HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1965.02.17 AGENDA BUX,INGAMM.EE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 'NEETUM OF FEBRUARY 17, 1965 TRUSTEES PPMENT TRUSTEES ABSENT.* �`��-��, •_.- MUTUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 1965 BILLS: �J � 63. IJ _` L IBW,lAN f S REPORT: MON ILY F INAIICIAL STATEIMT OLD BUSI`VESS � ..3 _ Childrents Librarian _�. � � Cr, J Librarf Biransion CONAUNICATIONS: NE BUSINESS: ADJOIIRNHENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLL ALIE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD January 13, 1965 Trustees Present: Firs. Harrison, sirs. Cohendet, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lynes, Pur. Dehiartini Trustees Absent: None MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of December 14, 1964 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mir. DeMartini, seconded by Pllr. Lynes, bills in the amount of $2,933.41 were ordered paid. LIBRA,RLWS REPORT The Librarian's Report was read and accepted. 1,1ONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Library Planning Study The Librarian reported that he had attended a meeting of the City Managers of Daly City, South San Francisco and San Bruno. He eras asked to state the view of the Library Board and to give his comments on the feasibility of the system for Burlingame. He reported that the concensus of opinion of the managers was against partici- pation in a county-oriented system. He noted a copy of a letter sent by the City Manager of San Bruno to his City Council, stating "I recommend no action be taken on -this proposal." i COP=iI UNICATIONS A letter from the Transwest Insurance Brokers regarding A.L.A. insurance. No action eyes taken. A letter from the Burlingame flotor Company thanking the Library for the use of folding chairs. Ili''+',' BUSINESS The Librarian requested that the civil service appointment of fArs. Betty Smith be made from the civil service list. Pars. Smith has been a part-time employee for several years and originally was selected from the civil service list, but she did not receive civil service status. It vas moved by tlr. ,Moody, seconded by Mr. Lynesm that this appoint ment become effective February 1, 1965. On a motion by Mr. De,'+lartini, seconded by k1r. Lynes, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board T'ebmary 17 a 1965 C.�.RCT ATION The circulation was darn 2031 from January 19640 Ho4;;wver, dse to the distribution of the days during the Month, ;ho, dally average circul Mian was up 3%. REGISTRATIONS awo hundred twenty=one additional ra�gistaion cards were issued They now total 169034. There are noir 39006 more registered borrowers than. in January 1964, Under the cirzumstarcssn it is very difficult to explain the reason for circulation staying at about the same level. BOOK STCCK This is the bast month in wht,ch our total accessioned book etock will be less than ,1,5Of,OOO�, We have at least, `40,,000 unaccessioned books,, most of which are being held for replacement or for ,n nsw branch. FINFZ MD F M Since the first of Jtaly we have taken in $353.25 more than during the same period in 19630 AT7, F.D TMFT OF VIC-04M TIC Wednesday mornings Fohruary 3 at abu4,t 3. persons unimcwn brtka into the library thraugh a window in the workroom and r�� ovsd the Vlco=Matio copy machine, The machine was left at tha rear entrazice when the 'burglars ap Arently were frightened by sirs o Duncan,? apartment owner next door® who turned on her l'he floor of the back hall was badly scratched, and the door ani wi,nefow neeZ3d minor repairs The machine has been rep iced© and Forovm%ls have chmaged aha cost per copy to t',15, We hope that this cheaper rate, w111"7. c,.zt down. even more on our lois by mw.1ilation, etc, CR1ZDRM 9 S ROOM RF?OU The Children°s ROS o tinue,d to be busy during the month of January anA the first of February. The story hours continued with ovmr increasing attArdance� New cork bulletin boards were put top the first of Fetznaryp Aich definitely Improved the appearance of the room and made the displays easier to change, Ibis month the room- is fep_��rving the usual Feb°-.nary themes of Va zntlnes Dayp the birthday's oT Washington are Lincolm, plus a display of (7-Irl Scou;t asateria`!s in honor of their July.-Ate Low world Friendship F'imA, by childran"s dapar try-ant: !Rt both the again and tae branch lid .rie featured spAciel with sech child coming early t_ make P, valentine to dI3p1ay In the romi. During J n ; and Ys��T%j ry t ;a I'011oving groups visited tie bran,:h for storiss ani inns�mme!tion In the use of Mhz libas-aryA two 171rl. "tout troops,, the two first i�raZe c1r,,szci fr= Franklin Sehcol anI the Presbyterian Church nursery scNool Mrs, BergsinZ sttar-2zd the monthly meett-J of the "sc,- .,,tion of Children's Ltbw-nrlans In San Franciseo, Respectfully submit a Geofr ' I'aaal Lec4tich City Librarian IRC _ TION: MAIN BRUTCH Books: Adult Non-.Fiction 10,;255 12534 Child Non-Fiction 19888 1030 Adult Non-Fiction 69449 2,522 Child Fiction -?--a- 81 1 X11 Total Bo k Circulation M •)73 6!860 Period Gals; � 2 _ 923 785 785 aatal Books & Periodicals 2198% 79645 -'hnnogr�--ph Records: 679 679 22;575 a 7645 Slides: 119 119 Total Circulation 229694 � �7�645 Total Branch Circulation 7060 GRAND T ' AL CIRCULATION MAIN:BRANCH (1''SU: 31 .121) Daily Average for Main: 853 Daily Average for Branch: ..A.3Qfi. TOTAL DAM AVERAGE 1059 RID('IS TR 4TIONS: AD.. � � �Q Meln� ership December 31; 1 12,322 `•9491 15 F S13 Additions January 252 56 308 Withdrawals January 82 5 87 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF JAN 1 1 1"a492 3 - �:_.� ;542 16,034 xIDRAWALS OF BOOK SV:GK: AS OF GR AND 12-31-66 A^DED CAhCFLLFD O AL Adult Non- Fiction 839207 303 99 832.411 Child Non-]Fictlan 149101 80 1 14"180 HS Non..Fictior, 19532 2 = 19534 Adult Fiction 33,873 144 25 339992 HS Fiction 3,)511 3 1 3;513 Child Fiction 2A, TOTAL BOCK STOCK AS OF JANUARY 11j,% 1490528 556 126 149958 Net Increase in Book Stock: 430 (Included In a° e Tigam-es: 26 Gifts and 409 Now Titles) PWWhlate Added: 101 Maps Added 10 Pamphlets riacard3d 39 Maps Discarded - - AS OF GRAND CO3�I3S 1_ ;,21-6L ACCESSIONED DISCARDED AL •; 1 ,317 45ns 211 -L= 211 33us 9 111Z0 �� 1 TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF JANUARY 310 19&5 2E,44S 1 29450 E� SI�N �3 d TRF.A�DRER: Main �~ - 1j,187-93 Branchf;,� CI'.-,'y or, BURIM'GATIE, PUDCET IMPEITDIT'URIE •� Ks�:.YtO31:t'YYOL�..eT'JOCt rYs:'X10'T:tY+YOYC..Gln:i'R'^lir.�I4R_.i:'_Y��.vS�;�T,.c:nit:.8]4=:T.tRC"' BU -1.r , MOUTH TO ^DATE ALLOWAIME TOTAL S-'1 Sa1.ar .ear 90119.58 71,81-0.47 1130237000 41,421.53 M-11 Supp-U0S 125078 989047 10600000 610053 N-12 Printing & Postage 359038 10698912 2045Oo00 751088 U-13 Mjitt rbeate Porer &.Us ate' 275o83 1s,66%17 299OOoOO 10233o83 M-14 Telephone 72,51 473 023 75Oo 00 276o77 Llaintonance 109055 762078 20500000 19737o22 3417 i3ooks ar_d Maps 20619o33 150869068 25r,000o00 9©130032 M-17A Fczviofola :ls 4807l 10668016 10000000 131x84 U-176 Binedw-,,3 193067 10089080 20800000 1,710o20 M-19 Convention (Libra - on ) 3050 1,46086 200„00 53 ol4 M-2QA Auto Allowanca 10960 1.05035 250000 144o65 M-1.7P Convention (Porzonnel) ----.. 50000 150,00 100000 M-19T Convention (Trustees) b---- 16000 125oOo 109000 11-20 Dues to Library Assns, 20000 86000 155o00 69000 '1-21 :.13scellP.iaeou8 50,00 83050 100000 16050 ":1-24 Typewriter Repair ----- 20025 100000 79o75 11-27 Campo Insurance ----- ----- 20000000 28000000 M-28 Contrasts 280000 20210000 38360000 101.50000 -40 Cr-pital Lxpenditares 10794.57 20006.45 20;88000 581,55 'TOTAL 131-; 0RI SALAKES 50963043 288941,82 480828o0U 1.90885018 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 15,083.01 100,757.29 1629065,00 612307.71