HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1964.05.20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD April 21, 1964 Trustees Present: DeMartini, Harrison, Moody, Cohendet Trustees Absent: Lynes MINUTES: Minutes of the previous meeting of March 17, 1964, were read and approved. BILLS: On a motion by Mrs. Harrison, seconded by Mr. DeMartini, bills in the amount of $4,502.60, were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS: Parking. The Librarian reported that the library lot, the Steinbeck Lot, and the Donnelly House Lot have been retained in the parking district by the City Council at their last session. There was a brief discussion of the capital expenditure program. The Librarian stated that a sketch plan would be made of the possible extension, allowing parking underneath the building, and would be submitted to the city. Budget. The library budget has not been passed on by the City Council as yet. NEW BUSINESS: The Librarian submitted a form for a library borrowers' survey, and the Board indicated their approval. Emplovment of Auxiliary Police Officer. As stated in the Librarian's report, the Librarian stated that we have a police officer four nights a week. All members present stated their enthusiastic approval. Maior Capital Improvements. Extension of Parking Underneath. In a continued discussion of the parking problem, it was moved by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mrs. Harrison, that the library concentrate on the expansion of the Main Library as the most important phase of the expan- sion plans. Branch in the Millsdale Shopping Area. After a brief dis- cussion, it was decided that the Librarian should continue planning for a branch in the Mills shopping area at some future time. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Mr. DeMartini, seconded by Mrs. Cohendet the meeting was adjourned. Respe tf 11 s b it ed, Geo 'g Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN' S REPORT May 19, 1964 CIRCULATION The ta'tal circulation dropped 4.1% from the oorrespondin month of April 1963. I1cwever, this loss is due entirely to the Main losses (U) whereas, the Branch 6 gained .6%, Most of the 8.0% lose at the Main is in the recreational reading field# both In sdalt fiction (-13.2%) and children' s fiction (-16.5%) . Record eiroula- tion also dropped 44%. The adult nonfiction lost only 2.6%, while the ch{ldnsn°s nonfiction gained 17;x. Periodicals lost 3.8%. This pattern seems as ic.dieated in previous reports - seemingly dlse to lack of parking in the evenings, and congestion. aad confusion at the desk and in the stacks, oaused day the large number of students using the library. This deters the older pa;ions from coming iia to thy:; library, This lose, as indicated previously, is all the more difficult to account for in the race of :.ars additior:Al 1,247 ca:d hold ;;s. There being now 13,93? card holders against 12,685 is April. The loss in children' s fiction may be due to the facto that their parents who come !a In the eventag , a-re staying away. It will be interesting to see if this traced is reversed during the 9,mmer Shen the obstreperous high school populavioa no longer Jame the facilities. Thi advoint of a polic a offloe-,,, has, after a fashion, calmed the troubled W,srs. Bor,)ver, Tie are on our second offioer. Wr,�s. MarJorl.e Cooper, Library ,"ssietSnt, and a valued employee of yht library �.. uinzre March 19599 passed away she seventeenth of Ilay during her sleep. "Burl.Miring the past year she, with the aid of her husband, completed tho ing-Library scrapbook" entitled ":13uurlingame Public Library, Our Story." This Rias fona with considerable thought and certainly with great devotion, and r,�pxz3enta an outstanding contribution to our library self image. Her death le a Zreat lose to the library and to the Branch Library, as she knew books and poogle end was most successful in bringing the two together. FEF -ORI' 0 ' T CF�IB$�T I� 'S LI: tA.RIAAt: rxrraseFx sH The Childron's Room has had a successful month with story hour attendance holding its own, and considerable use of the room for reference and recrea- tional reading. On May 18th, Mrs. Powell met with a class of nuns From the College of our Lady of Mere;; to instruct them about children's literature and literary service to teaohors. There were fifteen nuns under the direction of Sister Illary Susanna. The class asked many interer"ing questions and we fele;, the meeting was quite successful. All the children' s staff have devoted a good deal of time az"' energy to the pr pa-atio:-s -7 r the ium�zex Read'_ug Trogram, which is due to beGin on June 15th. Respectfully submitted, George Pau' Lechich City Librarian CITY OF BURILINGAIM BITI GET RUENDITURE, MIMI= TIONIM TO DATE ALLOWAITCE, TOTAL S-1 SSIWS.03 ",488. 13 919,636.17 107068500 4- F) M-11 58112 18210a74 1#60000 389026 M-12, Poetage 289008 2*397091 2045000 52*09 M-13 Light$ Hotta Power & Water 2900.2 20461*03 29900000 458097 U-14 Telephone 36,94 4 961 55Oo00 1.37039 Y.-IC- itilding Grounds, ZIMIntenance 52084 10684969 20500400 C15o31 M-17 Books and Naps 1#650040 1809389, 82 220500000 3056-1.018 Y-17L Periodicals 25056 1v679982 10500000 17902 M-1713 Blndii-tg 252069 20230912 391OOoOO 869388 M Convene. (Librarian) 17150 74*70 200000 125030 21070 175*35 200000 24035rg 1 A Auto Allwvance U-19F CaLmCation (Forsonnel) ftftft•ft 126063 150000 27,037 M-19T Convontion (Trazteos 43064 125*00 81036 14440 15500 IOo50 14-20 Dies to 1,111brary As ansa M-21 !,-Lie.cellano-aus 56*78 100600 43022 M-27 CwVo Irmurazica --ft-- m""MW 20000000 20000000 M-28 Contracts 25605G 29845s49 383,20000 274051 C-90 Capital %rpeaditures 220,4a 3037808 49967000 19588o$2 TOTAL B17ORE ULARIES 30157425 370861*M 48,117.00 109255019 TOTAL AFTER SlaXtIFZ 11.$645-36 136,697.98 1580802oOO -1-C. STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1964 CIRCUTA�TION MLN RRANrH Books: Adult Non-Fiction 11,088 10923 Child Non-Fiction 1,996 1450 Adult Fiction 6,36 20470 Child Fiction _2.517 2,08? Total Book Circulation 210947 7,930 Periodicals: —M-8 .— 938 1&024 1.024 Total Books & Periodicals 22,885 8.954 Phonograph Records 534 534 Total Circulation 239419 89934 Total Branch Circulation _8.954 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 32 (1963: 33*694) Daily Average for Main: .858 Daily Average for Branch: A& 1,202 REGISTRATIONS A TAZAI Membership March 31, 1964 10,604 3,071 13,6?5 Additions April 288 40 328 Wi the rawal s April ?0- L ` TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF April 30, 1964 100822 39110 13,932 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF GRAND 3/31/04 ADDED CASEM F,D ZML Adult Non-Fiction 80J22 406 68 80,860 Child Non-Fiction 13,460 192 15 139637 HS Non-Fiction 1.433 15 Wo 10448 Adult Fiction 339261 183 65 33.379 HS Fiction 3.623 12 3 3,632 Child Fiction 120777 162 42 129897 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF APRIL 30, 1964 145.076 970 193 145,853 Net Increase in Book Stock: 777 (Included in above figures: 177 Gifts and 581 New Titles) Pamphlets Added: ?0 Maps Added: 2 Pamphlets Discarded: r 12 Maps Discarded: RECORDINGS: As -,f 3131/64 +1+saCgxzicsWd 781s 1,215 4�® 19215 45-99 209 2 211 3398 730 30 260 _ AMM RECORD STOCK AS OF APRIL 30, 1964 29154 40 2,194 _DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: Main 1,232,89 Branch Otte l+53 0