HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1966.02.16 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD January 199 1966 Trustees Present: Mr. Lynes, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. DeMartini, Mr. Hechinger, Mr. Moody. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1965, were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Moody, bills in the amount of $3,267.15 were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and approved. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT The monthly financial statement was read and placed on file. NEW BUSINESS Tapestry. The Librarian gave a full report on the Burke tapestry. The Board felt that the Librarian should do whatever is necessary to establish its identity, value and historical significance. The Librarian stated that an appraisal would be necessary for insurance purposes and he would contact the proper authorities. He stated that he would submit a full report to date, to accompany the Librarian's Report. OLD BUSINESS Possible Library System - Composed of Municipalities but not the County. The Librarian explained that the various heads of libraries and city managers and some library board members were meeting Friday morning, Jan. 21, at the San Mateo Library to discuss the possibility of a system. Mr. Hechinger was appointed to attend the meeting. Salary Survey. The Librarian stated that the city had instituted a salary survey conducted by Mr. James F. Teevan of Cresap, McCormick and Paget, management consultants. The survey is to be based upon local conditions, both in public and private business. He said that Mr. Teevan had interviewed all of the department heads and that he felt that the survey would be a fair one, especially so, as Mr. Teevan is a local resident. Coov Machine. The Librarian stated that Foremans,who have the Vicomatic Copier in the library, are going to change to Dennison's machine. He stated that he would therefore be able to better judge whether or not we want to purchase the machine. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Moody, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Geor Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN QS REPORT February 16p 1966 CjWJLAT AT ��-- The oeoarall circulation for January was .6 lose than last year; ho mmoary the circulation at the Main was o higher than last year, utereas the Branch was 8,5% less,, TRAFFIC COUNT The Main averageQ counting Sundays p 802 patrons per day a Sundays axvraged 543, Not counting Sundays, the average for a 12 hour day would be 842 people The Branch averaged 271 for a 9c-hour day dor the 14 days the counter was in operation o The total count for the Main was 23n249. This count is loam as many people came in the left door as those inside passed thyaugh and politely geld the dour open. if these figures hold true, then over 39090 people go in and out the Main and Branch libraries each year The traffic flea varied from a hien of 1,199 to a low of 467. An ingpiry at the dime stores and one or two others indicted there seems to be a direct correlation between store customers and library patrons. MEETINGS ATTEN URD d�arnuar� 2 - 9:00 San Mateo 4 Bead librarians and city managers met to discuss possibilities of a local system of cooperative municipal libraries. A plan of services was presented and discussed, No action was taken other than the matter would be considered by each local authority. The meeting was attended by the Librarian and Mr, Hechinger, i a(o - Eaoa = A joint meeting of Planc & Place eras held to hear an explanation of the dis I ion of federal funds for libraries. The Librarian and Mrs. Bergsing attended. l l�sC® U land Meeting of balance to discuss final report on computerizes procedures in a proposed system for this Bay Areap excluding Swan Francisco. General approval las requeated of the program and of a cost study, Meeting attended by Librarian g W Hechinger and. Mrs. Bergsingo Feb A 9°Q3 _ Red ad City - A meeting called by the County Manager to discuss with the City Managers and their libraries than possibility of a City County System and to find out why the Spangle Report has not been acceptable to most municipalities, Attended by the Librarian and Mrs Hechinger. CHILDRENIS HOUM RE ORT Wednesdayfl February 9th9 approximately sixty children attended the valentine parties at the Main Library and Easton Branch. Before story hour, they me4e Talentines and decorated the "Valentine Tree" to add to the holiday display celebrating Valentine's Day and the birth=- days of Washington, Lincoln g and a nunler of children e s authors. Plans for the Sunamm Banding Club are progressing. A thecae - "Digging for Dinosaurs" has been chosen and the children's room staff is now beginning the art work and shopping for materials to display,, The new catalog for the children c s room at the Main Library has arrived o The number of catalog drawers has been doubledp giving us now one hundred and twenty. Work with the Burlingame schools is continuing. The first tree grades at Franklin School were visited this month and the staff continues to prepare both fiction and non-fiction classroom collectionso Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich City L ibrarian BUDGET UPYNDMaR 1--0WTH OFtUA RY 1� �.- THIS BUD= BALANCZ 14ORTH TO DATH ALLOWANCA TOTAL S=1 SP-160188 9,816.59 M,9031>00 42,797.22 M-11 Supplies ..°/3 953n4 196000 636076 Y1--12 1�Plnting & Postage 195-64 198 ,57 2p450,00 603^43 M-13 Lighto Uoat,, Power & Water 302.72 IpWh,38 29900,00 1p153,62 M=, Telephone 5111,47 "1,33 75M0 30$.67 11-16 Wilding & 0Tounds 111ain nce 11262 73943 29500,00 1p760n 57 M-271 Bcolts & Maps 1j,718c13 15962304. 2690MOO 100376.°6 M.n3:7A Periodicals 79.41 ls,831�62 1"900.00 68.,38 M-17B Binding 617,28 2„812,49 29800 00 -- 12,4,9 M=19 Convention (,Ubr l ) 3.50 5L35 200-100 W-65 14--.19A Auto Allmar.cz 29,40 116,65 25O OO 13335 M=19F Oonn`vin Clt an (personnel) Loo 105.30 15MO "170 M-1W CommMon (k st s) 8-:75 13,75 125,00 111,25 M->20 Dumm to Libre Assoalati®ns B0,00 15900 15000 9.00 M=21 misconme --- 43, 27 100,00 56,73 14 Typews i`�er Repairs 18,,20 78,30 1M,00 00 21-70 M-27 Comp. Ins ancp, --- 290 ,00 2;,000-00 M-28 Contwwts 29M0 29310,00 39480,.00 19170OC 0=90 Capital Expenditums 75:6.26 9”, 87 1020MO 253,13 TOTAL BEFORS SALAR= 49287.11 299826.59 489655.130 189828.,41 TOTAL AFTER SALARI 14,103.'70 108,932.3'7 1709558,,00 31,625.0-3 STATbMICS FOR a J�aS`ww__� +I's qpga Books-. Adult Nein=Fia bora I.Os 229 1 592 Child Non-Fictien 2,1066' 1 i 164, Adultt Ficition 6E,256 2p314 Child Fiction, 376 Total Hock Cir=latiza. 20,, 6406 Periodicals: _=iAQ k _i:"Z � Total Hooks & T ariodical,s 21,998 70282 Phonograph Recordst. a 863 1 __Z 22;,861 7,.282 Slfids: a At 'a'ot.al Circulation 229885 79282 Total Branch Circulation 4 RUM TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH (1965: 3O?,339) Daily Average for Main: 870 Daily A�;�rP4e for Eranth:_ TOTAL VAILY AVERAGE F FS°A'L&'T 4SADULT TOTAL Mambwahip Dec, 31; 1965 12n63° 39411 169048 Additi=3 January 368 46 414 With&-awals January `T'O'TAL REGISTRATIONS AS) OF JANUARY 1 12 2 3,3#n0 ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF GRAND - ADDED CANCELLED TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 869866 405 46 879225 Child Non-Fiction 159152 77 3 159226 HS Non-Fiction 196" 3 1 19646 Adult, Fiction 340983 so 35 359428 HS Fiction 39602 2 39600 Child Fiction a 1. TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF JANUARY 319 1966 155,,488 603 .10'6 1569485 N(a t ICn(wroass in Book Stock: 497 1: ed. in a veff i s ` Gift d—��,Now Titles Pamphlets Added: 55 Maps Added.: -mom Disdad: AS OF GRAND RECORDINGS: )2_3j=fi5 ACCFSSIONED DISCARDED TOTAL 78°s 19327 --- Qpm 19327 4519 211 --- 211 33's ... ®.�. TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF JANIZARY ,�1� � 29616 28 --m 296" D ITER WITH CITY TREASURER% Main 19246065 Branzh 2��027 0� o X32