HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1963.09.16 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD August 19, 1963 Trustees Present: Trustee Harrison, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Moody, Trustee Lynes, Trustee DeMartini Trustees Absent: None. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of July 15, 1963, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee DeMartini, bills in the amount of $3,141.41 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS House Next Door. After being questioned, the Librarian stated that no action had been taken by the city council on removal of the building at 1249 Bellevue, and possibly it would be delayed until'such time as the southwest one-quarter and the Steinbeck lot should be acquired by the city. Charaine Machine. The Librarian extended his remarks as reported in the Librarian's Report. He stated that at the moment he was waiting for further advisement by the Addressograph people on a small pressure sensitive metal plate to be used on the patrons' identification card. In such case it might be possible to add such plates directly to the present cards at the time they are presented at the desk for withdrawal of books. He stated that although this was a possibility, he felt that the salesman did not seem to know the limitations of his own product. If this is not possible, regular Bro-Dart Dickman charge plates will be used. Rai. The Library Board commented favorably on the rugs with which the Armsby and Board Booms have been carpeted. The Librarian stated that funds for their purchase came through the sale of used gift and discarded books, conducted by the Friends of the Library. CO,NMUNICATIONS A note was received from Mrs. Lester Morgan espressing her thanks for the expressions of sympathy, and floral wreath, received from the members of the Library Board. NEW BUSINESS Appointment of Library Assistant. There was a brief discussion of the qualifications of Mrs. Marjorie Cooper, who has been a part-time employee of the library since March, 1959. The Librarian recommended that she be appointed Library Assistant from the civil service eligible list. It was moved by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. DeMartini, that Mrs. Cooper be appointed Library Assistant as of September 1, 1963. The Librarian stated that a request to the Civil Service Board for an examination for a Senior Librarian would be forwarded, if this met with no objection. As there was no objection such will be the case. Respectfully submitted,, Georg Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRAKIAi'S REPORT September 169 1965 CIROUUTION The circulation decreased 2.2%. This is probably due to the fact that t1nare was over one h,= red less children registering from 32, 10, 4 Again E'len.conta.ry School, e�x The Branch actually showed a slight gain of 1.5%, whereas the Hain decreased. 3.35. Fr=ost of this decrease was in adult circulation, probably dre to the fact that 'iihen parents bring their children in they almost Invariably take out more books than do their children. MEETUGS ATTENDED The Lib"aplan attended one City Council meeting and one meeting of the chi T excoa,Lives of local libraries. The letter meeting was concerned with the passage of the State Aid Bill. The consensus of opinion was that the local libraries should ask for a plan nine grant in order to determine the degree of complexity, eto. o that ccs- o ej ation will bring. All agreed that the creation of a common se;'7ice area erould be hl&hl,y ekes°cable, but that solving the non-resident problem would take considerable study and that definite plc=.ns for reimbursement uoul.d be necessary. �., In ou.r. ciroulatiou we, would Trobably' hAve throe off` four thousand wore s.rork . Hillsborough would not be effected by the 'preuent 'setup because ' they have no library so their non-resident fees would contin e as at present. ALnothar mecting has been schadul.ed for the latter part of thIs month. ,FIT-D1 RP01 V7 children--from Fain and the Branch- earaed readIng achievement certi- ficates Ln -1.he Spelunker Reading Club this surnmer. 200 of thera attended the party at the Recreation Ceder on Saturday, Atxg'oast 24th, where they :,'ere enter- ta ed by an original ballet "The Magic Taountain.", created and prosen. ted, by the Alexis Ballet Studio. Mr. Brosius, President of the bions Club, and Mr. Rai-ph Moody of the Library Board, presented the reading club certificates; after which lee cream and cookies 4,rere served. The party was provided by the ]cions Clubs sponoor of the summer reading program. A display of figurines and books with a musical motif has been arranged in the exfhlblt case. -Irs. Dergsing and Mrs. Terpay attended ACL. Several staff members attended a coffee hour t Z hionjr of Mary Jane Foltz's newly pail Alshed children's book,"Tuchin's Mayan Treasure Respectfully submitted, George Paul, Lechich Clerk of the Board ony o-,*., ajp.Ly,-qrkm 11911.7 Irli TO I)Ar",!,-,' ALLOUX7GE TOTAL S-1 Salavies 8,833- 59 27,0794.00 1070OG5.00 790891.00 U-11 Suppilos 76014 210.47 10600000 10339053 !.I-12 PrIntin'" F0qta',,_fe 3504E 929036 20430,00 18520.64 Ull j- it,, -lon-t. rover Cv vlatoz, 150,44 592,27 2,p90,--N,00 20.307,73 1.1-1,1- Tole-ph.Qr1a 35.9 99`170 550.100 450130 2411*11 20500,00 20258,39 22*500*00 17vM4*95 N-l"i A Porl.od:10alle 40.&.0 1 ,03.73.37 10500,00 326963 I'l-,72 Dindin- 6174 34-C 029 30100,00 20755*71 "IMIC Conve%tloii (Ubrarlar.) 3000 200*00 197*00 11-19A An-to Allor.ance l5 x80 34,20 200*00 11540 11-19F Convention (Porconnel) 44,020 19020 150,00 130*30 19T ConT�oritlon (Tr ueteez; If 125,00 125o00 111-2*0 Duca tO Library Aszns* 1550,00 155,00 !1-217Tillce a llmwous 100,00 100.00 11-07 0,0--lp, I.nsurance 20000.00 20000.00 i'l-210 Contracts 303,49 80304'0 30120.00 00316051 C-90 Capital 2�pencUtu--cs 104087 402077 4OP67.00 4047d.23 TOTAL 112r,OFM, SA-f-.ARI'i:S 20641006 90030.28 430117,00 30#236*72 TOTAL AFTER SALIARIEM 11p475-55 370624.28 15500 ,40118, 177 .72 11.1 TATISTI„S FOR UGUST 1��, �IRCTT-I .TION Books : Adult Non-Fiction 6,814 1,414 Child Non-Fiction 1,645 1,168 Adult Fiction 7,291 3,091 Child Fiction 2,865 Total Book Circulation 1-91=9 953 Periodicals: 801 801 62 2 Total Books & Periodicals 209050 90161 Phonogra-ph Records: 560 1 1 Total Circulation � 209610 9 Total Branch Ctrculation 9.162 GF,-kND 'TOTAL C I CCU LAT ION MAIN & BRAN CIT: - (1962: 30,413) Dail . Averame for rain: 728 Dally Avrace for Branca: --3-39- 19077 EL AWLT CHILD TOUL Mer ger.9hip Duly 31, 1963 9,890 29980 120870 Additions August 2-71 51 3322} :i ithd A awals August V _TO'TAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF A�6GUSTw1 9,851 2,,961 120812 ACC:,SS�'O S & :TITHDRA rALS OF BOOK STOCK: A 4 n 9 G_UND w.k.�._ �_.. .� ,�. .. 1 ,�ddeel Cancled . TO id e a Adult Noy.- °+c;ion 78078 307 61 789624 Child on-Fic cion 13,785 99 96 139789 HS Zion.-Pletloll 1,370 7 -s 19377 Adult 1xc'tioa 32.797 119 67 32,849 HS Fiction 3,532 6 39538 Child Fiction 1212 66 1 112, fe� TOTAL BOOP. STOCK AS O' A:r ust 1 Q a� 1429130 604 255 142947N NeteE ' __=00 e 1: Stock: 349 (Incl�ided in above fl6rruras: 52 Gifts & 1102 New Titles) mphate Added : Daps Added : Pamphle ,� D''s a ed: 82 Mans DiREQORjI;jscarded : .•.• As cr/!}]�® 1 Acc�:ssioe_d_ Discarded �abd 1 Gi = oss ��a� y 9-21F- 45's cjo-- 45°s 209 -®.. --- 209 33's Q 679 24 --- TOTAL _ �u if, L S.T AS O F AUAU�GUST3S 2106 24 --- 2,130 R''OSI`�F :JIT�� CITY TRi',A�T.aRER: �.` Main ? 800„98 Branch 1 1