HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1962.12.17 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 17, 1962 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT% MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1262t BILLS: LIBRARIANtS REPORT: MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT: `- OLD BUSINESSt Salaries. G , .- Blanch Site. W74- COMMUNICATIONS: NEW BUSINESS: Resignation of Miss Ramona Trinrud-..Libr!a Assistant. ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 19, 1962 Trustees Present: President Moody, Trustee DeMartini, Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Lynes. Trustees Absent: None. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of October 15, 1962, were read and accepted. BILLS On a motion by Mr. DeMartini, seconded by Mr. Lynes, bills in the amount of $4,495.61 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Salaries. The Librarian reported that the City Council has yet taken no action and that there was to be a consultation with the Salary Survey people some time in December and that he would report at the next Library Board meeting any action that took place. Branch site. Trustee Lynes reported that he had talked to Dr. Cory of the California Teachers' Association and that there was a possibility that they might develop some plan in which a branch would be incorporated. A further report will be made at the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS A letter was received from Miss Harriet Marrack thanking the Board for the floral gift. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Cohendet reported that the Friends of the Library book sale had been quite successful and that further activities in this regard will be held in the spring. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mr. DeMartini, seconded by Mr. Lynes, the meeting was adjourned. Res tfuc su itted �/jycJ Georg Paul Lec .i ch Clerk of the Board LIBRARIANaS REPORT �. December 17, 1962 CR CULK"4N The cir ."ation for November, 1962, increased 11 percent oveir the month of November, 1961. This continues the pattens as outlined in last monthus report. REGI.S`I RATI ON The librazy sent 1,200 letters and poster& to :,he various Burlingame employers pointing out the services available at the library.. `she Cher of Commerce was kind enough to mimeograph, fold borh the posters and letters, eddressograph the envelopes and seal the letters. 11--e Volunteers4 Bureau providesdvolunteers who stuffed the eavatopes. The effectiveness of this effort to make known the **tent of the librar-jasq services should be apparent in increased nonresident registration during the coming months, as well as an Increase in re!frerence inquiries. MEETINGS ATTENDED The Librarian attended tAe usual City Council uegular meetkngs plus the final parking hearings. He also attended the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library meeting on censorship, the P.L.E.C.C. meeting In Ila ward on book selection, the dedication of the Belmont branch of the County Library and the Chamber of Commerce general membership meeting. CHILDREN R0CM The -Childrents Room is going all out for Christmas this month. Story hours were turned into parties for the children with carol singing led by Marian .Tones, ' juvenile paw, Christmas stories told by Mrs. Bergsing, and candy canes presented - by the Lions Club. Both the ADVANCE and the TIMES published"-OUr naw s release, publi- c#zing the parry. The candy canes, donated by the Lions Club, were a good drawing card®-2$ children showed up at the pr+e®sChoo2 story hour, 55 at the Branch, and 26 at the Main story hours Connie Wilford of the Wilford Travel Bureau arranged a display of foreign dolls in the exhibits case, with enough dolls left over to fill the adult case. Bulletin boarda are decorated with pine branches and reindeer; and the garden Study Club of the Peninsula has again arranged Christman table pieces for the Literary., sonic of which .are In the Children's Room, Mrs. Bergsing and Mrs. 'Terpay attended the monthP,- ACL meeting, at which Mrs. Terpay told a Christmas .story. Mrs, Terpay will also tell stories, by recruest, at the Burlingame Metbodist Church Sunday School on Sunday, December 16o Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Librarian CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2 THIS BUDGET BALANCE Maw TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries 7,199.75 46,051.21 .953,472,,00 49,420.79 M-11 Supplies 47.88 805.88 13,700.00 894.12 M-12 Printing & Postage 274.46 1,358980 23,300.00 941.20 M.13 Light, Heat, Power k Water 220.45 1,152.19 29750.00 1#597.81 X-14 Telephone 49.25 238.95 550,00 311.05 Mo16 Bldg. & Grands. '�.Rint. 13.05 826.93 2,500.00 1*6?3.07 X-17 Books & Maps 1,879.59 99669.84 20000.00 109330.16 M-17A Periodicals 93.35 19086.84 1,200.00 113.16 M-•�B Binding ��..� 1,324.?3 3,100.00 19775.27 M-19 Convention (Al-M) 16i.m 175.00 13.88 M®19A Auto Allowpuce 10.50 70.10 200.00 129.90 M-19P Convention (Personnel) $050 $050 150.00 141.50 M-19T Convention (Tri�.Ates) 92000 ' 125.00 33.00 M-26 Dues to Libre ,*. Asia.. .. 27050 150000 122.50 M-21 Miscellane6ur 1.25 17.87 100.00 82.13 M-27 Comp. Insu r .n" ..... �-� 2,000.00 20000.00 MmB r*nrF-cte 250.00 191500.00 3,120000 1,620.00 C-90 Capital .xpaAditw*!t 1,219.38 1,356095 19,309.00 -4?.95 DOTAL BEFORE 5Ax VItiLS 19,698.20 4I,429.00 21 3,730.80 VTAL, AFTER SALARIL'S 110267-41 65,749.41 136,'901,.00 71, 1-51.59 STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER, 1962 C*Ct3li.ATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 109133 1,532 Child Non-Fiction 1,843 1,426 Adult Fiction 6.932 2022 Child Fiction 21658---- 161 Total Book Circulation Periodicals: 955 671 6 1 Total Books & Periodicals ..� 2,521 7957Z Total Branch Books & Periodicals 30;0-9-3 Phonograph Records: 573 5a Total Circulation Main & Afanch Total Branch Records --- GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 30.;Z9 (1961: 27,619) Daily Average for Main: 877 Daily Average for Branch: 303 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE , REGISTRATIONS ADULT CHILD TOTAL '14cmbership October 31, 1962 9,512 2,936 12,E ,.,_,Arid i t i ons November 321 103 424 Withdrawals November � 20 80 400 T)TAL REGISTRATI3NS AS OF � NOlDSER 22.. l _ 9,513 29959 12'472 ACCESS:IoNS & WIT'10,1 AWALS OF BOOK STOCK As of GRAND ^ � - 10-31-62. Added Cancelled TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction —Mr7-0 70 0 6 TONO Child Non,-�Fictlzn 13,387 73 2 13,458 HS NonPFtc2ion 1,303 14 — 1.317 Adult Fiction 32,050 124 24 32,150 HS Fiction 3,761 32 — 3,793 Child Fiction 11,886 219 12 1 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF NO_ ER 0, 2 138,257 902 88 139,071 Nest lncpease in oak Stock: 814 Included in above fi res: 97 Gifts & 521 Nev Ti ti Pamphlets Added:' - - Maps Added: �o r� Pamphlets Discarded m 22 - Maps Discarded: RECORDINGS p `As of 10-31-62 Accessioned Discarded Grand Total 45e s 204 0 27.'L704x 33°s 586 07 T n.L RECORD STOCK AS NOVEMBER , 9 2 2,011 1 2,012 D D WITH CITY TREASURER Main $ 996078 Branch 257w5l 92 9