HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 063-2004RESOLUTION NO. 63-2004 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME APPROVING CHANGES TO THE MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNCIPAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 829 AND 2190 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING FOR BOTH UNITS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame: WHEREAS, the City of Burlingame and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) local 829 and 2190 have met and conferred in good faith on the terms and conditions of employment as provided by State law; and WHEREAS, the City and the AFSCME have reached agreement on certain changes to be made to the existing terms and conditions of employment and memorandum of understanding between the City and the Association; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes are fair and in the best interests of the public and the employees represented by AFSCME; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED: 1. The changes in existing salary of the employees represented by AFSCME as contained in Exhibit A hereto are approved. 2. The City Manager is authorized and directed to execute the terms contained in Exhibit A and incorporate them into the Memoranda of Understanding between AFSCME Local 829 and AFSCME Local 2190 and the' y of Burlingame. f 4. , yu, MAYOR I, ANN MUSSO, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on 19's day of July, 2004, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: BAYLOCK, COFFEY. GALLIGAN, NAGEL, O'NAHONY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE k- MY CLERK Appendix A AFSCME - City of Burlingame 2004 Negotiations - Tentative Aereement 1) Contract Term: 1 year, effective 07/01/04 - 06/30/05 2) Wages: The City will maintain the "3' In the Market" compensation philosophy. However, in light of the City's current financial situation, the parties agree to place the unit to market median by adjusting all classifications by 4% effective June 28, 2004- 3) Insurances: Medical: Effective January 1, 2005, the City's tiered medical contribution plan will be implemented. The City's contributions will be as follows: 1. No Plan - Any employee that demonstrates they have medical insurance through another source, will receive $200 per month in lieu of medical benefits. The $200 month may be put in deferred compensation, section 125 plans or taken in cash. Any cash payout is subject to normal taxation. 2. Employee Only - The City will contribute $389.96 per month towards employee only medical coverage. This amount is equal to the 2005 Blue Shield HMO rate for employee only. 3. Employee Plus One - The City will contribute $779.92 per month towards employee plus one medical coverage. This amount is equal to the 2005 Blue Shield HMO rate for employee plus one. 4. Employee Plus Two or more - The City will contribute $922.19 per month towards employee plus two or more for medical coverage. This amount is equal to the 2005 Kaiser Rate for employee plus two or more. An employee that enrolls in a medical plan that has a higher premium than the City's contribution as stated above, will pay the difference via pre-tax payroll deductions. The City's maximum retiree medical contribution will be $922.19 per month, which is equal to the 2005 Kaiser Family rate. Dental: Effective January 1, 2005, the City will reimburse up to $1700 per year per employee for dental expenses and a cumulative amount of $1800 per year for all eligible dependents. Appendix A 4. Wellness: No later than September 1, 2004, the City will develop a program to allow employees of the unit to utilize the fitness center located at the City's Corporation Yard facility. Use of other fitness rooms at City facilities will be explored. 5. Sick Leave: Upon ratification and council approval of this agreement, the following changes will be made to the sick leave program: Sick Leave Payout Upon Retirement: o All hours between 0 and 600 hours = 25% will be paid out o All hours between 601 and 1200 hours = 35% will be paid out o All hours between 1201 through 1560 hours = 50% will be paid out. o Under this program the maximum amount of hours that will be paid out is 539.15 hours. Maximum Sick Leave Accrual: Sick Leave Incentive: The maximum sick leave accrual is 1560 hours. Upon ratification and council approval of this agreement, the Unit members will no longer be eligible for the City's sick leave incentive program. 6. Voluntary Time Off Program The City agrees to incorporate the Voluntary Time Off Program into the City's Administrative Procedures. The Voluntary Time Off Program is attached as Exhibit A. 7. Alternative Work Schedule/Work Hour Flexibility: Upon request of the Union, the City agrees to explore options to expand the Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) to allow more employees or work units. Any changes to the AWS program that result from this agreement must be approved by the City Manager. Upon request of a unit member the City agrees to meet with the Union and employee to examine flexibility in scheduling work hours for library staff. Such request must be made by August 31, 2004. Appendix A 8. Bereavement Leave: When an employee must travel over 300 miles one-way to attend a funeral for a family member, the City will allow the employee to use 2 days of sick leave, vacation leave or other accrued leave. 9. HVAC Differential: Upon ratification and Council approval of this agreement, an employee designated by the City to obtain and maintain Type I & Type 11 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) certifications will receive a $100 per month differential. 10. Holiday Week Closure: 11. Promotion: The parties agree that upon proper notification by the City, the City may close one or more City Facilities during "Holiday Week." Proper notice is notification of at least 60 days prior to "Holiday Week." Holiday week has been designated as the period between the observance of the Christmas Holiday and the New Years day Holiday. Employees can take no pay time, accrued compensatory time, or accrued vacation time during this period. If an employee does not have sufficient accrued leave times to cover the holiday week closure, the employee can request vacation accrual advancement for this period. The employee's future vacation accruals will be used to repay the advanced vacation until such time there is no negative balance. The following language will be incorporated into the MOU, section 15. Changes are in bold and italics: 15.1 Filling of Vacancies - The City Manager and/or his/her designee will determine if higher positions in the classified service shall be filled by promotion from within. This determination will be based on the following: a. It is determined that the best interests of the City will be served by promoting from within. 12. Vacation Accrual: Appendix A b. There is a minimum of one internal person that meets the minimum qualifications of the promotional position. 15.2 Notice - At least S business days prior to beginning a recruitment process for a promotional position, the Human Resources Department will send written notice to the Union of the type of recruitment process that will be utilized infilling the promotional vacancy. 15.3 Any promotional examination shall comply with the rules and regulations governing competitive examinations set forth in the Civil Service Rules. The following language will be incorporated into the MOU, section 12 - Vacations. The accrual rates are not being changed, the language is being changed to accurately reflect how vacation is accrued by Unit members: Hire date to 5th Anniversary - 10 days per year or 3.08 hours per pay period 5th Anniversary 15 days per year or 4.62 hours per pay period_ 10'h Anniversary 16 days per year or 4.93 hours per pay period. I I'h Anniversary 17 days per year or 5.24 hours per pay period. 12'h Anniversary 18 days per year or 5.54 hours per pay period. 13th Anniversary 19 days per year 5.85 hours per pay period. 14th Anniversary 20 days per year or 6.16 hours per pay period. 15th Anniversary 21 days per year or 6.47 hours per pay period. 16`h Anniversary 22 days per year or 6.78 hours per pay period. 17'h Anniversary and each year thereafter - 23 days per year or 7.09 hours per pay period. 13. Salary Increase Upon Promotion: The following language will be incorporated into the MOU, section 8.4 - Progression within Range_ The language is being changed to reflect the City's practice of granting step increases following promotions: Upon Original Appointment Each employee who is employed shall receive a salary increase to the next higher step within the range of the assigned classification upon the anniversary date of the individual employee's original employment date. A step increase shall only be denied for cause. Appendix A Upon Promotion: Each employee who is promoted shall receive a salary increase to the next higher step within the range of the assigned classification upon the anniversary date of the individual employee's promotion. A step increase shall only be denied for cause. 14. Local 829 Holiday Schedule: Admissions Day will be removed from the Loca1829 Holiday Schedule. Admissions Day was not an observed, paid Holiday for members of Local 829. One-half day for New Years Eve and Christmas Eve will be added to the Local 829 Holiday Schedule.