustee Crosby, Trustee Edwards, Trustee bloody Trustees Absent: Trustee Harrison MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of June 20, 1961, were read and approved. BILLS Tna motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Edwards, bills in the amount of jF3,349.85 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN,AS REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Ca-pital Bu Ret. A note was read from the Planning Commission requesting that a represen- tative of the Board be present to discuss the proposed acquisition of additional property. Mr. Edwards indicated that he would attend. Governor's Conference. Pres. Cohendet reported that she represented the library at the conference and that she participated in a panel on library law. She stated that the Assistant State Attorney, who was to discuss library law, failed to do so. The represen- tative from Amador County explained their participation in the Federal Aid Bill and the library services established for its 9,000 inhabitants. She stated that she believed the greatest benefit from attendance at these conferences was derived from discussions with people attending. She stated that there was some discussion on censorship, and that libraries should have well balanced representative collections. She also stated that in respect to population growth that most libraries have retrogressed in the ser- vices to the public. Pdr. Lechich stated that this is not the case in regard to our library-that the circulation had grown in relation to the population. Pres. Cohendet stated that she hoped the trustees would attend more of these meetings than they have in the past,especially that the next CIA convention will be held in Berkeley. Budget. The Librarian stated that the budget had passed the city council and it had conformed with our requests with the exception of the establishment of a reserve fund. He stated, however, that probably there would be a surplus in the tax fund at the end of the financial year. Safe. The Librarian stated that the safe had been received and installed-it is also now covered b7 insurance. Children's Librarian. It was moved by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Moody, that we accept miss Palovic's resignation and that the librarian write a letter expressing the Board's than'= s for her services. NEW BUSINESS ,Re-or;zanization of the Board. Trustee Moody moved that Jack Edwards be nominated for Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year, motion seconded by Trustee Crosby and unani- mously carried. Trustee moody moved that Trustee Crosby be nominated Secretary of the Board, seconded by Trustee Edwards, unanimously carried. ADJOURN MIT On a motion by Trustee Edwards, seconded by Trustee Moody, the meeting adjourn"id Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich, Clerk of the Board Ll 1_R:1 t. 1 S R17 I "ORT lugust 17t 1961 C 1 R CUKL A.T I ON Circulpt4on for the .,,ionth of Tuly, 1L 96' increased 4.743 over the samma month last yea-. T1 is interestlnr- to note how the increase In children's revdinL, of fiction -:,robably is due in part to the S,imm.­r Raadiny Club, which makes tro for 11-,ha eli-)crease in adult - f° ot3.ora during the surr2ner, Last y1car ,x c15culritad 3133v1U32 vol,.=os or 13.9 books per caDite. TIJ:3 is nn 8/10 of v Poirt-1 ia-lreas� n.nd should keep us well ahead of the neighboxAng librnrtos. This �raxt.h is Probably due iii psrt to the arise wit,011 vilich the patrons can find tie boor; _l tIr-,t that' vAsh to reed, "te added a total 4,868 I'Au i t;I out 7,f 7.04,0 -�croltraos coquired, 868 Indiv al In 1951, v,,e had 80204 repistered iatrons; to date vie have 12,000, 7c or Ch W 3 1.1-1 rjvtr,.,rj ,)r o,c unit of population -,rotyth, In 1931 we hnJ 31081_') volunes; to date -wze h=ave 132,,e1)49 volumes even though durtag that i.ntorval we hava discarcled or vo-An out or dated about 45,000 volumes, TPROT'l TF1,1 G"ILn?'1'4.N1S D-PART7117111.1.. The childrenis dcpsr;,.,Tient� of both the 71.1hin Library and ',,aston Drive Branch have been kept very busy during July by the I'7xr1loriniv viith the Vikings Summer Roadin,7 Club" . To date, approximately 225 children arc narticipating in the rirogram, rith about 100 neribers at the Branch Library. ! nun.aber of children have Q.ready road 30 books the total required to complete one Viking Ship and are beginning on thvir second ships. All the chi'ldro:;n s,cen.. to be quite enthusiastic about the Club* The annual party is 3cheduir,bd far Friday,, Septe;7ibor 1, from 2 - 4 P.T1. 111.1 the ch11d_-Jn ,,*jho "oir.;--,d the club are eliC,11116 to attond, This is in contrast to provious years where only those rbo cormloted the nrocram could attend the party* The regular story hour has beer, continuln3 during July at both libraries, though the attendance has deo'{fined slightly due to vacation time For the -last story hour in Tijly at the main library, .*.'Iss ralovic showed -levies Ond slides of the Scandinavian co-;intries which she had taken, during her trip V. year ngo. This was in keening with the reading club theme of the Vikings. Resp,sotfully submitted, Geos;e Paul. Lechich Librarian CITY Oi�', :IYJRLI-i-. ST U.41ryry 07 TT." ALL-0",Al-CE TOTAL 1. -1 TO DA.Tj- k . S-1 Salaries 62920.81 14,210.07 01*601*00 77,390. 93 "-ll supplies 129.20 2-11 112 10600000 10350,88 , --12 Printin- Posta3o 121,93 792o75 20000*00 10207*25 1-13 Lijit, Heat Powor Wator 176,,50 353*35 20700000 2034-6,65 11.-1,1. Telephono 10007 72091 550000 47709 Dldf-Gfl-', Grounds ainteranco 2G*63 07077 105OOoOO lv,�.02,23 ".r-17 Doolts f'-; 1.1apa 745*34 1080703 180000*00 160192*07 '.'-17A Foriodicals 18*00 73442 10000.00 2G5o78 :-i-177D 3ndin- 301 0 01C. 532051 20500*00 109G7.40 Convention (Libraria n). 175000 175*00 :1-101% Auto Allowance 40co 11000 200000 109000 i-19P Convon't-Am M 125900 125000rsonnol) T.R1019T Convention (Trustees } 125000 125900 ,.-20 Dues to Library Assn-s. go.. 150,00 150000 _:-21 :Ascollancouls mewsm 10000 1001,00 90100 - -2' ,-'� I Go.ripe Insurance MM40 29000.00 20000,00 W-40 -'-23 Contracts 250,00 490000 30120000 29630.00 C-00 Capital "�xpendituros 030,12 956,12 20264*00 10307oB8 TO111AL 1-313FO."ME' SALLEKES 297 9 3 60090,78 300109000 320010022 TOTA L Ai' ':;R SIddi."RI-ES 9,669-74 20,308.85 1209710000109,401. 15 STATISTICS FO,'--,' JULY 1061 .?iti JLliiI Q.Ql. T.:�Ti. T�1. 1 -CIT L'ool�s ; Adult .:on-I'ictIon 69328 1,312 Child cti on 107OZ 1,rG3 Adult Vi ct on 6,GG8 2,046 C,hi 1 d Viction 3.,18 2,7G8 Total wool- "Ji?-lculaton Poriod:i.call: 902 902 083 G03 Total L'ool.s L- Poriodica is n, , Total L'rancli 7001M Poriodicals 8 872 Total �ra:':,:CI'1 ..� :33n Phono;7aph Records : 475 475 1 1 Total Circulat on '.:ain �, iranch ,b.LV x,83 Tot--1 ";ranch ;'Locords 1 ';�_LA D TOTAL C11U ULAT IQ:: 1060: 270 524) Daily Avera-o for _.:ain: 750 Dally Avera;e for Bra -ch: �355 10TAL DAILY AV RAGE; J.,= ArULT CIIII.D TOTAL r. oribership June 30, 1061 91169 2,830 11,999 Additions July 250 01 311 '�:ithdrawals July 250 .-...73 323 �- TOTAL I1,2-13MATIOi S AS OF 00169 20818 11,987 AG :SSIJ-S �s :I`a'IiI1'l�LI�LS OF I;O:?i' STOCKIps of "F�fi Ii G-30-01 Addeo. Cancelled TOTAL Adult =".on-^ietian ,205 3.LG , r9 Child I;on-i'2etion 120724 30 4 12,750 IiS Ion-I'1.ction 10245 2 -- 19247 Adult Pietion 30,775 205 04 300890 ;IS Fiction 30738 3 3 30730 Child Fiction 1.1 894 33 -• 111 027 TOTAL LOJ i SiOCIi AS Ula Jtal 31 10,01 1312,G '.�� MOM Klot Increase in Loop stocl-,U: 40 3 (Includod in abovo fi-eros : 325 '::sifts 295 l ova Titles Famphlbffd a o : o 11aps . o _..,. Iiawmy hlots Discarded: 52 :a s Discarded: --- "' ''lDIi:GS As of 6-30-01 Accossioned Dtcarded ,,7j-r TOTAL 45ts 186 12 -zi 198 33.3 t s ._.. 90 ,. a.1.1. TOT 1EC QPD Q T Q ;Ii %xS 0't+' Jules 31.. 1961 10£31.5 36 18051 : � FQSIT�D �li"Ii CTT.L il . +I:JUT'1.t M Tain 711®65 Dranch 13.0010_.: 8'PtI