HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1968.01.16 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 16, 196$ TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: iL .fi a r !rc, 9►�. ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14 1967 i BILLS LIBRARIAN'S REPORT COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS �'�� '` '� �� { Building Program - City Council -- Gift Book Sale , NEW BUSINESS % rOYZ rlpu�L(Z�L Adjournment MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD DECEMBER 14, 1967 Trustees Present: Hechinger, Guthrie, Lynes, Cc-j(a.u1�i�' Trustees Absent: &ohendet-, De Martini MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting of November 21, 1967 were accepted as written. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $4,970.84 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes seconded by Trustee Guthrie. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and accepted. COMMUNICATIONS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Building Program: The Librarian stated that he had discussed with Miss Margaret 'lard, State Library Consultant, various aspects of the proposed building program. He stated that she brought a good sampling of the various Library Programs and lists of both Library Building Consultants and Architects who had constructed libraries. A number of local con- sultants were discussed. The Librarian stated that he had talked with several of the local libraries who have had buildings constructed, and arrived at a tentative list - Bernard Van Horne, Coite College and Henderson, with the possibility of Margaret Troke. The State had made arrangements for Mr. College to come down and look over the situation and Mr. Van Horne would also stop by to see if he would be interested. He said he would contact Mr. Henderson and Mrs. Troke as soon as possible. The Board requested the librarian to ask those interested to submit proposals which could be submitted to the City Countil. Gift Book Sale: The Librarian said Mr. Duncan would try to have space for the book sale in January. NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Guthrie stated that he had received a kit on promoting the Friends of the Library and expressed a desire to get on with the project. The Librarian said that there were several people interested in being officers. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned on a motion by Trustee Guthrie seconded by Trustee Lynes. Respectfully submitted, 1 George Paul `l.echich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ANUARY 16, 1968 MEETINGS ATTENDED: The Librarian attended two city council meetings. Mrs. Bergsing vent to the Peninsula Library Association renting. There was some mention of possible cooperation with the San Francisco Public library plus the usual discussion on local problems. Building Programa The Librarian met with prospective library consultants, two of whom indicated an Interest in submitting a proposal . One architect, on reading the notice in the Pacific Builder, also called. CHILDREN'S ROOM: Perhaps the most interesting development is that Airs. Powell secured by phone from Mr. Chappelle an unofficial report on the progress of the plan for school visits to and from the library (see notes of November meeting.) According to Mr. Chappelle, a questionnaire was sent to all teachers and their responses were largely enthusiastic. As soon as Mr. Chappelle and the chairman of the curriculum committee have time to compile the results, the questionnaires will be turned over to us so that we can profit by the suggestions made by individual teachers. The overall plan that will presumably be recon ended to school authorities will be to bring all 4th. grade children to the library for a visit in the fall, and all 1st graders in late spring. The librarians would then plan to visit all 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th graders. At the fvm-,,.nt, Mr. Chappelle feels that the problems of the Intermediate School are more complex, and that no regular plan for them should be attempted at this time. While we are regretful about this, it seems to us miser to accept this beginning program and get it into action than to argue about the Intermediate School now. Perhaps in the future a need can be demonstrated for more service there. The Children's Room is very attractively decorated for the month of January with original drawings by Kathy Gasser to illustrate poems about winter and snow. Mrs. white has a charming winter scene in the exhibit case to accompany the exhibit. Pre-school story hours were resumed at both Easton Branch and the Main Library the week of January 9th. Attendance was good. General use of the Main Children's Room has been going through its seasonal slump, but appears to be picking up again. Plans are going ahead a;;s a tar the Sumer Reading Club. A local artist, Mrs. O'Dell, and Mrs. Virginia Collins of the S.P.C.A. are working with the childrens' librarians to develop what sounds like are unusually appealing program whosa them will be related to animals. Mrs. Egan hes been presentat the meetings and will resume her full-time position on February lst. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MONTH OF JANUARY, 19 THIS BUDGET BALANCE MONTH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries 11,567.66 82,408.10 1432250. 60,841 .90 M-11 Supplies 42.12 1,623.22 1,800 176.78 M-12 Printing & Postage 78,03 1,135.66 2,900 1,764.34 M-13 Light, Heat, Power & Water 256.10 1,804.52 3,000 19.195.48 M-14 Telephone 66.37 457.07 850 392.93 M-16 Building & Grounds Maintenance --- 977x82 20500 10522.18 M-17 Books & Maps 20142.96 17,288.25 279800 109511.75 M-17A Periodicals 66.05 2,112.77 29500 387.23 M-176 Binding 290.98 1,581.99 29600 19018.01 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- 87.25 250 162.75 M-19A Auto Allowance 1.20 67.50 300 232.50 M-19P Convention (Personnel) --- 100.26 150 49.74 M-19T Convention (Trustees) 7.50 34.00 125 91,00 M-20 Dues to Library Associations 75.00 205.50 200 -5,50 M-21 Miscellaneous --- 41.00 100 59.00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 60.00 175 115,00 M-27 Comp. Insurance _-- --- 2,000 20000.00 M-28 Contracts 310.00 2,160.00 3,900 1,740.00 M-29 Microfilming Advance --- --- 750 750.00 C-90 Capital Expenditures -_- 15.00 3,500+ 3,485,00 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 39336.31 29,751.81 55,400 259648.19 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 14,903.97 112,159.91 198,630 86,490.09 STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER, 1967 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books, Adult Mon-Fictlon 7,545 13,028 Child Nan-Fiction l9665 744 Adult Fiction 59468 19970 Child Fiction .2,222,4,�. 1 4 O Total Book Circulation 16.902 09v9 2 5919250112 Periodicals 4,3002622 632 Total Books & Fariodicals 17,907 11,� 5$,U24 50 Phonograph Records 62 42r... w-+ -_•' LO,469 181,469 50824 9 Slides Total Circulation ,T� 541 3v5 1 59924 ,-Z Total Branch Circulation gm824 5,824 GRAND TOTAL 'CIRCULATION MAIN & BRANCH 249365 (1966: 26,055) Daily average for Man 697 % of decrease: 1+ Daily average for Branch 233 70TAL DAILY AVERAGE �r TRAFFIC COUNT - DECEMBER DT-My Average, Aiin 726 Total Traffic, Main 20037 Daily Average, Branch 235 Total Traffic, Branch 5, 85 26 222 R GISTRATI S: ADULT CHILD TOTAL irbersh p;Nov. 30s 1967 137M 3,129 T;;M$ Add i t i cin s, Dec., 1967 227 43 275 Withdrawals, Dec., 19678 54 412 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 12 1 6 ACCESMAS AND WITHDRAWALS OF BOOK STOCK: AS OF CAN- GRAND ll 1 67 Added CELLED TOTAL Adult Non-a-ict iora 940ddg T2-6— TO—— 909 Child Non-Fiction 16,901 44 is 16,927 HS Non-Fiction 1,963 10 0 1,973 Adult Fiction 369969 117 221 36,865 HS Fiction 3,811 24 7 39828 Child Fiction I 798 93 68 13 823 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 12 31 6 1 337 rim -31r- i� NET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK 290 Included in above figures 22 gifts and 221 new titles Pam ets 'Aadea 1 39 Maps Added 0 Pamphlets Discarded 14 Maps Discarded 0 Total pamEblets 8M257 Total Mas 1 023 RECORDINGS: AS OF ACC S- DIS- GRAN 67 S'I D C RDED TOVAL 78's 9 0.,� 0 T". 45" 234 0 0 234 334: 1,716 21 0 lyZ37 38421 2T_ 0 L-442 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN $ 911 .98 BRANCH 224.2 TOTAL DEPOSITS DECEMBER, 1967 , 3 5