HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1965.04.21 AGENDA BURLIN&J.1E PUBLIC LIBR:CRY BOARD I.1INUTES OF APRIL 21, 1965 TRUSTEES PRESEIVTs TRUSTEES iMSENT: uv► /w- i,iINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MMEETING OF 1,4ARCH 24, 1965 BILLS: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT MONTHLY F INMCIAL ST IXELIIENT: sz OLD BUSINESS: COP: AUN ICATIONS s A1EY� BUSINESS: �J PETTY C.-SH �,,�,,,� ��� ADJOURNMENT: ldL1iUTES OF THE MEETIIIG OF THE BURLDITGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD t March 24, 1965 Trustees Present: I.rs. Harrison, 14r. Moody, Mr. Lynes, firs. Cohendet, Mr. Dellartini. Trustees Absent: None. A visitor requested a hearing on the subject of magazines not taken by the library. The President requested him to state his name and address. He stated that he eras Al Halterman and not a resident of Burlingame. The President requested him to appear at the next Board meeting and bring a resident of Burlingame to state his position. I.Ir. Halterman stated that he would do this and left. A brief discussion ensued in which it was brought out that the Librarian had been granted the authority to purchase what material he deemed advisable within the limitations of the budget. The Librarian stated that in this case the reason for discontinuing our subscription to The National Review was because the cost was excessive in comparison to other magazines of this nature "averaging one-half more"). He stated that the magazine had been donated for 1 year and when vie subscribed to it, we found that we were getting only half the issues and after an extensive correspondence, we were informed that we only had half a subscription and that are should read the fine print in the masthead. The total subscription for 52 issues eras $16.00 ($9.00 for the 36-page issues, and $7.00 for the 8-page issues published on the alternate weeks). lie stated that Time, Neeisweek, U. S. News and Norld Report were 58.00 and most others were less. It seemed, therefore, that the cost was excessive and upon renewal of our general list of magazines, this magazine was deleted along with some other magazines in order to keep within our budget. At this time, Llrs. Genda Beckel, Vice Chairman of the Young Republicans and Mr. Mlike Hudson appeared and stated that they had heard that Mir. Halterman had inferred that he represented their organization and that they wished to state that he had no authority to speak for the Young Republican Organization. M INUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of February 17, 1965 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. I:oody, seconded by rir. DeMartini, bills in the amount of $3,806.27 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's Report %-ras read and accepted. IYiONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement bras approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Consultant Children's Librarian. On a motion by I.Irs. Cohendet, seconded by Mir. bloody, Mrs. r".lice T. Powell vas appointed Children's Consultant as of. ,August 15, 1965 at a salary 1/3 of the regular rate. This appointment to be subject to its inclusion in the final budget. Library Expansion. The Librarian stated that in order to present a fair estimate of future capital expenditures, he had asked the aid of Colonel Norberg who had kindly volunteered to prepare sketch plans of possible expansion of the library building. Colonel Norberg presented his drawings and explained them in detail. He stated that the total cost mould be about $200,000. The Board expressed their approval of the general layout of the new addition. lair. Lynes moved that the Board extend their thanks and appreciation for the work of Colonel Norberg. Irlr. Detlartini seconded the motion. NE:7 BUSPIESS Budget. The tentative budget was presented by the Librarian. He pointed out that there were only slight changes in the Operations Budget and the changes in the Salary Budget were mostly due to changes in position The Librarian pointed out that the person in charge of Children's 7ork, Circulation, and the Branch Library qualifies for Librarian III according to the present pay and classification plan and that the budget be adjusted accordingly. At this point, there was considerable discussion as to the line of authority. It was the consensus of the Board that it should remain as it is at present. Custodian. The Librarian explained that the position of the custodian was placed tentatively in the salary budget but additional funds would not be requested. Funds would be transferred from Contracts and Page budgets if the appointment of a custodian becomes feasible. It Eras moved by Fair. Lynes, seconded by Air. moody that the tentative budget be approved. Motion carried. ADJOUPINENT The meeting adjourned on a motion by Pars. Cohendet, seconded by Far. &foody. 1 Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIANOS REPORT CIRCULATION: The circulation for March,, 1965 increased 5% over that of March,, 1964.. Cir- culation from July 19 1963 to April 1, 1964 was 2629874; from July 19 1964 to April 19 1965 was 264,4479 an increase of 19573 or a little over .6%, REGISTRATION The borrowers cards provided with the Dickman charging machine have proven defective and are going to be replaced by the Bro-Dart Company. These will be embossed high impact plastic and should stand up indefinitely CHILARENdS ROOM REPORT: Easter bunnies, ducks and chickens are presently decorating both the Children's Room and the Branch Library, The Easter story hour was held at the Main Library the week before Easter,, but the Branch Library had their Easter story hour on April 149 and featured,, as before, an egg tree with each child bringing a decorated egg to hang on it,: As usual, it was a big success, For the past month the Branch Library has been busy with class visits from nearby schools The sixth grade from Coolidge School visited the Branch twice for instruction in the use of the Library, and Mrs. Dunn visited the Presbyterian Church Nursery School once to tell stories and show picture books In additions both libraries had visits from Girl Scout Troops for instruction in the use of the card catalogs. Mrs., Bergsing and Mrs. Powell went to the University of California at Berkeley on March 18; 1965 to interview prospective applicants for the job of ChildrW s Librarian Only one really promising candidate was snterviewed9 and we now are waiting until May 19 1965 to hear her de- cision, On March 25 Mrs. Bergsing,, Mrs. Dunn and Mrss Thomas attended a story-telling conference in San Jose, On April 19 Mrs. Bergsing and Mr. Wickliffe attended the regular Peninsula Library Association meeting, and on April 8 Mrs, Bergsing and Mrs. Powell attended the annual institute meeting of ACL. This year it was held at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley and concentrated on the problem of the culturally deprived child. Respectfully submitted George Paul Lechich City Librarian 01-Ex or BMIKIEG IIME TU1';GET EXPENDI`URE `.• MOUTH T4 DATE AIWJPKQE TOTAL :rwm�#a:c enaysrrs..c* :.vr-•..•.:.-z..wioaF:mc_-'kmLlr.+sa6s7�-M ^acw.msa:ctl¢�aoeltam.sams..�.-haw.�.::�WrsO.anr.Pyo�oFu1S:.Y: ••twio S-1 Salaries 9,113.0,- 90,063.84 1130237000 - 11''"' •1. 14-11 3upplies 294o16 10336.,77 10600000 263o23 M-12 Painting & Pose® 395o46 2031682 2a45000 134018 M-13 Ughto Heat# Power Viater 9511,:57 20'`30001 2#900000 669,99 M-14 Telephone `16021 596057 750000 151o63 M-16 Building &: Grounds M- atntonance 289055 10404,65 20500cOO 10095035 M-17 Eooke and Mapa 28,775606 200963s32 250000oOO 4003668 11-17A PeriacXoals 5867,15 10732060 10800000 67,34 111m17i3 Poinding 9Le93 10829007 20BOOoOO MOM m-19 Convention (11brdr3an) 2a50 1,019036 200000 50o64 1,1-19A Auto Allovianco 46040 151.75 250000 98.,25 Convention (Forsonrel) 11600 61000 150000 39000 1.1-19T Convention (Tmstoes) 40.040m�� 16000 325000 109000 M-20 Dues to 14brary Asenco 80600 166.,00 1:5100 -11000 11-21 Uisoellaneous 15o00 103000 100000 - 3000 M-24 j ; ,itor Repair 49!0000 56*25 100000 43075 M-C7 Cc.-ape Insurance .--•a- 20000000 20000000 M-28 Contracts 280,00 20770,00 30360000 590000 C-90 Capital Expen111tires '3CD44054 20390099 205e3000 1.97001 TOTAL DE 01a SALARIES o 0 6093 380275002 42982S,00 100552, 98 TOTAL AFTBR SALARIES 1,_-,639.97 1280338.86 1620065000 33,726.14 STAT:i::TE-Z FOR M4RUH 1965 CIRMATION: MAIN BRANCH +awls: Adult Non-Fiction 119044 19739 Child Non-Fiction 29256 19244 Adult Fiction 79107 29820 Child Fiction 2�6 __ 2,279 Total Book Circulation 1!1,)9 8,082 Periodicals: 975 975 921 - Total Books & Periodicals 239928 9,003 Phonograph Records: 611 611 a -- 24,9539 99003 Slides: 476 476 Total Circulation 25fl015 9x.003 Total Branch Circulation 9003 GRAND 'TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH v 018 (1964: 32078) Daily Average for Main: 877 Daily Average for Brane%.- ,-_M TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 19210 REGISTRATIONS; ADULT CHILD TOTAL MembersUp February 239 1965 129402 39482 159884 Additions March 295 63 358 Withdrawals March 361 ��B TOTAL RWZISTRATIONS AS OF 0°0qH 310. 1 5 129336 39,471 159807 ACCE. IONS & WITHDRUALS OF BOOK STOCK: ac AS OF 2-28 ADDED CANCELLED Adult Non--Fiction 839769 458 97 849130 Child Non-Fiction 149242 79 7 1493.14 HS Non-Fiction 19541 10 1x551 Adult Fiction 349109 133 42 349200 HS Fiction 39514 12 3 39523 Child Fiction 134,345 I 13383 TOTAL BOO;_ STOCK AS OF MARC', 31 1509520 733 152 1519101 Net Tnorease In Book Stock: 581 �llO _1.n Atigue i -_®�: ��8 G' sand 493 Now Titles Pamphlets Added: 68 Maps Added: 4 Pamphlets Discarded 35 Maps Discarded =- - AS OF GRAND =� RECORDINGS: 2-24=65 ACCESSIONED DISCARDED TOTAL 78es 19332 1,9332 45es 211 211 33cs 955 ®- 959 TmAL REGORD STOCK AS OF �H 31© 1�5 29498 4 29502 DEPOSITED WITH CITY iU_A_SU_RER: Main 19291.20 Branch X056