HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1968.07.16 AGtRA BURLIRGAME PUBLIC LISRARY_BOARD 4ECTI�� JULY 16.# TRUSTEES P ESENT s TRUSTEES ABSEIT MINUTES Of THE MEETING OF JUNE 12 196b LIVRARIAWS REPORT C OM?M I CAT I11NS t OLD SUSIMESSs Building Program City CauncfI Budget Son Francisco cooperatirs' fer me h4jsct�s-- Sari Mate* Aunicipai Libraries Ce peration Project NCq BUSINESS$ ADD U.4N#fNT MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD JUNE 12, 1968 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Chairman Hechinger. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Hechinger, Trustee De Martini, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Lynes Trustees Absent: None MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of May 21, 1968 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $11,150.78 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Lynes seconded by Trustee De Martini and passed unanimously. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. Trustee Lynes commented that the visits to the schools, noted in the Children's Room report, were particularly well handled. There was some discussion with regard to the Santa Cruz library, and others of recent construction, ' being too functional and stark in design. COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. OLD BUSINESS: Building Program: Ideas were exchanged on the program, during the course of which it was remarked that Mr. Holt seemed high. The Chairman stated that he did not think we should hire a man on the basis of price. Trustee Cohendet said that Mr. Holt lived too far away and that there were others more convenient, and that Holt would actually see us only twice in the time he was working on our project. In line with this thought, the Librarian mentioned that Sunnyvale had hired Mr. Coolidge for their work because he was able to spend a great deal of time with them, and that of course we would be expected to do part of the public survey for Mr. Holt. The trustees agreed that, while the Council would make the final decision on the man hired, they would be able to voice their various opinions. Budget: The Librarian announced that the Council had not yet passed the new budget. San Francisco Cooperative Reference Project: The Librarian mentioned that we have not heard any more about this project; that the City Council had a study session and this item was on the agenda, but due to the length of the meeting they were unable to discuss it. San Mateo Municipal Libraries Cooperation Project: The Librarian stated that the State has made some suggestions as to changes in the proposed plan, and that there will be some variations. When these are worked out, we will receive a copy of the modified plan and can then decide. It was agreed by all trustees that the San Mateo County Plan (Spangle Report) apparently could do nothing but help us. In connection with this, the Librarian gave our total non-resident count for various surrounding cities, which was 683. He brought out that a reciprocal agreement could be worked out with some, such as San Mateo (who have only 21 of our residents.) For example, we could borrow San Mateo's collection of films and use their business collection as part of the imbalance in non-resident partons. NEW BUSINESS: Convention A.L.A.: It was announced by the Librarian that he will be attending the A.L.A. Convention in Kansas City, and that he wanted to pay particular attention to a seminar on methods of registration, with a view toward possibly changing our own system. He mentioned that they will present all the latest I.B.M. machinery WhIch performs various functions such as rejecting a borrower's card if there are fines charged against it, etc. etc. There is also a method of registration for student cards which will employ Polaroid snapshots on the card, thus insuring that it will be used by the student only. There was a discussion of the price of I.B.M. equipment. The Librarian mentioned that the Santa Clara County Library is using I.B.M. equipment as a part experiment in order to determine the cost and practicality. New Officers for Board: It was mentioned that it is now time to elect new Board officers, but due to the lack of time at this meeting it would be taken up at the next Board meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Cohendet moved that the meeting be adjourned in honor of Wayne Guthrie and that the Board express its regrets and thanks for the fine job he did as Trustee by means of a letter. Trustee Lynes seconded this motion, and it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Ge�Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LIBRARIAN'S REPORT JULY 16, 1968 MEETINGS ATTENDED: The Librarian attended two meeetifags of the City Council and one study session* 113 attended all sessions of Library Equipment Institute, Charging Systems. The first day vias concerned with the conventional charging system or manual charging. The second day was divided between semi-automatic charging and automatic charging. Automatic here means use with computers. Many felt that the group of some 600 people should have been divided,, as there were many present (including myself) who would have profited from a full two day discussion of automatic methods, but who already were thoroughly familiar with the manual and semi-automatic systems. Ther- seems little doubt of the efficiency of computer-type charging. The deterrent is cost, but with the cooperation of smaller units and allowing for on-line syztems, the cost will be as low as present manual methods and perhaps lower, while allowing greater control of material charged as well as an analysis of patron use of the library and many other desirable Features. There are several demonstration projects in process at this time, and it is to be assumed that before long cost studies will be available forcuse in providing the answer to the Say Area projected systems "Balance", the final studies of which have been held in abeyance until such time as adequate experience could give firm cost figures. Attended a meeting concerning the S.F. Demonstration project called by the State Librarian at the County Library, CHILDREN'S ROOMS The Summer Reading Club, "Animal l vanturers," is now in its ,Fifth 1"mck. About 500 children have enrolled. The program consists of each child reading ten books and reporting orally to us about them. He receives a background, which consists of three habitats of animals and, for each book read receives an animal to place on the background in the appropriate place. Mrs. Billy O'Dell, who has the art collection on display in the Children's Room, created the background and animals. In addition, each week we borrow a small animal from the Junior Museum. This ,Ai display on a table in the library. Once a week on Thursday, Mrs. Collins from the Peninsula Humane Society brings animals to the library and tells us about them. We have been holding these sessions on the front lawn, which attracts soam of the older patrons. Pre-school story hour summer session will drawn to a close on July 31. Each library has had an enrollment of about 40 children. Sumner school teachaars have been taking out special collections for their classesD and some have sought our help in selecting the appropriate books. Overall, %de have been very busy �-' giving reading guidance to both children and parents. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET' ZzdV.PEmDI-AJRE W-y Ly,IT THIS BUDGET -BALAXIE- MONTH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries M-J, I Supplies 220.34 220.34 M-12 Printing & Postage 272.99 272.99 M-13 Light, ifaat, Power & Water 248.42 248.42 11-14 Telephone 49-70 49-70 M*-16 Building & Grounds Maintenance 909-78 909.78 0-17 Books & Maps Is922-53 10922.53 6A-17A Periodicals 447.32 447.32 M-173 Binding 53.28 53.28 M-19 Convention (Librarian) --- --- M-19A Auto Allowance 4.8o 4.80 M-19P Convention (Personnel) --- --- M-19T Convention (Trustees) --- --- M-20 Dues to Library Associations --- --- M-21 Miscellaneous 13.00 13-00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 10.50 10.50 M-27 Comp. Insurance --- --- M-28 Contracts 310.00 310.00 M-29 Microfilming Advance --- --- C-90 C-90 Capital Expenditures 41.84 41.84 TOTAL BEFORE SALARIES 4,504.50 4,504.50 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES STATISTICS FOR JU,'4E 196b CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH __ ,,00ks, Adult M,n•Fiction 6,827 1,157 Child Van-Fiction 2,056 1,233 Adult iiction 6,899 2,561 Child Fiction 3,116. 2,834 Total Book Circulation lu�t9d '0098 7,785 7,785 Periodical -, 1 020 757 Total Books & Periodicals 19` 9"'a 1= U,3 Phonoge a p i Records --- 10,495 8,547 Slides --- Total Circulation 20#485 -9;541 Total Branch Circulation 8,542 ". aC DOTAL CYRCULATIO(V ltk4Yli & BRANCH 7s (1967: 30,602) Daily Average fur Main 745 % of decrease - 5% Oai Average for Branch 342 TOT/.L DAILY AVERAGE TFAFFIC COUNT - JUNE ,iiy Average, Main 711 (?) Total Traffic, Main 19,564 (?, ;wily Average, Branch 334 Total Traffic, Branch 81361 27,925 REGISTRATIOiNS: ADULT CHILD TOTAL Membership, May 31, 1968 13,839 3,,2257'f` 074 Additions, June, 1968 295 135 430 Withdrawals, June, 1968 314 64 378 `. TOTAL REGISTRATIONS AS OF 6/30/6$ 13 M0 ' ,29 A_.NEMONS AN5 91THMAMIXE K: AS OF CAN- GRAND 5/31/68 ADDED CELLED TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction 99`"9"72`�' 117— s�0 ® 9 , Child Mon-Fiction 17,217 81 13 17,285 H.S. Non-Fiction 2,023 3 0 2,026 Adult Fiction 36,968 87 187 36,868 H.S. Fiction 39874 5 64 3,815 Child Fiction 13,823 53 24 13 852 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 6/3168 i 0,633 1708 70 NET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK 7 Included in above figures - 28 gifts and 181 new titles Pamphlets Added 46 Maps Added 2 Pamphlets Discarded 19 Maps Discarded 0 Total pamphlets 8,665 Total maps 1,048 RECORDINGS: AS 3F CCE - DIS- GRAN 5/31/68 SIOtNED CARDED TOTAL ta5ls '2386 0 4 'u a '2284 33'5 1 818 584 12872 30..�.._._5r— _._ — 3,192 DEPOSITED WITH CITY TREASURER: MAIN 1,052.58 BRANCH 279.88 `'-TOTAL DEPOSITS JUNE 1968 1,332, (?) Doors open. Count questionable.