HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1965.10.20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD September 15, 1965 Trustees Present: Mr. Lynes, Mr. DeMartini, Mr. Hechinger and fair. Moody Trustees Absent: Mrs. Cohendet Mr. Ben Hechinger was welcomed to the Board by the President and the other Board Members. he stated his pleasure at being appointed to the Board. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1965 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee rloody, bills in the amount of $3,758.98 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's Report was read and approved. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The monthly financial statement was read and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS The Librarian stated that no further progress had been made on the Children's Extension but that there was still a possibility of its construction during this budget period. CC6VMUNICATIONS A copy of a letter to the City Manager from the Civil Service Commission stating that Norma E. Twisselman, Library Aid, had passed the promotional examination for Library Assistant. NE14 BUSINESS Promotional Appointment of Library Assistant The Librarian stated that Miss Twisselman has worked for the Library since 1958, first as a Page, then as a Library aid. Her duties involving the payroll, credit bureau, catalog typist, etc. are on the level of Library Assistant as set forth in the Classification and Salary Survey, May 1962 of the City of Burlingame, and therefore he recommended her appointment as Library Assistant. On a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee Moody, Miss Twisselman was promoted to the position of Library Assistant as of October 1, 1965. Motion carried. ADJOURWENT On a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Moody, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, C7ti Georg Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIKUraWs F'EUPIGIRT Qatobek, 20s) 1965 C MC UL V1 I QN the aira—u-ia-ticn decyvased 2,,7"% f.... -the month of September 1964„ howv,; rp tree eirc-unz lati'an is 2,4% ahead of September 1963-, RX,,-(r1RATaNS There were 15,,-169 r,,%:Ietraticms as of SepteTtvr 30,,,, 1964., There are 15866 - an increase a:? Mrs^ GeL?-trade SrnoofrlyLibrary Awslstant, has decided to return to full tim, status and wilA. take arer hor femar dutier, as Sw,.retarj,, Mrs - Smoody Is one of the moat abla and dedicated of car staffs, and we are all pleased to know that she has recovered and can ncni rosu,�-m her former dutiez which she handled so adequately, 2EU-J)R1&N'1'S 80014 RX-PORT Witt-, the end of sum,,r and- the lvgimniag (of the school year, the staff of the Qhildran�e Room. has babon isorkine, wil a number ®f Burlingame teache in evel ming pr of th re d ap n a ogram increased servicki-I Firs, Powell's etinge with various fa.3mdti6s brourht immadiate and enVA,u9iazt,1be response,, and the Chlldrer0a Ruzrq has been buisy pmparing, collections - bot%l *fie-,zlAon and nan-Tictior. - for classrovx, use mi extended lo&ns (from fmr- to six weeksl To )ties 22bookz have been bnrrovad by teavhe-1- n., In aM.tion,) toaches7s am makAng an..-Jngezmnntr-; to bring their classes tc; the library for stovy-tel'ling, bnok talks�, and ins-11"rur4tioa Am library Skills-, Mrs- Powell, t- Dunn and Miss Ragan visited the Firot,-, Second and Third gra,A-ea in Burlingam Public,, privats, "id p,-vsol�Ual s�h4ols to eiplain ab@ut applying for a libraryeaf,�,dn to U31 a story anO to invite the ,ahildrer. to Stoty Hmir held wfeY7, Wav&nsaday beginning October 6, In crder to reUlevo crawding in the fiovtion. se(ation ®f the children�s b(,,icko have been shifted. to 'she tope of the ahnlvos.;, pTm9-iding nine additional aec,,Uona of badly needed sholf space- To �-lariry the rvutina of thc; 'Rs,) a procedural M&-inal has bVern pTepwnid, It bas proven Very Useful for ready ,;rf1erence amend in tnstructinr,, oivie nqv Pat Maa.-Lead anGM Qindy Steil, Respectfully aubm1tteq!,,, George Pau.1 Lechich City Librarian GITY OF BURMINGWB BUIMPT UP,2"NDITURF, THIS BUDGET BALANCE MONTH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S=-1 Salaries 91965.88 39..542.01 1219903,00 92,360.99 M=11 Supplies 28,,46 4472 081lf,600.00 1j27,19 M-12 Printing Sk ?c�itage 345,30 1.,G'75,,08 2j,450c,00 1,375^72 M-13 Heatq Powe:r & Water Z42,72 817:,35 2"900,00 2�,Mc65 M-14 Telephone 72�,.41 221.09 750,,00 528,931. M-16 A4,Iding & Grmnds Maiwv',9nan(?.m 159,29 391,34 200MO 2 9 106.,,66 M-17 3ooks & Maps 29547009 7,�508090 269000.00 M1491.50 M-17A ?erjoftcals 37588 1,,,,287.82 19900000 612,,18 M-17B 33nding 3112 1439.22 29800000 19360.,78 M-19 Oeonfantlon �Llbrar ian) --- --- 200,00 20000 M-19A Auto Allowance _V, 20 33005 25®,00 216:,95 ,,,.--4-19P Conventim APs?aannel) 150,100 150,00 M-19T Gma wen,,-Ion �Tmwl-aes) 125,00 125,00 ML 20 Dues to Lib-ipary ABans, 30.,;00 30,00 150,00 120,oco "'Uslaellanems 40,.,21 100"00 59,79 M-24 TypeLtsr P*pair 4930 10000o 50.,70 Vii-27 Instuange — 2j)om"00 25-,WJ,00 1,1,?s Qontraats 290,:,00 lj5o,'00 3,,480,0() 2030,�00 (,'--90 'aplital S=eriditu,--as 113,23 1.x,200:,00 1,086o777 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 3,-803.47 1496314+0 4189655000 34,9023.60 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES ? ,,'769.35 54,173.41 1700558,00 116,384.59 -!'Ta CIRCULATION MAE oks: Adult Non-Fiction 7,,093 Child Non-Fiction 1,491. 17,007 AduA" Fiction 5p869 2 x 668 Cho Fiction AR 2— Total Book Circialation 16,587 69831 pericddb CR13; 721 Totml Books & Periodicals 17 ,511 79622 7"n'I"I'mograph Records; =9 18DI40 79622 Total Cirmlation 189259 79622 Total Branch Circulation 7,,622 GRUND TCS AL CIRCULATION MAIN &BRANCH, j (1964; 26 09&) Daily Av,?rage for Main: 722 DwUy Average for Branch TWAL DATLY. kIFKRAGE 109z?�ISIIAT IONS: ADULT CHILD aOTAL Maxabersh:11p A.-agust 31,) 1965 1.29463 3,)422 15,,885 Additiono September 376 49 4*25 Withdrawals September TOTAL W,011STRATIONS AS OF 92-",_TNJ N 12j,,492 3P374 15�,866 qM�QNS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK 91"OCK; AS OF GRAND AZ 3 __45_ ADIDEDgANCg�&P_D TOTAL Adult Edon-Fiction 85p418 253 .14 85,)6 Ghild Non-Fiction 2497V 45 3 14 829 HS Non-Fiction 10971 7 1 19603 Adult Fiction 34,605 113 19 349699 F 3��g p-'m PIS i a t i an 14 1 39576 Cbj,.I,d Fiction mo,gtI.go 3TOC, 153;-4 20 490 65 1.53,,845 filet Ing-rease in Boo! Stock; 425 Mar's Added: ,tjjqt,j AdAed; 73 L1, u §sded --dad: AS OF RBCORDINGS: LAGIC',ES §�S_j D DISCARDED TOTAL 7619 1,9.327 --- 1;, ,327 45 s 211 --- 211 33's 2 JI.Q21 TOTAL, RECORD STOCK kS OF SEPTEZ43nTi. 29547 16 2 29561 11p-l' 1TWITH CITY TPLEASUFLU.: Main 9V-6.76 Branch .- _12-4 iiALAR