HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1964.03.17 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1964 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGWFes'31ZU.ARY1, _D6 4 BILLS: (v LIBRARIAN¢S FJ- ,nRT, MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT: OLD BUSINESS: Parkins Demolition of Building COMMUNICA IT ONS: NEW BUSINESS: Bud e t �� � ADJOURNMENT MIN'UTE'S OF THE F � 1ING OF THE BURLINGA74HE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 17, 1964 `fRUSTZES PRESENT: Moody, Cohendet, Harrison, DeMartini TRUSTEES ABSENT: Lynes MINUTES Minutes of the p-rrvious meeting of January 22, 1964, and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mrs. Harrison, bills in the amount of $3,193.16 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's -,eport was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Parking. The Librarian reported that the final hearings on the lots To—Be deleted have not as yet taken place. He feels that the general opinion of the City Council is that tho Library Lot will be deleted, and that the Steinbeck parcel may be purchased separately. There has been no decision on the Donnelly lot yet. Demolition of Building. It seems to be the concensus of the Council tTat,'ifthe Library t is deleted from the parking district, the building should be demolished as soon as possible and the area converted to parking. NE'V'I BUSINESS Children'sLibrarian. Mrs. Alice Powell was introduced to the Board and,on Kon a_motion bg Mr. DeP;Iartini, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet, was appointed the new Children's Librarian effective February 17, 1964. Increase in Fees. After some discussion, it was agreed that duplicate cards shoo ld be charged for on the basis of 25,E for the 1st; 50,E for the second; and x;51.00 for the third. Extra cards for non-residents will be 01.00. The charge for looking up card will be raised from 5/ to 10�. The motion was made by Mr. DeMarti.ni, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet. Capitalenditures - Typewriter_and Calculator. It was agreed that the Librarians ou d make whatever acTJ tm'ents are necessary to acquire adequate typewriters and calculator. TVpin..g of Charging Machine Borrowers' Cards. In a discussion concern- ing payment of part-time ourly anpfoyees and exchange time for salaried employees, it was moved by Fairs. Harrison that the part-time employees be paid for the. time expended and not be allowed exchange time. The motion died for lack of second. Meeting time. The next meeting of the Board will be held on the third' d Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The motion was made by Fflr. DeMartini, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet. ADJOURZTF,aTT: On a motion by Mrs. Harrison, seconded by Mr. De'Martini, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submit ed, Georgaul ��_-t,e(lllleh:�ch Clerk of the Board LD.IWLIX °S RE l9kcT Harsh 17, 1964 �. CI ION Circulation for February was 3.6% less than February 19636 CIT .ARGGING MACIIINES: The installation of the Dic!u-+aa Charging Machines has beer completed. Several thousand of the new Borrower°a Identification Cards have been picked up by our patrons. It will be interesting to notethe aafeet of acvnra.te identification numbers on our problem of overdue books, and on the number o4 lost books due to the statement by the borrower that they never had the boo's. MPIETINGS ATTRiMD The Librarian attended the City Council meetings, Lars. Berasing and sir. Finney attended the Peninsula: Library Association meeting in Sar, Jogo. PLANNING STUDY kDR PUBLIC LI?31tARX Sr—ICE IN SAN MATED COUNTY. The Librarian received the first communication from 'William Spaylor & Associates, the surrayors. This consists of an eight-page compilation of the coments sub- mitted by the librcrians regarding the planning stasdies to be undertaken. FWEPOIZT OF TIIE C, 'PH S Ili1tP.�R AN: First, I whould liege to de is to gratefully ac_nowledga the generou3 and friendly assistance given ma duriak; V first month of service here. by the members of the staff and especially Mrs. Bermsing. tie have had a vary busy month. Story hour for pre-school children has been held once Each week at bath the Branch and the i"Ain Library, with Mrs. Darin alternating with Mrs. Nowell for the '&ain Library story hour. Attendance has been good at all of '.these hours, with a peaks attendGnee of 42 on February 24th at the .•taiga Library. School age story hour: has continued. as usual, with mire. ]ALM telling at the Branch and Mrs. Ile-well at the 14ain Library. Attendance has been good. Seasonal exhibits of rabbits and tulips have been put up. At the I-lain Library ve have tw3 special exhibits to celebrate Girl Scout Week and Camp Fire Girls Week. Special apyeaials were loaned by Vitra. Smith, Oirsctor of the San Mateo County Office of the Golden Gate Council of Camp Fire Girls, and by ::rs. Meanly, Executive Director of the Burlingame Girl Scout Conneil. In doth- instanges theoe exhibits have $bstered good public relations for the librl"7- Respeetfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board CITY Or JIUILLIV"'IL: BUDGLT EXPENDITUiiE. ._ !IU`:TJI OF <u11tt;I 5-64-- THIS 9J4 --TIIIS 3UVGET J3ai, NCE glONTI ID 3, 1$IdIa(1 iJA JL Er�TOT_ L S-1 Salaries 8,848..50 81,616.x}4 107,685.00P. `2G,06El.06 MD-11 Supplies 35069 823085 1,600.00 776.15 A-12 Printing & Postage 376027 1,987073 2,450000 462027 M�13 Light, J";eat, Power & Water 168005 1,919093 2,900000 980007 ��14 Telephone 21.25 324087 550.00 225013 :f-1G Building & Grounds tJa,inteance 197092 927.67 2,500.00 1,572033 4-17 Books and Maps 1,082.82 15,307054 22,500.00 7,192046 ,M-17A Periost earls 38039 1,625°49 1,50000 (125049) H-171; Finding -0- 1,746035 3,100.00 1,353015 +t-19 Convention (Librarian) -0- 71.20 200000 128.80 'A-t19A Auto Allowance 6.20 150085 200.00 40.15 A19P Convention (Personnel) -0- 119.13 15000 30.87 ,tip-19T Convention (Trustees) -0- 43064 125.00 bl-36 9-20 Dues to Library Assn. 75000 344.50 155.00 1050 M-21 Miscellaneous 15.74 56.78 100.00 43.22 .M-27 Comp. Insurance -0+- -Q- 2,000.00 2,000.00 M-28 Contracts 250.00 2034.49 3,120.00 785051 C-90 Capital Expenditures -0- 2,617040 4,967.00 2,349.60 TOTAL FEFbRE SALLA LIES 2,267-33 30,201.92 48,117.00 17,915-08 TOTAL AFTM SALARIES 11,11_5.83 111,818.86 155,802.00 43,983.14 STAT ,-ITICS MR FEB IMtY 1964 Books: Adult Non-Fiction 8,931 1,564 Child Non-Fiction 1,982 1,108 Adult Fiction 69349 2,371 Child riction __2,314 1,602 Total Book Circulation -19—,576 6,645 Periodicals,* 52 TotAl Books & Periodicals 799 7 209 9397 7 Phonogra,ph 1�ecordv 465 4§1 Total Circulation 20,340 7097 Total Branch Circulation ;QATALNI oil. ��AVI ' J& ,4U (1963: 29,325) U ora,#ge for Hain: 824 1)ai4y Average for Branch: ---308 I T A 0144: ADULT CHILD TOTAL --�I-U— - — V'--iibership January 31, 1964 10,051 2,977 13,028 UiUt$ons February 311 39 . 350 Withdrawals February -.---72 — ----zz Lin Tw -U�'ILI 4 fi 10,2853,016 13,301 Added Cancelled GRAND Adult Non-Fictiong0,006 -DjAL- 292 61 80,237 Child Non-Fiction 13,395 10 13,385 US Nora-Fiction 1#411 10 — 1,421 Adult Fiction 33.083 110 23 33,167 IIS Fiction 3:602 3 4 3,601 Child Fiction 22-721 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS USF 144,2 415 110 144p528 Net Inr-,.rcaue in 'look Stock: 305 in above figuTes: 54 Gifts and i35 New Titler) Pamphlets Added; 62 I'daps Added: 1'.=-phlets Discarded: 142 A&pz Discarded bpd Dom' au .97-W(UTRIA 78's 1,215 1 4508 209 215 33's 731 209 --ni T-0Z4_ Rj_M-'jD_ STOCK AS OF 3I'�JAItY 290 1'1611. 2,155 2,155 _U- Tf�, WITH CITY TRFASLIpM: Main $ 852.04 Branch —26IL74 $1120,,24