HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1969.04.15 AGENDA _ BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1969 TRUSTEES PRESENT: TRUSTEES ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1969: BILLS: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: COMMUNICATIONS: OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Libraries Cooperation Project Library Survey Report Budget NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BURLINGAM E PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD March 18, 1969 CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Vice-Chairman Amstrup. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustee Amstrup, Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Lynes, Trustee DeMartini. Trustee DeMartini excused at 8:15 to take care of business. Trustees Absent: Trustee Cohendet, excused on account of business. VISIT BY MAYOR The meeting was attended briefly by Mayor Charlotte Johnson, who at this time graciously expressed hers and the council 's appreciation of the efforts and time expended by the board during the past year. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of February 18, 1969 were approved and adopted. BILLS: Bills in the amount of $4,050.02 were ordered paid on a motion by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Trustee DeMartini and carried unanimously. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's report was read and ordered filed. Trustee Lynes commented on our good fortune on not having anyone injured when the ballast exploded in the reading room, and asked for an explanation of the explosion. The Librarian explained the construction of the ballast - when they are old or deteriorated because of heat, the tar-like material in the case may evaporate slightly, and a short may cause a spark, which in turn can cause the gas to explode. Many of the ballasts in the lights at the library are 15 - 18 years old. He stated that we are replacing defective ones with a new dry type, which is much safer. The Trustees expressed concern for the safety of the public; and it was moved by Trustee DeMartini, seconded by Trustee Lynes and carried unanimously that the Librarian immediately replace all old ballasts with the new dry type. There was some discussion on capital equipment recently purchased, and the Board was informed by the Librarian that no theft coverage is provided in the city insurance policy. COMMUNICATIONS: The Librarian read a letter from Karl Vollmayer, Librarian of Redwood City, in connection with the Municipal Library Cooperative Project. OLD BUSINESS: San Mateo Cooperative: Mr. Vollmayer stated in above letter he had met with Jack Middaugh, Assistant County Manager, and Virginia Ross, County Librarian, and they had attempted to iron out problems relative to this project. Mr. Vollmayer made the point that the decision we have to make is whether we should have a separate municipal library system or one connected with the county. If we join with the county, we have two alternatives: 1. A separate municipa library system which does not include the county, but which would allow county patrons to have with the system. 2. A cooperative county-wide system. Mr. Vollmayer asked for a decision from the cities not later than March 31. The city librarians would then be advised of the consensus and there would be further meetings either with the municipalities and/or the County. There was considerable discussion on this subject. Trustee Lynes asked the Librarian what the benefits would be of joining either tyke of system. The Librarian made the following points: patrons would have access to more extensive collections on special subjects; we would be able to obtain monies (25%?) for new construction; some of our work such as cataloging could possibly be done elsewhere - for example, it costs the County somewhat less than us for this process, but they are slower. If we were to be used as a storage area, we would get possibly 75,000 additional volumes and would be paid for keeping them. He said that actually we would"suffer little from having the County residents use our library. There was further discussion as to the cost to us, especially in the area of neighboring libraries being set up as reader service centers. It was finally decided by the Board that it would be preferable to go along with the County system, and if we did not care for the final setup, we would not need to join. The Librarian was instructed to write Mr. Vollmayer to this effect. Library Survey Report: In answer to inquiry by Vice-Chairman Amstrup as to the next step on this matter, the Librarian stated that the addendum to the Holt report should be given to the consideration of the City Council. Discussion followed this on various phases of the addendum, in particular the question of remodeling versus new construction. Trustee Lynes inquired the difference in cost, and the Librarian stated remodeling would be about $250,000 and a new building about $750,000 and land. Vice-Chairman Amstrup voiced the opinion that this was the traditional type of building that people liked for a library, and that he had heard this expressed even by young people. He asked the Librarian if the staff were unhappy with the type of building, and was informed that the staff's only unhappiness lay in the lack of work area. It was the consensus of the Board that it would be preferable to remodel the present building to preserve its architectural style and warmth rather than construct a modernistic building that would not necessarily be more utilitarian. As an aside, Trustee Hechinger stated he thought that the valuable Californiana Room should be better advertised, and the rest of the Board agreed. After more discussion, Trustee Hechinger moved that the Board submit the Librarian's Addendum to the Holt Report to the Council with a recommendation that an architect be hired to become acquainted with the requirements of the library and to make a study of the library building to determine the feasibility of meeting these requirements. Trustee Lynes seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Appointment of Library Assistants: The Librarian informed the Board that present part-time library assistants, Jane Matheu and Opal Powell, were on the Civil Service eligible list to Fill full time library assistant positions as of April 1, 1969. It was moved by Trustee Lynes and seconded by Trustee Hechinger that they be so appointed. Motion carried unanimously. Budget: The Librarian presented the budget figures for the Board's approval and brought out the fact that this budget is only $2,200 more than last year's in spite of greatly increased costs. However, he mentioned that possibly he had cut too much in the book allotment, only allowing $1,000 more than 1968, and he would like to get a definite figure on general price increase in books before submitting this figure. It was the consensus of the Board that more leeway should be given in the matter of books. The new category of cataloging was explained by the librarian - in particular, the use of cataloging at the source. We have started to buy experimentally some bnoks that way for the cost of the book plus 90� for processing. Trustee Hechinger moved that the book budget be increased to $35,000. Trustee Lynes M conded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously. Trustee Hechinger then moved that the library's conservative budget be accepted. Trustee Lynes seconded, and it was carried unanimously. Parking: The Librarian explained to the Board the problem of 2-hour parking in the library lot and spoke of the possibility for 4-hour parking on adjacent streets. He recommended that the library lot be made part 4-hour and part 2-hour for patrons. Trustee Lynes moved that a letter be writtenta the Parking Commission recommending ten 4-hour parking places for the lot back of the library. Trustee Hechinger seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. - 3 - ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Lynes moved that the meeting be adjourned, Trustee Hechinger seconded, the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P. M. Respectfully submitted, George Paul Lechich Clerk of the Board APRIL t3pt CIMCULATKU & TkO;A. FFXCS VL-0z" F-i'm% Mh,�-Ch, V;63. 7-his Is dus iz larja parst to n dnemnsi' it fictic�m c-Im"Im-ticn, twNth in ich-Hdren nr.d at ttzo brnnic�11, rtva &,,441Z ficti--mi at rzfiri lillirrm-y Also Nc,�Amvar, Vnoon-flcVion a � tlxam r-afin 1.-cr,,3z-r.G. j S,jgh jjjr,,Ary traffic, f r om 4,3 o or _,2r 4 0 f,,�atm ragistration ",z) 0",,,1 mpp '*rcr. 16,9i'S2 -!,-s 1-1.085, 2.57-4, 2,4MV,K STDCX-. Tl-ta tutml ba,3k di -xrea.w>1 529volt-mm-3, txhaugb 83.4 wmrn a*%id, censisting 0.! 5.%y tit le"S. TE.- of aaw -Git-105 In t"ro fayor 1.5 CM,4,)11CazSd by Urz- U-."':k oF ca sm-all3r ck.zk- of a certcln This edelaynd thrna w;o� thr, by a ahippin) arror. As socn as tha ch'-mgaz hAve bean mdetUm of both 4ack "MInIvas mzdema" Sigas ! hwld rx2stt1t in much lef'-'s confm,, tion and ir. muclh 'fmtter 4- 1 Uslage of 01ir me W'n';4tod Tha statl3ticnl campriaon fiv.-Jud-a4 t.jith tho, kudget raport Is of, in that, da 5; ti te cojpstjoj, ip Via 7xwkimq area aae� the 9'2•a;w6m, Cvolfawls ce-e-20d, sea, are still wly fifttl is to be hop,-;d that we . I this plsi'5-10ri and still CcGitinue tc giva Service. 'Lr HILA,JR21.1"S 101h finally Cmipleto."d `,)ittr wamyy of c1cas visits, Th", o 43-c st-M C'iorc planned, but we 11,-;V6 had rG1, ',-Z-Ct -4ith fAU)St C;VG-L`'y Ci5ISS ir, th-W 1 -09 --1- on5 st-F" re oil uz for Ccnti'Wing hcuk C - � -1(A V w�c art, norw hAving reqi;,.tr44tiGYj for eu.- P�re-')chool S. it - Stor, Hour beginning 16 thrOUON Mmy 28. 0�paepz- Cri AtX0 17, Georg-, Ward4ainvi his two classmtns will !x-am-ant a pupp��t Sha": ftw oj,r �,,,.-iry Hour progra.m., Ott Thur sdpy, Ap:II 10, m-a, Car qsl ng, Mr.�; Dmmn, Pars. E gzn end; ot hc--,r s at-te,,,AJ& k-" &.n; .-Il ACL ThI3 year I a program was, untitled "Mack i s Rlelawmt,;�, ii,.,d, z4s Its cSGAri-,3=, Nes. Alice Paislip a forwr msployaq. The goal of the idc"ap "if I tiance of rime.4,n, e spr-,C.i a I ly b�iok f;, e r 13 nd's r z�-V a 11 n g 0 f t Ive 1 �on cMIdren's U: -t TEro-z--gh the ?,-m-echas wtj dl alogm, Uva goll 'was, 7f'chiev0d CdimtriMy. Sp-, a 7"r s MCluded MIFSe J. Herr= Wake; critin U.C., Lecturer; Mrs. Lucy e."riel-c-on, �ravi Rflaiwnrqid, Public 1-1brarles'-. Rarry Dolan, ami Pre-sid- orot of Vatta 4 riterz 14*rks! p; X�,, D:mniel Ercussard. Un t, % Nztrict; sm �, to , f- PA-z. ' a Jerrett, pmarent; orW, Mrs, 'rfstlnt ' ager.. amt'aar. LIB 4. Am ;�rrxl intily 3'00 persons tittemied tha full-day m- eting at St-ickway's Xt. chou I C; b--- m-It f oned, that "tr. Vi rck I ifl!e -zc a rd"c.'el "I z a era I ra i nq, his en-In -cc�uirmw�mvt. Also, MW ztaff M-2-mo-ars, Present '-we On tire Hos'pitality b� Pirs. Uk-' r.9sing. It was Chis comupittzp' and eap-,:kIly its 'M:h kept things ruining smconly. a" th'a gm-evii)uz day, Ars. Plzrgswg z.rti thre-s pages l.r.m.0 a pic-ture cxhlblt of Pfa-al-ple St, Jo",vnl-, 7r1!;;'md' tdlc�"a pro;-.ldod � om,.errful and aidlefoo to sae f 0 0 T ALLOWANCE TOWI 2 Owl .2 4- I I, ,39n 51 ��07 f, 2o4o' 2,9()0 4146 1': ?1-1 3 Ugiht, i1fant, Pomnr e, Wz-ter 1--,7 kk a 0 33,0 n.5-,6-8 3,5 cl 0 3,9, 1 ti-,1.4 To 1 70 13 097-8-1 S I fldfnGrounds his-intenance 1 7 G.61, 2 ��00 T 1 3*' 17 B06%', 798,-49 63 1 t",I ,C-4 32,00-0 A-17A P--r i c.!j i vas 21 .2: 3 9,,7 S, 5 2'. n-I 70 1211 nd i n g 138.55 21'1170.01 600 R-19 Convention (Librnrf*n, ) --- 1;11 .6' 250 1 8 3S M—1 3,A Apo-t o A I CCF;":tTif,«h>" 19-7 ir, CI 0 Ii I p P-23P Convention 1521.0o 1 f. K-I 9T C,1 nva.n t I e v f.Trustees3 15'.00 1 12 5 i 0 1 fl-2 0 Duas to L-;br-&ry Assrcf-tition.-, 5�0,1 2.12�G 1 2 ii 2'21 R-21 Ki sic,--I I an.-of;a 100 A-2-4 Typwriter Repairs 27.0f) 83,-7 9 253 1 21 C,.wmn-, lnsurzmcit, 2,C00 C,0 n t r a ct 4.� 311 2 5 0 3 3,033 6 0`'' Pi M14crofilming Ad'ywico --- 750 0 ac 9,) c a p f t a is E pe rae i olv Ir e r. -,0 7� (t 3 9- fj 3t TOTAL Uril-RE SALAR- "S 3,430 19 42,SR'66.57 58 TOT-Alt. AFT*-=;I SJft;-AFUFS 211, sp,usyms raz y%Pml 1 czV) C 2 111Z(1u,L v a Chi Id m*n-IFIct im 2 69; F i c t I on zf ok -24 h I I d, Fiction Pei r f O'd I C'.1 I s 1.015 7 7` 84 S1 f'd n 26 Tota I Circulation 2 �I T Tata 1 Gr mach Circulati= J, rRJEO fj'RAMn TIT1,114. CIRM ATIOP-1 3 52,�; (196st 8, DiAlly Averi;�S,;; frr Mtzfn 'it 04, 54 QM a for Branch 30h A X I I-lyl- TOTAL 0,4 ILT AAMRIWI- 1.174 --—-———-—- ------------ TWF I C 11", T - 17- 191 ty'AvataSe, &,.Jn I Gi�'3 T,�,tn I Tr;�0-rkrg sNaira 20'y, Awsras--t Rr,�mc!7 3?7 To'e.r"Z Tau,A 0,aily Avara�,im.z 0 R �,-Z�s W� 7, Pet,t�i a 5Y 3)05 0 2 OTAI, RFGXSTRATI!D'4Z� AS OF Vil/6c� REP-R, —S1 ­7 Aeu�6t Chi'd !R�.I-Rctian 17028 Adult FictiMs A-, le�I 13 G 37005 HS. Flatlor. y 899 4 80h Chflqd Fiction I 1,07 69 J2 I c%,-361, WiM T01'19 600M SYMN, AS Ot" 3/.ToI16p9 114", MET 0ECIREASS IP MIC;' STOCK 529 4nelvd-ad fl. above, fitalres, tr'lfts ad SiPf nnw title$ w- h!R Discarread Tntal Iss IS-1 cm,", C AR 0 7-M, TOTAL —VIr U 1-1 A cr "'D 1�,1659 '11�7