HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1962.03.20 BURLT, 1JQA3" LI BRAIRY BOARD , ItJ VMMNG OF 14ARCH 20, 1962 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: ,1I!UTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF FEB. 19, 1962 - /X, BILIS: 1TIBRA1'-'JJ REPORT; I C e- 4 J1014THLY T,;rl ITANCIAL STATM-'-ENT: OM BUSINESS.4. Disposition of property next door, -)-k— COlYSIU1,y1CATIONS: NEW BUSINESS: Designation of name for Armsby Collection, Designation of Reference Room as the "Irene Smith Room". 7";lke- Appointment of Mrs, Helen Ward as Library Assistant* F-Request for examination for Library Assistant. TOLRNMENT 7-1 T.:T Lj T­rpLuL�, :3 sT a zru�p - G dfi G a�r TOL oxuu.. ug.,. i.; �.IoL 0 7. :k-L'2 • ,_IGTGT-T "",ULq a2 -TPLVL.ei Vn2lapuup• t—A 08T'iUU-TOU 0; - G!--.GUGG _,OOI�J 92 �-; JUG TTGUG ?JZT�p-,j �GT, SOOLUn D03T5,��UMPTOJT OT UMG LOT, u l7 I 'IVT 10 Li I,- INV ii G'z tP (-,;OOT- nT .K.e -4t,' 7 2; A j 'T "- T Li D 1, J,,- _02 7u)- `1 :-' -T Ta*A 7 N"t(, GD SO MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 19, 1962 Trustees Present: Pres, Edwards, Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Moody, Trustee Crosby. Trustees absent: None. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of Jan. 16, 1962 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Moody, bills in the amount of $2,640.49 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 1 The Librarian's report was read and accepted after some discussion on the subject of censorship. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Disposition of Property Next Door. After considerable discussion, it was brought out that lack of parking at the library has become of suffi- cient importance as to affect the use of the library; that adequate funds are available to cover the cost of wrecking the present building and establish a parking lot for about 25 cars. Trustee Moody moved that the Library Board recommend the removal of the building and the estab- lishment of a parking lot, seconded by Trustee Cohendet and unanimously carried. COMMUNI I CATI ONS A letter was read from Mrs. Donald M. Teixeria discussing the present condition of the Branch Library and requesting that the Library Board give consideration to the establishment of a branch in the Mills Estate. A note of appreciation of sympathy expressed was read from Mrs. Edith Dein, member of the library staff. NEIN BUSINESS Branch Librarf. Trustee Harrison read from the minutes of the February 4 council meeting an excerpt stating that the City Council had requested the City Manager to request the Library Board to prepare a study of this subject. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Trustee Moody, seconded by Trustee Cohendet, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully subm tted, Georg Paul Lechch Clerk of the Board ;SIB:A TAN o S WORT Merck 202 1262 CIRCULATION The childrenas circulation at the Main Library increased 8* 1 over that of February 1960. The average circulation decreased 2% over February 1961 but still was 3.6 percent higher than 1960. MEETINGS ATTEKDED The Librarian attended the City Council meetings of March 5th and 19th. The meeting on the 5th resulted in the appolAtment of ^r. Edwards to the Planning Commission, and the tabling of any action on the property next to the library until the 19th meeting. The Librarian also attended the Chamber of Commerce generel membership meeting of March 16th, The address on the Zuropean Common 'Aarket by Henry A. Jacops, a Belgium citizen and at present a patron of our library, was most timely and "ery well received. Some umall part of the rrsearch for has paper was derived from our library collection of mgterial on the Cornon Market - some of which are expensive m "Europecs Feeds and Resources" Twentieth Century Fund, coasting $12.00. The I;ibrarian attended We PLECC -noting at '';-,v:2w7!%o. 'tee: the businers meeting a panel consisting of the Director of the Bancroft Libras; at Berkeley, the Director of the California History Association, end the Librarian of the Sbtro Library, discussed the place of California in the library. It was generally concluded that the local public libraries 1hould collect local material but shoull forwerd Information on extremely valuable material ,-.o the appropriate institutions. If suc% materials were to be retained by the local libraries then micTofibing would be desirable, which Bancrnft is *.pilling to do at their own expense* NOTES FROM THE CHILDRENOS DEPARTf I NT 'Tete Childrents Poom way dewr:. ted with ilalentizc and NAshington and Lincoln displays* Cue story hour was A voted to ` .alentinefls Day with a Valentine story and a record of "A froggie went a-courtini», to which the children sant. A 5th grade class from Hoover School visited the library for a demonstration in the use of the catalog and Readerts Guide. The North Hillsboro Girl Scout troop visited the library one Friday after school, They observed the story hour, and Mrs. aerpay taught them to tell a short story themselves. Then they out out shamrocks for bulletin displays end mounted pictures for the Childrenos Room picture file. For their Community Service project, the girl Scout troop near the Branch made Washington, Lincoln, and Valentine boor taar1-so They also visited the Branch for a lesson in the use of the _ata% and of Readergs Guide. Faspectfully sub fitted, George Paul Lechich Li bxari an CITE OF BUR.LINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF MARCH 1 2 THIS BUDGET BALANCE MONTH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL Sol Salaries 71499.01 65, 137.62 91,601000 260463-38 M-11 Supplies 107062 1,130.66 1,600000 469034 Mdl? Printing Postage 81035 1,740026 2,000000 259074 M®13 Light, Hest, Po,vr & water 3220?7 1,912.42 2t700.o0 787058 M®14 Telephone 27.23 325024 550000 224076 M_46 Bldg. & Grnds. Marta 277011 1025087 1,500.00 374013 M-1? Books & Maps 1,218020 12,985028 189000000 5,014072 M�17A Periodicals 18021 1,100005 1,000000 ®100005 M-17B Binding 302026 21,092071 2,500000 407029 M-29 Convention (Lbrn.) 1000 61050 1?5000 113050 �i49A Auto A1lowanee 15.90 164000 200.00 9E000 r�19P Convention (7ersontte1) 17000 1147.90 125000 ® 22090 Y1..11;31? Convention (Trustees) 4000 38019 125000 86081 M-20 Rues to Library Assns. 35000 128.50 150000 21050 M41 Miscellaneous 13.75 35.96 100000 64.04 M-27 Cmip. Insurance -m- 29000000 2,000000 M"28 Contracts 250.00 20256.25 3,120000 863075 C-90 Capital Expenditures 5.03 2,394081 21,264.00 -130081 TOTAL BEFORE SALAPIES 29705073 27,579.60 38,109000 10.529040 T(Y-rAL AGER SALARIES 101V 204.74 92.,717 -22 129,710000 36, 992.78 a7CA'£"ZS't C F.1 FEBRUARY 19 2 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 8,228 1,473 Child Non.-Fiction 1,895 1,044 Adult Fiction 5.993 2'388 Child Fiction 25.., 03 .® 1 2 Total Book Circulation 0 . ° � --T,-247— Periodicals: 1 1 §29--,-629, Total Books & Periodicals 2 9, 36 � Total Branch Books & Periodicals Total Branch & Main ;W Phonograph Records: 611 611 Total Circulation Main & Branch 27,029 ' 86 Total Branch Records . - GRAND TRIAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH ®2029 (1961: 27,571) Daily Average for Main: 829 Daily AN erage for Branch: 29 _TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 2� R GISTFATION'S ADULT C'111LD TOTAL Membership January 31, 296 . 9:237 2,939 12,176 Additions February 273 66 339 Withdrawals February � 46 8 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 2.959 12,132 February 2 19 2 9. 73 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK As of GRAND 1:2!..62 Added Cancelled TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 739296 392 23 63 Child Non-Fiction 12,942 59 26 12.975 HS Non-Fiction 1,260 6 — 1,266 Adult Fiction 31,353 134 40 31.447 HS Fiction 3,744 23 58 3.709 Child Fiction 11 �' 2 68 7b 11 17'84 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 134.946 February_2 134.,4,87 682 223 Net Increase in Book Stock: 4S9 (Included in above figures: 175 Gifts & 426 New Titles.) i Added: s Pamphlets Added: -- 77 Ma P • Pa filets Piscarc�ed: 8 Ma ams Discarded, may'. RECORDINGS As of1 (Accessioned Discarded Grand Tota 1 78"s 1,22 1,22 4.5 a s 204 -®- 204 33's TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF February 282 1 2 1.873 5 I�882 `-'DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER !n $ 838.39 Branch 219.21 $1,057.60