HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 074-198011/24/80 RESOLUTION NO.74 - 80 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND MAKING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THE INTERTELEPHON OFFICE DEVELOPMENT - 700 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, BURLINGAME -'EIR 53P RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, California, that: WHEREAS, a draft environmental impact report was pre- pared for the Intertelephon Office Development, 700 Airport Boulevard, Burlingame, California; and WHEREAS, said draft environmental impact report was submitted to the Planning Commission for review and subsequently submitted for review and comment by public agencies having juris- dication by law with respect to the project, and by persons, organizations and agencies having special expertise concerning the environmental effects of said project; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing on October 29, 1980, and by its Resolution No. 4-80 recommended the adoption of said draft environmental impact report; and WHEREAS, this Council thereafter did set Monday, Decem- ber 1, 1980, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California, as the time and place when and wher its public hearing would be conducted concerning the environmenta effects of said project, and said hearing was duly noticed and held on said environmental impact report, including the Final EIR Addendum to EIR 53P dated November 5, 1980; NOW, THEREFORE, it is FOUND, ORDERED and DETERMINED that: 1 1. Said final environmental impact report has been completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and with the Guidelines for Implementation of said Act prescribed by the State of California Secretary of Resources. 2. This body has reviewed and considered the information contained in said final environmental impact report. 3. Said final environmental impact report identifies the items set forth under Column A in EXHIBIT A hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference as having significant adverse impacts. 4. Changes, alterations and specific modifications may be incorporated into such project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects as set forth in Column B of said EXHIBIT A. 5. Facts supporting the findings set forth in paragraph above are set forth in Column C of said EXHIBIT A. 6. Upon approval of the project by this City Council, the City Clerk be, and hereby is, directed to file in the office of the County Clerk of the County of San Mateo a Notice of Determination relating to the project. —Mayor I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1st day of December, 1930, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: A.ASTRUP,BARTON,CROSBY,_!�ANGINI,"IARTIN NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE 7 ty C er 2 EXHIBIT A IMPACTS MITIGATIONS FINDINGS 1. The proposed office building will have la. Accept; or la. A special permit is required in the Water- 127,000 SF with a Floor Area Ratio of front Commercial District only when a project 0.67. FAR exceeds 1.0. The Intertelephon project is 61,000 SF less than this review line, and 42,000 SF less than the FAR of 0.9 which has been consistently used to estimate future traffic generation rates and required road improvements. lb. Reduce building bulk. 1b. A smaller project would have reduced visual and traffic impacts and could possibly h gg increased on -site landscaping. However, he economics of the project would be adversely affected and a smaller lot size may be negotiated by the developer. 2. Alternative B has 339 on -site parking 2a. Approve; or 2a. A survey of office buildings at 500 Airport spaces, a parking deficiency of 84 Boulevard, 533 Airport Boulevard and 1633 spaces (20%) less than the 423 required Bayshore Highway shows an average weekday by code. parking demand 70%=80% of code minimum. 2b. Modify; or 2b. A 20% variance does not allow for peak evert needs. Parking on Airport Boulevard is not permitted and other off -site public parking is not conveniently available. 2c. Deny. 2c. Future leasing and occupancy patteris in yhe Anza area may require more on -site :)arki,,! A 20%'"margin" of vacant parking spaces is needed to allow for seasonal and future tenant needs. The 4 legal requirements established by Code Chapter 25.54 must be satisfied before a variance may be approved. 3. This project together with others 3. Substandard portions of Airport I.. Road improvement fees are now required from recently approved will bring cumulative Boulevard could be widened. Improvements each project in the Bayfront area (Ordinance traffic volumes on local roads up to could be designed for nearby inter- 1151). An engineering study and CEQA review D-level. sections, of the Airport Boulevard project has been started recently by the City. -1- IMPACTS MITIGATIONS FINDINGS 4. Additional left hand turning movements along Airport Boulevard would result from the project. 5. Cars on the plaza level deck will be visibly from various locations on and off the project site. 6. 20 parking spaces will be within the 100' shoreline band. 4. Left turn pockets could be developed in 4 the median area of Airport Boulevard adjacent to the site. Left turns into and from the project site would be separated from through traffic on Airport Boulevard. 5. Provide major landscaped areas to screen 5. The selective use of plant materials can portions of the parking from ground reduce the apparent expanse of parking into level views. smaller scale areas, and screen significant numbers of vehicles. 6. The parking spaces will be at the 6. Maximum public use of the 100' shoreline basement level, below the adjacent band will not be adversely affected by the shoreline path. A landscaped berm proposed parking design. A detailed will conceal most of the spaces, 16 landscaping plan can be prepared which wi 1 of which will be designed for public provide adequate drainage and plant materials use. for the shoreline berm. 7. The office building and its plaza level 7. A clearly marked pathway for public use 7. The preliminary project plans show a "public parking may obstruct convenient public could be designed through the project walkway" through a portion of the site. Its access from Airport Boulevard to the area. width and quality of design can be improved Lagoon. - as final site plans are prepared. 8. The project site could become part of 8. Run-off from the building's roof could 8. Only minor drainage from the basement parking the 100 year flood plain if all run-off be discharged directly to storm sewers area will need to be pumped up into the from the site is directed to oil , by gravity flow; run-off from plaza storm sewer system with the mitigations. The separators located below street grade, level parking areas could be directed project site would not then become a part of and then pumped up into the City storm to oil.separators situated above the the 100 year flood plain. sewer system. grade of the City storm sewer system. 9. The proposed project will contribute 9. Water conservation measures would 9. The possible installation of new pumps to in a cumulative fashion to the need for reduce this cumulative impact. serve the sanitary sewer system will be larger pumps to serve the sanitary sewer postponed to some time close to complete system in the Anza area. build -out of the area. 10. The project will increase demands on 10. The development will be required to 10. The impact of the project on energy conserva- regional supplies of energy. meet state energy conservation standards. tion efforts will depend largely on'conserva- tion measures practiced beyond the scope of the minimum state requirements. 11. The proposed project will be exposed Ila. Use of engineering fill and adequate Ila. Some property damage could occur from a to seismic shaking during any local earth- foundation design will minimize the major earthquake, but life safety will Le quake and to differential settlement dangers related to seismic shaking and protected. of the underlying bay mud. differential settlement. -2- IMPACTS MITIGATIONS FINDINGS 12. The proposed project could cause substantial increases in local particulate levels during construction. 13. The proposed development would have a positive impact on the private and public sectors of the economies of the m-id-peninsula area and the City of Burlingame. llb. Liquefaction on this site is not expected to be a hazard. 12. The site could be wet down during excavation and subsequent soil redistribution to minimize dust generation. 13. No mitigation is required. llb. Some differential settlement must be expected, but flexible utility connectors can be provided to prevent broken pipe and minor leaks. 12. Local particulate levels do not need to be significantly increased with proper site precautions. 13. The positive economic effects of this type of project were recognized by the City when the Specific Plan for this are was developed in 1979. -3-