HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1961.12.19 vtINUTES OF THE MEETING of the BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 21, 1961 Trustees Present: Pres. Edwards, Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Moody Trustees Absent: Trustee Crosby MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of October 17, 1961, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Moody, bills in the amount of $4,834.88 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. t OLD BUSINESS Purchase of Allsebrook Lot. There was a brief discussion of the purchase by the city of the lot and its possible temporary- assignment to the Parking District until such time as the city council approves the -expenditure of funds for the construction of an addition to the Main Library. The Librarian will check into the actual status of this purchase and report at the next Board meeting. Holidays. It was moved by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Cohendet, that the library be closed at 7 o'clock on Satdrday, December 23rd, and Saturday Dec. 30th, until Monday, December 26th, and January 2nd, at 9 A.M. respectively. NEW BUSINESS C.L.A. Convention. There was a brief report by Trustee Cohendet on the proceedings at the Convention at which she stated that the meetings which she attended were highly rewarding. Friends of the Library's Brunch for the Employees of the Library. Trustee Cohendet reported that the Executive Board of the Friends of the Library entertained the staff at Mr. and Mrs. John G. Neukom's home at 124 Marren Rd., San Mateo. It was moved by Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Moody that the Librarian write a thank-you note to the executive board, ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Cohendet, the meeting adjourned. Respgctfully submitted, George`Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIEkARIAN'S REPORT December 19, 1961 CIRCULATION The circulation was 2.7% less than the month of November 1960, However, the daily average circulation is still above 1,000, and it is 11.5% greater than it was in 1959, The daily average circulation for the past ten years is as follows: 1952 - 674 1957 - 840 1953 - 801 1958 - 977 1954 - 817 1959 - 1,022 1955 - 835 1960 - 1,139 1956 - 816 1961 - 1,064 It would seem khat the decrease in circulation may be a reflection of an abnormally high October and November 1960. The circulation for 1961 - 27,619 1960 - 28,458 1959 - 240786 1958 - 24,361 1957 - 23,119 �. From these figures it would s;.am that 1960 should have been about 26,000 not 28,458. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that there is difficulty in finding parking during the rush periods which may be a contribr.ting factor. This in itself will be somewhat remedied by the offstreet parkin; which will be made possible by the removal of the recently purchased home at 1249 Bellevue. MEETINGS ATTENDED The Librarian met with the various head librarians in this area to discuss continued development of assigned subject areas in the purchasing of books, No conclusions were reached and an additional meeting will be held in January or February, The Librarian also attended two city council meetings and one special meeting of the parking committee and the city council, The lot purchased for library expansion has been included in the general parking district but has been reserved for library use whenever the council gives its permission for the construction of an addition. Mrs. Bergsing and Mrs. Terpay attended the monthly meeting of she A.C.L. Children's Book Week - several classes visited the branch and main library - a film was presented. Story Hour averaged 20 to 30 children. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Librarian CITY OF BURLINGME BurC-ET EXPENDITURE —7mbNTri 0DF(E.1EER —B,KL—A NCE 114 IS BUDGET MONTH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries 7,U66.01 42, 474.69 91,601.00 49,126.31 M-11 Supplies 157,73 772,35 1*60000 82765 M-12 PTiUtiT!g & Postage 21458 11465.38 2#000,00 534.62 M-13 Light, Heat, Power I, Vata'. 70"46 1,071 ,77 ;,700c,00 1,62823 �1-14 Telephone 32,31 241.11 SWOO 308,,89 M-16 Bldgo & Grounds Maintenance 450.32 613.74 1#500,00 886026 M-17 Books & Maps 2,061.44 911239.11 18000000 8,760,239 M-17A Periodicals 17.11 848.76 1,000 00 151.24 M-17B Binding 376,09 1,252,16 2&500100 1,247.84 M-19 Convention (Librarian) 4,25 51150 175.00 12350 M-19A Auto Allowance 11.70 68.10 2W00 131.90 M-19P Convention (Personnel) -- 130,90 125,00 - S"90 M-19T Convention (Trustees) -- 34.19 125,00 90,81 M-20 rnics -o Library A.--,sns, 61,00 61,00 150.00 89,00 NI-21 Miscellaneous -- 10x00 100.00 90.00 M-27 Comp. Insurance -- -- 2000000 2,000.00 M. -28 Contracts 266,25 1050625 3,120.00 18613075 C-90 Capital Expenditures 25.85 2&38M8 2.264.00 -125.78 TOCTAT. BEFORE SALARIES 3r74910 191756.10 38,109m 180352,,90 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 100815.11 62.9230.79 1290710-00 67,479.21 STATISTICS rOR NOVEMBER 1961 rIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 8,5C4 1,412 Child Non-Fiction 1,807 1,221 Adult Fiction 5.8462,21 ' Child Fiction 2,824 1 9 Total Book Circulation - Periodicals; —1 006 1 006 624 624 Total Books & Periodicals 19.9 7 7,050 Total Branch Books & Periodicals 7 050 Total Branch & Main 27'037 Phonograph Records: 582 582 Total Circulation Main & R=anch 27 M9 Total Branch Records GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATIONMAIN & BFANCB 27.E (1960: 28,458) Daily Average for Main: 782 Daily Average for Brunch: 282 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 170-9 : . . w ..gin. . REGI STRATI ONS i5,1)U'LT CHILD Tom_ Membership October 31, 1951 99267 2,914 12,181 Additions November 274 103 377 Withdrawals November 297 �. 9 376 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF �- November 3t�� 19 1 9,244 29938 12,182 ACCESSIONS & WITHDF4AWALS OF BOOK STOCK As of GRAND 10-31-61 Added Cancelled TOTAL Adult Non ®Fiction 72X33 419, 22 72,925 Child Non-Fictioa 12,824 138 37 12,?25 HS Non-Fiction 1,254 4 1,258 Adult Fiction 31,230 80 52 31,2_53 HS Fiction 3,8M 5 3 3,806 Child Fiction 12.040 146 71 12,11 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF Novo 30, 19 i 133,585 791 189 134,187 Net Increase in Book Stock: 602 Included in above figures: 47 Gifts & 488 New Titles Pamphlets Added: Maps Added: 3 Pae hlets Discarded: ®_ Maps Discarded RECORDINGS As of 10$ 1_61 _ wcessioned Discarded GRAND TOTAL _- -____-- 78 q s 1,8232 ._ m_ 1,232 4509 204 204 3319 420 —7_ _d __A27 TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF Novo r_19 y 1,856 7 ®® 1,863 DEPOSITED WITH CI'T'Y TREASURER "v Main $ 972.64 Branch 229°86 $:2O2o