HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1964.09.16 MiTVrFS OF THF.. MFFTRIG OF T E BURLTNGAMP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD August, 19, 1964 Trustees Present: Mr. Lynes, Mrs. Cohendet, Mrs. Harrison Trustees Absent: Mr. DeMartini, Mr. Moody MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of July 15, 1964, were read and approved. BILIS On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. Lynes, bills in the amount of $2,012.44 were ordered paid. 1\ LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS -Library Borrowers' Survey. The Librarian reported the survey forms were being filled out enthusiastically by the patrons. Over 200 have been filled out in a short time. The data is being compiled as they are being received. Those at hand suggest that over half of the adults who use the library are also patronizing local merchants. COMMUNICATIONS Letter from the Credit Bureau. The following proposals were suggested by the Credit Bureau to collect our overdue accounts rather than the usual police procedures which, of late, have been very ineffective. It was moved by Trustee Cohendet and secondee by Trustee Lynes that the Library adopt, the procedures of the Water Department as far as is applicable to our problems. The motion was carried. NEW BUSINESS Pash.Register. The possibility of using a cash register in the library was again discussed. The representative of the National Cash Register Company who was supposed to appear did not do so. It was decided to table the matter until all Board members are present. Promotion from Librarian I to. Librarian IT. The Librarian stated as provision had been made in the budget and as Mrs. Thomas had passed the Librarian II examination previously and, that as her duties were carried out independently, and she is responsible for many decisions and procedures in her position, that she was dntitled..to promotion to Librarian II. A motion was made by Mr. Lynes and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet that Mrs. Thomas be appointed Senior Librarian as of September 1, 1964. The motion was carried. Request for Civil Service Examination for two Library Assistants. As shown by the budget, the library is attempting to eliminate some of the non Civil Service library assistants. The budget allows for two additional Civil Service library assistants. The Librarian suggested that. the Board request that the Civil Service Commission set an examination for Library Assistants. After some discussion, it was moved by Mr. Lynes and seconded by Mrs. Cohendet that such an examination be requested. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Mrs. Cohendet, seconded by Mr. Lynes, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfullyva,0_11094-z submitted George aul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIFV%RJJQN9S REPURT Septe-m4ber 14, 1964 CIRCULATION r `it,ion for the -€ua nth of August decr;i=ed 1.5% under August of 1963. V,Sc "egistrati.-n increased 2151, meking a total of 14,826 card holders. LIBRARY NR.R%&RSaREPORT TTs"=6 1M "RE7 511tr Of the sau ple At hand ShCV3 that 88% of the Hillsboa gh petr(ons, 80% of thaw Sra Mateo patrorx, and 1,9% of the Barlingare patrons sh pied when they rent to the Library. 330 People lvarw i"i71.ed out the fomes or 2.2% of the card holders. It is intet'lesti m to note t1hat Vhe nnn--,-esident card Molders tend to shop dare in Darlinvane .;chile U ing the library than do the vas ldant card holders. This may be due to the f&rnt that m< : Y of the regidents are near the rhoppI ng arei, and hence shop more often. CLUMTY WIDE SYM? 'SK Tela' ` F ' uYYra6 -AML ctee tl$se.l- woek in a system _.:n capieE cf their report are th, y -rill be .Iistribnted to the members of the Dts-,rd and to other interested persons. MEETMS ATTENDED � ,rs amended two of the planning team meetings. REPORT OF TW,' CHILDREN°3 LIBRARIAN C u Cale to a raccessful conclusion on Luguat 22, 1964. 467 children ase:»e ienrolled tit the tWo libraries, of whom 252 complete their twenty borka. Aruirtlysi.s of the grade ?Leel of those cc�letin%g the program at the main Librar;- prcvides some interesting facts. 3 will enter first grade 22 will enter fifth grade 33 will enter second grade 15 will enter sixth grade 40 will, eater third grade 9 will enter seventh grade 13 will. cater fourth grade 7 will enter eighth grade pe s so_x"c & could be devised tq bring in more children above the third grade it is in the nature of the program to attrtet largely the younger chile..ren. "hz!-*i tc -U-16 gc-ne •oslty of the %rlingar�� Lion.- Club, the eh dren who completed the, progra.-d rere hono-•-od at a pasty at, the Recreation Center. The Berke:- ey Puppeteers cn asrta,ined with "The Princess and the 1-ate Player" which held the audience spellbCend for almost an homer. Rfadir4 AchieTea d Certificates were awarded to eneh child by PSS°. Dc""�Fle Prot;lus. Vice "Os:-x.dent of the Lions Club. lee cream: tui rnf tki.es were served. On +.nt lrddaiy, Sept ber l2, the Childre-cils Roes held a reception and wa tographi.ng party fo • rS '&. Pian► Jane Foltz, fcrmter Chi'lror-.ea Librarian. who hen just published "Awani", a ttcxy of Cola fasrrla Indiana and tree i.€rding of Sir Francis Drake. Man; oP tha ladies of Lh.e LibrP y V taff generously contrVV tem' hr e-►rade cookics Jhr gh a committee "tli.th Doin. Miss May°rack asai.sted with publI city. Indian mortars acre lent by the tion P;steo County Historical Society. The Chi.ldrenna Room is also w:hibitin;C Indian relies lent by Mrs. Mollie Partell of South San Francisco, and some of the ariginal &awings from "Awani" by Mel. Silo-O rman. A Library page, Tobey Fraatz- reb, rade a model of the Golden Hind in paper. �. Ra*pectf�!Ily submitted, George Paul Lechich City Librarian %ITY OF 19RLIi GA0E BM-GET EXPE MTiJRiF ,011T OF ; P ' I =, -41+ THIS BUDIET CY MO TH TO DA'Z'E. ALLOt'dAt CE TOTAL Swl Salaries 9,U85.72 27,480.27 1130237.00 850756.73 m-1.1 supplies 254*10 264167 19 00.00 19335.33 Lsp12, & Postage 225882 748.01 204500001 19 701.93 M-13 Uq. -�,t, meats Poorer & Water 1.68836 586.9 29900000 2P311009 11-14 Tolophono 050 74oB7 750200 57501.3 N:�>lF 13t:ll iz� & Grounds Lleintanance 17.39 209e87 20500 ,00 20290.13 M-17 Books allu Nps 20 536.99 419444/62 25,000.00 209535.38 ISI-1117A periodicals 11.271 10210,97 10800,00 589603 Y-17,B Binding 221,22 0 3012 07 28800,00 2 9 408.93 M-1.9 Corl,xent-ion (I,-.brerian) _. --Im» wwmft�q. 200.00 200,00 M-k-Ifs'. klto Allowance once 2190 20.15 250:.00 229.85 14-19P C'ormefn.t ion (Perscamel) 50000 50100 1.50100 100.00 M»19T ('on enttion (Tviatoes) .,w_...... ,.wsmwga 125,00 125000 14»20 Dias to Library Assnm. «_ww.._ 2. 50 155100 152.50 Mw21 I:Iisceillsneous wwsw_w ww0140 .w 100.00 100000 I11,1w24 Typavmlter !Repair 100000 1000000 M-27 Comp. ICl: arance 29000/00 29000,00 Mw28 Contracts 280000 810200 32360000 2,.,539000 C-90 Capital :ln"Penditures P-0588.00 29588000 TOTAL &EWOM, SAIA:-11Z 3,7C3*97 88725.64 48v82B.00 40910°2236 TOTAL AFTER SALARIrS 12,854.59 36,205.91 1620065000 125,859.09 W,IN BRANCH Bootm.- -WZt Non-Fictlon 1036 Chili! Non-Fi4tim 1 130 MmIt Fiction 7o602 2,>852 Child hild Fiction Total Book Circulation 1%,231 79982 Periodicals; 8w Total Books & Fortodicala 209058 89775 Phonograph Records: 487 Total Circulation 20fl545 80775 Total Br-mch Circulation —?-„MM UlY63-- Cmc 19—N AALNRA_ fix I Dail? t-novsGe Ifor Main., 7" Dail y Nrng-nga for Bre-nah; T IA AT 10 UL W-72 I- Mm- ARTI Member July 31, IV-4 11095 3 0215 ill Additions August 222 45 267 Withf,iravals Ai%ust VpL,F.WW ISTRAT TONS &S OF 110567 AS OF GRI.ND ADRE gANCYIUM OZAL Adult Non-Fiction 8106n 225 167 816,745 Child Non-Fiction 139847 78 "l 139854 W NonZi Ictinn 10475 4 1 I9478 Adult F!.�tlan 339748 134 280 )3 602 HS Fiction 39480 25 26 3079 Child Fiction 2 —92 TOTAL BOOK STOCX A3 OV- AUGUST19( 21, _A 1470224 495 548 1,47>17,1 ut V gr tmc in sock stmoks 53 jm S 271MI-AhSTU Pamphle6o Added: 200 MRS Added 8 P&-qvh1,-%4A T)ia@-,!trded: 11.0 Maps Disc vxded- -,-Amu- GRAND As o -31 64 ACM93IONED RPEAFRED -T-Wh- 78's 10319 10.319 45's 2, 1 o4m 211 33's TAL IRWOBD STOCK AS Ck' 29313 om= VU IW., n X781 .