HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 061-1979Single follows: RESOLUTION NO, 61- 79 CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION ON RENT IN- ITIATIVE AND CONSOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL ELECTION WITH THE STATE SPECIAL ELECTION The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME resolves as Section 1. A special election is called and ordered, and will be held in the City of Burlingame on November 6, 1979. At that election there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City the following question: "Shall an ordinance entitled, 'Ordinance of the City of Burlingame Providing for a System of Stabilization and Regulation of Apartment Rent Levels' be adopted?" Section 2. If the proposition receives approval by a majority of the votes cast on the proposition, the proposition is adopted. Section 3. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo is hereby requested to consolidate this Special Electio with the State Special Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6 1979. The election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall be the same, and there shall be only one set of election officers in each of the precincts. The election shall be held in all respects as though only one election Section 4. The City Clerk shall fix and determine a reasonable date prior to the election after which no arguments for or against the question may be submitted to the City Clerk and shall cause arguments for or against the question to be print and enclosed with the sample ballot approved by Elections Code Sections 5010 to 5014. Section 5. The City Manager is authorized to execute an agreement with the County of San Mateo for such election 8/6/79 11 -1- services as the City Clerk may determine, F I -- EA:r L� I, EVELYN H, HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of August, 1979, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Barton-Mangini-Martin NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Crosby -2- /City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" Services Agreement CITY OF BURLINGAME Special Election to be consolidated with Special Statewide Consolidated Elections - November 6, 1979. A. SERVICES FURNISHED BY THE COUNTY CLERK: 1) Ballot Preparation - Printing Prepare copy for official ballots, sample ballots and absentee ballots. Arrange printing and Spanish translation with printer. 2) Precincts: Consolidate precincts pursuant to the Elections Code and provide list to City Clerk. 3) Precinct Indexes: Furnish precinct indexes, by consolidated precinct, to the affidavits of registration of eligible registered voters. 4) Pollin Place Notices: Preparation and addressing of polling place notices and/or labels for eligible registered voters. Includes Polling Place Notice and/or label stock. 5) Insertino Election Matter: a) To insert in envelopes and/or apply labels, as supplied by the County Clerk, the election matter to be mailed to eligible registered voters; b) To deliver to the Post Office for mailing within time required by Elections Code. 6) Polling Places: Select Polling Places, including performance of whatever field work may be necessary to complete such selection; prepare, process and mail polling place agreement forms. Provide list to City Clerk. 7) Select Election Officers: Including substitute election officers. Prepare forms, mail applications, process applications upon return, prepare election officer appointment list, prepare and mail appointments to election officers. 8) Voting Machines: Services required to ready Voting Machines for use at the Special Statewide Consolidated Elections, including Voting Machine Technician services on election day. 9) Voting Machine Delivery: Arrangements for carrier to deliver to polling p aces to be made by County Clerk. 10) Voting Machine Instruction Classes: To be conducted for election officers. Sc edu a of c asses to be mailed to all election officers. 11) Warehouse Canvass: Services required to unseal the Voting Machines and to take off and record Record of Votes Cast and reseal Voting Machines. 12) Voting Machine Supplies: To order, provide and prepare key envelopes, manua sections, spoiled ballot certificates, I.D. tags and other supplies as needed in the use of Voting Machines. 13) Precinct Supplies: County Clerk to provide services and supplies as follows: a) Furnish all Precinct Supplies. b) Deliver all precinct supplies. 14) Absentee Voting: Prepare for the processing of Absent Voter applications, as mailed to the County Clerk and mailing of Absent Voter Ballots to eligible voters; also to handle for absentee voting at the office of the County Clerk. Page 2 Services furnished by the County Clerk, continued 15) County Clerk to conduct the semi-official, absentee and official canvass. 16) County Clerk to certify to the City the results of the canvass. B. SPECIFIED ELECTION ACTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY OF BURLINGAME 1) Publications: To prepare copy and arrange for publications as required in English and Spanish concerned specifically with conduct of the Special Election, i.e., Notice of Election, Notice relative to submission of Arguments. NOTE: County Clerk to publish Date and Time of Special Statewide Consolidated Elections, including polling places and election officers. 2) Arguments; City to receive and select Arguments pursuant to Elections Code 5010 et seq. and obtain rebuttal arguments, if any. Printed materials to be furnished County Clerk prior to date fixed for inserting election material. TERMS AND CONSIDERATION Terms: This schedule shall be in effect for the performance of specified services incident to the preparation and holding of the Special Burlingame Municipal Election in consolidation with the Special Statewide Consolidated Elections on November 6, 1979. Precincts, polling places and election officers shall be the same within the City as those designated in conduct of the Special Statewide Consolidated Elections. In the event the County is unable to perform services required under this Agreement, as a result of employer/employee relation conditions, vendor conditions or other conditions beyond the control of the County Clerk, the County will be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement. Consideration: In consideration of the performance of the aforementioned services and supplies provided by the County Clerk, the City shall pay to the County Clerk a sum equal to the actual cost of such services and supplies. CITY OF BURLINGAME ity lanage�.7�� August 15, 1979