HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 018-1944RESOLUTIO?7 NO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame, duly authorized City Engineer, C. L. Lon -son, to enter into an aRpreement with the �i.rector of Census, actinQ7 under the authority of the Secretary of Commerce, to take a census count of the population of the City of Burlinc-ame; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority above mentioned the said C. L. Long -son did enter into such agreement, a copy of which is hereto attached; NO , THEREFORE, be it further resolved by the City Council of the City of Burlin-ame that the agreement above mentioned and hereto attached be and the same is 'rereby approved and confirmed as executed by C. L. Longson for and in behalf of the City of Burlingame. BE IT FTC=HER RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated from the general fund of the City of Burlingarr_e the sum of to pay the costs and expenses involved and entailed in connection with the performance of said agreement. Iny excess of funds is to be returned to the general fund. BE IT FURTHER EESOLVED that the City Clerk and City Treasurer of the City of Burlingame are hereby authorized and empowered to make the necessary expenditures herein provided and in conformance with the provisions of this resolution. The foregoing- resolution was introduced at a re pizlar meet- ing of the City Council of the City of Burlingame on April 17, 1944, and adopted by the followin- vote: AYES: Councilmen: Burrows - Coleman - Dahl - Hunt - Eoth NOES: Councilmen: Tone ABSENT Councilmen: Ti7one ATTI-'ST . - L CLLy Clerk z- r BEPAW1.11,,2ST OF C1'l,"?;HT`r. 9uraau of the Census ;6ashington ARAIEUIiiT WHr?ZFAS, The Director of IHablic 4orks of the city of fiarlinrame, County of San Mateo, state of California, has requested that a special census of the city of Burlingame be taken, under Federal supervision, es soon as possible; and 'iTFREAS, It being to the great advantage of the said city that its present population shall be accurately and officially determined; and 's'l.IWRB AS, The foregoing facts having been brought to the attention of the Secretary of Commerce by the 'hector of the Census, the Secretary of Cowwres has directed that a special census of the said city of ?urlinFamo be taken under the r1rection and supervision of the ?--ureau of the Census; „ .`OW, THFU70RE, This agreerient, made this ......T.th .......... day of ................ in the year 1944, between C. L. Longson, ;,hector of i'ublic ';:orks of the city of Burlingame, San Mateo County, California, party of the first part, and J. C. Capt. Director of the Census, acting indor the authority of the Secretary of Commerce, party of the second part. " 1T?., rS9,t I H, That the said parties, for and in consideration of the facts hereinbefore recited and of the matters hureinafter referred to and set forth do hereby covenant and agree with each other as follows: eirst.—That the party of the first part will provide the necessary funds (1) to defray the traveling expenses, to cover an allowance of six dollars per day for subsistence, and other reasonable and necessary expanses incurred in connection with her wort. by Flvera F. Katzman who has been designated by the ^ireetor of the Census to supervise the taking, of the special census of Burlingame city, San "ateo County, California, and who is hereinafter referred to as `Tne supervisor," and (2) for the compensation of such enumerators and other a;:aistants as may be employed in connection with the said special census. Second. —'that the party of the first part will supply the supervisor with proper quarters in the city hall or soar- other suitable building adequately equipped with office furniture and with a typewriter, if needed by the supervisor. Third. —That the party of the second part will pay the salary of the supervisor. Fourth. --That the party of the second part, upon the receipt of the schedules returned by the enumerators, will officially announce the results of the said special census at as early a date as may be practicable; Provided. That the supervisor, upon the completion of the enumeration and her verification thereof, way, in her discretion, transmit to the party of the first part a statement, to be ret-arded as preliminary and subject to correction, of the total. number of persons enumerated at the special census aforesaid. 'rhn h.—That the said supervisor shall appoint such number of enumerators or other assistants as she may deem necessary for the proper conduct of the work, it being understood that the party of the first part may recommend persona for appointment as enumerators or other assistants, but that their appointments shall be entirely discretionary with the supervisor. Sixth. —That the data collected by the enumerators shall be regarded as strictly confidential and shall be returned on the proper schedules direct to the supervisor, who will transmit theca to the Bureau of the Census for official announcement. And it is further mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the supervisor shall, under the direction of the party of the second part, have full and complete charge of every feature of the aforesaid — 2 — enumerations that QP said supervisor shall not be interfered with in any manner whatsoever by the party of the first part nor by any representative of the party of the first part, and that should arjW mieunderstandinp or dispute arise as to what are reasonable and necessary expenses within the scope and meaning of this agreement, the question shall be referred to the secretary of Connerce, whose decision shall be final. TN TRSTIU014Y H. RJJF, The parties, to wit, C. L. Longson, 11rector of 3Nsblic -forks of the altr of Rurlingame, California, parts- of thn first part, and J. C. Capt, 'Arector of the Census, party of the second part, in the capacity and under the authority aforesaid, have affixed their signatures the day and year above written, SiMed in the presence of: —3_ ��-� Director of p blic Works Burlingame, California J. Ce Ca ; td.ractor of the Census v APii 18 1944 IN OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ASSESSOR CITY OF BURU1, i',:aR1E