HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1968.09.17 AGiNOA BURL AGAME -PUSL IC ILIMMY SOARO NEET110 Of SEPTEMBER 171 196b TRUSTEES PR TRUSTEES AsUfft 14INUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 201 19681 BILLS: UIRARIAN'S REPORT OLI OUSIXESSs $U*90x- San Francisco Cooperative Reference Project -- San San Mateo AAnicf pal Libraries Cooperation Project NEW BUSINES4s TRUST FUND Additional Coplar — uIXap - Man-resident $chool Library Cards -- Friends Friends ADJOOMMENT't MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD AUGUST 20, 1968 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Chairman Hechinger. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Hechinger, Trustee Cohendet, Trustee Amstrup Trustees Absent: Trustee Lynes - reason for absence unknown; Trustee De Martini - excused due to his vacation. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of July 16, 1968 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $5,081.08 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Cohendet seconded by Trustee Amstrup and carried unanimously. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. The Librarian was then queried as to whether or not pictures of the animals used in the Children's Reading Club had appeared in the newspapers. He stated that he had seen only one picture that appeared in the Hillsborough Boutique. The Librarian added to that statement that they had difficulty getting the Advance Star to take pictures or to publicize any of the library affairs; the Times was somewhat better. OLD BUSINESS: Budget: The Librarian stated that the budget had been passed and that the only difference in it was $350 allotted for one cash register. There was some discussion as to how to obtain a quiet operating cash register; one that was not so bulky as to occupy room that does not exist. San Francisco Cooperative Project: The Librarian stated that there was an extensive revision of this project, and that he had met twice with the local librarians in order to work up a good set of projects to be discussed with San Francisco. San Mateo Cooperative Project: The Librarian stated that he was meeting with the City Council at the study session following this meeting in the city hall. NEW BUSINESS: The Chairman stated that the time for reorganization of the Library Board had been overdue for two months, and that he felt that they could not continue to ignore this change simply because of the tack of trustees present. Trustee Amstrup nominated Mrs. Cohendet as chairman; she was unanimously elected. Mrs. Cohendet nominated Mr. Amstrup for secretary; he was unanimously elected. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Cohendet moved that the meeting be adjourned. ThisAws n d bAmstrup and carried unanimously. R ful y `ubmitted, George Paul Lechich, Clerk of Board UORARIANIS REP0,1T SEPTEMBER 17s 3958 NEETENGS ATTENDED: iliQ ',ilibrarian attended three treetings on the prospactive, Cooperation Demonstration Frojoct with San Francisco. The final aneting with the San Francisco representatives , ovl,d take place before the end of the month. He also attended two City Council ,meetings. -ta 'd .0 �_-tnalving has finally arrived, and soma of the shifting of U collact ion shou bi doile by the end of the month. VACATIOM6- I - —. 1 EearTy all vocations have been taken except the Librarian, who still has two weeks to use by January 1, 1996�. COMVEHTION: 1'he IC'. L. A. convention will be held at the El Cortez Hotel in an Dingo Octc,'Onr 22 - 26,p 1*11� ._.fbrarian and the Administrativz Assistant plan to attand. H",H1,DRENIS ROOM: 1% h-:-,d a successful Reading Club Party* #Ir. Kaufman-.-,President of the Burl ingarne, Uonl7i Club, congratulated the children. After the Dog Training Detmonstration, the childrenn c.ad interested adults talked to the policemen about this. About 300 children c(xr.pletad ttr2 club. Un Aligust 30th, the Children's Librarian visited irs. Lucille Gragor, the new Dis-'Z­.,- 4c�- School Librarian. Mr. Chappell, Curriculum Consultant, was preseint- at the meetinV. According to an agree int ri,,nda last yepr between the school district and the libvlct_1°5, wx� zhall visit 2nd, 3rd., 5th and 6th grades at least once during the school yant. The f 4.1-s1: and 4th grades-will visit the library. Bussing has been arranged. A prob-lem was presented: some of the children in the schools are not residents of Our I in g,:n--Z .,herefore not eligible for a library card. Sath the school district and thos'a, frua our library working with these children are concerned. A temporary plan was prop�sad: those schools which have students living outside of CurlIngaffle will bra issuod a library card.jfrhis can be used by these students during class visies to our library. The school district will Lee responsible for any damaged or lost books. Th i is, of course, is u-,pon the approval of the Library Boaard. Erowavar, wa do Feel that a plan whereby each child may have his Ctwt library card shcu'�d7i La1�, considered for the next school year. !-,�e have been busy making plans for our open house for teachars on ServZember 19th, and the beginning of our Fall Series of Pre-School Story Hours to begin on Octabn: r 1. The Sranch will begin its weekly School-Age Story Hour on Octoi—mr 2. The Main Is `h v` Fuse on the third Thursday of each month. If we find that there is a desire. for rintore., .requent programs'. then we shall change this. CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET EXPENDITURE MON 1i OF SE­P1-EMBXR----068 THIS BUDGET BALANCE MMITH TO DATE ALLOWANCE TOTAL S-1 Salaries 11 ,945-97 36,647-00 153,9019 116,372.00 1-11 Sapp' i e S 48-73 454.82 2,000 1,545-113 V1,12 Printing & Postage 185,50 551 -97 2,900 2,348-03 M-13 Light, Heats Power & tbter 249-51 714.04 .14500 2,785-96 MI-14 Telephone 53.04 181 .43 825 643-57 i1.16 Building & Grounds Maintenance 11.25 944-71 2#500 1,555.29 H-17 Books & Maps 1,599-50 5t734.45 32,000 26j265-55 i=�17A Periodicals 23900 2,1*59-57 2,800 64o.43 1 -178 Binding --- 511 .88 2,,600 2,088.12 11-19 Convention (Librarian) 44.25 44.25 250 - 205-75 M-19A Auto Allowance --- 16.85 300 283-15 m-19P Convention (Personnel ) 44.25 46.60 150 103.40 a'4 -19T Convention (Trustees) 125 125-00 :4-20 Dues to Library Associations --- 225 225-00 A-21 Miscellaneous -ftft 13-00 100 87-00 M-24 Typewriter Repairs 12.29 22-79 250 227.21 ti-27 Camp. Insurance --- --- 2,000 2,000.00 :4-28 Contracts 325-00 960.00 3,900 2,940.00 A-29 Microfilming Advance — --- 750 750-0) 40 C-90 Capital Expenditures --- 41.84 1050 1,308," TOTAL BEFORE SALAIIES 20812.62 12,398.20 58,525 46,'126.80 TOTAL AFTER SALARIES 14,758-59 49,045.20 211,54°x- 162,498.8o C ipf"'URJIT I ON I ER.I'MCH D'ooks, Adult plon-Fiction 6,753 1,352 Child Mon-Fiction 1,625 1,102 Adult Fiction 7,334 2,927 Child Fiction 3 08 2 273 rotal Sock Circulation 0 ?ariodicals1,050 7 1", Total Books Periodicals 19, 10 16,412 Phonograph Records 097 2 10 'S 0 7XI Slides —I3—7 - 4 Total Circulation =0s Total Branch Circulation 82 102- GAMD TOTAL CIRCULATION KA IN & BRANCH 28'91� ( 1567: 30,366) Daily Avarage for Main 707 % of dacreasa� Daily Average for Branch 312 TOTAL DAILY AVERAGE 1 019 TRA7FRC CGUMT - AUGUST r Pcrzgp. 4:1in av ()94 Total Traffic, 14ain 20,13�5 i I y Average, Uranch Z-1 Total Trodic., Dranch 8.230 2 3 REGISTRATIONS: ADULT COILD TOTAL M 1 70 — 17,-_22 5 em 31/68 T37 3 33 5 5 Additions, Aug. 1960 298 31 329 Withdrawals, Aug. 1968 265 47 312 1 3,3.-1 Z 2� TOTAL REG.ISTRA-IONS AS 0F_§L3lL68 T3,903 TCMES�SIOMS AND 14THDRAWALS _0T GOOKMCK: AS OF cAij- GRAND 7/31/68 A1,0 20 C E IM-EO TOTAL Adult Non-Fiction *Tf_sT_7_5_ r�-'�57 7�-27— '�7—.742. Child Non-Fiction f7,408, 21 425 17,304 M.S. Mlon-Fiction 2,040 28 7 - 2,061 Adult Fiction J6,951 12'3 123 369�1%6 M.S. Fiction 3,631 93-3 3 Chiid Fiction '13 2,-'84 78 12 14 050 TOTAL MOK STOCK AS OF 31,31/66 T7_'G7r0-1T '9= '?��6 _'Pl: '9' -1- MET INCREASE IN BOOK STOCK - 232 Mcluded in above finures. - 9L_fdft� and '32,0 n e v tit'ez "7' 71EAm—p U RE7A d7e-d 47-- Pamphlets Discarded 's6 6`1no' s Discarded C, - 6 Tat&? maps Tntal Pamphlets 8 0712 R- 00`Rr1?_4GS: _AS_n7 _AC C E 3- 01 7/31/66 S I ONIED CAR0 TOTAL 45, 234 0 0 231- 1 933 1 900 41 3 ,220 t 3 a. 58 DEPOSK7ED WITH CITY TREASURER MAIN 748.44 BRANIC11-1 211 .12 gra.Tf;TAL DEPISITS XOGUST 1968 M15*­ >