HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1962.08.21 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD August 21, 1962 Trustees Present: Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Lynes. Trustees Absent: President Moody. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of July 16, 1962, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. DeMartini, bills in the amount of $1,766.63 were ordered paid.' L-IBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Non-Resident Fees. After a brief discussion in which there was some comment on the per-unit cost of about $13.50 to the average family in Burlingame for our library services, it was moved by Mr. DeMartini that the non-resident fee be raised to $15. It died from the lack of a second. The Librarian explained that he felt that the fee should not be raised to more than $12 because he felt that any sharp increase would result in a drop in non-resident card holders, which in turn would mean that our loss from theft would be considerably greater than at present. He. stated that he felt that most of our stolen books are taken by people who do not have library cards. This hasbeen indicated in certain statistics gathered on the return of lost books found in the public schools. Mrs. Harrison introduced the cost factors of certain Burlingame properties to show that the average cost to the average taxpayer should be around $14, Mrs. Cohendet stated that she felt that $12, with the addition of a second card at no cost, would be the correct thing to do at present. She stated this in the form of a motion which died for lack of a second. Mr. DeMartini stated that he felt that it should be $15. Mr. Lynes suggested $14 and Mr. DeMartini stated that he would be willing to compromise on $14. Mr. Lynes then moved that the non-resident fee be set at $14 with a charge of $1 for extra cards with a limit of two duplicates; sem nded by Mr. DeMartini, and carried on a voice vote: Yes=-Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Lynes and Mr. DeMartini No---Mrs. Cohendet It was then moved by Mr. DeMartini that this be put into effect September 1, 1962, seconded by Mr. Lynes and carried. Salaries. After a brief discussion, it was brought out that the adoption of the new salary scale, based on the Classification of Salary Scale of May 1962, was propbably not adequate to hold our present staff. The Librarian was requested to bring a statistical analysis of the pay scale of surrounding libraries to the next Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS Additional Petty Cash. It was moved by Mr. Lynes and seconded by Mr. DeMartini, that an additional $25 be requested from the City Treasurer and charged to the Librarian for addition to the reservie change drawer, as the present amound is inadequate. Carried unanimously. Branch,--Site. Mrs. Cohendet brought up the location of the branch site on the Franklin School property, and the Librarian was requested to get the copy of a letter from the Burlingame School District, which stated that 5,000 sq. ft. at the southwest corner of the Benjamin Franklin School had been reserved for a future branch library. On reading of the letter, Mr. Lynes commented that there was insufficient room in this area for a branch library. After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Lynes would explore the situation regarding the site with Elementary School Superintendent George White. Mr. DeMartini stated that a letter had not been received by the Women's Auxiliary of the Lions Club thanking them for help in the Summer Reading Club,and, if one had not been written, that it should be done. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. Lynes, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George,Paul Lechich, Clerk Qf, the_Board____'�