HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 011-1944RESOLUTION NO. ,L—,�47 DIRECTING EXECUTION OF THREE CITIES AGREMIENT FOR JOINT KAINTENANCE OF CENTRAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION A'_�D P._AINTENANCE OF DEILL TONER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Burlingame that it join with the Councils of the City of San Lateo and the Town of Hillsborough in the execution of a contract providing for the joint maintenance of a central fire alarm, system and for the joint construction and maintenance of a fire drill tower in said three cities, a copy of which is hereto attached, and that the Mayor of this Council execute in triplicate said agree- ment and that the Clerk of this Council attest his signature and affix thereto the corporate seal. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Burlingame, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of &larch, 1944, by the followinP7 vote of the members thereof: Ayes, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Burrows -Coleman Dahl -Hunt -Roth Noes, Councilmen: None Abeent, Councilmen: None H. K. White City Cer by Depu y C� er APPROVED: K&W:EAW U 3/1/44 RESOLUTION NO. 491 DIRECTING EXECUTION OF THREE CITIES AGREEMENT FOR JOINT MAINTENANCE OF CEETRAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTEN- ANCE OF DRILL TOWER. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of San ',:'ateo that it join with the Councils of the City of Burlingame and the Town of Hillsborough in the execution of a contract providing for the joint maintenance of a central fire alarm system and for the joint construction_ and maintenance of a fire drill tower in said three cities, a copy of which is hereto attached, and that the Mayor of this Council execute in triplicate said agreement and that the Clerk of this Council attest his sig- nature and affix thereto the corporate seal. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of resolu adopted by the Council of the City of San Mateo California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of April , 1944, by the following vote of the members thereof: Ayes, and in favor thereof, McAllister and Iiirseliey. Noes, Councilmen: None. Absent, Councilmen: None. Councilmen: Haberlin, Reilly, Deuel, clerk APPROVED: or �. K&W:EAW:U 3/1/44 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into in triplicate by and between the CITY OF BUR=I Gme, CITY OF SAN MATEO and the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, all municipal corporations ii: San Mateo County, California, this 3rd day of April , 1944. This agreement is based on the following premises: (a) Each of the parties hereto operates its own fire depart- ment and desires to increase the efficiency thereof. (b) The three cities have combined certain fire department operations, to -wit: The operation of a central fire alarm system which receives all fire alarms for the three cities and dispatches equipment in accordance with a predetermined plan; and desire to continue said combined operations and contribute their :pro-rata cost thereof on the basis and percentages as hereinafter set forth (c) Done of the parties now owns or operates a drill tower and it is the desire of the parties hereto, in order to save cost of construction and maintenance, and provide uniform training for the three fire departments in operation thereof, to build and construct such drill tower, to be used by all of said parties as common_ owners and operators thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A central fire alarm system shall continue to be main- tained and operated jointly by the parties hereto in the Civic Center of the City of San Mateo, or such other location as may be mutually agreed upon. 2. The cost of maintenance thereof shall be ?aid and con- tributed by each party in the proportions and percentages that the assessed valuation of burnable property (improvements and personal property) as shown on the current county assessment roll for each of said cities bears to the total assessed valuation of such property in all three cities as shown on said roll. For the purpose of this contract a fiscal year shall be deemed to be from July l to June 30, and said ratios shall change for said years as the assessed valuation of such properties changes on the county assessment roll for such year. For the fiscal year 1943-44 said percentages are as follows: San Mateo, 43%, Burlingame, 36% and Hillsborough, 21%. 3. A drill tower shall be constructed by the parties hereto on the following described property owned by the City of Burlingame, situated and located in said city and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the North- westerly boundary of the De Coulon eight -acre tract, as conveyed by the Executrices of the Estate of William Corbitt, deceased, to Eugene De Coulon by Deed dated November 22, 1902, and recorded December 22, 1902, in Book 98 of Deeds at page 416, with the Southwesterly line of California Drive as said Drive is described in those certain Deeds to the City of Burlingame, dated June 1, 1922, and recorded March 3, 1923, in Book 66 of Official Records at page 341 and in Book 66 of Official Records at page 343; thence from said point of be§inning along said line of California Drive South 62 30' East 100 feet; thence at right angles South 270 30' West 116.70 feet to the Northeasterly boundary of that certain sub- division shown on map entitled "Map of Willborough Place, Located in the City of Burlingame, California", filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County May 19, 1931, in Book 19 of Maps at pages 56 and 57, San Mateo County Records; thence along said line of Willborough Place and parallel with said line of California Drive, North 62° 30' West 144.80 feet to the Southeasterly boundary of that certain subdivision shown on map entitled "Map. No. 2 of Burlingame Terrace", filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County January 3, 1911, in Book 7 of Maps at page 38; thence along said line of Burlingame Terrace North 480 30' East 125 feet to the point of beginning. Said piece and parcel of land shall be used jointly for said purpose during the term of this agreement. 4. The corstruction cost of said Drill Tower shall be paid and contributed by each party in the percentages applicable to the fiscal year in which the work is commenced, determined as provided in Section 2 hereof. 5. The Cities of San Mateo and Burlingame shall pay to the City of Hillsborough the sum of t50.00 per month for radio trans- mission services rendered their fire department by the Police Department of the City of Hillsborough. Said cost shall be ap- portioned between said two cities pursuant to the plan set forth in Section 2 hereof. - 2 - o. None of the parties hereto shall change any procedure or manner of operation either of the drill tower or the central fire alarm system, which might affect either of the other parties, without the approval in writing of the fire chiefs of all three cities. 7. Whenever the chiefs of .the three cities cannot agree on any procedure of operation of the central fire alarm system or drill tower affecting the three fire departments, said matter shall be referred to the City Manager of San Mateo, City Manager of Hillsborough and the Chairman of the Fire Commission of the City of Burlingame for final determination. " If arty party hereto desires to make any improvements, alterations or extensions on the drill tower or in the central fire alarm system affecting either of the other parties, it must first obtain the consent of the other parties thereto in writing, and if made by such party for its sole benefit the entire cost shall be borne by it. Nothing in this paragraph shall be con- strued as preventing all parties from agreeing to and apportion- ing among them the cost of any improvement, alteration or extensio on the drill tower or in the central fire alarm system as they may all agree. 9. The three Fire Chiefs shall make rules and regulations for the operation of this agreement, subject to the approval of the City Manager of San i,1ateo, City Manager of Hillsborough and Chairman of the Fire Commission of Burlingame. 10. The City of Burlingame shall prepare the plans and speci- fications for the drill tower. When they have been approved by the chiefs and officers stated in Section 9 above, said City shall call for bids and award a contract for, and supervise the con- struction of, said tower. It shall pay the costs thereof and bill the other two cities for their pro-rata shares. 11. The City of San Mateo shall pay for the cost of maintain- ing and operating the central fire alarm system and bill the - 3 - other two cities monthly for their pro —rates share. 12. This agreement may be altered or amended from time to time by action of the Councils of the three cities, expressed by resolution. IN ilITNE66 WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and affixed their corporate seals the day and year first above written. x'T'Tc66T: /�✓ , City Clerk CITY OF BURLINGAME By Mayor ATTL6T : TO' OF HILLSBOROUGH Clerk Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk —4. M CI C A L I OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Miss Grace Hoey City Clerk City Hall Burlingame,Calif ornia � JO F O R N I A April 11, 1944 Re: Three Cities Central Fire Alarm System Agreement Dear Miss Hoey: We enclose herewith three copies of the above agree- ment, which have been duly executed by the City of San Mateo. Will you please attach a certified copy of your resolu- tion directing their execution by the City of Burlingame to each of these copies, and have them executed by your Mayor and your- self, as Clerk, at the proper place on page 4 of the agreement. Thereafter, please send the three of them to the City Clerk of Hillsborough with the request that he also attach a certified copy of its resolution to each of the three copies, and that he and the Mayor of Hillsborough also execute them on page 4. Also, please ask him to file one copy in his office, send one copy to you, and the other copy to the City r'lerk of San Mateo. Yours very truly, C ATTORNEY EAW :B Encls . RESOLUT1014 DIRECTING EXECUTION OF THREE CITIES AGREEMENT FOR JOINT MAINTENANCE OF CENTRAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF DRILL TOWER RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Hillsborough that it join with the Councils of the City of San Mateo and the City of Burlingame in the execution of a contract provid- ing for the joint maintenance of a central fire alarm system and for the joint construction and. maintenance of a fire drill tower in said three cities, a copy of which is hereto attached, -a=_rrMT_the Mayor of this Council execute in triplicate said agreement and that the Clerk of this Council attest his sig- nature and affix thereto the corporate seal. v u G O � w . O I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of resolution adopted by the Council of.the Town of Hillsborough, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of April, 1944, by the following vote of the members thereof: Ayes, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Davis, Monteagle, Noes, Councilmen: None Absent; Councilmen: Ingold Tobin and Trabucco n ^ n City Clerk