HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1969.03.18 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1969 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1969: BILLS: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: COMMUNICATIONS: a. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Municipal Libraries Cooperation Project Library Survey Report NEW BUSINESS: Appointment of library assistants. Budget - 1969-70 ADJOURNOIFNT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 18, 1969 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Chairman Cohendet. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Cohendet, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee De Martini Trustees Absent: Trustee Amstrup excused because of business meeting; Trustee Lynes excused because of school meeting. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of January 21, 1969 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $5,687.75 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee De Martini and carried unanimously. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. There was a question from the Board if the books stored in the Corporation Yard were to be sold. The Librarian said that they were and that the library should have 2,000 or so more by spring. Trustee Hechinger asked what happened to books left over from the book sale, and the Librarian informed him that there were never any left over - absolutely all were sold. Chairman Cohendet voiced the opinion that it would be a good idea if the Board members were informed in advance of special events such as our program on Nati6nal Negro History Week, so that they might be knowledgeable in the event of questions. COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Cooperation Project: The Trustees were informed by the Librarian that Mr. Vollmayer is still working on this project; that there had been a meeting with the County representatives, with resulting better understanding. In two or three months it is possible that another plan will be formulated. Library Survey Report: The Librarian submitted an outline of some proposals for im- provements to the library for the perusal of the Board, based in part upon the Holt Report. Trustee De Martini commented that this outline incorporated some excellent ideas, but suggested that it be presented in more detail and sent to the Board and the City Countil prior to their joint meeting. There was some discussion of the probable cost per square foot for remodeling of the building and the effect of recent Building Code requirements on this project. The Librarian cited "Guide Lines and Standards for Public Libraries" published by the State Library, and also the Martin Report, stating that he would send copies of "Guide Lines" to the Trustees. He commented on the standards for various types of libraries, in particular, area libraries; and noted that San Mateo's new library is one-third smaller than it should be to carry, for example, the amount of fiction necessary for an area library. The Librarian mentioned that our situation would be helped considerably if there were a last copy depository in the area, so that some of our books might be transferred there; also that Mr. Holt had based his discard rate for this library on the assumption of such a depository. There was some discussion as to the definite procedures in the use of weeding out last copies, and of the categories discarded. It was again brought out by the Librarian that we had assumed there would be a last copy depository in the area, but that the area library, San Mateo, if chosen, is not large enough; and also that our staff cannot actually do enough weeding because of lack of storage space, which, as noted, has been remedied somewhat. He mentioned that handling Gift Books and discards might be a project for the reorganized friends of the Library. Chairman Cohendet commended the Librarian for his proposals based on the Holt Report. The Librarian stated that this would be elaborated on and presented to the Board for further study before the joint meeting with the Council. Chairman Cohendet asked the Librarian what the next step should be if the council approved the proposal after presentation, and he replied that opinions should be obtained from an architect and an interior library designer. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Hechinger moved that the meeting be adjourned. Trustee De Martini seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, A4Y41��O-L- George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board LI RARIANIS REPORT KARC-114 18 1969 PROBUMS: On Friday, rebruary 428, one of the balls--ts in the right fluorescent fixture in t *rd b -n front exploded with sufficient vialence to Mhatter th�- h, bay 'r os Mass lenses on the rest of the fixtures Facing the ro=. Vortunately, tht,- gentleman who Bevis sitting at ti-m table directly under the ligit had .1 ift to feed the parking meter, as giass felt direct I V, where he w'zs '30si L I�� U and gouged the table at least a quarter inch dz!,--p and three inches long. T:i qli,ss a:,-ploded with considerable force in abour- a tiv.�,-nty-five foot circ 1 e,, S a- was driven into the chair backs, etc,, 'We wera vary lucky t-l'-vat 0111y i�, fe4 p2t,,Ipie Were in the rciam, and none where the finely br:�Aen glass toast, rhi!� City Electrician was called, and the old ballast removed and a neo.: one seas a I contactecl th.-e P.G. & E. -who sent P. lighting engine-ger who said that the old hial' t last L --o ti should b�L- changed. He also suggested that the light be iower(sd 1. he level of the beams, as this tvoould keep the ballast fran overheating anai also vi,u d ilesult in three tires as much light on the tables, and would also mean easy maintenance� I. 4elieve we shovId proceed at once. to replace the remaining old ballast5., thouae,,- we probably do not have sufficient funds left in the maintanance budget abaft $70')J We have been replacing ballasts as they become defective, and keep a supply of thn new dry pack type on hand. il-VHTINGS ATTENDED: fhsLibrarian attended reqWRr Council rnaetings� EQUIPMENT& 4-2 h4ave purchased one mw ele:tric Royal typewriter. This gives a trachine to both c,11taloging typists� This should Spz:ed up the process of ty-pinj cards -Fo� both adult and childrnn's books. The cash register has been purchased, GE.14ERAL: Tht City Electrician has replaced two defective ba"ilast--� The elevator stuck on the lower- floo.- due. to v;orn contacts in the switch bl-lx, I `rho librarian made a temporary adjustffm-nt to keep the elevvtor in o.par�-tiWILI T' City Electrician hins now adjusted all the contacts,, C-HYLOREMIS MGM% 4e- are now campl'atfng our ixograrn of visiting oa--Fo classrocir, fil the! schools. Of couwse, we shall then make z!rrangcmnts, to visit each again to 40crip the children of thn- sumim—er reading club, This year 's smaTrar reading club will be "Funnybone Reciding We vn '-u POW pr�parinq the "b-ackgrounds", 1"Alich ".iM iknclucia Scene-. Croom humorour. bcoks" The Children will open tan compartments on the background, finding 'Lan more. scenns. On the table we shall have a "Ticklfe Tree," trim-nd with books for suggested re,nding. On Thursday, April 10, the -2nnval ACL Institute will take place, at, S-Itickney' s R,estaurant, The program is entitled- "Black is Relevamt," gind is cc-ncerned with Childrtn's literature on tha subject of Ncigces� We are trying to a;*ovse oublic interest in attending this, sinf--e it is open to alt . C-n Thursday, February 20th, had a lz-rScr rx-rber of chiidror, attending our afternoon story hour, probably becau!5o of the ChildrenlsLibraris-nls visit to tte L4 zgain on Thursday, 2-0th, i'a�'%inley School P.T.A. ral&etmg ,6� For the month of Marshy at 4:00 P, M. Janeen Lewis Grasant s;-des and cjjilcrenls paetry. The program coaclude with at, Irish story by t .,,e Ch-tidren's Librarian�, QTV OF OUSINGANE t:r"sog E-.,VPE-;wrkRR KGNIH we MAKH, 1969 THIS BUDGE, HORN T C4 11fl0i,4E E T DIAL S-1 30aries M-1i Supplies OYU IR490.37 2,000 509.63 *12 Printing Postage' 6201 1,214.3S 2,900 05,64 013 Light, Wat, Naar Water 30,24 ROOM 3,500 949.12 M-14 Telephone 6007 627-74 05 197,26 M-16 2411ding & Scunds Maintenance zqky 1,72niq 2,00 M-61 M-11 VaNs T Agpz; 2,31804 21,36055 32,000 10,63" "K KAM Periodicals 3.50 wq&k 2,SOO 196011 HW475 Binding 110.25 2,231 .46 .2,600 -6E,04 mog Convwion Wbraclan) -- 131 -61 250 M.39 W9A Auto Wowance 0.20 58-73 300 A1 ,17 1-190 Convention Wrsqnnel ) 8.00 150.00 150 6"Co M- 19T Convention (Trustees) --- 15.00 i2s MAO A-20 Was to Library Associations lyoo 2?5.25 225 0.75 R"Zi Miscellaneous 1300 100 67.00 8-24 Typewriter Repairs 10.00 66-79 150 101n M-27 Camp, lysurxna( --- 2,000 Z,000.1.o !Md-2a Contracts 325.00 2,110.00 3,900 MAO M,..23 4 1 c r o f 11,or,1 Ni g A c'va n ce, --- 750 Tyw cj,_ Capitai Expens ltures 67 -0 610.41 1,33597,3tQ TOTAL WORE SALARZES 4,05001 3907608 53,525 191SK62 TOTAL AFTER SALARIS 211,544 FEDRIUARY, 069 CIRCULATIMI MA I N., AdvUlt Iff 416 Child mon-Flctlun 2,697 1,?87 Ado t t Fiction 6,5i2 2,937 Chi"d Fiction 2 .0 '__ Total Bach C4 rcul at ton 20,778 6 941 Periodicals 978 21 9 TIM k7' Phemograph Records 649 --- U_5 — 7-, Slides 72 Total Circulation ;t3tAl Branch Circulation 7,614 RRAMM Irr MMVI, GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION We 9-1 1968-0 32,12 Daily Awarast for 1"Ain 899 of decresses Thr Daily Average for Or-&n-ch 331 TOTAL GAIL%` All-EPAGE1 230 TRAFFIC MRT E - FBRUARY r- -1E 831 lrot�ll Traffic, Mein 2a" amily AvarAqQ:, 17 T-ota I T ra f V I c, ,7,`,rmmch 3c 0 2 T*,,. i Cc it a Alve a Tj@ Total ,iEGISTRIATIN,M4t ACULT r H I k TO1(AL 77-0/69T,"Mr.3 71 #347 k1ditions, Feb., 1969 294 71 365 February, 300 45 345 TWAIL PIEGISrRATIONS AS OF 2/28/69 TE-M AS OF C AVI.- G 0 1/31 9 ADDED CELLED TOTAL :Ad it Nn-Flction 99,119 Toy— -?-T, -rq-jqb Child Mon-Fiction 17,245 47 57 17,235 H.S, Won-Fictfoa 2,093 1-A 1 21105 Adult Fiction .37,334 78 21 37,441 H.S. Fiction 3,892 8 1 3,899 Child Fiction- -1 Ak�279 36 3 14 307 TOTAL BOOK STOCK AS OF 2128/69 1 1 ;FET 14CREASE IN COOK STOCK - 373 in-luded In a ve figures - io qiflts zMd �145 fw.!w tlt!o!' Pwnphlets Diacardad 308 Maps DISCzrdod 0 Total 7,156 To�-nl Maps I a 169 S I ON C" C ts 0 E 01 A 228 0 0 223 _s 2,076 3 2 091 nk110S1'7V) 'rJ':,7V CTF,"- TREASUPER MIN BRANCH TOTAL DEPOSMv VEBRIJARV: 1969