HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1965.05.11 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD April 21, 1965 Trustees Present: Mrs, Harrison, Mr, Moody, Mr. Lynes, Mr. DeMartini Trustees Absent: Mrs. Cohendet MINUTES Minutes of the previous meeting of March 24, 1965 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Moody, seconded by Mr. DeMartini, bills in the amount of $5,526.93 7 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's Report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The financial statement was approved and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Library Expansion After considerable discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the plans as shown by Colonel Norberg be presented. It was felt the constant inflation would increase the costs; therefore, it would be better to build the addition now than later. Petty Cash The Librarian explained that the increased demand for nickles for the copy machine necessitates additional change. The Board felt that more of the small items, less than two dollars, should be paid from Petty Cash. Mr. Moody moved that the total Petty Cash be increased by $50.00. $25.00 to be added to the 6ahge and $25.00 to the Petty Cash Account. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lynes. The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned on a motion by Mr. Lynes, seconded by Mr. DeMartini. Respectfully submitt d, V , G�eoG�Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LXBW.L4N'S ]REPORT -ay-116-M9ft AhsAxr,�',.Iatlon derzoased M % under April 19*65, ?S A I r,ira n�1;R;TerelaJ the ClIq Coum, 11 mootlnoj and om plarming CW—VIession T:mt11F#j* At "dict stxaki meatinct of Ew. Plarrging C'O=1Ss--�Onj' he tl�ia ntmd for eM-mwtorm of tha LV�mazy bulldiraVp and he oxplaiw.4 th,,4 f;",,'etch p1 ma as approved bV ibm-y Oclxd I rtla ger.0ml conem'AUS SGQVw tja4- tNe Ubm',ry rwaCs 1*dite aWitional r:m),* 'r-A,:)-Lr as to Idw taw- Ing of the proje-A V-111 be tole"rlg -j? at a later maoting vben all taiv other Projects !Ave !X-M S-UtmIeUX10 r2me to be swe fcaling ftat the Children's soction might be added as a sopeyste txoj4eat and tlmw the inclus.-lon of a basewnt in ;:his me all`.cvi fc,-, Iteotwe dMIdson"s book ato--agep and in tha mean Vlm could U306 ag an wftr" aw- T'7 Xi'e-1949 1 7.--� mt has boon '=' I gatting roady lor the Stmom I"- ," '-gClubo -11iis ycer rAZI bo 3allfcmwiln Meborye Th,-- Ualletin. z--': "wxv- char,, I and f mmm Vm ax .1rid, nay let to f-atw4 bj�jSaq, j:eo.ep 1 0 hibll"- cac'n corraLns stuffed bIrds lord- to t1m LR�.-.ary, tlwowp ew muet-e- sy of ttw San Ik" rkiratj Jimlov f-Itmeme 11rso Dmm continnes do haves a mbbc::, of el-ssoO it sit tt the 'IlTenz:h Lib- Ta.ryz Coo'bidge D-th cjrddes a 61,h .-Wltod 121.1:3 -mmt:�P, a 3nnif T.,.,00p f--m 11w-mrp an;J tha deJ �;IaGs -41-T be caning every welt %rough MY* rae Z:mPt*h StozT Hour a- ragas 20 chlletren� and !.Lrse D.m plans to con- ve 'S it until sal Is cuU rm- �m azhool story ho, still a raq-, 50 chlla-tsn each -,jcwA,-* -YJ %e %-.111 (mtitwn- It tkzatTh Aftyu The last t, l ago ztery, h-wr t-All to May 21 at t%wt Main Lila v 9 anC- ;res will Sb-ml tl.-xao film to as by 1,1,.e San Jd!.s NbUo Ubmr;, chis will be the -Hzst f51m jxrotram v. Te trove Ubrary vi-171 wo rm "-. Jeftor given to Llbxery by the Burl's nomo Lion:, Cit-61 M-so Dum and V=9 Lexi mLng Mn Aftor,;-oon v.-Ith Gime lam Poster"t a 611-74m"s aijUwr Ln Re&zod City on April, 29* IArs, 13erjstmg attw-Wed tt; .,,ular mecting of ACLo Reapectfully amft-fitted Georrge 7aul Loihi& City Librarian CITE',' OF bURUl,..'G.VME Iii rABIT EXII-lair"ITURE, 1-IMMI OF, MY 1936 I i(11 f T--91 TO DATE AWT�417-10S TOTAL S.-1 Salad oo 9,228-72 99o292.56 i%37,00 131944.44 M-32 SuPPIU08 2111*22 11,156099 lg6m'oo 245,01 M-12 1`.rintln- & Postage 2' 4*23 Ps 330.05 4F)o,00 - 30105 > -j U, t.9 lfoot-,, Allower & Vls- ^111A-r 11)4,4C 71 &2 !Q4,7 209oo'oo 475453 m-14 T31ephons 75- 75 6151 V! t?15(1.00 74oGG M-16 Dui."Ldlng & G�mnds DIrl nt o tie nee 11 7121 10401S.S-- P,jr 5 00 a W I a 10 Ow I a 01 M-17 Bool--s and 1711La 11,4, '-� 43 2s,4 45 o 01 25v000,00, 2vE54*20 P --,36.66 33i,34 M-31A PCi -0111-2a-213 13 A4 Oil -oi '"M-173 BfkiidJ-ng 5!'' lv900v5q 2 8 C'o 1,")o 899041 M-19 Conver 4Acnf,'r-o-brq.rian) P12, Al;o 11'C 200,100 23,,14 MSA huto A-I'loncilicto 15050 1:37023 250,00 612 0 T15; U-102 00 mre n ti 0 a(Pors 0 mr.9.3.) 15900 76,00 150$00 17400 14-191f Convon"olon(T7- as tee ) anarlMm 15 ,00 'L1- 15000 loV600 11-2 0 Vaoo t* Llbrarj ala ;ruu.. 55 0 oc. 136,C'0 -11.00 100,00 -17o49 M-24 T;l 704,31 ,pow:,'Ater Repair I Z'00 10011M 29*69 M-27Compt, UN-Adoscarra We"MI-a"Is' 210000100 1"� 0'oo"00 U-218 Coatra(As 2:70.40 0j0 a 00 60 31C, loo 2 r"j se co 172 1 01 C-90 Ce.pital Mq-.onditures 251,11), TOTAL DrElFCOFM f""d!ALAP.TF.S424,15 D 7.39„5w t9F!28.00 S0058v43 TOTAL AFTa-P, OCAT.Ar-l-ES 11,713.27 140,U52. 13 1. oOGS,00 22,012.87 CY".ULATIONS MAIN BRANCH Book:st Adult Non-Fiction I09t55 10749 Child Non-Fiction 19856 19125 Adult Fiction 69627 20555 Child Fiction 2.423 12—M Total Book; Circulation ?�.i'M ®' 743 Periodicalst 949 909 893 893 Total Books & Periodicals 221,3% 8,255 Monograph Recordst 687 687 ---• � U*0-578,255 Slidosl 183 183 - --- Total Circulation 231,240 81255 Total Branch Circulation $ �d CIR"tJ ITIM MAIN BFB.^' 3 33 (19641 32,373) Daily Average for Mains 861 Daily Average for Lranch 318 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 19179 REG T1 AST c,� WAL . Membership March 319 1968 1299 6 3,471 15,807 Additions April 256 39 295 Withdrawals April 2 46 208 129340 39464 151,804 ' �° ��.�c -_vim-�°--s- r. �"�saC�'-�% .. �•� �,�::�-"- : TCS 5 $ Ux aA,YALS,OF BWK 1 AS OF GRAND 3-31-65 ASD CATti� TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 84! 455 98 g , Child Non-Fiction 14,314 179 9 14,484 HS Non-Fiction 19551 11 2 19560 Adult Fiction 34,200 153 22 349331 HS F rt.c 3,523 33 3 33,553 Child Fiction 13 383 � � 8 �13�,41�0 snrAL ]BOOK ��QL aMIL &_1_Z& 151,101 866 1.12 1519885 Net Increase in Boo': Stack:t 754 613 cludaci in above fi„quMs5C Gifts and r4nrr Titles Pamphlets Added: 91 1:1aps rd elm 9 Par*hlets Discarded 135 I:laps Discarded -- A; OF GRAND RDIIaGSt 3-31-65 ACCESSIMI D BISCAfM 70TAL Y �marerie.w.� ..orw�. 78. s 14332 �--_ --- T"*332 45's 211 211 33's 939 ,. .. :. M, 6 TOTAL RECORD S'MK AS OF Al,_ 1965 2,502 17 29519 k'►'I`n'H CITY E2t A'taxn l d74 Branch 232 16