HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1966.09.21 MINUTES OF THE MEETIIIG OF THE BURLINGWE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD August 17, 1966 Trustees Present: Mr. Lynes, Mrs. Cohendet, Mr. Hechinger, Mir. Moody Trustees Absent: Mr. DeP:Iartini, excused on account of business MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1966 were read and approved. BILLS On a motion by Trustee Cohendet, seconded by Trustee Lynes, bills in the amount of $4,221.37 �. were ordered paid. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Librarian's report was read and accepted. OLD BUSINESS Tapestry, insurance of. The tapestry has been insured against theft, both on premises and off, and malicious damage, etc. for three years at $12.00 per year. Salary Survey. The Librarian submitted his report on the Cresap, McCormick & Paget letter in answer to the protest which had been filed previously at the behest of the Library Board. The members of the Board present read the critique and expressed their approval. The Librarian stated that there.was to be a committee to take up the various protests and submit a report to the Council. NEW BUSINESS Appointment of Mrs. Bernice L. Geralds. On a motion by Mr. Moody, seconded by Mr. Lynes, Mrs, Bernice L. Geralds was appointed Library Assistant as of September 1,1966. ADJOURWENT On a motion by 11r. Moody, seconded by Mr. Lynes, the meeting was adjourned. Res ctfully s mitted, Georger Lechich Clerk of the Board LXBRARII:AAI"S I SRT SEPTR4HR 21�, 1966 CIRCX.,AsflON T'ht cire-aalaftion incTea sed 7,,6% ovc*r ttht month of Aar,;xst, 19660 TRAFFIC GOA AUGUST Daily dwayaRg Men 652 if OvItntt Sunday as on's day 749 ))sily &Tera .'* Branah Z12 To(tEI'. traffic Malan 20,222 Tvtal %reafffl* Iyanoh 7,367 - ? 5-�?i T ha h cc h day at Main was Monday AuAxst 159 at 876, Ths high day at the Branch vas 445 2,,? The additional mat d cvzntar as,@= to run muv?h too hip h This can possibly Lwv accounts"(*4d f ov- by the way peoplo c cws4 in the rip--ht dear, st,ap an tthcc rikht mat, thin otep on the left mat, When dow-, la opcsn,, the fig°es are so far off that as yet we ca-mot use i,h m 142�I!nk a t= day parlod n the high mat road S�307- the low mitt old vae) read 59993 a diffsi-.enc6 of 293149 og, 39%,. ,P,abahly the bee',,, way will be, rw an actual coli:t in ordfor teo datermins a mar'c'i a of nmol✓ CHILIDBE d„S Rte REPO i Miss Molly &T:Ran left thu staff on AuRmtt 27Wo, have lbwv� n most fos tunatts in sev ur in,k a ww Ohildrei,l s lib arlan g Mrs„ Mar�?mYaat Eipan, who will come to us full Z- ma by the Iepinrg.ng of 196 7� She is ftnlshinp� her work r or her &RTS*t in Lilo�ary S�Asnca sett thct Univozasity of Uawo—yuia his q -ter¢ and will 10 wtvkiaa� for us W v.=-U du-Tink that ptriod Mg-g,, Ali*(* Powell resumed h82' Part=tiw d atiws as CbJ l&-,,&s 9 s Convsallant on Septtombxbr 15:, Th',,!� exhi h-A In ftha Rom is unusually and was dssim'bd and (,-xmvuttad by Miss Toles Frantvrieb,, our ssan1w, pmt S,'Uxe,Y ho?zps will bo rt-s d Wsdnesdayz Qct}oWi 5 at both tthcty Main Libragy &nd 6bv Bg'anc hl, Plana for visits ° o Z&,� &�-.�hoolss and o h&6 i nak visit %ha 1i a y a,* undag, Wray R, ape tbk rs lly submitted, Goorg'A Paul L-Onhic h City Libyw?&an 4 CITY OF BMUDIGN-23 _ . :. B :T EXnEI�J:i`Tc �.. THIS F3t11 T�� BALiUtTCE LAONIT�' TO DATE AL �3�S'MOCE TIAL S-1 Salasrios 10.9 720.31 33,851.601392717,00 105,925..40 1.,1-11 Supplies 248077 52945 a2800a00 1,270065 14-12 Printing & Postage 334052 11,236.86 2ozA.Oa00 12213.14 :;1-13 Lighty Beat, Power 1"eter 143069 535570 219M.00 2,,264,2.2 1A-14 ToleA%one 75x24 1034551 71500 565e,49 PSI-16 Building & Grounds Maintenance 43a59 943976 21,5 ,00 11)551,1, .., M-17 Dooks 8 flaps 18563,80 69424,,62 ` ,500. m0.15.w M-17A Periodicals 61.76 1,693,74 "29000.00 306026 P.1-17B Binding --- 131041 29£3CN.3QOO 29668a59 M-19 Convention (Librarian) 3050 3950 ZOO!0: 19640 M-19A Auto A1.1mmnee 7a3O 90.0 3:0000 29000 M-19P Convention (Personnel) --- --- 150CIOO 150900 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 1. coo 125,00 P.11-20 Dues to Library Associations b-- -- X—C"o0 200400 111-21 Miscellaneous 12oOO 32950 to-0100 8740 14-24 Typewriter Repairs 91025 9425 lr_ococ 58.75 1.1-27 Compo Insurame r-> --- 29100,00 2000.001 fA-M Contracts 30000 890000 42100,00 32210.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- --- 71740 717o0u TC aUL LEFORE Sr"iLAR t,E.S 290M,*4 G 12,791.38 49,74200,1 ."•,69,)-50e62 TOTAL `-FTER SALARIES 13,655.73 46j,642.98 189,519*00 142,876.02 STAT LS'11CS FOR. ALCUSTg j.,966 :1!,CULATLI 01i MAIN BRANCH t'itaks, Adult Nvn-Fiction 7,037 1,478 ChARd hiMon-FtetAon 1.693 190" Adult Fietl®n 7,752 3,123 Total Book Circulation it9, ,05 Por� cels 987 981 am- Total p� Sucks & Petfio .acsla 20.7 9,51 23 1 y�67 G' enograph Rel rds c .. a y urn rra�aw oe.ra..audes SMdes To(taR Carcaulation 9x511 Total -Branch Circulataan p�y11 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 30s943 (1965: 28,729 Dat ly Average foy Maano 7 6 Daftly Average for Branch-. 352 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1 116 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership July 31, 1966 12v933 3,368 16,301 Additlans August 314 61 375 Wfthdra als August 290 47 337 TOTAL RFSI STR ATI MS AS OF AUGUST 31, 1966 . 12 2 16y ACCESSIONS & WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CANC- GRAND 1-66 ADDED ELLED TOTAL Adult Non -Fiction 9; 310�. 136 99,73 Child Mn-Fiction 159937 112 3 16,046 HS Non<-,4 icticwi 1.740 9 0 1,749 Adu1Q Facttion, 35,415 M6 70 35,451 HS Vctiac 3,641 3 2 3,642 Child Fiction ?i E 68 9 6 14 TOTAL DOOR STOCK AS OF ALMST 31, 1966 160,270 559 217 16o,612 Net In(grea t;e An Book Stvek o 34.2 ! nCl� ted an above �aglaresa 8 R�ff� `' g s and New TAtJ,es ka"hiets Mdcd 28 Malps AddecY n PE hlets Discarded 9l. �9 Diac-a riled �e �1S Ute. �,b�..a� ,� -- -- GRAND RECORDINGS: ?21_66 ACCESSIONED 1)L'SV`ItDED TOTAL 47 45as 2`115 X215 33°s .a86 70 41 TOTAL RECORD STOCK AS OF AUGUST I 1 66 ,C 1 -2009 a .armcso-,s vv„msa DEPOSITED WITH CITE' TRP.ASURERs Main $ 1,030-64 Branch 2640 TOTAL DEPOSITS AMUST, 1966 $ lo295.31 UA 710S' FOR JMY 1966 i CLICULATION IMAIN C dr Bool,M Adult Man-Fiction 70706 1 t730 Child lion-Fiction 29=, 12,x :46ult Fiction 70612 29mm, G�dld Fiction 1-41,1023.23B Total Book Circulation Periodica,lat 893 893 ToUal Books & ftriedimn,1s 229360 10r,083 Phonograph Records& KK '15L 5 515 229875 l0�083 Sl Ides ®R a1119 119 To-bz- 1 Circulation 229 994 11 0 ml S, Branch Circulation 10.083 GZAW TOTAL GrnamqTION MAIN & BH1-4jM—: —"--'33'.077 (1965: 31 Dazaly Average for Mains 074 DaiLly Average for Branch 403 WAL DAILY AVEIRA-- —27�f F,03 G I SMIW 10 1,1S, Tx GULD Meribership Jmao 309 1966 IL30910 31,353 1 26 Additions July m 04 elco Ulthirmals July 30i 69 370 1966 12,933 3.368 16.301 ACCESSION'S & 'JMIDMQUZ OF BOO R 2&S I'M, it,30, or- CARC- GRWN -mxm ELLM OT m, Adult Non-Fiction ags,-1,43 329 283 8993w9 Child Hon-Ff,"'c ion 159003 146 12 159931 HS Uon-F7ct"'on 1732 10 2 19740 Adult Fiction 159410 110 105 35941�� Na Fiction 39635 13 7 39641, Child Fiction 1e3%z117 7 16 14 -1,vt =ALMS-m—MI: SOF jl zax- 1609040 -1555 425 1601,71-0 Net Increase in Book Stocks 230 .LlTjq .1tidej,' in and 417 11e T101 es 56 r..1aps Addeds ---- Die d 15 otos Discarded ---- AS OF _0 66 7e 1'(,X',7-SS10DTM DISCI ED TOTAL e_1 I -- 1 12 396 --- ---- 45 s 23.5 ---- ---- 33 S I Z6 ---- ---- OF JULY L7 122-1 I L 2 flain C.IxI9,64 Branch 1 .3.19 1966 1 092-83 UP--