HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1962.03.22 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 20, 1962 Trustees Present: Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Moody, (rdsfEe�rveb�, The meeting was called to order by Secretary Moody. On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mrs. Harrison, it was moved that Mr. Moody serve as President of the Board and unanimously carried. It was moved by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, that Mars. Harrison serve as Secretary of the Board. The Chairman instructed the Secretary to send Mr. Edwards a letter of appreciation. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of February 19, 1962 were read and it was noted that under the heading "Old Buriness" the subject of nonresident cards was omitted. The minutes were corrected to read "After some discussion, it was moved by Mr. Crosby and seconded by Mrs. Harrison that the subject be tabled until a full Board was present." BILLS Ona ration by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mrs. Harrison, bills in the amount of $2,705.73 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Di�sition of th�r�erty at 1249 Bellevue Ave. There was a discussion of the City Council's action March 5th, and it was brought out that the Board recommending removal of the building and establishment of a parking lot, the need for patron parking was paramount. This is due to the increased building of apartment houses and increase of business places close by, which makes for difficulty of on-the-street parking by the library patrons. The Librarian pointed out that the average employee parking would vary from 3 to 8 cars; that three quarters of the employees walk to the library, and that two of the regular cars are used in library business. Nonresident Cards. Tabled until a full board. NEW BUSINESS Designation of a name of a room for theA?msbyCollection, After some discussion of the action of the Friends of the Library in requesting that the Board Room be redecorated and used for the main display of the Armsby Collection of musical mementos, it was moved by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. Crosby, that the small room known as the Board Room in the southwest corner of the building, be designated as the Lenora Wood Armsby Memorial Room. Designation of the New Reference Room as the Irene Smith Room. After a brief discussion, the subject was tabled until the next meeting. Appointment of Mrs. Helen Ward as Library Assistant. Mrs. Ward was introduced to the Board and the Librarian pointed out that she was named at the head of the latest civil service examination list as library assistant. He also pointed out that through a misunderstanding the examination should have been open Only to those who have a college degree, and that only two on the list of the six submitted answered this qualification. It was moved by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mrs. Harrison, that Mrs. Ward be appointed library assistant as of April 1, 1962. Request for Establishment of a List for Library Asst. for Junior Librarian or Trainee. It was moved by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. Crosby, that the Librarian request from the Civil Service Comm. the establishment of a list for library assistants or junior library trainees or some other title designation which will enable us to obtain qualified candidates who will be prepared to attend library school on a part-time basis in order to be eligible for the promotion to jr. lbrn. The Librarian pointed out that there are over 10,000 vacancies of the professional librns. class in the U.S. With the establishment of two new library schools in this vicinity, we may be able to obtain qualified candidates for this position who would be willing to attend these schools and gain practical experience in our library. Musicale Mrs. Cohendet stated that on April 30th at 5:30, Friends of the Library would sponsor a musicale by District participants from dills High School. At this time there would also be a display of the Armsby collection. ALA Convention The Library Board urged the Librarian's attendance and requested of him an estimate of the cost. Adjouzment: On a motion by Mr. Crosby, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, the meeting adjourned. Respectfullyubmitted, "�` at�t .cc�i George Paul Lechich, Clerk of the Board