HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1961.10.17 MINUTES OF THE IMTING Of THE BURLINGA€iE' PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 19, 1961 Trustees Present: Pres. Edwards, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Moody, Trustee Crosby Trustees Absent: Trustee Harrison 11INUTES y ,nu es of the previous meeting of August 17, 1961, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Crosby, bills in the amount of 'C)2,677.57 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The TiUrarlanrs report was read and accepted. 1017THLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Cites Counc . . Pres. Edwards stated that the City Council had approved, subject to appraisal, the purchase of the N.W. 1/4 of Lot 6, Block 3. He stated that the Library Board was willing to increase the library tax to refund the purchase price. Trustee Ioody's position was the same. NEW BUSINESS Request for Examination for Senior Librarian_. It was moved by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Crosby, that we request the Civil Service Commission for a Senior Librarian's examination. Holidays. A request was made by the Library Board for a list of holidays, and a E oT employees with a description of their duties, be enclosed with copies of the minutes. Chann�m�e_ of I:Ieetinb Time. It was moved by Trustee vIoody, seconded by Trustee Crosby, that the Library BoaFE—meeting be changed to 7:30 Tuesday nights. ADJOURid'.=L nen a Fib-Udn by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Crosby, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechdch Clerk of the Board LIBRARIANaS REPORT October 17, 1961 CIRCULATION The circulation for September 1.961 gal-ned 2.8 percent over September 196o. MEETINGS A ENDED The Librarian attended the first meeting of the Public Library Executives of Central California at Alameda. There was a discussion of the promotional activities Of the Association, and it was agreed to continue the sponsorship of John Patertsones "Books and Authors" program on Station KQED Wednesdays at 9 P.M. CHILDREN'S SECTION Mrs. Bergsing and Mrs. Terpay attended the regular monthly tweting of the Association of Childrenus Librarians of Northern California. A program of school visits has been instituted and in turn, classes are coming regularly to the library. There will be a Children's Librarian in attendance Monday and Tuesday nights. This should relieve the congestion at the Main Desk, and gender a much needed service to the ma,~iy parents and children that come to the library between 7 and 9 P.M. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Librarian CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1961 -- THIS BUDGET BALANCE MONTH TO DATE ALLOKKNCE TOTAL S••1 Salaries 7, 161.04 28,303. 58 91,601.00 63,297.42 Moll Supplies 35.33 364.61 1,600.00 19235.39 M-12 Printing & Postage 186.23 1,132.52 2,000.00 867.118 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & water 167.93 637.88 2,700.00 2,062.12 M-14 Telephone 14.85 143.81 550.00 406.19 M-16 Bldg. & Grounds Maintenance 64.85 163.42 19500.00 1,336.58 M-17 Books & Maps 1,439®93 4.295.82 189000.00 13,704.18 M-17A Periodicals 33.00 773.b6 1,000.00 226.94 M-17B Binding - 654.60 29500.00 1,845.40 1.19 Convention (Librarian) 26.95 26.95 175,00 148.05 M-19A Auto Allowance 21.00 46.10 200.00 153.90 M-19P Convention (Personnel) 76.90 76.90 . 125.00 48.10 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 125.00 125.00 M-20 Dues to library Assns. 150.00 150.00 M®21 Miscellaneous 10.00 100.00 90.00 M-27 Comp. Insurance 2,000.00 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts., 250.00 990.00 39120.00 2,130.00 C-90 Capital Ez?enditures 878.80 1*856.45 2,264.00 407.55 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 3,195.77 11472.1.2 38,,09.00 26.936.88 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 100 346.81 39,475.70 129,720,00 90,234.30 STTATISTIC5 F01'. SEPTEMBER li)61 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 6,649 1,305 Child Non-Fiction 1,553 1,116 Adult Fiction 6,165 20102 Child Fiction �2 �' Total Book C;rc-elation 1_760 5 Periodicals: 946 46 — 671 --1 1. Total. Books & Periodicals ,752 --6—v639 Total Branch Books & Periodicals 6*622 Total Branch & Main 24—,391 Phonograph Records: 52.5 95 Total Circulation Main & Braasch ,9l s 644 Total Branch Records GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 24r,-92 (1960: 24,215) Daily Average for Main: 722 Daily Average for Branch: 2 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 999 REGISTRATIONS ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership August 31, 1961 9,228 2,836 12,064 Additions September 349 96 445 �-- Withdrw4als September 387 2 466 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF Sept n-ber 30, 1��1 w 91,190 2,853 12,0:4,3 ACCESSIENS & WITHDRAVALS OF BOOT STOCK As of GRAND � �. 8...Il 61 Added Cancelled Adult Non-Fiction 711.?'9_9 2Tj' 22 727053 Child Non-Fiction 12,758 40 13 12x785 HS Non-Fiction 19251 2 1 1,232 Adult Fiction 31,042 111 53 31,100 HSS Fiction 3,744 28 6 3,766 Child Fiction —.111941 __7k __21 __11,992 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS S Eto 3d, 19 1 _. P32,536 532 120 132,948 Net Increase in Book Stock: 412 (Included in above figures: 110 Gifts & 387 New Titles)— Pamphlets itles)— Pamphlets Added: 107 Maps Added: - Pa mphlets Discarded: Fib y- y. Maps Discarded RECORDINGS As of 8r. 1-61 Accessioned Discarded GRIND TOTAL 78's 1,2:9 -® 2 1,237 459s_ 200 ®•- 204 33.3's !a-18 �� 1 � 420 TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF Sept. 0 2 61 1,857 7 3 1,861 D30-QITED I4ITH CITY 'TREASURER Main $ 767o72 Branch 163.96 to