HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1965.06.16 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF.THE t BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD May 19, 1965 Trustees Present: Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Moody and Mr. Lynes Trustees Absent: Mrs. Harrison and Mr. De Martini were absent because of illness. MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of April 21, 1965 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Mr. Moody, seconded by Mr. Lynes, bills in the amount of $2,484.55 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The monthly financial statement was read and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS Library Expansion The Library building plans were discussed. The Board asked that the Library Individual Project Estimate of the Annual Capital Improvement Study As submitted to the Burlingame Planning Commission be incorporated into the minutes of the May 1965 meeting. NEW BUSINESS Parking The Librarian discussed the parking problems of the Library patrons and staff members in the light of the recently completed public parking area. He stated that although the lot had been in use only three days, it was completely filled by 11:30 AM, and that the all day parking on Donnelly was filled by 10:30 or sooner. He submitted a letter written to the Health and Safety Commission covering these and other parking problems. The Board members discussed the matter submitted and indicated their approval. Trustees Meeting Mrs. Cohendet reported that she attended the Trustees' meeting held in San Francisco to discuss the present status of State Aid and Library System Development in this area. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Mr. Moody, seconded by Mr. Lynes. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board GPL:olp LISRARIWS REPORT June 16,, 19615 CYxcULKIoK The airculazinn d®ci�,easid 8.!�, $ from the mouth® :ar May 1964 ?MA I am kckeping a racprd of the t-uYaLzr of vac4ancies in tha and Donnelly parking lots, SomettImsp that: cint both full by 9:O4;t A.M. I r"I that as soon as the n R:I IOU (thosas acro&j i „m E` Cezino) ar a acapl, t id D th m, x_11 b3 wre vacancies. Many of" thi, c-&jrs now pL kQd lelong to, ;aIQph.ons Company employees, and they ^..ai.11 u61. n311 lots. At toast two naxe from t Le gray shiLragle apnr",mcant house ate 2;144 ftl.levuca are pai king cvernight. and eceatimas all day. R1'FLACgza Oy SORRCWERS s GARLS Ws h&vs typed sbout )n(;,--ha,1f of Gte plastic boreofmr,9`t Car& hich au e 1�0 placrR the defact,ive paNr � °ds %4th metal plates. WUh tha aid of past-tiwg temporary empl eys,sa, this should bo� by luly f5,rE t CHILDREN'S REPORT Nring the month of May, prspaa ats,ic;ns for thQ uuzs )r raading club want absi�ad pidly� Mx°u-- Lunn and Mxv. Rargrir.g vsided all off' tbz ; lIownt*-j-y schools in Aua;-1ingama ?: te•11 tt&m a,'lo t the rascling ta ginning Juno 21 . Teta Childron''s Iepsrrtmarat at tx-%'A the Main and Rpar4ch Librax-jos Harz, Jpoq dcec-oraUd vituh Dock Jaejo.-)&s and? gdeasUTO about early Califomia, and the e:s;�dibLt Cass at the Main Libra.*y �aw',air s a num'STW cf aY t.10lea fir 'tha go-Id rush days, loaned to the Library b�y the Wslls Vargo Rank of San Francisco. 1'hn s shoal, age sty#ory h ue s at both libraries wra disoontinuarad dor Mr, ru TM3r, but, the pr,;<-ei hool story h(rx- iA- still a�traating bE%uzc�n fori4y to f§fty c-�Aldy-�2n za%h i�k� Mro. Dargsing alunded QQ Tegular meeting of ACL. UOpe ,t;fL'I�.y qubmitt,03s. C=jos g-n Paul Quhtt ch Qty Li is w b- CITY UV lJtJRiail,*G&-'.Zl,, T-Cj DATE 'TOTAL 0m1 Salarios 9$806.13 109o098-60. 1113jp237,00 4.9136.31 Supplit's 79.03 21430*07 1 7 �600.00 1G;093 N-12 Printin- Z. Postago 343,11 2'ruls.76 2p450.,00 -428o76 11-13 L,'-,,! �# I j ?,,�853*67 21,,900.00 413 .,hto Heat,, povr�;r Z; vlatar. d2g,:L() M-14 Talephor.e 70x,34 t145.96 750000 4,04 M-16 Liu i ld n t,- Grounds A-, 1�,1013480 2, 42 7.79 2,500.00 72,21 1-17 13(rOlcs and 1.1ape, 12.,1 E 2,9 4 2,1,15 '8.'74 262000*00 401.26 M-17A Pariodicals W,e,�0 11733,16 11800,00 16,84 U-.17B Lindin- 1-19.212 2 '-9.431 20800.00 430e12 COKLVention (JU br a rian t 4.50 176,36 200,0o 23,64 .1-1 Auto 32.G0 1.99,25 2 50 e 00 50.75 :J-19P Convention (Forsorme 'l M«"M-ft 76,00 15000 74,,OC 1-19T Convention (Trustnes ) *_Gftftlft 2.6.00 125,00 109.00 bl-?O 1' as to Ubrary Aesna, qw�wslw- 16u.00 15.1�00 -11,00 21 ."liscollaneous x.0.00 "P,rl,4 9 100,00 -211.40. T-,,povrito:-- Repair 12a.75 833 a 06 lCU*00 I 000,00 2VOOC100 2,,�000,00 21 7 Gong. Insurance .1-23 Cont"acts X304 0(? 30360,00 501CO OaPital Expend-Ituron 171,40 2eZS7130 2..5138.00 el W."AL BLINFUL: Si!jAYZ:Lj,,,s 7 C,5,04 47v805.,lj 489828,00 "",322,59 TOTAL AIFT2,111 162851.97 156s904.10 1620065.00 5s160*90 STATISTICS FOR MAY 190- r V 965C'RG_ULATI„ON a max BRAHM BBccoks s Adult Non-Fiction 101,432 19560 Guild Non-Fiction 1,884 19166 Adult Fiction 69023 2,434 Child Fiction 29.201 .16846 Total Book Circulation 20,540 7,006 Periodicals*. 902902 815 _._$15— Total Books & Pt riodicai:a 211,442 79821 Phoneg graph Rec4r+d s s 822 827 � 22,269 79821 Slides! 119 1<1Q Total Uri-,ulatioft 22,388 79R21 Total Bramth Circ-.elation 1 A_P_0_C A jRgk,jATIjQN_ O®209 (1964: 32r907) Daily Averbge for Mains 8.51 Daily Avexsge for Branch> Y TOTAL DAILY AVERAG Fs 4 RFi3IS� 41� lC? TOTAL Member;ahip April 30, 1965 12934 3tyb 159,804 Additions May 292 41 333 Withdrawals May 2- 48 332 RSI STRATI ONS ASS _ — _,s it 6 12.348 — 3,457 15,,805 ACMSIONS de WITHDRAWALS-M 300K STQCKoo AS OF GRAND 4=30_65 ---Dv CANCELLED TQM__ Adult Non�Fictton 84,51? 301 44 849?74 Child NonrFi ct on 149,(Av 95 — 14,5?9 HS Nora-Fiction 11,560 18 1 19577 Adult Fiction 34,331 a5 17 349379 M Fiction 39553 1. .0m )9554 Child Fiction 139410 41 1 1:39450 TCMAL BOOK STOCK AS ---- ___ MA-3k,-1965 151,855 521 63 x529313 Ne't Increase in Book Stocks 458 (included in above figures; ?3 gifts and 355 New Titles) — Pamphlets Addeds 91. Maps Addeds 2 Pamphlets Discarded- Maps Discarded-. __--------_-___--_- -- AS OF GRAND CORDINGGS a L_30___a 11SRTONED nISCARM _29TAL 7898 1,332 19332 4518 211 211 33's 976 17 993 TO'T'AL RECORD STOCK AS OF MAS 29519 17 2,536 S_ SITED IH CI__ TRYAMEN� Main $ 19056.07 _ Branch — AMIUAL CAM'AL 2..PROVL"4,M3T MW City of BURLD=aE Burlingame Public Library Individual Project Estivate May lm 1965 Description of Proje:ts Libray Addition Building 35'x93' locited on 1A)F,. of lot 69 bloc;': 3, and portions of the present Library lot, An area 1016"x44' to house present cG.—d catalog lo- tod betman the 'rings of the present build 3.ngo An extension of the present Mild)-an's Room 22'x ' to act as a stow': area for the Children's Room. PtaTose: To provide sufficient wort, area, additional seating capacity„ rrcreasod book capacity, adequate storage facilities for bulk materials, Hood for Projects The Library was built in 193031, An area of 99100 sq* ft,s it housed 31,736 vdlumes and served an area of 45 sq, mio with a population of 13,2709 The staff consisted of a full tine equivalent of 6, Today tho population is about 269500 and the area served is 605 sq, mie The building houses 135,999 books In 1960 an extansion to the stacks and refer- ence eference area added 59600 sq, ft., most of thick rias stac% space, with little or no over all additional seating capacity The extra 24 seats in tho new+ reference am hardly made up for the loss of seating in the Children's R=a as table and chair seating was given up for booI; shelving, The proposed addition would double the riork roam area. The total seating capacity would double and the additional stack capacity should be sufficient for the forseeable future, The crocxled condition all over the Library would no longer exist, The student discipline problen mould be less as the tables Mould be spaced farther apart. There ! ould be a place for the adults tfio have become displaced persons during the student rush perious. Employee efficiency should 1narease as t'Ze conoostion in the work room is al levia" The constantly increasing rate of ;eg,c- ration of nes. patrons corresponds to the rate of Umith of city populationt, TM3 is indicated by the following tables Grocrth Rate of Rec_lstxations and PWAlation Xe.�r Rlo %tratidn Pty lation 1957 9,901 21,000 1952 109457 1959 109953 _ 229000 1960 119759 �. 1961 129122 239900 1962 129505 1963 13,015 1964 159013 269500 Total IncreasQ 52'91_11 ��s Page :2 Annual Capita-1, Im,rova-mor,1; Stu4!y Thl, capita I his would indicate t1rit the Vbx,-77;j, already the most used per p n V%o az-oa, will cow,'Urrie to bo -uaed 1by 113o now citizens of our city* 11'ela-1-ion to Other ProAaf.%tss An tncongested will probably rodum t1he pressure for a Mills Estate Branch* Estimated Costs $P.wVOOO Future Burdens Rr.)-n ttM Sts Ann lal costs Mainten3neop and operation $29000 Annual estimated cost of nev staff requireds None at this time Futuro expendIturas: 2quirmient figured In the estimated cost Status of Plans andSneciflcntlonsa Sk-stch, plans completed Construe-lom Iry contract The LU)r,,.rj BoaTd 1sa.,.,,, discuz sod -U,.o sketch plans and has approved their general concsptso ;zVA GEORGE PAUL MCHIM City Librarian